One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 1048 - season finale

Destroy the Divine Realm!

Weis was standing by the turquoise lake, looking at the crystal ball on the scepter in his hand, and suddenly he seemed to notice the strangeness in the space, put away the scepter and turned slowly.

“Hee hee hee! The devil demigull has finally fallen asleep, but the bad woman Tova has created many treasures of time and space, and there are many bad people who do evil in all time and space!”

A colorful light flashed, Jiang Feng and the King of the Realm of Time appeared in the realm of destruction, and the King of the Realm of the World said with a smirk.

The end of the devil Demigull is certainly a happy thing, but the demons and wicked people who use time and space treasures to do evil outside have to guard, who knows whether they will create more terrible deities.

“Master of the kingdom of time, you look very happy! I just heard you say that the demon **** Demikola is dead, congratulations to the master of the kingdom of time!” Weiss stepped forward and said respectfully. .

“Hee hee hee! Thanks to Shi Xi’s apprenticeship this time, when I see Master Shi Wang, I will ask Master Shi to seal him as an officer!”

“Then congratulations in advance!” Weiss’ eyes turned to Jiang Feng.

“Mr. Weiss! I know a few things about the temple. The legend says that the temple is just a projection of the temples … I want to go to the real temples!”

Jiang Feng looked at Weis and the temples with a gaze, and he knew something from Weis’s mouth in the past. Only real high-level gods were allowed to enter that place.

The dimensional pressure of climbing to the 50th stage of the shrine is no longer enough to stimulate his strength. To become stronger, he needs more intense stimulation, and the 51st to 60th stage is the best choice.

Weis took a deep look at Jiang Feng and said slowly: “The real temples are in the supreme space in which the King lives. The general gods in the universe are not qualified to be called by the King. But your identity is different. You It’s a time to train in the gods, and I can help you contact the great priest! “

“Okay! Thank you Mr. Weiss!” Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed with excitement.

Sure enough, he still had a good identity. He remembered that in the past, when he and Weiss proposed to go to the temples, Weiss directly rejected him.

Weiss took the wand in his hand gently, and a bright light went straight into the sky. After a while, the light came down from the sky again. Weiss gazed at the crystal ball for a while, then his eyes moved from the crystal ball on the wand. open.

Weis glanced for a moment, and said with a smile: “Master Lord of the Time, you come with me! The Lord Master has just received the request, and he said that he needs you to go to the King’s palace to meet the King!”

“I’m going? Okay!” Shijie Wangshen smiled happily.

Weiss nodded and said: “The Lord Master already knows this thing, we are ready, and the divine power will soon come to destroy the divine realm.”

It didn’t take long to say just now, a powerful force that penetrated the dimensional space broke through the void, and then covered the body of Jiang Feng, Weiss, and the King of Time. There was no sense of turning around, opening their eyes, where they were The location has changed.

In front of me is a fantastic and magical scene, and the sky is endlessly bright.

In front of it, there is a golden palace in the shape of the word “full” floating in the air. Around the palace of the King, there are small transparent universes floating around the palace.

That is the epitome of the twelve universes in the whole universe system. If you look closely, you can even see the star distribution inside each universe.

“Welcome everyone!”

A great priest in a dark green costume with his hands on his backs was already standing at the entrance of the palace.

Seeing the great priest, Weiss and the King of the Realms of the Bend bowed down in salute, Jiang Feng also expressed it.

“Master Lord!”

“You don’t need to be polite, all the adults have known about you!” The great priest and Yan Yue said to Jiang Feng with a very kind attitude.

It seems that in the world of Dragon Ball, the more noble the gods are, the more kind the attitude toward others is. This is a feeling of detachment from the world.

“There is a great priest!” Jiang Feng said humbly, and followed the great priest into the palace of the king.

Jiang Feng entered the palace of the King for the first time, so it was very novel to see anything.

The interior of the King’s Palace is like a brand new universe. The space inside is vast and boundless. Along the corridor, there are ancient **** columns suspended in the middle of the sky.

The ancient boundless expanse of heaven shows a dark and deep color, and large and small illusive planets embellish it.

“Master King is ahead!”

After walking through the long starry tunnel, a tall throne appeared in front of them, and all the kings sat on it shaking their feet.

Two chopstick-like guards stood on each side of the king, and the motionless guards were on both sides of the king, like two sculptures, looking very serious.

