One Punch of Justice

Chapter 50: Return to Nanohana


Pell sprayed a mouthful of water in surprise.

“Where did you come from!?” he exclaimed.

Emerging from the corner of the tent, Saitama responded nonchalantly, “I’ve been here.”

Pell’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What?! I didn’t even notice you! How did you manage to sneak in?”

Saitama shrugged indifferently. “I heard Vivi saying ‘come in,’ so I thought she was talking to me too. I entered right after you.”

Pell’s brows furrowed, perplexed by the nonchalant demeanor of the bald man. “You were behind me this whole time? How did you manage to slip by without anyone noticing?”

“I don’t know,” Saitama nodded, his expression puzzled. Then he started walking, giving a friendly wave. “Take care!”


Pell hurriedly intercepted him, his face displaying genuine worry. His voice took on a firm tone.

“I’m serious about what I just said!

I know you’re a Rear Admiral in the Marines, and yeah, you’re young and all, which might make you a bit naive in some ways.

But seriously, no matter how strong you are, you can’t get mixed up in this mess.

Trust me, to those people, being a Rear Admiral means nothing.

Stay away from them!”

Saitama nodded emphatically. “Got it, got it!”

Pell looked skeptical, raising an eyebrow. “You sure you’re really getting it?”

“Yeah, for real!” Saitama replied with a confident nod. “I’ll just go have a nice chat with the World Government, you know, all polite and stuff.”

“No, no!… Nooo!” Pell groaned, smacking his forehead in frustration.

“Are you seriously nuts? You still don’t get how serious this is, do you?

The assailant is a lackey of the World Government, most likely a high-ranking official. You’re still young, and I genuinely believe you shouldn’t…”

“But I am a hero,” Saitama interrupted, rising to his feet with a determined smile.

A moment of silence hung in the air, as if the room had suddenly turned icy. Bill’s blood ran cold upon hearing those words, feeling as though he were speaking to an innocent child or someone utterly naive.

“When it comes to fighting for justice, it doesn’t matter who I’m up against, Mr. Bird,” Saitama added firmly.

“…It’s Falcon,” Pell replied, his frustration evident in his voice.


The following day, Saitama and the rest of the group arrived in Nanohana.

Pell accompanied Vivi to gather their former comrades and provide clarity on the situation, while Saitama made his way to the restaurant he had visited a couple of days earlier.

As he entered, the restaurant buzzed with energy, filled with animated conversations and the lively voices of the patrons.

“What the hell! You think you can talk shit about our old man!?”

In the once peaceful restaurant, chaos erupted as tables were overturned and chairs flew through the air.


The owner, used to handling such situations, rushed over, exasperated. “What’s going on? Why the heck are you fighting with the customers again?”


Curiously, Saitama squeezed his way through the crowd and caught a glimpse of Ace being pounded on the floor.

“Yep, definitely him!”

Blows rained down relentlessly on Ace, leaving him battered and bruised. But his loyalty to his old man remained unshaken.

“No one insults our old man and gets away with it!” he grumbled with determination.

Despite his attempts to fight back, Ace’s strength seemed to drain away, turning him into little more than a punching bag for the two burly men. Each hit landed with a solid thud, taking its toll on his exhausted body.

Wincing in pain, Ace couldn’t help but vent his frustration in the midst of the chaotic scene.

“Damn it! It’s all because of that bald idiot and his stupid Seastone! If it weren’t for him, I’d easily take on a hundred of you jerks without even breaking a sweat!” His angry shout echoed through the air, a testament to his unwavering loyalty and fiery spirit.

The two burly men had left Ace with a face that sported various shades of bruising. Satisfied with their handiwork, they reached into their pockets and pulled out a thick wad of cash and handed it over to the restaurant owner.

“Here’s the cash to cover the grub and some extra for this troublemaker’s medical bills. No need to worry about the change! Make sure you take him to a doctor,” one of the burly men declared, glancing at the battered kid. He couldn’t help but ask, “Seriously, why the hell are you taking the side of pirates anyway?”

The owner forced a smile, trying to maintain a sense of professionalism amidst the escalating tension, while silently accepting the money.

Unyielding in his beliefs, Ace’s voice erupted with defiance, tinged with anger. “What’s wrong with being a pirate? You clueless morons have no idea how many places my old man protected and all the good he’s done!”

