Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

Yan Xi was in a drowsy state, as if he had returned to his college days. On the side of the plane tree on the university campus, by the lake, that tall and handsome figure. Under the umbrella of the heavy rain, he leaned over to kiss her side face, and smiled at her eyes that were bent up.

It was also a summer weekend. She went back to school after watching her grandparents. She wanted to surprise him. Under the big locust tree next to the boys’ dormitory, she held two cups of frozen lemon tea and saw Gao Jiming and another girl face to face. standing.

The girls have bright eyes and bright teeth, and have hair and shawls. It is the flower of the Chinese department.

“Senior brother, please accept me, I know you have a girlfriend, but… I just hope that your heart is like mine, and I will live up to my love.” She can’t remember clearly later, she only remembered that since Gao Ming did not explicitly reject her, The lemon tea that night was frozen into the heart.

She knew that Gao Jiming really liked her, but she felt that it was not enough. When he didn’t catch up with her, he had fiery enthusiasm. She was the fortress he was eager to conquer and the program he was looking forward to cracking. When they were together, he gradually lost his original feeling.

Conquest is probably the innate instinct in the blood gene of male creatures, especially Gao Jiming’s innate talent, smooth sailing, almost no setbacks, what he wants and what he wants, as long as he works a little bit, he can do it. will get. So after getting it, he will have a rightful and then tired and boring.

When he decided to go abroad, after Yan Xi broke up with him, it inspired him to regain her desire. Shi Xi had already made a decision, and she actually gave him a chance. I accidentally bumped into her that night and didn’t mention it. She was waiting for him to tell her, but he didn’t.

Yan Xi frowned when she was half asleep and half awake. It was very painful during the first part of the separation, and it was difficult to fall asleep. Fortunately, Tao Tao came to her side.

Her eyelids were heavy, and she was conscious in her dream. She knew that she thought of Gao Jiming, why did she still think of him? Probably the good people around her were still thinking about them, trying to tell her the latest news about him, saying that Gao Jiming was engaged, and his fiancee seemed to be his colleague, also in Silicon Valley. One day at work, she proposed to him. Colleagues took out the prepared flowers and red wine, and everyone smiled and raised their glasses to congratulate.

Yan Xi rolled up the quilt unknowingly, and slept very hard in his bed. He wanted to wake up but couldn’t. He finally opened his eyes, but his mouth was dry.

As soon as she got up to look for water to drink, she saw a glass of water on the bedside table as far as she could see. She took it and drank half of the glass. In summer, boil the water and let it cool. It’s a habit that their grandparents made them develop.

An Zhi also developed this habit.

Yan Xi pressed her forehead, her mind was still in a trance, she got up and went downstairs.

“Tao Tao?”

Lights are on in the living room and noises in the kitchen.

Yan Xi’s expression slowed down, he should be cooking. I’m ashamed to say, but now Grandma Liu occasionally buys food and prepares it, and the rest of the time, she either buys it from Yanqi, or An Zhi cooks it.

This kid is quick to start cooking. Apparently he really likes it. As far as Xi Jinping is concerned, he has the cheek to eat ready-made food and wash the dishes after eating.

Obviously he is the older one.

She put on her slippers, and when she walked to the restaurant, she smelled a fragrant porridge fragrance.

There was a small casserole on the dining table, two bowls of porridge and a plate of cold cucumbers. An Zhi’s hair was tied into a small ball head, and his smooth forehead had fluffy bits of hair, and he was slicing beef. This beef was braised with Anzhi yesterday.

It’s a recipe given by Grandma Liu.

Bought whole beef tendon. The first step is to blanch the blood.

“Otherwise, there will be miscellaneous odors, which are not fragrant enough.” An Zhi said.

Put the whole beef tendon in the pot, fill it with water, wash and knot 3 shallots, cooking wine, **** slices.

“Open the lid all the way to keep it boiling.” An Zhi said something while doing it.

Yan Xi was amused by her seriousness.

“Turn to medium heat after the fire is boiled, don’t laugh!” An Zhi puffed up at Yan Xi, “Be serious!”

Yan Xi held back her laughter: “Okay! I’ll come~” She took a long chopstick and poked at the beef tendon.

They waited for more than an hour to add water, until after the chopsticks were inserted into the beef, there was no more blood boiled.

This is the success of the blanching.

Turn off the heat, Yan Xi fishes out the beef and rinses it off with cold water. Remove the shallots and **** slices, and strain the beef soup.

“This beef soup will be used later.”

“Okay, got it.”

Yan Xi washed the boiling soup pot and poured the strained beef soup back into the pot.

“Okay, you say, I’ll do it.”

“Beef, black tea bag, marinated bag, rock sugar.”

“All right.”

“Pour 100ml of dark soy sauce first, then add 100ml of light soy sauce and mix well.”

“100ML? How much is that?”

“Pour it into the measuring cup first.”

“How did Grandma Liu write such a specific number, did you just ask her to say a number??”

“…she said to pour some, some is how I know how much it is!”

“…Pfft.” Yan Xi smiled and shook his head.

“Don’t laugh! Be serious!”

After the fire is boiled, cover the pot and turn to low heat, and cook for another half an hour to taste.

An Zhi stayed in the restaurant all the way, played with his mobile phone, and set three alarm clocks, which sounded once every half an hour to remind him.

After the beef is ready, put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight.

Now she took out the beef and cut it. An Zhi swallowed her saliva while cutting. Unable to hold back, she picked up a piece and stuffed it into her mouth, “Oh, it’s delicious!” She squinted, “It’s delicious!”

An Zhi likes to eat beef more than pork. She likes to eat cold beef, braised beef, and watermelon brisket, grilled meat.

