Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 2.1

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 2.1

Epilogue 2 (1)

The Ultimate Choice

I asked Zerry-san to recount what happened in the cathedral. An incident which happened over a year ago for her, but only a short moment ago for me.

「And so… that’s why we moved to the cathedral. And in the empty cathedral, I started stripping off the Pope’s clothes—」

「Zerry-san, you make it sound indecent.」

「——You mean, the stripping?」


「And then there was something shining on her back. The Pope asked me to stab her without holding back, so I stabbed her with my dagger.」

「You seemed to have given it your all with the stabbing.」

「Because Non-san said that no matter what happens, she will save the Pope with Healing Magic.」

「That’s reassuring.」

「Yes, she is such a wonderful woman. If I were a man, I would have made a move on her. What about you, bochan?」


「She has a great figure, you know, Though, she always wears loose clothes.」

I know.

I was in the same bath as her once…

「And she is beautiful on the inside too. The best you can ask from a woman.–Or is there someone else you’re interested in, bochan?」

「No, no, I’m not–」

「Anastasia-san is also a terrific beauty. When you fell into your long sleep, she didn’t leave your bedside for a month.」

「Asha did?…I see.」

It looks like I’ve caused her to worry.

I recalled her face.

Come to think of it, I have been causing her to worry for a long time.

「Lady Eva was the first to leave. She went back to the Holy Kingdom, but before she did, when the question of which nation should have custody of you arose, she immediately decided that it should be the Windle Republic and made every preparation to move you here. At her age, the things she has accomplished could put even adults to shame.」

「Yes, the young lady has grown up.」

She was a handful when we first met. I smiled wryly, thinking about those days.

「Even so, the young lady stayed by your bedside all night until the morning of the day of departure… And because of that, I was unable to slip into your bed.」Zerry-san said.

I was wondering how Zerry-san would know all these things… and this seemed to be the answer.

「Please don’t enter other people’s rooms without permission.」I said.

「I tried to get permission, but you were asleep.」

「You are just…」

I imagined the young lady being at my bedside.

Didn’t the young lady stay by my bedside when I was still employed by House Sillys?

There are some things about her that haven’t changed.

「Speaking of pretty girls, your sister also came by.」


「She just dropped by once, and after seeing your face, she said, “I’ll come again,” and left.」

That sounds very much like Lark.

I wonder where she is now.

She was supposed to have set up a fund to help the bereaved families of the victims of the Sixth Mine… but it’s already been a year since then.

I wonder if she is still with Kook-san and the others. Bandits? Sky Pirates?

「Oh right. I need to let Mimino-san know about this. When you fell asleep, she started spending a staggering amount of money on medicine which could supposedly awaken you.」


「Dante-san managed to stop her, but since he can’t monitor her 24/7, she fell into debt before anyone realized…」

「What! I’m going to her!」

「Wait, bochan. Do you even know where she is?」


I tried to rush out of the room.

「Please calm down~」

I didn’t expect Zerry-san to say such a thing…

「Sorry… So where is Mimino-san now?」

「She is scheduled to come here in ten days. So you don’t need to hurry anywhere. Rather, why do you get so worried when it comes to Mimino-san?」

「Of course I’ll be worried. She is in debt because of me… And I’m already greatly indebted to Mimino-san.」

「So she’s like a mama to you.」

「…I won’t deny it.」

Though, Mimino-san is shorter than me.

「So, what are you going to do now? The goddess has disappeared and the world is now back to the way it was before… Ah, well, it’s still not perfect, but it’s mostly back to normal. And bochan, you are also a Mithril-ranked adventurer since you’re a member of Silver Balance.」

「Well, I think I would like to continue adventuring with everyone again–」

「Just now, I said that Lady Eva arranged for you to be under the custody of Windle Republic, but as far as I know, before you were brought here, Her Holiness the Pope, the Holy Queen of Kruvan, the Saint Knight Kingdom, the mayor of Valhalla, and King Geffert had all submitted requests to take custody of you. Besides them, I also heard that the heads of other countries, influential nobles, and wealthy individuals who had heard rumors about you had also submitted similar requests. The Windle Republic is an impartial nation in many aspects, that is why Lady Eva chose this place, it seems.」


What did I just hear?

It felt like the warmth that had returned to my body after so long was drained away once I heard that.

「You were riding a dragon that can easily destroy a country and you have the power to rival an entire nation’s army, you know? There’s no way all those big shots would stay silent.」

「No, no, I don’t…」

Is that how they view me?

