One Guard

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 : I want to play NBA

The sky in Long Beach City always shines very early, and only when the sun is rising high, will there be a brief tranquility in this messy place in the Wood District.

Wenxue opened the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. Her face didn’t look so pale anymore, this still beautiful woman with a smile, looked as full of vitality as Chaoyang. In fact, Wenxue is not very old, because she gave birth to Yiyang when she was very young. It’s just that the hard life over the years has made this woman feel a little more melancholy.

It has been one and a half months since Yiyang went to Butler University to study. As agreed, Stevens really applied for a full basketball scholarship for Yiyang.

This means that Wen Xue not only does not have to worry about the cost of going to college for Yiyang, but Yiyang also used this basketball scholarship to pay off the family debt.

The young mother hummed a little song and took out an old suitcase. This box was brought by the family when they came to the United States from China. At that time, Yiyang was only eight years old.

Wenxue wiped the suitcase clean, and then started stuffing things inside. After so many years, she never thought that she would use this box again.

There are still two days left, and the 2009-10 season NCAA games will start in full. Hundreds of schools and countless talented players are about to fight fiercely in just a few months.

Wenxue has saved money and bought a train ticket to Indianapolis. Wen Xue didn’t want to miss his son’s first match in the NCAA arena. She believed that her son would definitely make her proud.


“Tactic No. 3! Tactic No. 3!” Stevens clapped and shouted from the sidelines. Tactic No. 3 is actually a tactic specially designed for Hayward.

Hayward used the off-the-ball pick and roll to slip out of the bottom line, and Yiyang broke through the ball to create opportunities for Hayward.

The key to this tactic is not only Hayward who needs to run out of neutral, but also Yiyang’s ability to divide the ball.

Ronald Norrid, the starting point guard at Butler University last season, stared intently at the yellow-skinned guy with a black whip cut in front of him. The training for a month and a half has allowed Norrid to understand Yiyang’s abilities.

Let him take two shots, but prevent a breakthrough, this is the best defensive strategy against Yiyang.

Yiyang can’t stop the ball. He knows that if this tactic is to be successful, he must follow the rhythm of Shanghai Ward and give the ball the moment Hayward runs out of the open space.

So Yiyang didn’t go it alone, but quickly beckoned for a pick-and-roll. The white center Matt Howard who was scolded by Yiyang pointed at his nose at the time was immediately brought up. Yiyang did not hesitate, but suddenly accelerated!

Ronald immediately moved across, but before he stepped out, he crashed into a “high wall”.

Things after    are quite easy. Yiyang broke through to attract the defense, and Hayward, who was running secretly, was completely emptied at the bottom corner.

Yiyang made a layup, but a pass from behind in the air sent the ball to Hayward.

NCAA’s three-point line is very close compared to the NBA, not to mention that it is still the bottom corner. For a player like Hayward who trains with the NBA as his goal, this position is almost the same as a mid-range shot from a little further away.

Hayward, this seemingly childish white small forward, takes his shots calmly, but his shots are often very deadly!

“Swipe!” Hayward hit a three-pointer, and the No. 3 tactic was executed perfectly. Stevens clapped on the sidelines, and Yiyang’s performance in the past month and a half has not disappointed him.

At the beginning, Stevens was also worried that Yiyang, who has such a strong impact, would become a point guard who doesn’t like passing like Westbrook. But it turns out that the situation is just the opposite.

Yiyang likes to pass the ball very much. For him, sharing the ball seems to be the greatest joy on the basketball court. Yiyang has been instilled in teamwork by his father since he was a child, so he is very different from those “point guards” who can only score in recent years.

However, Yiyang is not perfect. In addition to the lack of stable shots and the slight loss of physical confrontation, there is another problem that Stevens has not solved in this month and a half, that is, Yiyang’s meaningless fancy moves are still a lot of.

For example, for the ball just now, Yiyang Mingming can directly and quickly give it to Hayward. But he has to pretend to attack the frame, and he has to pass the ball from behind in the air. There is no doubt that this approach will make the scene very beautiful, but it will also greatly increase the risk of mistakes.

“Hey, you can handle the ball more simply.” After the goal, Stevens pulled Yiyang to the sidelines alone.

“But we still scored a goal, didn’t we?” Yiyang said coldly, then returned to the court, opened his arms, and prepared to defend.

It seems that this child’s rebellious character cannot be changed in a day or two.

Although Yiyang has never had any conflicts with his teammates, he still doesn’t talk much in the locker room and on the training ground.

This kid, he felt a bit of strength in his heart.


