Opening Express Rewards Top Sports Cars

Chapter 6 - Borrow money to repay online loans and send express delivery to Peking University

“Hey, Xiaohai, what are you looking for?”

“Uuuuu… Brother Ye, my online loan owed is due tomorrow, what should I do! My girlfriend knows about it, she must break up with me!”

(⊙o⊙) Oh~

? ? ? ? ? ?

Kids, do you have a lot of question marks!

Regarding what Xiaohai said just now, N+1 question marks appeared above Ye Ran’s head.

Xiao Hai had never begged him like this before, and he knew that Ye Ran didn’t have much salary.

And just one year after graduating from university, the savings are naturally pitiful.

And Xiaohai is now begging for himself. It seems that the economy is very difficult, and he thinks he is quite rich.

Recently Ye Ran drove a top sports car, Xiaohai has naturally regarded Ye Ran as the second generation of super rich.

Xiao Hai is Ye Ran’s colleague, and he is frank and obedient, and the relationship between the two is quite good.

Young people want to get rich quickly, so Xiaohai thinks of online gambling. He is usually obsessed with the NBA and knows every team well.

Xiaohai thought that he could easily squeeze the bet with his more than ten years of NBA experience, so that he could become rich overnight.

Unfortunately, in the past few months, Xiaohai not only lost his tens of thousands of deposits, but also borrowed money from online usury, trying to take the opportunity to make a profit.

As a result, the black hole got deeper and deeper, and Ye Ran usually persuaded Xiaohai.

He told Xiaohai that those NBA games were not as simple as they seemed.

The players on the field are not simply playing for the team’s victory or defeat. In fact, many of them are acting with the dealer.

The meaning of the game is no longer a simple honor, but more of the commercial benefits it brings.

For those basketball bets made by Xiao Hai, the dealer will make the players play the data that best suits their own earnings according to the changes in the market.

The controller of the game is not the players on the field, but the dealer behind it.

In many cases, players cannot decide the outcome of the game.

It was disturbed by those black whistle and match-fixing.


“How much do you owe?”

“I owe…100,000!”

“So many?”

“Brother Ye, is 100,000 too much for you?” Xiao Hai didn’t expect that Ye Ran would pop out such a sentence.

A person who drives a 100 million sports car needs more than 1 million maintenance for a year.

“I’m a courier, and I don’t have one hundred thousand income all year round!”

“Ah, that brother Ye, I know you have money, help me, when I have money, I will definitely pay you back.”

“You can borrow it if you know I have money? Who gave you such courage?”

“Well, I admit that I have money, and it’s the kind of money that can’t be spent.”

Ye Ran had an expression of distress over the money.

“But if you have more money, you can behave like a man and a dog. Can you do it arbitrarily? If you have more money, you still have to behave!”

“I’m most uncomfortable with people who utterly become fools with a few money. I’m not that kind of person. I am wayward when I have money.”

“Not much to say, in short, don’t think about eating swan meat, and betting on football. Don’t get involved in the future.”

“Brother Ye, I…”


On the other side of the phone, there was a hang-up sound.

Xiao Hai went crazy for a while, and Ye Ran was totally fine with educating him this way, but the problem of repaying the loan was the top priority at the moment.

If he doesn’t pay it back, he will be called by the loan company. Then he will be completely finished, no job, and his girlfriend will break up with him.

Just when Xiao Hai was downcast, he started to have thoughts.

His mobile phone made a clear “dingdong” sound.

Xiao Hai took a look, and his eyes were full of tears.

He saw that there was an extra 100,000 yuan in the bank card. Don’t think about it. Ye Ran must have sent him the money. No one would give him money for no reason, and it was just the right amount of 100,000 yuan.

As for how Ye Ran knew his card number, Xiao Hai was so excited that he didn’t even think about it.

They all work in one place, and I want to know that my colleague’s card number is a matter of minutes.

“Brother Ye hasn’t forgotten me, a good brother. He let me really know what it means. Doing good things don’t leave a name. I, Xiaohai, have to repay him as a cow and a horse in this life.”

Even Xiaohai’s own brother would not lend him a penny.

Xiao Hai would obey Ye Ran’s words. He had already made a heavy oath in his heart and would not engage in these gambling anymore, otherwise he would be a dog.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Xiao Hai’s hands trembled, seeing the truth in adversity.

But after the good guy Ye Ran transferred one hundred thousand to Xiaohai, he began to concentrate on delivering the courier.

One hundred thousand yuan is almost nothing to him. He now puts the 2 billion yuan in the bank for life-time financial management, similar to Yu’e Bao, and the daily interest is 197,260 yuan.

He didn’t promise Xiao Hai so readily just now, it was for Xiao Hai’s good.

First, he wants Xiaohai to know that I have a lot of money, but it does not mean that I will lend you money.

Second, the money is lent to you, but please stop betting on football.

A person who always thinks about making a fortune is basically not going to make a fortune.

And Ye Ran himself had never thought of making a fortune, but he just got 2 billion so easily.


Today’s express delivery is small, and Ye Ran directly drives the sports car to deliver the express.

This time the delivery location is a university, Beimin University.

Directly under the control of the Ministry of Education of Yanguo, it ranks among the “211 Project”, “9820 Project”, “World-Class University and First-Class Discipline”.

It is the first university in the Imperial Capital and the top three universities in the country.

Ye Ran has never been here. He usually doesn’t take care of this area. He took this task today because of a colleague’s business.

There are a total of five express delivery, all of them are for girls.

This made Ye Ran also very dazed. Since having the [Life Experience Shenhao Reward System], the courier customers he sent are basically female.

The express delivery of the dormitory in the university is always on the first floor of the dormitory building, and Ye Ran registered with the guard.

He drove a cool sports car into the campus, and according to the address written on the courier, Ye Ran quickly delivered the four couriers.

There is also a courier that did not specify the specific address, and the recipient address only wrote: Beimin University.

The contact is Shangguan Ningya, and there is a mobile phone number.

Ye Ran took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

“The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable. We will remind the user you dialed by means of SMS reminders.”


What is this recipient doing? How could you call a different number from her? How about I go to the delivery courier first?

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Ran was ready to give up sending this express first.

He didn’t plan to put the courier directly at the guard, in case the parcel is gone, he will be the villain again.

Putting the package in his hand into the Bugatti Veyron sports car, Ye Ran was about to leave Beimin University.

At this moment, Ye Ran’s phone rang an incoming call ringtone.

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