As the ruler of the entire universe, the king rarely leaves the palace of the king. He is usually playing alone. His finger gently flicks the projection of the planet. Maybe accidentally, the fate of the destruction of a planet Settled.

When the king played the most, he suddenly destroyed a universe, so the two guards accompanying the king were under great pressure.

“Subordinates have met Lord King!”

“I’ve seen Lord King.”

Weiss, King of the Realms of Time, and Jiang Feng came forward to salute the King.

“Huh!” The tender child’s voice echoed in the King’s Hall.

The whole king jumped in a small body, jumped from the high throne, and stomped to Jiang Feng. A blue-violet oval-shaped face was facing Jiang Feng, and his coppery eyes looked at him carefully.

Seeing the King’s rash action, the guards on both sides glared, and followed him nervously.

“Now! You are the new time apprentice god, Sister Wang asked me to take care of you!”

The king tilted his head and looked at Jiang Feng dumbly, with a naive smile on his face.

“Master Shi Wang!” Jiang Feng’s eyes stared for a moment, and the whole person was a bit blind. Shi Wang let the whole king take care of himself. Did he know Master Shi Wang?

Jiang Feng searched his memory, but he didn’t remember that he had met Master Wang.

“Master Shi Wang is back?” Shijie Wangshen’s face showed joy.

“Yes!” The king nodded dumbly.

“I remember that you wanted to go to the temples this time! Okay, I agreed!” The whole king said with a smile like a child, and then he turned his eyes to the great priest.

In fact, the King, as he looks on the surface, doesn’t understand anything. He needs to seek the advice of the great priest. The great priest is also like a nanny, always worrying about the whole king.

“Yes! Lord King!”

The great priest bowed slightly towards the king, then waved his arm slightly, and saw a huge ancient palace suddenly fly into the depths of the distant sky.

The palace looks very old and sacred, exuding the atmosphere of constant ancient times. As the palace gets closer, Jiang Feng can see that the huge palace has six floors, and each floor is very wide.

Every time you go to the first level of the temple, you need to overcome the dimensional pressure of the tenth order. The temples have a total of 60 gods.

Jiang Feng stared tightly at the 51st stage of Shentai, and could not wait any longer.

“This is the token to enter the temples. After holding it, you can enter the temples freely!” The great priest took out a token and handed it to Jiang Feng.

“This is …” Jiang Feng took the token. You can see a big whole word on the token.

“Just hold it! Practicing in the temples is not that simple. From the 51st stage to the 60th stage, the dimensional pressure between each stage is very different. You think it ’s decades Will you be able to reach the 60th stage of God in time?

Stop dreaming, it is impossible without millions, tens of millions of years! Don’t you want to go in and stay out for tens of millions of years? “

The King of Time said faintly.

“Oh!” Jiang Feng nodded, thinking that the God of Time Realm was right.

“Large priest! Is there anyone on the sacred stage above the 51st stage of the shrines?” Jiang Feng asked curiously.

“Of course there are people! The seven dragons under Lord Dragon God will all be in the temples, and there are some other advanced gods. If you go in, you may have a chance to meet them!” The grand **** official smiled politely.

“Oh!” After hearing the words, Jiang Feng looked so happy. He heard that the seven dragons under Dragon God would be very belligerent masters. If they met, they would inevitably fight, and he would not feel in the temple of the gods. feel lonely.

Jiang Feng’s thoughts moved, the energy in his palm was injected into the token a little bit, and suddenly a colorful light flashed, and his body did not enter the halls of the gods with Xia Guang.

Inside the shrines, Jiang Feng stared at the top sixth-level shrine, unfolding the ability to move instantly, and a few flashes came to the 51st stage.

Looking back at the temple and the platform below, Jiang Feng had a faint smile on his face.

In the dimension space of the 51st stage of Shentai, Jiang Feng transformed into an ancient Super Saiyan **** when he appeared. Although he released all the power, he still felt pressure.

However, this is exactly the result he wants. Overcoming the dimensional pressure here, he will become stronger.

After adapting for a moment, Jiang Feng’s eyes turned to the distance, and he heard the movement from a distance.

Is the dragon general under Dragon God? Or a higher order deity? Jiang Feng curiously flew towards the distance.

“Look at me!”