After a day of training, the players are showering in the locker room, ready to go home easily. Tomorrow, Stevens did not arrange training. Because the day after tomorrow, they are about to usher in the first official game of the season, against the Indiana University Mountainers in the same city as their own.

Yiyang did not rush to change his clothes, because he saw that Hayward was still training under the guidance of the trainer after everyone left.

Hayward, this name has been in his ears since Yiyang entered Butler University.

“He is a genius.”

“The first white small forward!”

“The top card of Butler University!”

These things are often people’s evaluation of Hayward.

So this curious and extremely competitive guy walked out of the locker room and returned to the training ground. Because of him, he wants to be the best player. In this month and a half, Yiyang just felt that Hayward was very accurate, but Yiyang really didn’t see anything about other things.

He wants to see how this fellow Hayward is different from ordinary people. On the training ground, Hayward is doing shooting training, and his shooting position is a step far from the NCAA three-point line!

“What are you doing?” Yiyang yelled very loudly in the empty basketball court.

Hayward was taken aback, because Yiyang rarely spoke to others on his own initiative. He looked around, and there was only himself besides a few coaches. Could it be that the guy is talking to himself?

“Why are you so far from the three-point line?” Yiyang stretched out a finger and pointed at Hayward’s position.

“I’m preparing to enter the NBA, man. The NCAA has a shorter three-point line than the NBA. If I want to adapt to the NBA, I must prepare now.” Hayward is a very friendly guy. Even if he is not familiar with Yiyang, he tries his best to make himself enthusiastic.

“NBA…professional basketball…that must…you can make a lot of money.” Yiyang is not a fool, although he has lived for most of his life. In the “garbage dump”, but he also knows that NCAA is the most suitable springboard for NBA. If you can perform well in the NCAA, maybe that dream…

“Hahaha, of course! As long as you can be selected by an NBA team in the lottery, you can become a millionaire overnight!” Hayward smiled at Yiyang, the Asian hesitating It looks like two people in peacetime.

“Millionaire?” Yiyang has never thought of the term millionaire. In his life, several thousand dollars is a very large number. The basketball scholarship given to him by Butler University is the largest amount he has ever seen in his life. Millions, what is that concept? Does that mean that you and your mother can escape out of the Wood District for the rest of their lives! ?

“I’ll train with you, and I want to play in the NBA. What you do, I will try, maybe it’s okay.” Yiyang’s reckless answer made the trainers on the side almost unable to hold back a laugh. . This yellow-skinned guy thinks what the NBA is! ? Even a genius like Hayward can only be predicted at the end of the first round. Yiyang? If he announces his participation in the draft, I am afraid it will only be another downdraft.

“If you want to play in the NBA, you have to listen to me from now on!” At this moment, Stevens Chong Yiyang and Hayward with a briefcase came over. Just now, he overheard the two of them. Dialogue.

Yiyang looked at Stevens, this guy’s expression was very serious.

“Your ambition is definitely not just this **** scholarship, boy. Do you still want to make money by playing basketball? Become a star with an annual salary of over one million or even ten million? Let your mother live a life of worry-free life. ?” Stevens seems to have grasped something, something that can completely control the beast of Yiyang. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

“Tell me, what to do!” Yiyang’s resolute expression made Stevens very satisfied. There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, but geniuses often lack correct guidance. Now, he can finally guide Yiyang in his own way!

“Listen to me, go back, and go back to the dormitory to rest today. Next, I will re-make a personal training plan for you, train yourself according to the new content arranged by the coaches, listen to each coach, don’t talk back, don’t Play your temper, don’t bring your bad temper in the Woods area to the basketball court. Use twenty-four hours as seventy-two hours, and then prove yourself in the game. Step by step, don’t be impatient, and don’t quit halfway. You will succeed, I promise! Crime, drugs and the Wood District will always say goodbye to you!” Stevens finished speaking and patted Yiyang on the shoulder. “Don’t underestimate basketball, kid!”

Yiyang hit Stevens on the chest with his fist, then walked obediently towards the dressing room.

More than ten years have passed. Since his father passed away, there has never been a man who can say these things to him in front of Yiyang.

The day after tomorrow’s game, that will be the first step for Yiyang to prove itself to the world.

Wenxue is already on his way to Indianapolis at the moment, and the players of Indiana University are imagining how to ravage Butler University for a good start.

Yiyang? After returning to the dormitory, Yiyang sat in front of the TV, watching all the game videos that Stevens had sent him.

This child can’t sleep anymore, this child finally has another goal that he is willing to fight for. Do you live by playing basketball? It sounds pretty good…

Indiana University and the entire NCAA league don’t know yet, a violent storm is about to strike!

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