One Punch of Justice

Chapter 43: Gathering of High-Ranking Officers

As they stepped out of the restaurant, Robin stood with a warm smile on her lips, waiting for Saitama.

“Rear Admiral, I must commend you. You handled that situation with remarkable skill. I have newfound respect for you,” she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Robin’s expression turned nostalgic as she looked at Saitama. “Your sense of justice reminds me of a Marine I once knew. He stood firm in his beliefs, no matter the cost.”

Saitama scratched his head, seemingly oblivious to the depths of his actions. “I didn’t really think much about it, honestly.”

“That, my friend, is the epitome of true justice,” Robin sighed wistfully before masking it behind an enchanting smile. “Now, come along with me. Tonight, the bigwigs of Baroque Works will be gathering at the Spiders Cafe at midnight. If we hope to infiltrate Crocodile’s covert hideout in Alabasta, we must hustle and get there before they do… and that’s where you come in, Rear Admiral! I’m putting my trust in you!”

Saitama, brimming with self-assured confidence, thumped his chest with unwavering resolve. “Ah, leave it to me!”


As midnight struck, the ancient turtle named “Banchi” arrived at the Spiders Cafe, with Saitama and Robin on its back. They had hoped to find a brief reprieve from their arduous journey, but upon entering the cafe, they were met with a scene of utter chaos.

Inside, two high-ranking members of the infamous criminal organization, Baroque Works, were engaged in a heated battle, their furious blows threatening to level the entire establishment.

Robin observed the scene with a hint of amusement in her eyes. “What a troublesome group,” she commented to Saitama. “But maybe this is an opportunity for you to make a name. If you can put an end to their squabble, I’ll have a more convincing reason to take you to the ‘Rain Dinners‘. Crocodile is in need of a strong fighter to assist him in his quest for power.”

Saitama nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. He strode forward with determination, his muscular frame a clear indication of the immense power he wielded.

The sound of clashing blades and fists filled the air as Mr. 1 and Mr. 2 continued their intense fight. However, Saitama appeared almost disinterested in their attacks. With lightning-fast movements, he suddenly materialized in the center of the battle, his actions so swift that they were nearly impossible to track.

Suddenly, Mr. 1 and Mr. 2 felt an unexpected weight on their hands as their attacks were caught by a pair of large, red-gloved hands. With a firm grip, the hands held their attacks in place, rendering them powerless to move forward.

They looked up to see who had stopped them, and their eyes met a shining bald head, reflecting the dim light of the alleyway.

Confused, the two men exchanged a glance, perplexed by the sudden arrival of this seemingly average man who had thwarted their assault.

“Who are you!?” Mr.1 exclaimed, amazed that someone had managed to block his Dice-Dice Fruit power. Only the highest-ranking officers of their organization had ever been able to do so. But this bald man, standing before them now, had caught his attack with his bare hands!

Saitama smiled in exasperation and introduced himself, “I’m Saitama, a hero just for fun.”

“Saitama? I’ve never heard of him,” Mr.2 responded, cheekily noting that the man’s appearance was as unique as his unconventional fighting style.

He scrutinized Saitama up and down, his expression turning more curious. “But to catch Mr.1’s attack with just your hands…you must have incredible strength. You’re clearly not just some nobody. What do people call you? Red Gloves? Little Yellow Man? Do you have a famous nickname? Perhaps I’ve heard of you!”

“I may not be widely renowned…” Saitama released his grip and pondered for a moment.

He deftly released Mr. 1’s attack and stroked his chin, wracking his brain for a memorable hero name. “I wouldn’t exactly say I’m world-famous, but I’ve had my fair share of heroic exploits,” he admitted, with a self-deprecating chuckle. “How about ‘The Invincible One’?” he suggested, only half-joking.

Mr. 2 regarded him skeptically and shook his head. “‘The Invincible One’? That’s not exactly rolling off the tongue,” he commented, his gaze assessing Saitama from head to toe. “What about ‘Red Gloves’? Or ‘Little Yellow Dude’? Or…wait for it…how about ‘Baldy-Cape’?”

Saitama couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. “Another bald name,” he muttered, feeling a twinge of disappointment.


Mr. 2 struggled to suppress his amusement, but eventually gave in to the temptation. He slapped his thigh and erupted into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. “Hahaha…Oh, you’re killing me! I mean, you’re hilarious! You’ve even managed to tickle my funny bone!”

