Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

The Ripper Prince enjoying the slaughter, this is the true face of the Guardian of Varian Lan!

“You bastard!”

At this moment, Joz roared, and then got up with both feet on the ground, and charged directly towards Bell. His whole body had turned into diamonds at this moment. In this way, he doesn’t need to worry about the other party’s attacks on him from all tricky angles!

Because that knife can’t break through his defense at all, in the future, even the slash of the world’s largest swordsman will not be able to break through his diamond body!

According to the previous fights, Bell would definitely dodge or flee quickly at this time, but this time, he stood in place without any extra movement.

Although Joz was a little strange, he didn’t care too much, because he was full of confidence in his defense!

But when the distance between the two was less than five meters, Bell suddenly moved a step to the right, just one step, and an extremely violent wind rushed out from behind where he just stood.

The gust of wind hit Joz’s body, and although there was no way to break through his diamonds, it also made him retreat one after another.

“This is! The hurricane weather on the island?!” Joz was surprised. He knew the particularity of this island, but he didn’t expect that the other party would use this hurricane weather to fight him.

“I’m very sensitive to the flow of air. After all, I’m Varian’s guardian of the storm, hee hee.” Bell said proudly, this island is his home court, although there is still no way to break the opponent defense, but in other respects, he already has an absolute advantage.

“But it’s just good luck. How could a guy like you be able to fully grasp the weather changes in the islands of the New World?” Joz’s face became more and more gloomy.

The next moment, Bell just took out his own fly, and at the same time, the ring in his hand ignited the flame of Lan’s death energy. This time, he had no plans to continue to retreat and escape.

Even if there is no way to break through Joz’s defense, he can still enjoy this battle and killing, after all, on this island, it’s not just Diamond Jorz alone!

“The prince’s dictionary doesn’t have the word fluke…”

Saying that, Bell just threw the flying knife in the direction of no one, and everyone present couldn’t understand what he was doing. Could it be that he gave up on himself?

Just when they were thinking about the meaning of Bell’s actions, a gust of wind appeared without warning. With the flow of the gust, the direction of the flying knife changed immediately, and it shot directly at a sea in an extremely tricky orbit. Thief’s vest.

At this moment, Joz finally understood the meaning of Bell’s actions, and at the same time his eyes became extremely solemn. Now he finally knows what the other party said about being sensitive to air flow.

This island is a battlefield exclusively for the opponent!

An exclusive venue where you can maximize your opponent’s strength!

Faced with this situation, Joz had no other choice. He could only move quickly to help his subordinates resist the flying knives, but Bell’s was one after another, borrowing the whistling wind to throw the flying knives, every time he attacked All tricky to the extreme.

For a time, neither Joz nor the other pirates in the third division could do anything to Bell, but could only keep resisting the flying knife that could take away the lives of their companions at any time.

This is simply that Bell alone suppressed the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates!


A crisp sound came out, and Joz once again blocked the flying knife with his arm, but this time, his face became extremely ugly, because the flying knife turned out to be on his diamond arm, leaving behind traces. Even if this trace is very shallow, it really happened. The opponent’s attack has a tendency to destroy his defense…

how can that be? !

“Hee hee, have you begun to notice it? But what can you do even if you find it? Either you sacrifice your companion’s life to attack me, or you can only resist my attack just like before.”

Bell caressed Feizhi, who had not yet thrown it out in his hand, and sneered: “So, what are you going to do? Whitebeard Pirates, Captain of the Third Division, Diamond Joze!”.

Chapter 23 The Phoenix Marco

I have to say that Bell is indeed a genius. As a killer, his talent has reached a terrifying level.

If his opponent is not a guy like Diamond Joze, whose defense is almost full, with the blessing of such a venue, he can easily destroy his opponent.

But even if he was at a disadvantage, he was still exerting his extraordinary talent, just like the flying knife left traces on Joz’s arm.

Using the decomposition ability of the flame of death attribute of the Lan attribute, plus the calculation of every throwing knife he made, it perfectly landed on the same point on Joz’s arm. A strong defense will also begin to fall apart under this continuous impact. The so-called dripping water through the stone is such a truth.

Moreover, this art of gradually encroaching and hunting opponents can bring Bell an extraordinary enjoyment and pleasure.

Joz’s expression was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. He clearly had the strength to crush the opponent, but because of various restrictions, there was no way to attack directly.

If you attack the opponent, you can only passively defend.

This kind of battle is not only suffocating, but also makes people very angry!

“Hee hee hee! Judging from your expression, you should be dissatisfied with the current situation, right? If that’s the case, let’s make this battle more intense. Let me remind you first, the action of the reaction. You must be quick, otherwise your subordinates will die.”