There was a roar in the distance, and a horrifying thundering power suddenly appeared. A thunder dragon suddenly fell from the sky and banged heavily on a mountain. The thunder also carried a strong dragon **** power.

“It seems to be a dragon general, but I don’t know if he is a star dragon general!” Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed with excitement, a flashing body moved towards the source of the power of the dragon god.

“You are …” Jiang Feng appeared and looked at the dragon general in front of him.

A scale made of dragon scales, golden skin, and two tentacles on the forehead. The height is not about 1.5 meters, and the complexion can be seen as a young dragon. A bright dragon ball is embedded in the eyebrow. , You can see five red stars inside.

“Who are you? Why are you in the temples of the gods? How will Ben Long never see you!” Wu Xinglong looked at Jiang Feng with a look of suspicion.

“I am the time apprentice deity under Master Shi Wang. Today is my first visit to the temples!” Jiang Feng said with a slight smile.

“It turns out that you are the one who sits on the king of the throne! The people under the throne of the throne are not only scarce but also very mysterious. No wonder I haven’t seen you! Since you can come to the 51st stage, this shows your strength and I’m almost the same! Come and fight me! “

The five-star dragon looked at Jiang Feng with a war-like look, the power of the dragon **** surging on him, and the terrifying thunder and lightning spread out from the five-star dragon’s body.

“This dragon god’s power …” Jiang Feng’s face changed slightly, and the five-star dragon’s dragon god’s power burst out of his body was by no means comparable to his dragon god’s power.

And seeing the thousands of lightning forces entangled around Wuxinglong’s body, Jiang Feng guessed that Wuxinglong should have mastered the law of lightning.

“It’s true that the rumors are true. The dragons under the dragon gods are very combative!” Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed, and he immediately released the body’s **** power.

In the 51st stage of Shentai space, the power of the horrifying dragon **** and the power of the **** suddenly collided together, and the entire Shentai space trembled under the horrible collision …

After some fighting, half a day passed, Jiang Feng and Wu Xinglong will be sitting on a grass, and the two of them are already friends.

“Hahaha! Happy! It’s so boring to be here alone, but fortunately you are here, and we can fight three hundred rounds every day!” Wuxinglong smiled happily.

“Cut! Who is going to fight with you here? Soon, I will go to the 52nd stage of the **** stage!” Jiang Feng said lightly.

“Nearly! Don’t dream! This genius has been here for more than 50,000 years. I see that your strength is similar to mine. It is impossible to break through the 51st stage of God in a hundred thousand years Suppressed! “Wuxinglong will disdain.

“Oh! Really?” Jiang Fengrao looked at Wuxing Dragon General with an interesting look.

There is nothing wrong with the words of the Five Star Dragon General. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to break the dimensional pressure here for more than 100,000 years.

However, he doesn’t plan to practice step by step here for more than 100,000 years. He wants to hang on. He still remembers the soul gems of Marvel.

When he first came to the Marvel World, the soul gem was not yet alive. Although he knew where the soul gem was hidden, he needed to sacrifice his favorite person to get the soul gem. It would be better to wait for someone to take it out. , Grabbing them directly.

After counting the time, it is not a few years before the tyrant robbed the cosmic gems. He practiced here for a few years and then went directly to the Marvel world to grab the soul gems. I believe that after integrating the soul gems, his soul level will Earth-shaking changes have taken place.

“Of course! If you don’t believe it, you’ll know after a long stay here!” Five Star Dragon will chuckle.

“What about other dragon generals!” Jiang Feng asked curiously.

“Neither the six-star dragon general’s sister nor the seven-star dragon general’s brother has entered the shrines! The three-star dragon and the four-star dragon general’s brothers were both on the 55th stage. The pressure of the dimensionality is too high, and it is not known whether they have reached the 56th stage of the **** stage, which can only be determined when we return to the dragon realm.

The two-star dragon general, that is, my second brother is now practicing in the dimension space of the 58th-level **** platform. As for my elder brother, he has already set foot on the 60th-level **** platform! “

Five-star dragon will be proud to say.

“Sixth-tier goddess, someone has already arrived there? Doesn’t he say that the one-star dragon will already be the first person under the three kings of the king, the king of the time, and the dragon god!” Said with surprise.

The 60th-level God’s Terrace is the last one. You can reach the sixth-level shrine through the 60th-level God’s Terrace. However, the three highest rules have recognized the three kings, the King of Time, and the Dragon God. .

