Peach Blossom

Chapter 142

Chapter 139:

When the little tiger transformed into shape, he once stole a peach.

At that time, she and Jun Yao still lived on Mount Taiyi.

Every summer is approaching, Junyao will take her away from the mountains, or travel to the world, or go into the secret treasure hunt, and occasionally visit other monster houses.

This summer, the little tiger’s cultivation is the most important thing, and it is necessary to focus on meditation. Jun Yao and her stayed on Mount Taiyi and never went out.

The little tiger lives in the mountains for a long time, but he is quite unfamiliar with Taiyi Mountain in summer.

The trees in the forest grow densely, the branches and leaves are tightly clustered, and the sunlight can hardly be found in the forest. A few old trees outside the wooden house are lush with branches and leaves, growing to the window, and the leaves are swishing when the wind blows.

In the afternoon, the sun slanted to the other side of the mountain, and the branches and leaves of the ancient trees also blocked the sunlight. The little tiger will take a break to talk to Jun Yao, or go out to play.

On this day, the little tiger went out to play.

She made a new friend, a cat on the hill next door. They met while fighting for a fish by the stream.

The cat was very good at fishing, and the little tiger learned a lot of fishing skills from her, and taught her how to catch rabbits in return. Therefore, although they can’t speak a tiger and a cat, they get along very well.

The little tiger is running fast in the woods, the summer is hot, but fortunately the monster is not afraid of the heat, she reaches another hill, the cat is waiting for her.

The cat saw her, gave her a “meow”, then turned and went into the forest.

This is meant to keep her up. The little tiger followed behind her and burrowed into the jungle.

The mountains are huge and the forests are wide. This mountain was not too close to where the little tiger lived. She was not familiar with the situation in the mountain, so she followed behind the cat without asking where she was going.

Don’t rush, just stop and wait for her, very calm.

The little tiger saw her without squinting, and went straight forward, thinking that there was something good to share with her, and couldn’t help but look forward to it, and followed her closely.

The place seemed to be quite far away, and they didn’t even reach through a forest. The little tiger is looking forward more and more. If there is something interesting, she will take it back and play with A Yao.

They walked all the way to a tree, Cat Fang stopped, looked back at the little tiger with a “meow”, and then jumped up the tree.

The little tiger looked at the tree and was stunned. This is a peach tree, full of peaches.

The peaches are ripe, hanging from the branches, showing a pink sheen. The little tiger can smell the sweet aroma of peaches under the tree. She raised her head and watched intently.

The cat climbed up the tree, stretched out its claws enough for a huge peach, slapped it hard, slapped the peach down, and fell just in front of Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan curiously stretched out her claws and used her claws. The meat pad on top touched the peach. There is a thin circle of fluff on the peach, and the little tiger’s paws are inadvertently covered with a layer of white fluff.

She retracted her claws and sniffed again. The peaches were full of juice and must be very delicious.

Xiao Yuan wanted to take a bite, but she didn’t dare, Ayao forbid her to eat other peaches.

After a while, the cat took a lot of peaches from the tree. She jumped down from the tree and took a bite on a large peach. The peach was bitten out of a gap, revealing the tender flesh inside, and the juice flowed out, with the fragrance of peach.

The little tiger felt dry mouth at a glance, and wanted to take a bite to relieve the dry mouth.

But no, Ayao forbids her to eat other peaches.

A big peach was quickly eaten by the cat, she licked her lips and went to nibble the next one. She chewed very intently, taking a bite, as if she was tasting the best of the world, and the little tiger was so greedy that his saliva was about to fall.

The cat was very loyal, she took two bites, pushed the peach in front of the little tiger, and invited her to eat it too.

The little tiger glanced at the peach, turned his head sharply, and said righteously: “Don’t! Don’t eat it!”

The cat looked at her strangely, stopped talking, and continued to enjoy the fresh fruit.

The little tiger tried hard to hold back, she looked at the cat angrily, she was not good, and lured her with peaches. If she eats peaches, Ayao will be angry.

The little tiger walked away dejectedly and disappeared into the jungle.

The cat didn’t know why she didn’t eat it, and didn’t pay much attention to it. She ate another peach, filling her stomach, and just walked away slowly.

As soon as she left, the little tiger who had just disappeared suddenly came out from behind a tree.

She ran under the peach tree, looked up, jumped, and climbed to the tree.

She wants to eat a peach. There is only her here, the cat is gone, no one will complain to A Yao, she will eat one, and A Yao will not find out.

took a bite.

Yummy! The little tiger couldn’t wait to take another bite. After a peach, only the peach pit was left.

The little tiger had long forgotten his determination to eat only one, and ate seven or eight wildly on the tree, his stomach was full, and then he stopped.

The sky is dark, the sun is falling down the west mountain, and the night will soon come. The little tiger was full, and seeing that it was getting late, he hurriedly went home.

It’s too late to go home, A Yao will be worried.

Before she left, she took a good note of where the peach tree was. She wanted to eat peaches again tomorrow, and she still thought endlessly in her heart that peaches were so delicious, if one day she could eat Ayao’s peaches Enough. A Yao’s peaches must be sweeter and more delicious.

The two hills were far apart, but Xiao Yuan cast a spell and soon reached the outside of the wooden house.


Xiao Yuan is a little tiger, she doesn’t understand the rhythm, but she likes A Yao to play the guqin very much. No matter how long it takes, you won’t be bored.

Today happens to be once every three days. The little tiger became happier. Not only did she eat peaches, but she could also cultivate with Ayao. Today is really beautiful.

I heard the piano.

A Yao knew she was back. The little tiger was happy and hurried to the door.

Seeing her coming back, Jun Yao shook her head: “Go wash.”

