Pamper Eighties

Chapter 25

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the people in the village are busy farming and fishing all day long. In their spare time, they consciously go to the mountains to build roads. Now all the seafood they catch is made into dry goods. I can directly transport fresh goods out for sale. Thinking of the money from selling fresh goods, the people in the village are hot in their hearts.

Just after finishing the farm work, the villagers shouted to each other and walked up the mountain. A villager walking in front said worriedly: “There has been too much rain recently. We just finished building the road yesterday and haven’t walked back yet. The stone rumbled down from the top of the head, oh my god, it’s scary, but luckily it didn’t hit anyone, otherwise they would have been smashed into patties.”

Another villager immediately patted his thigh and said, “Who said it wasn’t, I saw that rock too, and the boss was on the road. I don’t know how much effort it will take to remove it today. I don’t think we’re better off.”

Feng Guoqiang also walked in the team. Road construction is a major event in the village, and as a cadre, he has to contribute even more. Now that the village chief is not there, he has to stir up the lead by himself. Seeing everyone’s faces are a little scared, Feng Guoqiang He opened his mouth and said, “What are you afraid of? We have this thing in our hands, no matter how big the stone is, I can blow it up.”

After listening to this, everyone felt relieved. With Feng Guoqiang’s guarantee, it would be much easier to handle. Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to move that big rock with just their hands and feet.

A villager turned his head and said, “I don’t know what you are worried about? Have you forgotten that we have Grandpa Mountain God as our backing? When we entered the mountain, Grandpa Mountain God must have helped us remove the big rock. If you don’t believe me, you’ll see for yourself later.”

“How do you know? Mouse boy, have you seen it with your own eyes?” The villagers heard him say so mysteriously, it was hard to wonder if they were not curious.

The villager named Mousewazi is notoriously timid in the whole village. Since he followed the village head into the mountain last time, he happened to meet the mountain god, and he has become more courageous than anyone else. With the mountain **** behind him, he said with a big voice, “I just know who the mountain **** is? How can we hide what happened in Longling from his old man? He must have helped us remove the stone. “

The mouse child is so confident in the mountain god. After so many appearances by the mountain god, the people in the village are quite superstitious about the ability of the mountain god. The large and small stones on the top of the mountain have disappeared.

This time, the mouse boy said more vigorously: “Grandpa Mountain God is really kind to us, he knows that the rocks on the mountain are dangerous to fall, so he took the stones back, lest they fall and hurt us, Grandpa Mountain God is really God!”

The other villagers also sincerely worshipped: “Yes, yes, the old man of the Mountain God is really a great immortal in our Taoyuan Village. We are really lucky in our previous life. Only when we met the Mountain God and the old man helped us like this.”

Feng Guoqiang is a militia regiment commander who has also been on the battlefield. It stands to reason that he should not believe this, but now he believes it more than anyone else, and said to the people in the village: “When the mountain road is repaired, we will go to the mountain god. In the temple, repair the old man’s temple a little better, and give him the ground in front of the temple, what do you think?”

This idea was immediately approved by the villagers: “Yes, yes, the Mountain God is good to us, and we can’t forget this, I think that’s what we do.”

The eyes of the villagers lit up, they only felt that their whole body was full of energy, and the joy in their hearts could not be suppressed.

What happened in this mountain is just something that Mengmeng can do with her fingers. She forgot about it as soon as she turned around. Now that summer has come, Mengmeng’s clothes have also changed to pink with little flowers. The clothes are shorts, and there is a beautiful lace on the collar. This is the fabric that her grandfather brought back when he went out to sell salt. The material was chosen very well, and the cute little face was white and tender. , When he smiled, the two small dimples were deep, cute to the core.

Madam Feng often looked at Mengmeng’s little face, thinking in her heart that her eldest son would look like Zhou Zheng at most. Although her eldest daughter-in-law was good-looking, she was not so good-looking. They were so cute. Why is Meng so long? It’s really because the old Feng family’s ancestral grave has green smoke, and then a girl like Mengmeng was born.

Madam Feng loved her so much, she dressed her in small clothes, tied a crooked braid on her head, and tied the red and bright silk ribbons from Shanghai silk scarves. Also tied into a pretty bow.