A sudden spark of realization illuminated the man’s face, prompting him to mockingly applaud. “Ah, I see now. Whitebeard became one of the ‘Four Emperors‘ through his charitable work, right?”

The remark triggered a burst of laughter that echoed through the restaurant.

Even though Ace was beaten and battered, he mustered up enough strength to get back on his feet, ready for round two. But his hopes were instantly crushed as one of the burly guys effortlessly subdued him, driving home the harsh reality of his situation.

“Kid, it’s pretty obvious that you’re the one who doesn’t get it,” the guy shook his head, letting out a sigh tinged with a mix of disappointment and pity.

“We’ve all been young and dumb at some point… Just like you!” He paused for a moment, then continued, “Look, I’m not here to argue. Yeah, Whitebeard may have a slightly better reputation compared to Kaidou or Big Mom.

But as long as that old man’s alive, there’ll always be a swarm of scumbags setting sail, targeting him.

And who knows what kind of havoc those bastards will unleash?

They may not have committed any major crimes themselves, just like Roger, but their existence is a freaking disaster waiting to happen!”

“Damn right, brother!”

The atmosphere in the restaurant buzzed with agreement as other patrons joined in, expressing their frustration.

“You know, lately, we’ve been dealing with a flood of pirates, and it’s messing up our business,” complained a middle-aged man.

A woman spoke up, “And those pirates never pay their bills!”

“Damn them, those Shichibukai and Yonko!” added another person.

“Hey, guys, keep it down. We’re in Crocodile’s territory!” someone warned in a hushed tone.

Realizing the potential consequences, “Hey, let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything, okay?”


The city echoes with activity, but in the grand scheme of the Grand Line, it’s nothing more than a small, insignificant stage.

Here, people have the freedom to release their frustrations over a meal, whether in the company of friends or strangers.

However, regrettably, that seems to be the extent of their options for now.


With the chaos calming down, the restaurant started to wind down, and only a few customers lingered around.

At that point, Saitama strolled up to the owner, stealing a quick peek at Ace, who sat sulking in the corner. Then, with a casual tone, he asked the owner,“Can he pay off his debts?”

“Oh, it’s you!” The restaurant owner exclaimed, recognizing Saitama as he approached. Quickly wiping his hands, he walked over and spoke in a hushed tone, “You know, this kid isn’t exactly a troublemaker, but lately he’s been smashing dishes and getting into fights with customers. Actually, he owes me a decent amount of cash…”

“I see…” Saitama grumbled, clearly annoyed. “He’s got absolutely no survival skills…”

The restaurant owner’s response took a more optimistic turn, accompanied by a grin.

“You know what?

Even though he still owes me a ton of money, those customers who beat him up actually ended up paying for his medical bills.

It covered his debt, and there’s even some extra cash left after getting the necessary stuff like medicine and bandages…

Just hold on a sec, I’ll go give him the rest. No need to worry about him landing in jail, alright?”


Saitama was stunned.

“Wow… Making money so easily in this world!”

Approaching Ace, Saitama could sense that Ace had noticed his presence, but he remained motionless.

“How’s it feel?” Saitama squatted down, standing next to Ace.

“Doesn’t it… feel better… when you earn your meals through hard work?”

“Ugh, mind your own damn business…” Ace gave Saitama a cold, annoyed look and impatiently reached out his hand. “Just open this damn thing! I’ve got something important to handle, and I’ve already wasted way too much time with your games!”

“Hope you’ll change someday…”

Saitama sighed and casually snapped the cuffs, freeing Ace. “Forget it this time. But next time, try to be different…”

With that, Saitama rose to his feet and headed towards the exit, joining Tashigi as they embarked on their journey towards the Holy Land.

Shortly after Saitama’s ship left the Island, the two assailants who had attacked Ace showed up at the harbor. They were seen conversing on Den Den Mushi, reporting to someone…

“Yes… The target is alive.”


“No sign of the CP0 agent”


“Fire Fist ‘Ace’ has been released by the target. Should we recapture him?”


“Understood… Continue tracking.”









  • One Punch Of Justice
  • God of Soul System
  • Dragon Ball: Creation x Destruction
  • Reincarnation Paradise

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