Pamper Eighties

Chapter 7

“Thank you Mazu, big baby and two baby, push your sister out, you are not allowed to run out to play on the road, or I will beat you two to death.” Miao Yufeng stood at the door of the yard with a plate of rice cakes dyed pink. Shout inside. Today is the day chosen to open the mountain road. Of course, for such a major event, we must first worship Mazu first, so as to ask for peace of mind.

Miao Yufeng walked in the front, the eldest baby and the second baby pushed Mengmeng with a small wooden cart. The older baby was six years old this year and grew a little taller. He pushed him in the back. He was teasing Mengmeng next to the car, and Brother Rui was also beside him. He brought the bunch of flowers.

Mengmeng was half sitting and half lying in the stroller, with a soft pillow under it. She opened her big round eyes and looked around curiously, not knowing what interesting things she saw. From time to time, he giggled and laughed very happily.

Not long after they went out, three babies, four babies and five babies also ran up. They also wanted to push Mengmeng, but after saying a few times, the big baby would not let them, so they had to follow the car and surrounded Mengmeng to the Mazu Temple.

Mazu Temple is built on the seaside and faces the sea. There are two ancient pagodas sandwiching an ancient temple, all of which are exquisite woodcarving buildings. There is a square in front of the temple, and a big banyan tree is planted next to it. No one can tell this tree. The age of the tree, we only know that from the generation of their grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather, this tree is as big as it is now.

Mengmeng and her brothers stayed under the big banyan tree, watching the adults in the village worship Mazu.

As the patriarch, Old Man Feng wore a big red cloak and drew a gossip picture on his back. He held a bowl of raw rice in his hand and prayed eloquently. After finishing, he put the bowl of rice on Mazu. In front of the statue, he knelt on the ground and began to kowtow. He kowtowed three times in a row, and he won the trophy.

The people in the village were all overjoyed, and they placed the offerings brought by themselves in front of the statue, and also knelt down and worshipped. Everyone’s faces were filled with smiles.

After worshiping Mazu, everyone returned to the village. When they came out, they had changed into a set of old clothes, and they were still holding hoes, sickles, shovels and hammers. Regardless of men and women, everyone wears clothes made of blue earthcloth with patches on them. This is what they usually wear. As for the new clothes worn when worshipping Mazu, they were only worn on important occasions.

Mengmeng was held in her arms by Miao Yufeng and followed behind the team. She was wearing a small green military uniform, which stood out in the blue. This small military uniform is the most popular style outside the mountains, and the fabric used is also solid Shanghai thick cotton.

The dolls in the village looked at Mengmeng’s little military uniform, looked at Mengmeng’s white and tender little face, and then looked down at themselves. They were all wearing shabby clothes that were worn by older brothers and sisters. Not to mention the patch, it still doesn’t fit well. Seeing Mengmeng dressed in such a high-spirited manner now, they feel a sense of envy in their hearts.

The Dakang family looked at it from a distance, and whispered in her mouth: “What’s the air? A loser wears so well, and I’m not afraid of not being well-raised, oh!” He fell for no reason on the ground, and his **** almost fell into eight petals. He grinned and said, “It hurts to death, which **** pushed me?”

A woman from the village passed by, and her eyes were full of schadenfreude. It was a joy to see a woman with a long tongue fall. She covered her mouth with a smile and said, “Who pushed you, you’re not crazy? Bar?”

The Dakang family was so angry that they got up from the ground, but they did not dare to chase the woman in front. Instead, they jumped on their feet and said to the man beside them, “Feng Dakang, you useless bastard, you don’t care about this. Curse me back?”

Feng Dakang’s face was sullen, as if he was a wooden man. He looked left and right like a thief, and said in a very low voice: “Is it shameful, you, do you think that you are not shameful enough?”

“I’m ashamed?” The Da Kang family’s nose was crooked with anger, his face was sour, and his voice was louder than anyone else’s: “No matter how shameful I am, I’m better than you bastard! Eat, sleep, sleep, eat every day, pig You are more diligent than you, why don’t you be lazy!”