Even if a star dragon will be able to reach the sixth-level temple, at most it will be baptized with another dimension of energy …

“In fact, there is nothing! The great priests under the king have also reached the 60th stage. The strength of the great priests is about the same as that of my elder brother Star Dragon!” Wuxing Dragon scratched his head and said.

“Oh! Did anyone under Master Wang reach the 60th-level God Stage at that time?” Jiang Feng asked with excitement.

“This … doesn’t seem to be!” Wu Xinglong thought for a moment.

Hearing that Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a deep light, “interesting …”

A few years later, at the 51st stage, the space suddenly rippled, and a figure appeared here at the same time.

Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction, took up the infinite gloves snatched from the annihilator, and looked carefully.

After the annihilation of six infinite gems in the order of strength, time, space, soul, reality and soul, they were embedded in the infinite gloves, and they wanted to use the power of cosmic gems to eliminate half of the life in the Marvel universe.

Jiang Feng before Thanos play snap of his fingers, mercilessly beat Thanos meal, the way to unlimited gloves wins over.

Eyes excitedly looked at the gems on the infinite gloves, Jiang Feng carefully pulled out the soul gems.

Feeling the majestic soul energy in the soul gem, Jiang Feng ignored the self-consciousness in the soul gem, directly placed the soul gem on his chest, and began to absorb the soul energy.

He has the confidence to eliminate self-awareness in the soul gem.

Soul energy has been continuously integrated into Jiang Feng’s soul and strengthened his soul. Jiang Feng only feels that his soul has begun to transform a little bit. This feeling is a long time gone.

Gradually the pressure of Jiang Feng began to spread on the 51st stage of the **** stage. The horrible pressure was not controlled by Jiang Feng at all, and it continued to emerge from the depth of Jiang Feng’s soul, spreading in all directions.

“Not good!” Jiang Feng murmured slightly.

The pressure of this soul is very horrible. If it is not good enough, it will directly break the dimension space of the 51st stage. I am afraid that the 51st stage will no longer exist after today.

The five-star dragon in the distance would notice the movement of Jiang Feng, and rushed over from a distance. The power of the dragon **** all over him turned into a solid barrier to protect his body.

“How did this guy do it?” Wu Xinglong looked at Jiang Feng in shock and felt the pressure of Jiang Feng’s soul at this moment. Wu Xinglong could not help but trembled.

Jiang Feng glanced at the five-star dragon general, looking eagerly: “Five-star dragon general, please leave this level of God!”

Five-star dragon will look worried and did not leave.

As the pressure on Jiang Feng’s body increased, the five-star dragon shielded the dragon’s power around his body, and cracks began to appear.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were frozen and his thoughts moved. He immediately opened the space barriers of the 51st stage and the 52nd stage, and came to the 52nd stage.

Feeling that the 52nd stage of the stage is not enough to support his own soul pressure, Jiang Feng went all the way up until he reached the 56th stage of the stage and stopped.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrible spirit pressure continued to spread from Jiang Feng’s body. Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere began to tremble.

The speed of soul energy fusion is getting faster and faster, and Jiang Feng’s soul keeps growing.

The horrific pressure continued to rise on Jiang Feng. For a while, the surrounding atmosphere became extremely heavy, but the 56th-order Shentai’s dimensional pressure was huge, and the movement caused by Jiang Feng was not enough to destroy the dimensional space here.

Jiang Feng’s violent, irresistible terror pressure suddenly covered the entire dimension space. In the distance, the Samsung Dragon and the Four Star Dragons flew over in shock from afar.

The horrible soul energy was continuously integrated into Jiang Feng’s body, and gradually the soul energy was transformed into strands of silk, tightly winding Jiang Feng’s body.

When the three-star dragon and the four-star dragon came to Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng’s body was already wrapped in a huge, silkworm-like shell.

“The fourth child, who is this guy! The powerful power just erupted from him, and it looks like you and me!”

A blue scale armor, the skin is also blue, about two meters tall, revealing the icy dragon god’s power all over the body, the Samsung Dragon will freeze the space around the body.

“He is not a member of our Dragon Realm! It does not seem to be an angel under Master Wang, is it a master of Master Shi!” Said the four-star dragon general wearing a fire-red scale armour, slowly moaning.