Mengmeng’s third aunt knew about the silk scarf that Mengmeng had tied, and she had been groaning for several days. Chen Hongmei felt that her mother-in-law was crazy, and she even took apart a good Shanghai silk scarf just to give her. Those who lose money are the first flowers, and I have never seen such an eccentric person who goes into the ravine.

Mengmeng got dressed and tied her head flowers, she moved out a small bench and sat in the corridor. In front of her was a small wooden table with a plate of candied plums, a plate of rice cakes, and a plate of candied plums. There is a round green coconut with a thin bamboo tube inserted in the opening, and next to the food, there is a circle of flowers picked by the brothers from the mountain.

Huzi was lying beside the table, the weather was hot, he pressed his belly tightly to the ground to cool off, Xiaojin slept next to Huzi’s belly, and from time to time he made a cooing sound of hatching eggs from his mouth. It just learned from the hen.

Xiaojin has also changed a lot now. The bright yellow down on his body has almost shed, only a little is left on the neck. The newly grown golden-brown feathers are particularly bright in the sunlight. There was also a small circle of short white hairs growing around the eyes, but its beak was still bright yellow, only one size larger. When it’s free, it **** its wings a lot, but still can’t fly, looking like a small hen.

Mengmeng was sitting on the small bench, sticking a piece of rice pudding cake that was crispy and soft, eating a candied plum that was sour and sweet, and drinking a sip of coconut juice, she was so happy that her big eyes were curved, her lips were slightly raised, and she pinched it up. A flower circled in her hand, watching her grandparents work in front of her.

What are they doing?

Madam Feng grabbed a palm-sized shell from the water basin, used a knife to pry open the outer hard shell, and dug out a light yellow shell meat with a lip. He measured it with his hand, and suddenly smiled until his eyes only had a slit left, and said happily, “Old man, this abalone must be a three-headed abalone. How much is it worth?”

Old Man Feng silently handed over an abalone, smiled proudly and said, “Look what this is? Have you ever seen such a big two-headed abalone? Two-headed abalones that can’t be bought with money are just caught by me. Here we go, haha.”

There is no strong labor at home, and old man Feng has to go to the fields every day to serve crops. Madam Feng does not feel relieved to let him go to sea. If he does not go to sea, his family’s income will be much less, and old man Feng is anxious in his eyes. , He is someone who wants to make a lot of money, how can he have no income? He couldn’t go out to sea, so he rowed a small boat by himself and went to the reefs to unload the basket. I didn’t expect that the basket he had just unloaded yesterday would be full of abalones, and they were all big abalones the size of a palm, with two heads and three heads. There are all four heads. The fishermen all know that the smaller the head, the more valuable the abalone. Usually, they have only seen such a big dumpling. When have they seen such a big abalone? It’s true that God is taking care of them.

The old man Feng took the abalone back, used a small brush to clean the sand and dirt on it, and said to his old wife, “I put the basket of the second family with me, and I also fished out some big abalone. , The third family was lazy and didn’t go yesterday, so I missed this opportunity in vain.”

Madam Feng spread out the washed abalones one by one to dry. When she heard the laziness of the third family, she just glanced at her mouth and said, “Why do you feel sorry for her? Even if the gods reward her with food, it depends on whether she can catch it or not. , slacker deserves to be unlucky, the third child didn’t say anything about her, why do you care so much about her?”

Old man Feng still had some kind of fatherly heart, so he sighed helplessly and said, “Aren’t I in a hurry? I’m just saying that, the third child has been separated, it’s up to him whether it’s good or bad, we’re parents. You can’t stay with him forever, don’t you think?”