The little tiger nodded, but she wanted Ayao to kiss, so she walked over, jumped on Junyao’s lap, and said, “You need a kiss before you go.”

The little tiger raised his head, closed his eyes, and waited for A Yao’s soft lips to touch her.

Jun Yao’s breath was approaching, the little tiger could feel it, and the corners of his lips curved. However, after a long time, the kiss she was looking forward to did not fall. The little tiger was puzzled, opened his eyes, and looked at Jun Yao in confusion.

Jun Yao looked at her thoughtfully, saw her open her eyes, raised her hand and stroked the hair on her lips. The little tiger wanted to lick her fingertips, but before she got close, Jun Yao took her hand back.

The little tiger froze for a moment, then called out, “A Yao?”

Jun Yao did not respond to her gently as usual, but stretched out her hand and said, “Paws.”

So fierce. The little tiger was aggrieved, but he still put his paw on Jun Yao’s palm. Jun Yao turned her paws upside down, looked at the meat pad, there was candlelight, and saw a thin layer of fluff on her pink and tender little meat pad. This fluff is slightly white, which is what grows on the peach skin.

The little tiger can tell when he sees it. She forgot to wash her paws.

I ate a peach, and the fluff on my paws was not removed, and the peach juice on my lips was not washed. Jun Yao shook her head helplessly and asked, “A Yuan stole peaches?”

The little tiger was afraid that she would be angry and dared not admit it, so he lied: “I didn’t eat the peach, it was eaten by the cat, I just touched it.”

Jun Yao was only helpless for the little tiger, but even though she was angry with her for stealing peaches, she didn’t get too angry. Who knew the little tiger would lie to her. Jun Yao’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

Little tiger still wanted to defend, but Jun Yao only said lightly: “Come and wash.”

Her expression was extremely cold and her eyes were cold. She turned into a human figure, washed it carefully, and made sure that there was no other peach smell on her body, and Fang cautiously returned to the room.

Jun Yao is lying down, her eyes are closed, she seems to have fallen asleep. Xiao Yuan stepped forward and was about to lie down beside Jun Yao when she suddenly said, “How’s the moonlight tonight?”

“The moonlight is very good.” Xiao Yuan replied.

Jun Yao opened her eyes and said to her: “A Yuan’s cultivation is the most important thing, it is better to continue cultivation while the moonlight is bright.”

The little tiger immediately became anxious when he heard this. She does practice day and night on weekdays, but today is different. Today is the day of double cultivation. They only come back once every three days, and the little tiger doesn’t want to miss it.

She said, “I will practice tomorrow, and I will be with A Yao tonight.”

Jun Yao shook her head: “Not tonight.”

They come back every three days and never break, but tonight A Yao is unwilling to practice double cultivation with her. The little tiger felt guilty, and seeing this, he knew that she must not believe her statement that she only touched the peach. He didn’t dare to argue any more, but he said stubbornly, “I, I’m just lying beside A Yao.”

This time, Junyao didn’t allow it, and let the little tiger sleep beside her. The little tiger breathed a sigh of relief. But she soon felt unaccustomed. When they were lying together, A Yao would hug her and let her sleep in her arms. She only felt empty, without Jun Yao’s hug, this small couch suddenly became extremely wide, and she felt very uneasy.

Xiao Yuan subconsciously wanted to play coquettish with Jun Yao and asked her to hug her. But she quickly remembered that A Yao was angry when she was found stealing peaches. She felt guilty and didn’t dare to say anything. She lay down on the couch carefully, motionless until dawn.

After dawn, Jun Yao still ignored her. She ignored her, and Xiao Yuan didn’t dare to speak. She just glanced at Jun Yao timidly from time to time, hoping that A Yao would calm down early and be able to take care of her.

However, Jun Yao was angry for a month.

In a month, I didn’t kiss, hug, or touch the fur, and I didn’t come back every three days. Xiao Yuan felt guilty at first, felt wronged and sad, and finally became angry.

When she got angry, she didn’t talk to Jun Yao, she looked puffed up and only cared about her own cultivation. But she couldn’t help it, and after a while, she had to take a peek at Jun Yao to see if she had calmed down.

Jun Yao doesn’t seem to see her, doesn’t look, doesn’t cook delicious meat for her, she doesn’t even ask about peaches, just ignores Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan was sullen for a while, and gradually became flustered. A Yao is so angry, will she ignore her again? Thinking of this, the little tiger couldn’t sit still anymore, and she hurried to Jun Yao’s side.

Jun Yao didn’t even look at her.

Xiao Yuan became more and more flustered, she raised her hand to grab Jun Yao’s sleeve, and called out, “A Yao.”

Jun Yao wanted to hang her for two more days, so she ignored her. The little tiger immediately turned red, tears fell, and stammered: “I won’t eat other peaches, don’t want me.”

She cried, Jun Yao couldn’t be cruel any longer, took her into her arms and wiped her tears. The little tiger wailed, and while crying, he promised inarticulately: “Never eat peaches again…”

She was wronged for a month, at this time she vented it all out and cried herself into a little cat. Jun Yao felt distressed and regretted that she was too strict, so she couldn’t stop comforting her: “A Yuan is good, don’t cry.”

The little tiger nodded and hugged Jun Yao tightly, as if to make up for all the hugs he had missed this month.

Jun Yao sighed lowly, and her voice softened: “Don’t lie to me again.” In comparison, what she cares more about is that her family, A Yuan, will lie to her.

Little Tiger agreed. Since then, I have never lied to Jun Yao again, and I have never eaten any other peaches.

The author has something to say:

The story ends here.

The rest of the fanfare is more in the personal journal, and the personal journal is already on sale. For details, please click on Weibo.

Weibo number: It turns out that there are so many snake spirits

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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