Bell seems to be the one who dominates the game, looking at Joz arrogantly, and the gloomy voice that makes people so cold, comes from his mouth: “By the way, I heard that everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is It’s the same existence as your family, so you definitely won’t give up on them, right?”

The voice fell, and Bell threw a dozen flying knives one after another. These flying knives were all attached to the flame of death of the Lan attribute, and the natural and immediate gust of wind on the island seemed to know Bell’s thoughts. Crazy whistling at the moment.

Guided by the strong wind, more than a dozen flying knives immediately flew towards the people of the Whitebeard Pirates from various tricky directions.

Seeing such a scene, Joz had no way to think about any more tactics. He immediately kicked his feet **** the ground, and his body flew out like a cannonball, not even caring about it.

Raise your arm to resist those flying knives, and your whole body will be diamond-shaped, making your body a strong shield to protect your companions!

This is also his only option now!

“Damn, damn, damn!”

Joz couldn’t help shouting and scolding at the moment, after all, now he really had nothing to do with Bell other than scolding and venting his anger.

But at the same time, he was also amazed by the opponent’s terrifying fighting talent. He knew how difficult it was to control the weather in the new world. The opponent could predict the howling wind without making a single mistake.

“You can’t stop it now, diamond idiot!”

At this moment, Bell suddenly sneered.

The gust of wind that was whistling suddenly shifted in the opposite direction, and the three flying along the gust of wind also flew to another location together.

Joz doesn’t know the Moon Step of the Navy’s Sixth Form. He has already rushed in the air, and he has no ability to change direction at all. He can only watch the three flying knives fly towards his subordinates.

“Dodge!” Joz shouted anxiously, but how could Bell’s flying knife be avoided by ordinary pirates?

Seeing those flying knives rushing towards his subordinates, Jozi’s teeth were about to be shattered, but at this time he was powerless!

“Will it make you more angry when you see your subordinates spewing blood? Hee hee hee!” Bell’s face became more and more hideous and frantic.

“how come…”

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and a blue flame appeared in everyone’s field of vision: “It’s so easy for you to kill my family!”

The flame devoured all the three flying knives, and then the pair of flaming wings converged, and what appeared in the flames was a golden punk head with a hint of ferocity on his face. sneer.

The Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the first team, the phoenix Marco!

“Captain Marco!”

“It’s so timely, worthy of being the captain!”

Several pirates who escaped from the dead couldn’t help shouting excitedly at this moment.

At the same time, they also knew that since Captain Marko appeared here, this farce-like battle could come to an end.

The other party can restrain Captain Joz through this disgusting method, but there is no way to restrain Captain Marko at the same time!

With the strength of the two captains, it can be said that apart from a very small number of big pirates, there is no opponent they can’t solve!

“It’s going to be troublesome now.”

Seeing Marco’s appearance, Belphegor frowned instantly, although his golden hair had completely covered his eyes, so no one could see whether he was frowning.

However, the appearance of Marko really made him feel the danger. A diamond Joz is enough trouble, and now with a stronger phoenix Marko, he can be said to have no chance of winning.

It would be fine if he could use the box weapon, but he didn’t know why. His box weapon was now in an unusable state. No matter how he injected the flame of death, there was no response.

“Oh, it’s actually not too much trouble. Since you take action against my family, then you should pay the corresponding price!”

In an instant, Marco rushed in front of Bell, the cyan flame burned again, his feet changed into claws, and he quickly kicked towards Bell using the inertia of high-speed flight.

At this time, Bell has no time to dodge. Although he has a strong fighting talent, his ability to fight in close quarters is not strong.


A loud bang broke out, but at this time, Marco’s eyes instantly turned aside, and Joz, who thought everything was settled, his face became ugly again.

Just at that moment, orange flames flew from a distance, blocking the middle of Marco and Bell.

Just like when Marco came out just now, Giotto also appeared from the fire of death in the sky, and his right hand grabbed the paw proposed by Marco, preventing it from being stored.

“It seems like we haven’t seen each other in a long time? Marco.”

Giotto raised his head, looked at the figure burning with blue flames in front of him, and said solemnly: “Can this matter stop here for my sake?”

“So far, you can’t just rely on your words!”

Hearing Marco’s refusal, Giotto also sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he is not the same as Shanks, and he is not a person with the ability to face the fruit.

Chapter 24 The Whitebeard Arrives

Giotto and Marco knew each other. He had dealt with people from the Whitebeard Pirates when he was a trainee crew on Roger’s ship.

As the first trainee crew on Roger’s ship at that time, the other party also had an impression of him.

In fact, no matter what, his special fire of death will be remembered by those who know him.

“Are you going to intervene in our Whitebeard Pirates, Giotto? I heard about the Pengele family that you established, even the Navy and BIG?MOM are at a loss in your hands, but you won’t Forget how strong Dad is?”

