One Piece: The Long Road

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: First Encounter

In the early morning, the sea surface was sparkling, and a group of Haiou kept circling above the sea. From time to time, a few Haiou swooped towards the sea in an instant, and each time they brought a Buluo fish and a piece of fish that were shaking violently. The splashes of water looked unusually gorgeous under the sunlight, as if they were congratulating Haiou. The waves that are not very big tirelessly beat the beach, driving the golden sand back and forth.

At this time, a child was lying on the beach, and his skin was very pale due to being in the water for a long time. The child’s brows were tightly wrinkled together, as if he was suffering from some kind of pain, and the little lips were dry and cracked, apparently due to lack of water.

“Ugh…” Wang Li opened his eyes in pain, only to feel inexplicably sore all over his body, and his mouth was so dry that he couldn’t even secrete saliva.

“Water…” Wang Li, who was severely dehydrated, groaned. He struggled to stand up, but found that his arms couldn’t exert any strength. After trying for a while, Wang Li finally gave up the idea of standing up.

After he stopped, Wang Li began to observe the surrounding environment. What he saw was a clean golden sandy beach. His head accepted the information from his eyes. Before he could deal with it, there was a sharp pain, which made Wang Li instinctively let out a hoarse sound. of screams. Some broken and familiar and unfamiliar pieces of memory suddenly swirled around in Wang Li’s mind. A pair of small hands pressed tightly against his temples. Wang Li, who had been unable to exert his strength, rolled around on the beach because of the severe pain. The body that was in agony suffered even more damage.

“A… Merchant… Pirate… Simon… Who am I… Who am I? A… I am… Wang Li?” Two different memories kept entangled in Wang Li’s head, causing him to scream in agony. Unable to bear, Wang Li’s eyes darkened and he lost consciousness again.

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Wang Li had a dream. He dreamed that he was swimming happily in a milk pool, although he could not swim in reality. I accidentally drank some milk while swimming. I only felt that the milk in the mouth was slightly sweet and refreshing, and Wang Li, who was not satisfied with one sip, began to drink a lot, but before Wang Li could drink a few more sips, a milk-made milk suddenly appeared in the sky. The big wave that formed smashed down to where Wang Li was.

“Cough…cough…I’m going to die, I’m going to die.” Wang Li, who was lying under the coconut tree, made an unconscious struggle, and opened his eyes in an instant.

Sitting up, Wang Li didn’t see the situation around him. He only felt some liquid around his mouth. He was so surprised that he wiped the edge of his mouth with the back of his hand. When he took a look, he found that it was milky white liquid. “Is this, milk?” Wang Li was puzzled. road.

“You’re awake.” The immature voice sounded abruptly, startling Wang Li.

“Who are you?” Wang Li saw a child with embarrassment all over his face, his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something, Wang Li asked subconsciously, who couldn’t understand the situation.

“Hey, my name is Sibby, I saved you, you have to thank me.” As if embarrassment never appeared on Sibby’s face, his serious expression made people think that he was not joking.

“Thank you, thank you for saving me, my name is Xi… Er, my name is Wang Li.” After solemnly thanking Wang Li, he began to introduce himself. “But then again, where is this place?” Wang Li, who had just introduced himself, was not without doubts. asked.

“This is the coast of Xibei Village. How did you get washed here by the waves? Did you accidentally fall into the sea?” Little Xibe, who answered Wang Li’s question, asked Wang Lilai before Wang Li could finish digesting it. The reason for being here.

“Xibei Village? Ugh…” The pain started to hurt again just after he said that, but this time the pain was not so intense, and it quickly dissipated. The fragments in the memory began to become clear, isn’t this the earth? So am I… dead on Earth? Thinking of this, Wang Li began to touch his body, and was stunned, “This is not me, but I am still me?” Wang Li, who was talking nonsense, caught the attention of Siby

“Little Lili, what are you doing, are you playing the game of talking to yourself?” Little Sibe threw the coconut in her hand at random and asked with her head tilted.

Wang Li, who was thinking, didn’t pay attention to the name of Xibei, and ignored Xibei’s words. He just thought quietly. After a long time, it was clear that he had died on the earth, and then he arrived in a black space, and then came to this world inexplicably. The new memory segment provided Wang Li with a lot of information. This body is not Wang Li’s, but is in There is a 13-year-old child named Simon in this world, but what makes Wang Li very puzzled is that, in addition to the knowledge provided by Simon, he only remembers that Simon was originally on a cruise ship, but was attacked by pirates and escaped the butcher’s knife. Unable to escape the limitations of the sea area, he fell into the sea.

“Bastard, how can you treat your savior like this!” Seeing Wang Li ignoring her, Sibby began to yell.

“Uh, I’m sorry, I was just thinking about something, and I wanted to be fascinated.” Wang Li rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly. He didn’t find anything wrong with him. His previous life experience made Wang Li develop a kind of face to face. Strangers are all stern characters. Facing Sibe, who had just met him, Wang Li didn’t notice the change in himself.

“Hmph, Siby is very generous, so I won’t care about you, wow haha” Siby raised his head high and laughed.

Looking at Sibe, who was smiling with no image, Wang Li felt that there were several black lines hanging on his head. Not paying attention to Xibe any more, Wang Li began to observe the surrounding environment, and inadvertently, his eyes caught sight of a coconut lying on the ground, milky white liquid flowing all over the floor.

“So that’s the case. Then again, it turned out that you fed me the milky white liquid, and then almost choked me to death.” Wang Li, who touched his chin, connected the clues before and after, and instantly came to a conclusion. The words were heavy and wanted to scare Scared Siby.

“Ha…ha, uh, that was an accident, careless, huh…he” Wang Li’s words made Sibby start to stutter.

“Forget it, I will forgive you.”

“Really, UU reading hehe”

The roles of the two sides change instantly

“So, are we friends?” Little Sibe asked Wang Li with a big face.

Seeing the smiling face he had never seen before, and the sincerity on his face, Wang Li only felt his heart aching. No one ever wanted to be my friend. All I saw was ridicule and contempt. No one has ever been so sincere and just wanted to be my friend. Wang Li felt that he was about to cry.

“Thank you, um, we are already friends, aren’t we?” Resisting the tears in his eyes, Wang Li’s face was full of smiles.

“So, idiot Sibe, I’m so hungry, can you treat me to dinner?” said Wang Li, who began to notice that he was hungry.

“Hey, of course, let’s go, come to my house, and I’ll treat you to a big meal.” Siby responded without hesitation, but did not find Wang Li’s name. “Bastard, what did you just call me, you’re an idiot, you should call me Mr. Siby, you idiot Wang Li!” Siby jumped up and refuted Wang Li excitedly.

“Hehe, okay, Mr. Xibei.” Ignoring Xibei’s fierce reaction, Wang Li smiled lightly.

Hearing Wang Li’s voice from Mr. Siby, although his voice was very light, there was an air of seriousness permeating his words.

Siby didn’t speak, just gave Wang Li a smile, and walked silently without saying a word.

On the beach behind him, there were Siby’s small footprints, and the traces left by Wang Li’s body scratching the beach. The sea began to rise, and waves of waves nibbled away at the traces left by Wang Li and Sibe, and finally disappeared in the waves, as if nothing had appeared.

The waves can wash away the traces on the beach and the hard reefs, but they can never wash away the friendship left by the two children in each other’s hearts.

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