Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

An Zhi could smell the faint fragrance of the bed, which had no fragrance, and it was Yan Xi’s body. Her feet moved, and because the person sleeping next to her was much taller, a spacious space was made for her to come out.

Comfortable, reassuring, and smells great.

Not always.

An Zhi was even reluctant to fall asleep, even though she was a little sleepy, she was still asking questions perseveringly.

“Then… is it fun to step on the snow?”

Yan Xi looked at her eyelids that were about to be pressed down, and her soft eyelashes were still stubbornly resisting. “It’s fun, hurry up to sleep,” Yan Xi patted her, “I heard that children who don’t sleep on time will not grow taller…”

“Wow, I don’t want to grow taller…”

Yan Qi secretly smiled, stroked her soft hair, and An Zhi rubbed her palm in confusion.

“Touch your head…” she murmured numbly.

Yan Xi’s eyes were soft and soft, and she slowly stroked her hair. An Zhi’s little nose moved, her full cheeks pressed against the pillow, and she finally fell asleep.

Yan Xi looked at her with his cheeks up, and poked her cheek lightly. It is a little bit fatter and a little taller.

However, the twins are much older than her. Moreover, the twins have a good relationship with her recently, and they often play with her. An Zhi always has an apple face, and she wants to say, “Why are they so naive and taller than me, so they are taller than me?” Are you going to play with them?”

Pfft, Yan Xi’s eyes were curved, and he actually made up so much content from An Zhi’s expression.

An Zhi has been a little bit happier recently, and occasionally expresses her thoughts and acts like a spoiled brat to herself.

Yan Xi sighed slightly and looked at her sleeping face.

Just grow up by my side, Tao Tao, don’t remember those unhappy things.

It was very cold in the winter morning, and everyone stayed in bed for a while. An Zhi finished brushing her teeth with warm water, took the warm towel that Yan Xi gave her, and wiped her face, the moistened water vapor felt very comfortable on her face.

After An Zhi finished washing, he trotted to the door and waited for Yan Xi. The snow in the morning has really stopped, so I have to go downstairs quickly and go to play after dinner.

“Wait, wipe your face, come here.”

Yan Xi put two points of cream on An Zhi’s cheeks, An Zhi stretched out her small hand and wiped it.

Yan Xi squeezed out the hand cream again and wiped her hands.

Aunt Xin reminded her that An Zhi had never stayed in such cold weather, for fear that she would develop frostbite.

Yan Xi bought a set of baby cream and hand cream together. Let her wipe it sooner or later, and it still tastes like milk, which An Zhi likes very much.

After she wiped it herself, she did not forget to tell Yanxi, “How about you?”

Yan Xi smiled: “Okay, I’ll wipe it too.”

After breakfast, the children were wrapped thickly, wearing hats and gloves, suppressing the excited expressions of eagerness to try.

Only then did the adults speak: “You can go outside and play for half an hour.”

As soon as the door opened, the twins ran out cheering.

Different from the outgoing excitement of the twins, An Zhi walked into the yard curiously and novelly. After leaving the heating in the house, the air blowing in, breathing cold and even frigid air.

Eyes full of silver.

An Zhi felt that her face was a little stiff, she lowered her head, her little boots moved, and she stepped on it.

That snow-white thing is a bit like salt. Lots and lots of salt…and like white marshmallows?

An Zhi thought hard how to describe it.

She stepped on it hard, making a creaking sound, having fun, she laughed, and turned to look for Yan Xi.

Yan Xi didn’t know when to follow her. She didn’t seem to be afraid of the cold at all, so she wore a thick black turtleneck sweater, trousers, and long boots. Her hair was loose, her black eyes had a rippling smile, and she was looking at her.

The dark clouds on the horizon dissipated, and a trace of sunlight climbed out, slightly dazzling.

“Little aunt, little aunt… Take the call!” Yan Dafa squeezed a snowball and threw it at Yan Xi.

Without batting an eye, Yan Xi stepped back with his long legs and stably dodged.

“Ah! Come again! Brother! You come too,” Big Fatty Yan greeted Little Fatty Yan, holding a small snowball and throwing it at her.

An Zhi stared blankly, Yan Xi smiled and said, “Okay, how bold, how dare you hit your aunt?!”

She had long legs and a tall stature. She dodged left and right, missed her, and exhausted the twins out of breath.

An Zhizheng watched, but she didn’t prevent a snowball from flying over. She was smashed to the front, unable to stand firm, and fell on the snow with a plop.