Marco temporarily stopped the attack, he stood in front of Giotto, and said with a serious face: “We are the Whitebeard Pirates, and there is nothing anyone can do about the idiots who provoke us and attack our family. keep it!”

What’s the worst thing you can’t do at sea?

That is the family who hurt Whitebeard, in fact, they are members of the Whitebeard Pirates, because behind them there is the strongest man in the world as a backer, and the strength of their Pirates is also firmly at the top of the current sea. .

Before, there were Roger Pirates and the Flying Sky Pirates of the Golden Lion able to compete with them, but now, there is only one Whitebeard left among the three big pirates. Although it is said that the new world is still in the chaotic Shi Qi, everyone knows that Whitebeard is the real master of the sea today, an unrivaled existence!

Not to mention the emerging Peng Lie family, even the veteran powerhouse BIG?MOM, Kaido and others would never be stupid enough to provoke Whitebeard at the peak!

“There’s nothing we can do about it. After all, this idiot prince is also my family!”

Giotto pressed his right hand on Bell’s head, and said solemnly: “So, can you spare him for a while? After all, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have not been substantially hurt, and the only problem is It’s only the prince who took the initiative to provoke Bell, isn’t it?”

If there were members of the Whitebeard Pirates in the list of victims, Giotto would not have said such nonsense to Marco, because he knew very well that a member of the Whitebeard Pirates would never be harmed unless they gave their lives. Will compromise for anything.

But the current situation is that Bell did not really kill any of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates. Therefore, there is room for manoeuvre in this matter, as for the unfortunate prince…

If he hadn’t mocked Bell himself, how could something have happened?

In the final analysis, this incident is not Bell’s fault!

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if it was Bell’s fault, Giotto would not do any stupid, righteous act of exterminating relatives.

Just as Whitebeard protects the members of his pirate group, Giotto, as the leader of the Pengele family, also has the obligation to protect his family members!

Even for this, to fight against the strongest pirate group in the sea today, there will never be any change!

“You speak too lightly, Giotto.”

Marco shook his head, but he didn’t mean to do it immediately: “This matter is about the face of our Whitebeard Pirates, that kingdom has hung up the banner of Dad. If it’s nothing, Dad. The majesty will be lost.”

At this moment, Reborn came over step by step, holding the pistol that Leon had turned into in one hand, and playing with his temples in the other: “Then why don’t we take a step back? This is the stupid prince. It was wrong, but at the same time, as Giotto said, his actions did not cause substantial damage to the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“So, if we can stop here, it means that our Pengglei family owes the Whitebeard Pirates a favor. If there is any need for help in the future, the Pengglee family is bound to do so. I don’t know if you think such a result is acceptable. Can it be considered an explanation?”

Ribon is very aware of the current situation of the Pengele family, and it is definitely unwise to stand against the Whitebeard Pirates in the current situation.

And now the three of them will not be the opponents of the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Giotto can deal with Marco and Bell can contain Joz, it is extremely difficult to retreat completely.

Another, their current location is already the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, who knows when Whitebeard will suddenly appear?

In the current Pengele family, the only person who can fight against Whitebeard is Nakel, who is in charge of guarding Seiken Island and guarding against BIG?MOM.

If they confront Whitebeard here, it is very likely that everyone will be left here!

“Is it the favor of the Pengele family?” Marko blinked, obviously considering Riborn’s proposal.

He pays attention to the changes in the situation at sea every day, so he is also very clear that the current Pengele family has a certain strength, and can retreat in the face of BIGMOM under the command of the Admiral Buddha in the Warring States Period and on Cake Island. A lot can be said.

And he could see that the guy in front of him named Vengre Giotto had an extraordinary talent.

Judging comprehensively, the favor of the Pengele family is very valuable.

The Whitebeard Pirates are indeed standing at the top now, and Dad is indeed the strongest man in the sea right now, but this does not prevent them from having one more reliable ally.

“Goo la la la la!”

Just when Mark was thinking about it, the familiar laughter also came over, and looking at the sound, you could immediately see the Moby Dick that had docked.

There is no doubt that the strongest man in the world has come!

Giotto’s face was extremely solemn at this time. Just now, if Marco did not agree to take a step back, he could choose to force Bell to escape. Although it was not so easy, there was a certain possibility of success.

But now it was different. When Whitebeard arrived, with the strength of himself, Li Baoen and Bell, it was simply not enough to retreat under Whitebeard’s hands.

As for the few people on the Peng Lie boat…

Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, it’s not much of a fighting force!

thump, thump, thump…

The dull footsteps sounded like a heartbeat. Giotto’s eyes were completely locked on the Moby Dick at this time, and his spirit was unprecedentedly focused. The man who was about to appear in the field of vision, no matter how much he paid attention to it. Pass.

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