The four-star dragon and the three-star dragon will be twin brothers, but the two brothers have completely different powers. One holds the power of the freezing cold, and the other holds the power of the hot sun.

“The energy on him is so pure, he doesn’t look like a demon god! Let’s wait for him to wake up!”

“Hahaha! Someone can finally accompany our brothers!”

Many years later, at the 60th-level Shentai, Jiang Feng was sitting at the top of a mountain and had her own **** power.

From the 56th stage to the 60th stage, it took him a long, long time, as to how long he had forgotten.

During this period, he also received the family of Pirate World on the planet Koronos in Dragon Ball World …

Above the mountain, Jiang Feng’s body suddenly burst into crisp crackles, and each bone was trembling slightly, rumbling, whispering, and a mysterious aura spread out.

A star dragon in the distance cast his gaze on Jiang Feng, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Jiang Feng’s body floated, and the power of time and space, the power of destruction, and the power of the dragon and **** were interwoven. With silver-white time and space power as the hub, all energy sources began to slowly merge.

At this time, Jiang Feng seemed to have been sublimated in her whole body, her pale green hair slowly turned to silver-white, and her bi-colored eyes were also dyed with a silver-white light, all over her. Gas field.

Jiang Feng’s eyes flew towards a star dragon flying from a distance, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes. The silver-white eyes were extremely deep, like the vastness of the Milky Way.

“This free realm is completely different from before!”

Jiang Feng fully felt the body full of surging power. With the improvement of the realm, the energy in his body did not increase, but just became more refined.

But he had a feeling that he was more than a little bit stronger than before.

“Good boy! Looks like you are free to enter the state of freedom and care!” Yixinglong opened his heart and laughed loudly.

Jiang Feng smiled lightly and said, “Thank you for your guidance, Brother Xinglong!”

“Your kid hasn’t brought me these fake things, and hurry up with me! Let me take a look at your current power!”

“However, there are very few gods in the gods who can understand this kind of profound self-confidence. Your kid can comprehend the free-spirit skills in such a short period of time. If you have half your efforts, you won’t worry me until now! “

One star dragon spoke a few words heartily, the power of the horrible dragon **** on his body surged up, raised his huge fist, and struck directly at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng’s face was as calm as water without change, and the hollow spirit in his heart didn’t have any thoughts. When a star dragon blasted his fist to him, his body naturally responded, avoiding the star dragon’s attack.

boom! boom! boom!

The two made a few punches against each other, and the one-star dragon that was originally on Jiang Feng had no advantage at all …

After some fighting, Yixinglong looked at Jiang Feng with relief, Jiang Feng from the first stage of the 60th stage to overcome the dimensional pressure to fully understand the free will, and Yixinglong will be in his eyes.

Jiang Feng can also be regarded as a half apprentice of One Star Dragon. Now that Jiang Feng has grown to this extent, One Star Dragon will be very relieved.

“Brother Yixinglong! Sorry, I’m going to the sixth-level temple, and I’ll fight with you later!” Jiang Feng looked at the sixth-level temple, and he felt that something in the sixth-level temple was calling himself.

“You go first! Even if you don’t come to me, I will go to you!” Yixinglong grinned.

After breaking through the 60th stage of the goddess and coming to the temple, Jiang Feng felt the baptism of the dimensional energy from the sixth-level temple with a smile on his face, and then Jiang Feng stepped directly into the solemn hall without hesitation.

An extremely bright light flashed, instantly engulfing Jiang Feng’s body, and then, under the guidance of the light, Jiang Feng’s body penetrated a layer of film and appeared in a mysterious world. The power of time and space is extremely rich here. It’s like an ocean of time and space.

Looking at the illusory scene in the distance, Jiang Feng’s body drifted involuntarily toward the depths of the space-time ocean, as if a force was pulling him.

Jiang Feng’s face did not panic. The God of Time Realm had mentioned to him long ago, and the palace of Lord Shi Wang was at the deepest part of the ocean of time and space.

Far away, a silver-white palace floated there, and the entire palace showed a large “time” character. Jiang Feng’s body slowly approached the palace.

“You’re finally here!” A silver-colored palace door opened as if the sound came from Henggu, and Jiang Feng’s figure entered the palace.

In front of me is a dreamlike scene, and the interior of the palace is also a boundless ocean of time and space. In front of it, a young and beautiful woman is sitting on a silver-white throne.