Mrs. Feng doesn’t see it that way. Men and women in the countryside have to work. This man has done the heavy work well, and the rest of the light work belongs to women. The third one was too unsatisfactory, she said with disdain: “The third one is just stupid, if he married someone like Chunhua, he would be able to live a good life, but his brain was flooded, and he married such a What a joke, didn’t I disagree at the beginning? It’s alright now, he has to bear it by himself, old man, don’t give me a clue. “

“Understood, do you still need to say this? This man, he can live a good life for him.” Feng old man sighed, and excitedly played with those abalones, they had to be separated one by one , in order to dry evenly, and then hang it up to dry after it is stained with salt, and finally it can be sold for a good price when it is dry. He has traveled a few times, but now he won’t be foolish to sell it to the acquisition station. The price of selling it to a self-employed restaurant is much higher, and if it is sold to an outside seafood dealer, it is more expensive than the acquisition station. Many, this day is more and more looking forward to.

He spread all the abalones in the basket and wanted to take them out for drying, but Mrs. Feng hurriedly stopped him and said, “Don’t wait, pick out the small ones, and let’s taste the taste of abalone tonight. .”

Old Man Feng was very happy, and immediately turned back and said, “I have to give it a try. I’ve been fishing all my life, and we haven’t eaten such a high-level thing before.”

The old couple gathered there to pick and choose, a figure flashed outside the door, and came in under the bright sun. Madam Feng raised her head and saw it. She waved to him and said, “Brother Rui, go to the corridor. It’s too sunny outside. Look at this sweat.”

Brother Rui took a few steps and ran up the corridor. His little face was flushed from the sun, and before he could wipe off the sweat, he stretched his right hand in front of Mengmeng, and a black circle fell out from between his fingers. Beads, strung with a red string, dangling in front of Mengmeng.

What is that? Madam Feng walked over, pinched it, and took a closer look. Isn’t this Long Jing in the mountains? They are all black volcanic rocks. They can often pick up this dragon crystal. Unlike loose and porous volcanic rocks, this dragon crystal is as dense as glass. I have seen green, blue and purple ones, but the golden eye brought by Brother Rui is rare, and I haven’t seen it a few times for many years.

Madam Feng rubbed the dragon crystal, and found that its surface was as smooth as a glass ball, with two rare golden eyes on it, she couldn’t help but curiously asked, “Brother Rui, where did you come from? ?”

Brother Rui put his hands behind his back and said, “Grandma Feng, I picked it up on the mountain and gave it to my sister to play with.”

“Did you grind it yourself? Brother Rui, show your hand to grandma.” Madam Feng felt that something was wrong when she heard it. These dragon crystals are all angular and round. They must be Rui. Brother grinds it by himself, how can this child be so tossed?

Seeing that he was still putting his hands behind his back, Mrs. Feng grabbed him and turned him around. She grabbed his small hand and looked at it, and she was instantly distressed. Several blisters appeared on this hand, which had been punctured. , with a thin layer of scars, it hurts so much.

Brother Rui looked very strong with his small face, and Madam Feng was both distressed and loving, she squeezed his palm and said, “Why are you such a sincere child? My sister is still too young, there is no need to do this to her. , she lost the pearls you gave her when she was a child, Brother Rui, you must not do this again next time, do you know?”

Brother Rui raised his little head and smiled very cleverly and said, “I see, this rope is strong and can’t be lost, so I can put it on for my sister to play with.”

If this is something else, Mrs. Feng may have to shirk it, but this dragon crystal is all over the mountain, and if she accepts it, she will accept it. The key is the heart of Rui’s brother, she takes it and puts it on Mengmeng. Now, I found that Mengmeng was wearing this red rope and black beads, which made her neck look whiter and more tender, and it was indescribably beautiful.

Madam Feng looked at it for a while, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became, when she heard Erwa standing beside him eating something, she bent her finger and tapped him on the head and said, “Look at how cute brother Rui treats us. How cute are you, why are you a big brother? Just know how to eat, don’t eat all Mengmeng’s snacks, and see if I won’t cut you.”

Erwa’s hand to grab the rice cake suddenly stopped and didn’t dare to take it anymore. He stared at Brother Rui tangled, and complained first in his heart. See you compare me and let my grandma kill me. Why don’t you? How can it be?

He walked to the side dejectedly, and heard the playful voices of the dolls coming from outside the wall: “God left, bring your pig bubble, let’s go swimming in the sea.” “Wait for me, I’m going too.”” Swim, swim.”