Like a "walking nuclear warhead"? Ah, though I guess it’s more accurate to say, "nuclear warhead in a coma”. From their point of view, I would be even more dangerous if I cannot be controlled.


Zerry-san called out, with a grin.

At times like this, Zerry-san is 100% teasing me.

「Since you are now a super important person in the world, you should think carefully about how you behave. Especially about ‘marriage’. It’s going to be a very political topic, isn’t it?」


Look, she is teasing me..

…She is teasing me, right?"

Don’t just get up and leave for the cafeteria after saying that, Zerry-saaaan!


In the midst of the chaos caused by the goddess, Representative Holliday was killed.

However, this country recovered quickly, electing a new representative of the people as soon as the influence of the goddess wore off, and is now returning to its original state quicker than any other country.

(People are tough, aren’t they…)

I wandered around the capital for 8 days, treating it as my walking rehabilitation.

A lively market in the morning, a bustling shopping street in the daytime, and a downtown area at night where drunken people shout out loud.

At first glance, it doesn’t look much different from other countries.

However, unlike other countries, it seems that people are less cautious because the public order is good.

Or is it because they say they don’t have military power in their own country?

(Come to think of it, I was invited to visit this country by Representative Holiday. I think I’m starting to understand why that person was chosen as the Pledger of the continental humans.)

A world without the threat of war and monsters.

The result of that idea may look something like this Windle Republic.

That said, however, they’re relying on other countries for military power, and those countries are carrying out war on Windle’s behalf.

I wonder how the world will shape up in the future.

「——So this is the adventurer’s guild?」

The Windle Republic also has an adventurer’s guild.

Even though they rely on other countries for military power, it won’t be enough if they continue to rely on that to subjugate all the monsters that appear locally.

Having said that, looking at the small building, it doesn’t look like they’re very active…

「Let’s go inside.」

The reason why I haven’t been to the guild until now was because the battle with the goddess took quite a toll on my mind. I didn’t even want to think about fighting for a while.


I gently opened the door and went inside. The inside was bleak–just like a government office, with only a counter and waiting chairs lined up.

However, quite a few people were gathered.

As I was wondering what it was about,

「–Why didn’t it get accepted!? I completed something that was supposed to take 20 days in just 15 days! As long as it’s finished quickly, there shouldn’t be any problems!」

「W-Well, the request this time states it must be “exactly 20 days”…」

「The guild can just handle little details like that!」

「We can’t falsify the records…」

「Ah~~~ goodness~~~~ you have no flexibility at all! I heard that Reiji-kun had woken up, so I came back in a hurry!」

「Mimino, Mimino, it can’t be helped. Let’s just report the results and return later.」

At the counter was a familiar small halfling back, and a reliable back carrying a huge shield.

The surrounding adventurers’ whispers could be heard.

「——What are they arguing about?」

「——They seem to be Mithril-rank.」

「——What? Are they famous?」

「——I’ve never heard of “Silver Balance”.」

They were exchanging as such.

「Anastasia is on her way, so let’s go. It’s a waste of time.」

「… Ugh. I wanted to meet Reiji-kun without worrying about anything else. I wanted to make him drink a special super potion, and check his physical condition for a few days…」

「Ah, you mean that poison–… I mean, that potion? Are you serious?」

Dante-san’s face was tense.

Eh. Did he say "poison" just now?

「Anyway, let’s go. Since we’re talking about Reiji-kun, he probably ignored his body condition and is overdoing it somewhere—"

「Even I wouldn’t be so reckless.」

I said after approaching them from behind. Mimino-san and Dante-san looked at me wide-mouthed.

「Re, Re, Re, Re, Re, Re…」

「It’s been a long time… Mimino-san, Dante-san. For me, it’s only been a few days.」

「Reiji! Why are you here?」

「I was just taking a walk, and happened to run into you two.」

「You can walk? At a glance, you look healthy.」

「Yes. Still, I am not pushing my body too hard.」


Mimino-san’s small body jumped at me as if she was tackling me and clung to me tightly.

I had enough strength to accept her hug.

「I was so worried about you!!!!!」

「I’m s-sorry… but I’m okay now.」

Mimino-san rubbed her forehead against my chest and cried. Dante-san chuckled while looking at us.

「…Reiji, did you grow taller a little?」


I glanced at Dante-san’s head and strangely realized that a year had passed…

「My hairline has receded again.」he said.

「…I-Is that so!? I didn’t notice at all!」

I actually did, but didn’t say anything out of consideration!

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