Jiang Feng looked up at Shi Wang, and said that the appearance of Shi Wang has also been seen, that is, the angel of Shi, but one of them is the real body, and the other is just a clone.

“Master Shi …” Jiang Feng said respectfully.

“You must have many questions in your heart!” Shi Wang’s face showed a smile, and the figure did not know when it had appeared on Jiang Feng’s side.

Beautiful robes, silver-white hair, a pair of eyes like a lake, and a smile, all made Jiang Feng feel strange emotions.

“Master Shi Wang, have we met before?” Jiang Feng stared at King Shi.

“I’ve seen it before!” Wang smiled lightly.

“Huh!” Jiang Feng stared for a moment, and looked at the memories in his head twice, without finding Shi Wang at all.

It stands to reason that a beautiful woman like Shi Wang can never forget it at a glance, but why does she have no memory of Shi Wang?

Did the king take away his memory? Jiang Feng stared at the king with wide eyes.

“Don’t think too much, after reading this you will understand the beginning and end of things!”

When Wang Xianxian waved his hand, a reflection appeared in the center of the palace. I saw a car galloping towards an innocent little girl in the picture. At this moment, a man pushed away the little girl, but was knocked out by the car … …

“This, this …” Jiang Feng glanced for a moment. Of course, he was extremely familiar with this picture. Isn’t the man in the picture his previous life?

“Now do you understand? Many years ago, I wanted to go to the Nether to find a candidate suitable for the great priest of the time, and accidentally came to your mother star. The culture of your planet is very strange and attracted me deeply. I turned into that little girl … “

“The power of time and space in your body is given to you by me. With the power of time and space, no matter where you are, where you are, you will come to me one day, and you did not let me down, you Now the strength is fully qualified for the role of great priest at that time! “

There was a smile on Shi Wang’s pretty face, and she was so proud of her plan.

“This …” Jiang Feng reacted for a long time. It turned out that the power of time and space in his body was given to him by the time king. He traveled through different time and space to seek strength, and finally came to the time king along the track of destiny.

and many more! How did Lord Shi Wang reach Earth Star, can Lord Shi Wang reach Earth Star, can he go back?

“Master Shi, do you know where my mother star is? Can I go back?” Jiang Feng asked with a trembling voice.

“Of course! Your mother star is in the highest space, which is extremely vast. Not only the universes created by the dragon god, but also many universes, are derived from the creative power of the highest space!”

“That’s great!” Jiang Feng looked so happy that he couldn’t help shouting.

“You know what happened, so start accepting the book!”

Shi Wang smiled softly, and Qi Yu’s hand waved slightly, and a golden scroll suddenly cut through the sky and appeared in Shi Wang’s white palm.

When the King turned over the sacred scrolls, the scrolls slowly unfolded like the imperial edict ~ ~ Uniquely privileged, the title of the great priest of the time … Order you to immediately take over the position of the great priest, and at the same time give the ability to judge In the future, he will command the kings of the realms of the universe and other gods of the time to manage the space and time of the universe together! “

“Very good! Starting today, you are my great priest!”

The announcement of Shiwang was completed, and a silver-white energy gathered from the sea of ​​time and space, and instantly fell into Jiang Feng’s body.

Receiving this silvery-white energy, Jiang Feng only felt that his spirit and soul trembled suddenly, as if he had fallen into a boundless sea of ​​energy, and felt endless power. The time and space energy in his body was tumbling at this moment.

The quality of space-time energy is rapidly improving, and each cell of Jiang Feng greedily **** in external space-time energy.

The silvery white luster wandered around in Jiang Feng’s body, and Jiang Feng’s face showed an expression of enjoyment. At this moment, his spirit surpassed the flesh and swam in the endless ocean of time and space.

The power of horrible time and space began to be restrained. Jiang Feng’s temperament changed from the inside to the outside. With him as the center, a mysterious and distant momentum rolled up the waves.

Opening your eyes, a gleam of sparkling light flashed in the silver-white eyes, a momentum belonging to the true God spread out, this is not a state of free will, but a transformed state of the great priest.

“This feeling is really good!” Jiang Feng smiled and shook his fist. “Mr. Shi Wang, since it has been sealed off, I will leave first!”

“As my priest of the time, of course, you must accompany me in the palace of the time. You can’t go anywhere without my permission. If you want to leave, take leave first …”


season finale!

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