One Punch of Justice

Chapter 46: CP0

A collective gaze of affirmation swept through the room, as if an unspoken consensus had been reached.

Saitama, on the other hand, was a bit perplexed and waved his hands repeatedly, saying, “Ah… Believe me, I’m not your bo…”

“Absolutely! it must be you, boss!”

Paula’s mind whirred with a flurry of thoughts, adorning the bare facts with intricate details. With an air of detective-like sophistication, she proclaimed :

“First of all, Miss All Sunday was our direct link to the boss. She and the Unluckies were the sole members of our organization aware of his true identity. She never appears with company! …”

Paula’s face radiated confidence as she continued, “Until now!” She paused, “Tonight was different. To everyone’s surprise, she appeared alongside an unfamiliar individual, and witnessed him engage in a fierce battle, Not only did he face off against a regular syndicate member, but also two of our powelful officers.”

Paula’s expression exuded unwavering confidence as she continued, “What truly impressed me was Miss All Sunday’s unwavering confidence in this individual’s abilities. She identified him as the Mr.5’s replacement, and knew without a doubt that he possessed the skill and prowess to effortlessly overpower Mr.1 and Mr.2!”

“Speaking of that…”

In a sudden, unexpected surge of awareness, Mr. 4 found himself engulfed by a tide of realization. His eyes grew wide, reflecting the profound impact of his newfound understanding.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he blurted out, unable to contain his astonishment any longer, “Saitama-san, based on what I observed at the casino, I must say you don’t fit the profile of a newly recruited agent at all. Miss All Sunday treats you differently, with a peculiar blend of fear and respect, something she never displays towards the rest of us!”

“So?” Saitama responded with a blank expression, as he persisted in denying the assertions laid before him. “I’m not y…”

Just as the conversation unfolded, Mr. 1, Daz, interjected enthusiastically, “And let us not overlook the undeniable truth,” he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. “The man possesses an incredible strength!”

A twinge of frustration flickered across Saitama’s features, his hand instinctively reaching up to scratch his head in a gesture of perplexity. “Come on, guys!” he muttered. “I’ve said it countless times, and I’ll say it once more… I’m not y…”

A mischievous grin stretched across Mr. 2’s face, his eyes twinkling with a playful glint. With a resounding thud, he playfully pounded the table, his hand soaring triumphantly into the air. His voice danced with unabashed excitement as he added another layer to the enigma before them.

“And to add to the intrigue, he nonchalantly issued orders earlier, declaring it’s time to disband. Come on, boss, do not manipulate us like this!”


“Alright, I’m the boss.”

After countless futile attempts to explain, Saitama finally gave up, with a vacant stare, said, “So, will you guys actually listen to my next command?”

A resounding agreement echoed among the group of agents, their heads nodding without a trace of doubt. “Of course, boss!”

“The Baroque Works is disbanded.”

Saitama rose from his seat, turning on. “Well then… let’s try being good guys from now on. But let me make one thing clear: if I ever catch any of you messing with the innocent, I’ll track him down and knock him out!” he declared with a menacing tone.

With that, he nonchalantly walked away, paying no mind to the chaos unfolding behind him as the agents erupted into frenzy. He took confident strides out of the Rain Dinners casino and gazed up at the moon in the bustling street.

“What a bunch of weirdos…” He sarcastically stated, “It had been ages since I met people who were so insistent on making me their boss.”


Gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky,

Crocodile lay amidst the barren desert, his ravaged flesh contorted and convulsing relentlessly.

“The might of that bald-man… It exceeds the bounds of my imagination!”

Cough, cough…

“With such power, why is he only a Rear Admiral?”

Cough, cough…

Expelling a mouthful of blood, he emitted a feeble chuckle, tinged with bitter realization.

“How pitiful… To be defeated in such a manner, it never crossed my mind…”

“Once I’ve set sail upon the pirate’s path, regardless of who brings an end to my life, I shall accept it without a hint of regret!”

Moonlight spilled over.

In this fleeting moment of tranquility, an unsettling voice shattered the prevailing silence.

“In that kind of sea, the outcomes of life and death are governed by the hand of destiny!”

As Crocodile gazed into the distance, a mysterious figure emerged, wielding a cane that cast a shadow upon him, shrouding the moonlight.

“I remember pirates are fond of uttering this phrase to showcase their identity as outlaws, right… Shichibukai, Crocodile?”

“Who’s there?!” Crocodile’s face grew serious, feeling a sense of danger in his gut.

He glanced towards the guest area and pondered: “Just a moment ago, I was severely wounded by the bald Devil, and now this unexpected individual appears! This is a dire situation, as my wounds make it incredibly challenging to move my hand. It is evident that this person intends trouble… I must devise a plan to catch him off guard and eliminate him swiftly…”

“Hehe… Don’t waste your remaining time, Crocodile…”

It appeared as though the person had read Crocodile’s mind, sneering with a cold tone. “Even if you were unharmed, you wouldn’t stand a chance against me. And now, you’re nothing but a dying man. Stop holding onto delusions that can never be realized.”

Bathed in the soft moonlight, Crocodile’s gaze fell upon the face of his adversary.