When Erwa heard that they were going to swim in the sea, his heart was very itchy like a cat scratching. The weather was too hot and it was too uncomfortable to stay at home. He also wanted to go swimming. The rest of the dogs have gone swimming in the sea, and I want to go too.”

“No, you have to watch your sister at home.” Madam Feng refused without thinking. Erwa went out to play by herself. Mengmeng was too lonely by herself.

Erwa, who is also a ghost, pointed at Mengmeng and said, “I brought my sister to play, and let her stay on the beach, and Hu Zi also went with me.”

Madam Feng was about to shake her head when she heard Mengmeng cheerfully calling out “Beach”, she changed her words when she said that, “Okay, listen to me, don’t let Mengmeng go to the sea or on the beach. Pick a cool place for her, okay? Brother Rui, you should go too.”

She went back to the main room and took out a small straw hat and put it on Mengmeng and said, “Dear Mengmeng, come back early to eat when you are tired from playing, and grandma will cook an abalone for you.”

The second baby cheered and was about to go to the beach. The three, four, five, and six babies next door heard the movement at home, and they all clamored to go to the beach. When they finally set off, they became seven little babies.

Everyone hurrahed and pushed Mengmeng to the beach. This semi-circular sea was full of white sandy beaches, and there were tall coconut trees growing on it. The leaves were swaying gently by the sea breeze. It’s like a fan with leaves in mother’s hands.

The beach is full of the cheerful barking of the little dolls. There are no big children here. They all went to school. Only the little dolls under the age of six or seven ran out to play wildly. The second child saw the dog left living opposite him. It rushed into the sea with a bulging pig bubble in it, and the sea water was as clean as a piece of blue transparent glass, and it looked very cool.

Erwa took the younger brothers and sisters to the bottom of a coconut tree, and told them not to run around, so she greeted the third baby and the fourth baby to go out for a swim. Huzi also jumped into the sea with his four claws. Swim better than little dolls.

Wuwa stood on the shore and looked envious. He is four years old this year, but he still can’t learn to swim. He can only swim twice in the small river in the village, and he does not dare to go to the sea. Brother Rui can swim but doesn’t want to go. He wants to stay on the shore and watch his younger siblings. Liuwa was too young to know how to be silly, so she sat opposite Mengmeng and played in the sand. Xiaojin was jumping beside the sand, and she tried her best to flap her wings, but she still couldn’t fly.

Among the four little dolls, five dolls were the most boring. He wanted to play in the water, but he didn’t dare. He couldn’t play with his younger siblings. Suddenly, he saw a small doll not far away who had dug a hole and buried himself in the sand. , he immediately became greedy, and even pulled Brother Rui to help him dig a hole.

At first, Brother Rui looked at Mengmeng while digging a hole and knew that she was relieved to find that she had been sitting there playing in the sand. Unexpectedly, he didn’t look at her for a while, and Mengmeng suddenly ran out on her own. I walked all the way to the beach and staggered, and I was about to fall into the sea.

Brother Rui was so scared that he was about to lose his courage, so he rushed out and shouted, “Sister, come back soon!”

But it was too late, Mengmeng fell into the sea with a puff, and Brother Rui saw that his whole body was stiff, and he burst into tears. At the seaside, she saw Mengmeng lying on her back and floating on the sea, with her legs dangling slowly with splashes, and she swam in a graceful manner.

Wuwa wiped her eyes and couldn’t believe what he saw. His sister was so smart, she could swim when she stepped into the sea, much better than his brother.

Brother Rui also discovered that Mengmeng can swim, so he jumped into the sea without even wiping away tears, and while swimming towards Mengmeng, he shouted, “Come back soon, the sea is too dangerous!”

Mengmeng couldn’t hear what he was saying at all. She was lying on her back in the sea as if she was lying in her mother’s arms. She just felt very warm and comfortable. She didn’t have to move. She could go wherever she wanted. , her little hands were under the water, and she kept holding the sea water and spitting it out, and she had a great time. The seabed under the sea, the fish in the water, and the reefs in the distance, she knew all about it. can feel it.

She roamed on this sea, as if she had become one with it, and at this moment, a dark shadow was quietly approaching her under the sea.

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