She felt that her life was extremely hard, why did she marry such a man, her family was the worst off in the whole village, and other families were all headed by men. Her family was tired when she got to work, and she would rather the whole family suffer She doesn’t even work when she’s hungry. She works hard to support a family by herself. She gets angry when she thinks of this.

Feng Dakang’s face swelled to the color of pig liver in an instant, and he hurriedly covered the mother-in-law’s mouth, for fear that she would say something shameful again. It’s useless for him to do this. The people in the village don’t know the virtues of his two in-laws. Now that the reform and opening up, everyone wants to make money, but his family is getting worse and worse. The people in the village look at them like a joke.

I walked along the dirt road in the village, and after a while, I came to the side of the mountain. The intersection of the mountain was covered with black volcanic rocks, which are often used materials for building houses in the village. In addition to these stones, the eyes are full of green, and in some places, a few white wild chrysanthemums can be seen.

At the beginning, the mountain road could accommodate seven or eight people walking side by side, but gradually it became five or six, then two or three, and at the back, only one person could walk by himself. Fear.

After turning a corner, there was a large black stone blocking the way. The hillside here is relatively gentle. Feng Yimin observed it for a while and said, “Let’s start from here.”

Several cadres from the village came up and tied a red rope on the raised spot of the big rock. As soon as they stepped back, the villagers rushed up the hillside, slamming their hammers and beating for a while, and there were still people underneath. After digging with a hoe, shoveling with a shovel, and breaking with both hands, everyone was busy for a while before everyone finally moved the big rock away.

One of the people in the crowd stopped angrily, walked to the side and said to his daughter-in-law, “Everyone knows that this road cannot be repaired. The village chief is trying to bribe the hearts of the village and let us do the work in vain, but he gets better. Fame, bah!”

“Isn’t it? Widow Liu’s family has become so strong, and this road can’t be repaired?” His daughter-in-law has high cheekbones, and if you look closely, it turns out to be from a wealthy family. The person standing opposite her is exactly Feng Dafu.

Hearing what she said, Feng Dafu threw his arms and crooked his mouth and said, “Look at the rocks on this mountain, the roads are blocked, where do you go? You won’t be able to repair until the year of the monkey, the horse and the month, anyway, I don’t want to do it. , whoever likes to do it, let him do it.”

Having said that, Feng Dafu didn’t have the guts to run back to the village, but he was also a foreign worker who stayed here, and he had to find a place to rest after working for a while.

Miao Yufeng hugged Mengmeng and went back before she reached the place where the stones were dug. She also took a few boys from the family away, and said along the way: “It’s too dangerous in the mountains, and you won’t be allowed to bring your sister in the future. Come here, you know?”

What she didn’t notice was that, at some point in Mengmeng’s palm, there was a little black stone that disappeared suddenly.

Back at home, Su Wan was still teaching at school and did not come back, Miao Yufeng put down Mengmeng and went to the kitchen to cook. The old man and the eldest son of her family went to build the road. She must be starving when she came back. She had to make the meal quickly, and she had to do it better. Building a road was much more tiring than doing farm work.

She closed the kitchen door carefully, went to the corner and removed a few jars, and took out a small vermilion clay pot from the innermost. Throw it into the pot with your hands, and this is a handful of white rice.

This is the new rice that her family just received. Not only does it look good from the outside, but it is even more delicious after it is cooked. After the rice pops up, it is sticky and glutinous, especially crystal white and moist. Rice is fragrant, even the cooked rice soup is very clear and thick, and Mengmeng especially likes to drink it.

The rice was thrown into the pot and let it cook, but Miao Yufeng took out a handful of peeled peanuts out of nowhere, and threw it into the oil pot and exploded. This oil was also extracted from fresh peanuts. At that time, when her family squeezed the oil, the fragrance was fragrant. She had never smelled such a fragrant oil in her life. She had to tightly close the doors and windows to prevent it from leaking out.

The peanuts were fried quickly. Miao Yufeng sprinkled a small pinch of salt and shook it evenly. She knew that it was crisp and fragrant without trying it. With this peanut, she can eat four bowls of porridge, and her family loves it even more.