A mysterious mask concealed his features, while the sleek suit he wore emanated an aura of both intrigue and an unsettling fear.

Others wouldn’t recognize him, but Crocodile, having dealt with the World Government before, knew exactly who this person is. One of the secretive and skilled elite agents from CP0, the strongest intelligence organization among Cipher Pol, operating covertly in the shadows.


Crocodile’s breath grew heavy as he chuckled, a hint of pain in his voice.

“Hehehe!… Cough, cough… The obedient lapdog of the Celestial Dragons…”

He paused to catch his breath before continuing, “I suppose those fools are furious about what I did to Alabasta!… Hehehe… Cough, cough… So, they’ve sent you to finish me off, haven’t they?”

“Hehehe… Don’t be naive! I wouldn’t bother myself with such trivial reasons!”

Crouching down, he extended his hand to wipe the blood stains off Crocodile’s face.

Up close, his pale mask bore a resemblance to a haunting demon.

“Well, technically speaking… ‘of course’, that Cobra fellow, the so-called king of Alabasta, could be considered one of the Celestial Dragons.

But… Since he’s not residing in the Holy Land, I’m not particularly interested or authorized to protect him. He’s beyond our realm of concern…

So, let’s talk business, Croc.”

The individual cocked his head slightly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“You’ve been lurking in Alabasta for quite a while now… And you don’t strike me as the type who’s content with playing it safe.

By the way, this hardly piques our interest.

But interestingly enough, we’ve stumbled upon some rather captivating information recently. So, why don’t you enlighten me…”

He seized Crocodile by the neck, drawing him closer, and spoke with a tremor in his voice, “You were looking for the ancient weapon… ‘Pluton,’… weren’t you?”

The revelation of a secret plan, hidden deep within the recesses of Crocodile’s heart, struck him with a paralyzing shock.

“This… This can’t be! How is it possible? Only Robin and I were privy to this plan!”

A surge of disbelief coursed through him.

“How could those insidious CP0 agents have unearthed such knowledge?

Robin’s homeland lay in ruins, her loved ones obliterated by the ruthless hand of the World Government.

It was inconceivable that she would have turned traitor to side with these despicable fools!”

“BANG! BANG! BANG… We have a winner!” The CP0 member sarcastically taunted, relishing the moment.

Then, with a sinister smile on his face, he continued, “Judging by your expression, I suppose I’ve struck a nerve…” The unsettling grin on his face persisted as he posed another puzzling question to Crocodile.

“But wait, there’s one more burning question that’s been bothering me…” The CP0 member stood tall, towering over Crocodile.

“The mighty and fearsome leader of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, defeated so thoroughly! Who could have accomplished such a feat?”he paused, savoring the suspense before delivering the final blow, “Is it that marine, ‘Saitama,’ who was once stationed in Loguetown?”

Crocodile clenched his teeth and spat out, “Why do you inquire about that… Do the Celestial Dragons actually care about the strife between the Marines and pirates!?”

“Oh Croc! Don’t let me down now… I’ve always admired your intellect! Who in the world would bother with such petty affairs?”

He nonchalantly shrugged, his mask concealing any trace of emotion. “I’ve been assigned to retrieve Saitama’s head, you see. It’s quite fortunate to stumble upon you before the assassination mission, my dear Crocodile…”

“What!” Crocodile’s mind was blown with astonishment.

“Those World Nobles sending their lackeys to assassinate a Marine!” he exclaimed, a wry smile forming on his lips.

“Tch… And yet they accuse us pirates of killing each other! How disgraceful! They’re even more despicable than us.”

Inwardly, he scorned the repugnant and corrupt nature of political power struggles, his face clouded with discontent. “If you’re so eager to meet your demise, go ahead. You’ll find him in town.”

“I’m well aware of his strength…”

Empowering his cane with Haki, he proceeded to firmly plant it on Crocodile’s chest.

“Otherwise, he wouldn’t be worthy of being called the Justice’s Treasure, and it wouldn’t be worth my personal involvement in his demise…”

Crocodile was engulfed in a wave of terror as the specter of death closed in on him. He fought against the excruciating pain, desperately attempting to rise and mount a counterattack. However, his injuries proved too severe, leaving him wracked with agony at the slightest movement.

Finally, realizing the futility of his resistance, he succumbed to his fate. With a wry smile, he managed to utter, “Hahaha… Fool… See you soon… Cough, cough…

With a sinister smile, the masked man slowly pierced Crocodile’s heart, his voice oozing with malicious satisfaction.

“Oh, by the way, let me share some good news with you.”

Under the pale moonlight, a chilling glint flickered in the CP0 member’s eyes.

“I wasn’t sent here by those worthless creatures in the Holy Land.

I am carrying out the orders of the Five Elders themselves, tasked with assassinating the so-called ‘Treasure of Justice’ and eliminating anyone foolish enough to pry into the secrets of the ancient weapons… Crocodile!”

As the words hung in the air, the hand pierced through Crocodile’s heart.

Blood gushed forth, staining the surroundings, while an eerie silence descended upon the scene.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

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