Yan Xiaochuan laughed. Seeing that he had finally hit his target, Fatty Yan threw another one at her.

Before An Zhi could react, she was hit in the face, and she covered her face “woohoo”. Snow particles seeped into her neck.

Yan Big Fatty was laughing complacently when he was hit by a snowball in his face.

Yan Xi came to An Zhi, patted off the snow for her, and pulled her up: “It’s okay, you beat them too.”

The twins were not annoyed by being hit, and laughed: “Come on, come on, I’m not afraid of you.”

An Zhi grabbed a handful of snow angrily, followed them into a ball, and threw it. But she had little strength, and as soon as the snowball slipped in the air, it fell to her feet embarrassingly with insufficient stamina.


The twins hug their bellies and laugh.

Yan Xi couldn’t help but want to laugh.

An Zhi’s face was flushed red from the cold, but now it’s even more embarrassing. Yan Xi interrupted with a smile, grabbed a ball of snow and threw it at them, the twins shouting and dodging.

A few people played together, Yan Xi protected An Zhi behind her, An Zhi also smiled, grabbed Yan Xi’s clothes, avoiding the twins’ sneak attack.

Laughter burst out.

With a sudden “hey” sound, Yan Xi was hit by a ball on his body and fell backwards.

The twins were stunned, thinking they were in trouble.

An Zhi was so frightened that she fell down and leaned over to touch Yanxi’s face.

I saw that her long eyelashes were tightly closed, and her face was still covered with thin snowflakes. An Zhi’s little mouth was just deflated and wanted to cry, when Yan Xi opened her eyes and blinked at her, An Zhi’s round eyes rolled, swallowed her whimper, pinched a mass of snow, and lay beside her.

The twins waited for a while, but Yan Xi didn’t get up and ran over in a hurry.

“Auntie, Auntie!” The two little meatballs ran over, just as they approached, An Zhi and Yan Xi got up together and threw a big ball.

Snow, but also very tacit understanding of one person hit one.

“Haha!” An Zhi finally laughed.

The twins threw themselves on Yan Xi and acted like a spoiled brat, Yan Xi put one arm around the two of them, and the other hand wrapped around him.

An Zhi buried his face in Yan Xi’s arms.

She left half of her arms to herself.

Then they built a snowman together. An Zhi has not piled it up, so he can’t help at all. Just watching the three of their aunts and nephews busy going around, a snowman was in front of them not long after.

Stones make eyes, carrots make noses, branches make arms and small mouths.

Big Fat even took off his scarf and wrapped it around the snowman, while Little Fat found his own hat and put it on.

Yan Xi asked the three of them to stand around the snowman and took a few pictures of them. Her little face was red from the cold, and Qi Qi showed her teeth to the camera.

Yan Xi took a few pictures and let them play for a while. The Yan family chubby and chubby happily rolled around in the snow.

She took the camera and took pictures of An Zhi. She was wearing a cotton coat and little boots, with a large ball of wool on her hat. The little face is only a little bit, and two lumps of powder are frozen.

She stood beside the snowman, looked up for a while, then squatted down, grabbed some snow and patted the snowman.

Then he took off a glove and touched the snow tentatively with his little hand. Seemingly frozen, she retracted, curious again, took off both gloves, and took a small handful.

Yan Xi smiled outside the camera and took several pictures. Then called her, “Tao Tao”.

An Zhi heard the voice and looked towards her.

Yan Xi quickly captured one. Then beckon her to come over and ask her to put on her gloves.

“It can’t be like this, it’s easy to catch a cold later.” There may also be frostbite.

She squeezed a small snowball, and found two more leaves, embedded in the sides, which looked like a snow rabbit.

“Come on, here it is.”

“Wow…” An Zhi’s eyes widened.

“Okay, it’s too cold, let’s go in, we’re going to sweep the snow later.” Yan Xi called Yan Xiaopang over and let them enter the house.

“But… she will melt.” An Zhi held the “Little Snow Rabbit” Yan Xi gave her, reluctantly.

Ah, Yan Xi didn’t think of this question.

“Then leave her outside, okay?”

An Zhi touched it, nodded reluctantly, put it next to the snowman, and turned back step by step.

Yan Xi pulled her, and her heart melted when she saw her like this. She squatted down and said to her, “There will be more in the future. You can play as long as it snows, okay?”

An Zhigang smiled sweetly at her, and then sneezed with an itchy nose.

Yan Xi picked her up without a word, “Hurry in, don’t catch a cold.”

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