There is still a little oil left in the pot, and there is no waste. Didn’t I just make rice cakes this morning, it was made of rice flour that was ground into rice noodles, and the leek leaves grown at home were wrapped in it and fried in an oil pan. The peach-red rice skin immediately became moist and transparent, and the green inside was faintly revealed. The peach powder and chive green were particularly appetizing.

After doing this, Miao Yufeng took an egg from the hanging basket on the stove. After knocking out the egg liquid, add water, salt and peanut oil, stir together carefully, cover it and put it in the pot. Steamed in water, it will be steamed in a while, and it will turn into a bowl of soft and smooth steamed eggs. The skin on it will shake when you move it. The color is bright and yellow. It is Mengmeng’s favorite dish.

Miao Yufeng’s hands and feet were fast, and it didn’t take long for her to prepare the family’s meals. She opened the rice cooker and scooped out a bowl of sticky rice soup, put it aside to cool, and opened the kitchen door and walked out.

“Mengmeng, are you hungry? Grandma has come to feed you. Hey, what are you holding in your hand?”

Mengmeng’s little hand held a small yellow and black stone, which looked very small, probably as big as Miao Yufeng’s fingernail. When she saw it, she only felt a burst of anger rushed to her forehead, raised her eyebrows and said fiercely at the big baby and the second baby: “I want you to look at my sister, what did you give her, if Mengmeng accidentally swallowed it Look, I won’t tear you two apart!”

“No.” “I didn’t take it.” Dawa and Erwa felt particularly wronged. They had been explained by adults a long time ago that they were not allowed to take things for their sister indiscriminately, and they always remembered this.

“You still don’t admit it? Mengmeng herself won’t leave. Who did you take?” Miao Yufeng was even more angry, but she was even more worried that the stone would hurt Mengmeng’s little hand, so she turned around quickly Coax: “Mengmeng, this stone is not fun, can you give it to grandma?”

“Yah…” Mengmeng grinned and gave out two small dimples, and as soon as her little hand loosened, she threw the small stone into Miao Yufeng’s hand.

As soon as the stone started, Miao Yufeng felt that the small stone was quite heavy. She took a closer look and said, hey, why is this stone still golden?

She took it to the outside of the main room and lit it in the sunlight. That’s right, it’s really golden. Could it be that it’s golden? Miao Yufeng has never seen gold in her life, but she knows that gold is golden. Looking at this thing, except for the black part that is stone, she thinks that everything else looks like gold.

This is incredible! She squatted down immediately, no longer angry, laughed like a wolf grandmother, grabbed the big baby and the second baby and asked, “Where did you get this stone? Tell grandma quickly.”

Dawa Erwa felt that she was about to be wronged to death, she shook her head desperately and said, “I didn’t take it, I didn’t take it.” “I didn’t take it!”

Seeing that they didn’t seem to be lying, Miao Yufeng had to let go of the two of them, but she couldn’t figure out how to think about it herself, how did this gold get to Mengmeng?

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, that is, she carried Mengmeng up the mountain today, maybe she touched a piece of gold from somewhere with her little hand, um, that must be the case.

“This is really a **** of the mountain, who even gave us a piece of gold to Mengmeng!” Miao Yufeng put the gold in her pocket, pinched Mengmeng’s chubby faces on both sides, and looked at her little granddaughter. Like looking at a blessing doll, love is not enough.

“Mom, what are you talking about? What is gold?” Feng Yimin and Old Man Feng walked into the courtyard, followed by Su Wan.

“Quick, close the door!” Miao Yufeng yelled at them anxiously, then ran over to close the door in person, and went back to the main room to take out the small stone and said, “Look, the gold that the mountain **** gave us Mengmeng! “

The adults were taken aback and hurried to look at the small stone. Su Wan was more knowledgeable and immediately recognized that it was indeed a piece of gold, or a pure natural nugget. She said in surprise, “Mom, you Where did you get this gold?”

“Look, I’ll just say it’s a piece of gold.” Miao Yufeng raised her chin, said it with pride and pride, and suddenly lowered her voice and said, “I warn you, don’t say anything about gold. , Be careful to ruin our Mengmeng’s blessing, this is given to us by the mountain god!”

Feng Yimin took the gold and looked at it carefully, and suddenly said happily, “Dad, do you think there is a gold mine in the mountain behind our village?”

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