Yan Xi smiled and said, “Is it delicious?”

“Are you awake? Let’s eat.” An Zhi said to her.

The porridge is millet mung bean porridge, and the dishes are cold cucumber and sliced braised beef.

“I also made mango pancakes.” An Zhi said to her with a smile.

The salad dressing is made by Anzhi himself. Saute raw garlic until fragrant, add soy sauce, sesame oil, chili sauce, and balsamic vinegar. Bring it to a boil in a pan, then pour over the cucumber sprinkled with sesame seeds and minced coriander, and let it cool. That’s it.

Yan Xi and An Zhi have no conflict in other aspects of eating except that they can’t reach a consensus on whether to add sugar or salt to the dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Yan Xi likes to eat cold dishes made by An Zhi very much, which he calls “Tao Tao’s cold dishes”.

The porridge is very fragrant, the braised beef is really delicious, and the cucumber salad is also very fresh and refreshing. Yan Xi drank two large bowls of porridge and felt that he had finally been rescued from the chaotic dream and the drowsy headache.

After eating, Yan Xi asked An Shang upstairs to play by himself, and stayed behind to wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, and mop the floor. Also went to see the plants in the yard.

Suddenly I heard An Zhi’s terrified voice upstairs: “Auntie! Auntie!”

Yan Xi hurriedly entered the room, An Zhi had already run down from the upstairs, his face was pale and panicked.

“What happened?”

An Zhi threw himself into her arms, “Wow. So scary!”

A few days ago, Fatty Yan mysteriously gave her a book, saying that it was a suspenseful case, very terrifying and exciting. An Zhi didn’t take it seriously. Just now, he wanted to be idle, so he took it out and looked at it.

The story takes place in a big family in the countryside. The son goes out to work, leaving behind his daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. One night, the mother-in-law went out, and when she came back, she found that her daughter-in-law was gone, and there was a headless female corpse on the ground.

This book also has illustrations. It is a headless corpse lying on the ground, wearing a large cotton jacket and cotton trousers. The hands and feet are all there, but the head above the neck is gone.

Seeing that An Zhi was fighting a cold war here, he was already a little scared. But curiosity prompted her to turn the page.

The mother-in-law hurriedly called the police, and the police filed a case for investigation. They found an unrecognizable head near the ferry crossing at the entrance of the village. The police asked the mother-in-law to confirm the body. After seeing the mother-in-law, her face became strange, and she kept repeating: “This is not my daughter-in-law. her head, it’s not my daughter-in-law’s head…” She seemed to be in an abnormal state, shaking her head and repeating, “It’s not her head, her head…”

Seeing this place, An Zhi was so frightened that his whole body was about to explode, and he didn’t dare to read the following text, so he threw the book and ran downstairs.

“Okay, don’t be afraid, I’ll see what the content is first!” Yan Xi picked up her book, which didn’t even have a decent cover, and the author of the label had never heard of it. She turned to the first page and browsed.

An Zhi stared at the book nervously, the illustration lingering in his mind, as if it would jump out of the book in the next second.

An Zhi wooed like an overly frightened bunny, Yan Xi took her over, and An Zhi buried her head on her belly, which made him feel less scared. An Zhi heard that Yan Xi was turning pages quickly, she suddenly felt that she had stopped, and then closed the book.

“Where did this book come from?”

“Big fat gave it to me.”

Yan Xi said in a low voice: “It’s ugly! What a mess! Don’t read these in the future, I have detective novels here, on the bookshelf on the left, if you go to see grandma, it’s Agatha’s. I have a set, if you feel It’s hard to remember the names of foreigners, so you can read a few ancient dragons first.”

Yan Xi slightly frowned. Solving the case in this book is not the main line. There are a lot of **** descriptions in the middle, which are very explicit. There are descriptions of all kinds of physical organs, which are unsightly. It’s not so much a deduction book, it’s better to say that it’s a yellow-colored work, or a third-rate one.

She asked An Zhi calmly, “Where did you see?”

“Just, right there! It was scary at the beginning.”

Yan Xi let out a sigh of relief, “Don’t look at it.” She patted Anzhi’s hair.

“Well!…” After a while, An Zhi raised her head and asked her, “Who the **** killed that daughter-in-law?”

Yan Xi replied in a few words: “Oh, that corpse does not belong to this daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law is going to elope with outsiders. She is afraid of being discovered, so she kills a mentally ill woman in the village and puts her own clothes on. . Then she ran off with her lover.”

An Zhi, who came into contact with detective reasoning books for the first time, widened his eyes: “Is that so?”

Yan Xi opened the book with one hand and said indifferently, “This is all a rotten old stalk, and it’s not new at all. Moreover, the writing of this book is extremely poor, the details are full of errors, and the atmosphere is not well rendered! Don’t look at it, you Go to the bookshelf and read the books I told you about!”

An Zhi: “…”

Look at her, and look at the book that she disliked and pushed so far: “Oh…”

When Yan Xi went to the bookshelf to find it, she picked up the book, went downstairs, opened the door, walked out of the yard, and opened the door. He walked to the nearby garbage collection bin with a blank face and threw it away.

Then she took out her phone and called her sister-in-law.

There is no reason to show this kind of book to Tao Tao. Today’s children mature early, and sometimes their minds are crooked before their bodies are fully developed. Although this is the only way to be young, Yan Xi doesn’t think he can’t read these kinds of books, he just has to choose carefully. It’s not a matter of shoddy creation without aesthetics. Many of the behaviors in it are strongly insulting to women. It is still not possible to distinguish the boundaries between fun and violent insults, let alone treat this book as an enlightenment book.

Bringing this kind of book to Tao Tao cannot be tolerated. She settled the case.

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