However, Mr. 1 wasn’t amused. His expression grew dark, and his once-human arms morphed into razor-sharp blades that he crossed menacingly in front of him. “What’s the meaning of this? Do you think this is some kind of game?” he snarled at Saitama, his tone laced with anger.

Saitama fixed a blank stare on the two Baroque Works members, his expression unreadable.

“Die! Sparkling Daisy!” Mr. 1’s voice thundered as he unleashed his lethal attack at Saitama.

Mr. 2’s face turned pale with terror.“Ah! Watch out! Baldy!” he screamed in warning.

But it turned out that all the commotion was for nothing.

Saitama simply stretched out his hand, and with a nonchalant push, a devastating hurricane of force was unleashed.

The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, penetrating Mr. 1’s body and reducing the spider-themed bar behind him to a heap of rubble.

The high-ranking officers of Baroque Works were left speechless, their jaws hanging open in disbelief at the sheer magnitude of destructive power on display.

Mr.1’s forehead dripped with cold sweat as he gazed upon Saitama’s unremarkable yet imposing figure.

His body shook uncontrollably, as if he could hear his own heart thumping with fear. “Who the hell is this?” he thought, his mind racing with a mix of confusion and terror.

In that fleeting moment, the word “death” flickered like a ghostly apparition in the depths of his mind, haunting him with its ominous presence.

“How can a simple push hold so much power?” he pondered, feeling as if he was the victim of a cruel prank.

In that very moment, Miss Doublefinger’s sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Robin, lazily observing the spectacle from a distance, her eyes fixed on Saitama with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Her surprise was palpable, and her mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. “Hold on a minute… She’s Miss All Sunday! Mr.0’s partner! What in the world is she doing here, in the company of this…”

Miss Doublefinger’s words trailed off as she covered her mouth, her eyes fixed on Saitama with a mixture of astonishment and suspicion.

As her mind raced with possibilities, a sudden realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her thoughts scattered like the shattered fragments of a mirror as she muttered under her breath, “Could this bald fellow be the elusive figure we’ve never seen unmasked? Does this mean…this bald man is…?”

Miss Doublefinger couldn’t hold back her excitement and blurted out, “Boss?!”

Her sudden exclamation echoed through the air, triggering a wave of shock that swept through the assembly of top-tier officials.

All eyes turned to Saitama, hoping to find some clue or confirmation of this stunning revelation.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up!” Mr.1 exclaimed, staring at Saitama like a bewildered fish.

“Are you seriously saying that this bald dude, who looks like he’s allergic to hard work, is our boss? That guy with the ego bigger than his pompadour?” He shuddered at the thought. “That just doesn’t sit right.”

“Heh,” Miss All Sunday chimed in, finally breaking her silence. “Mr. Saitama is not our boss. I recruited him to replace Mr. 5 after he got himself captured by the Marines. So, what do you think? Is he up to the task?”

“Up to the task?” The high-ranking agents snickered to themselves.

“This guy is a freaking powerhouse! We can’t just let him waltz in and mess everything up. We need to be more careful with who we recruit.”

“Ah, I’ve turned the café into rubble…” Saitama glanced at the ruins he had created, small droplets of sweat forming on his forehead.

With caution, he retrieved his wallet and walked over to the store owner, Paula. “Excuse me, how much do I need to pay…?” he inquired.


(Miss Doublefinger used the alias of Paula while she acted as the owner of Spiders Cafe) .


Paula was surprised by Saitama’s thoughtful action. After all, they were recruiting him for a criminal organization, and being too kind wouldn’t exactly align with their image.

By comparison, their group appeared to be a bunch of ruthless criminals.

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Saitama,” Robin stepped forward, standing beside him. “Whether we succeed or fail, this Spider Café won’t be in use anymore.”

Paula was confused. “What do you mean?”

“It’s time for our big operation, everyone,” Robin said with a smile, addressing the group. “I’ve been acting as the boss for quite some time now, but it’s time to meet our boss. He will explain everything to us.”

Mr. 2, Bon Kurei, spun around excitedly on one foot. “Oh! Is the boss finally making an appearance? Don’t tease us, Miss All Sunday! We’ve been working for so long, and we still don’t know who our boss is. It’s absurd, haha…”

The other agents had mixed expressions, each with their own thoughts.


As the bar crumbled around them, Saitama remained unfazed. He searched through the debris until he finally came across a bottle of iced lemon tea.

With a victorious smile, he opened the bottle and took a sip. In that instant, his eyes sparkled with delight.

“Oh, this tea is incredible!” he exclaimed.

Hey everyone,

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