Pampered Darling: 99 Yuan Sweet Wife

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: How To Get Along With Mother-In-Law

“Son… son, why are you here? Didn’t you say you were going to go far?” Mother Yun panicked. She didn’t expect Yun Chengyi to come suddenly, so she could justly bully Shiyi.

Shiyi usually has a strong personality and is stubborn, but after marrying into the Yun family, even if she is not happy, she will not disobey her openly.

Mother Yun thought that she would swallow her anger for Yun Chengyi’s sake when she decided to eat, and that’s why she changed her mind.

But no matter how dissatisfied she is with Shiyi, and she does too much, Mother Yun still takes Yun Chengyi into consideration, knowing that Yun Chengyi protects Shiyi, and in order to avoid unpleasantness with her son, bullying Shiyi is done in private. of.

Now that she was caught, Mother Yun panicked because she loved the nonsense, turned the gun and poured dirty water, “Son, listen to me, it’s all this woman, she’s the one who doesn’t obey women’s morals, she’s doing **** outside behind her back, and she’s still pregnant. She is going to give you a cuckold, how can my mother tolerate her bullying you like this?”

“Mom, that’s enough!” Yun Chengyi’s voice was loud, sonorous and powerful, and his deep voice was mixed with obvious anger.

The woman in his arms is his wife, the woman he loves the most in his life.

Now, his favorite wife is still pregnant with his child, and he doesn’t get the slightest care and love from his family. How can Yun Chengyi not be angry with his own mother wearing such a big hat.

He was so angry that his liver hurt.

Mama Yun was startled for a moment, her face turned pale and her lips trembled, “You… you murdered me?”

“Mom, I’ve said it more than once that you can’t bully Shiyi, but what did you do behind my back? You’re disappointing me.” His voice was very nice, dressed in a solemn military uniform, revealing a high-cold abstinence breath.

In front of him, he didn’t know his biological mother, and he had already shot without hesitation.

Yun’s mother swayed, almost unsteady, her eyes were full of grievance tears, she opened her mouth to defend, “Son, I… I’m all for your own good, everything my mother does…”

“Enough, since you can’t tolerate my wife and children, I won’t go back to that house in the future.”

Ignoring Mother Yun’s shocked, stunned, terrified, and desperate look, Yun Chengyi took off his coat to wrap the woman in his arms, and left with Shiyi in a posture of absolute protection.

Song Yu had already driven the car to the door, and when he saw Yun Chengyi, he was also shocked, “Madam, this…”

“Mrs. Quan, I just came back from a mission, and I have to wait for me to report on the work above, I mean…”

Su Qingqing is clever, she immediately understood what he meant, and smiled, “I understand, you can rest assured, Yiyi will go back with me first, and come pick her up when you’re done.”

Yun Chengyi put his arms around Shiyi, even though there are thousands of words in his heart to comfort his beloved wife, but responsibility is responsibility, he is also embarrassed, “Yiyi, I…”

“I’m fine, you go to work first, I’ll stay with Qingqing for a while, and come pick me up when you’re done.”

Shi Yi was greedy for the breath on his body, and at first he was silent in his arms, until this moment, he silently pulled out of his arms and comforted him sweetly, “Go, don’t delay the work report, Baby and I are waiting for you.”

“Well, be more obedient and leave everything to me.”

The man came and went in a hurry, watching Yun Chengyi turn around and get into a military vehicle and drive away, until he could no longer be seen, Shi Yi then got into the car with Su Qingqing.

“Qingqing, thank you for today’s affairs.” Shi Yi gradually recovered from the unpleasantness, not wanting Su Qingqing to worry too much, she tried her best to squeeze a knowing smile.

Su Qingqing stroked her big belly, her eyes fell on her flat belly, and she asked sullenly, “What’s your plan next?”

“What else can I plan.” She lowered her head, gently stroked her flat stomach, and sighed, “What Yun Chengyi says, I will listen to him.”

She believed that Yun Chengyi would not treat their mother and son badly, and Shi Yi never doubted the man’s sincerity.

“Hey, you know it’s going to be like this, you shouldn’t have agreed to Yun Chengyi so easily in the first place, you should have let him chase you a little harder.”

It is said that what is too easy to get is usually not so caring.

Look at how arrogant a girl Shiyi used to be, all because she gave other people a face, when did she let others ride on her head.

also married Yun Chengyi, Su Qingqing felt that Shiyi was not as happy as before.

“Hehe, don’t worry about me, my mother-in-law doesn’t like me for a day or two. As long as she’s not too much, I don’t care about her. This time she gave me such a big hat, no matter what I am. Don’t say it, Yun Chengyi won’t let it go, all I have to do now is to trust him and listen to his arrangements.”

A smart woman usually doesn’t have a head-on conflict with her mother-in-law. It doesn’t matter if she takes the lead or not, it’s hard for her husband to be in the middle.

So Shiyi simply said nothing, and avoided confrontation with her mother-in-law.

After all, many times her ten sentences are not as lethal as Yun Chengyi’s understatement, and the lethality is greater.

Su Qingqing suddenly realized, patted his forehead and realized, “Damn, you, you, you can do this, let Yun Chengyi deal with his mother.”

“Also, look at Mother Yun’s face just now, there is no courage to yell at you, she is just like a well-behaved kitten in front of Yun Chengyi.”

When I heard it, I couldn’t help laughing. I didn’t refute, and didn’t plan to answer, and looked at her belly with concern and asked, “There should be two or three months before delivery. Why doesn’t the second master stay by your side at this time?”

Speaking of the man, Su Qingqing’s face was full of sweet smiles, “He was the one who accompanied me to the obstetric check-up, but after the check-up, I let him go first.”

“That’s right, there is such a big thing in the Quan family, and your second master may be too busy.” Shi Yi murmured.

“What’s the big deal?” Su Qingqing was stunned, why didn’t she know anything?

Shi Yi felt that he had lost his words, smiled awkwardly, and echoed vaguely, “Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just some business matters. The second master doesn’t want to upset you if he doesn’t tell you.”

“Besides, your main task now is to take good care of yourself and then give birth to the baby.”

Er… After Shiyi said this, Su Qingqing did not continue to ask questions, and planned to wait for the Great Demon King to come back and ask, even if he couldn’t share anything for him, it was always good to be concerned.

After half an hour, Song Yu sent the person back to Zijinyuan and returned to the company.

Aunt Fu was overjoyed to know that Shiyi was also pregnant, so she went to the kitchen with a smile to make nutritious meals for pregnant women.

Su Qingqing took Shiyi and sat in the living room to eat fruit, and inadvertently saw the supplements stacked in the corner, a little strange, “Aunt Fu, did you buy these things in the living room?”

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Aunt Fu came out wearing an apron, pointed to the pile of things and said, “Madam, this is from a man named Mr. Lin, who said it was for you to make up, we won’t accept it, He threw it directly at the door, and I had no choice but to have it moved back.”

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