One Guard

Chapter 26

Chapter 25 : Incorrect response

“As soon as the game started, there was also a passing error. It seems that the rising stars of the Bulldogs seem to have not adapted to the intensity of March Madness. Just like the NBA playoffs in the regular season, the March Madness tournament is also a match. The previous matches were completely different. Here, everyone will do their best to win. Because everyone has only one chance!”

With Reggie Miller’s commentary, Yiyang has passed the half-time with the ball again. Bradley’s sensitivity to defense is indeed beyond Yiyang’s imagination. Now in this world, few guards will defend like Bradley. Yiyang was fully focused this time, he didn’t want Bradley to succeed again!

Bradley has a slight smile on his face. Just now he easily made the No. 1 guard make a mistake. It seems that the outside world’s evaluation of him is really too exaggerated. There are always a few media darlings beaten back to their original form in March Crazy every year. This Yiyang is probably just one of those ordinary people.

This time, Yiyang did not rush to deal with the ball. He gesticulated from the perimeter and always paid attention to Bradley’s defensive position.

Matt Howard ran up to block Yiyang after he had done an off-the-ball pick-and-roll for Hayward.

“That’s what you can do?” Bradley said to himself in his heart. “Don’t think that a pick and roll can throw me away!”

Yiyang had a pick-and-roll, but before he had time to speed up, Bradley was in front of Yiyang.

Yiyang is not afraid, but forcibly breaks through with Bradley’s strong body on his shoulders!

Of course, Yiyang’s breakthrough can be said to be difficult. Bradley’s strong body does not lose to Haranguodi, and his footsteps are more than one grade faster than Haranguodi.

“Want to beat Bradley too? This is not a good choice.” Reggie Miller shook his head. Maybe this yellow-skinned guy wants to express himself too much today? Maybe it was because of being steal by Bradley, so he wanted to get his face back as soon as possible? Normally, he shouldn’t be so messy.

Not only Bradley, Dexter Pittman, who is 2.11 meters tall and weighs nearly 130 kilograms, “Roshan”, is also waiting for Yiyang under the basket. If Yiyang intends to make a layup, it will almost certainly die!

One foot stepped into the three-second zone from the side, Yiyang embraced the basketball in both hands, and started three moves! Both Pittman and Bradley are ready, as long as Yiyang jumps together, he will be met with a merciless brave!

Just after Yiyang took the second step, he did not take off, but took the third step in a row!

Go! “Bradley was secretly happy, looking forward to the referee’s whistle. But the rushing voice did not appear for a long time!

“Boom, boom, boom…” Behind Bradley, Pittman, the heavy center forward, took a few strides, and he ran even the nearby wooden floor was shaking.

Looking in the direction of the follower Pittman, Bradley saw that the Bulldogs white center Matt Howard had raised the basketball, and then calmly shot from the middle distance.

“When did it pass!?” Bradley turned his head in horror to look at Yiyang in front of him, but the yellow-skinned defender had no expression on his face!

It turned out that when Yiyangshi made a three-step layup, after taking the second step, he secretly used a back pass to give the opportunity to Matt Howard, who was left on the middle distance after the pick-and-roll.

Matt Howard is not a good scoring machine, but the open mid-range shot is quite easy for him. And just now, when warming up with Matt Howard, Yiyang also found that today’s big white man seems to feel very good.

Pittman thought he could perform the “Mantis catching the cicada and the oriole in the back” drama, but he didn’t know that Yiyang’s pass made all this come to nothing.

The huge weight of Pittman didn’t have time to prevent him from going out. Matt Howard had already finished the shot when he interfered with the jump. And that basketball was directly hollowed into the net!

“Good ball! Yi’s back pass is very secretive, as if Bradley didn’t even notice when the ball was missing. Yi’s assists are very exciting, and the Bulldogs will soon be back!” Reggie Miller was excited. He laughed, Yiyang like this is worthy of everyone’s waiting!

Yiyang, who retreated immediately after the goal, took the initiative to reach out and give Matt Howard a high-five, while Stevens laughed happily off the court.

Yiyang, that kid, can always execute the best tactics in the way that looks the least like tactics!

“Damn it, I thought he would come by himself.” Bradley picked up the basketball in embarrassment. Just now, Yiyang made the basketball disappear out of thin air, and then suddenly appeared again.

This time, Bradley knows Yiyang has a few kilograms, he is not afraid of the kind of point guard who kills when he takes the ball. But if the other party has a calm and intelligent brain, it can be quite tricky for Bradley.

After an offense by the Longhorns, the deflated Dexter Pittman twisted his big **** and cut a hole in the interior.

Matt Howard is at a disadvantage in tonnage and height. Although he worked hard to defend, he still pushed Pittman to the basket, and the latter easily scored the hook.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry! Keep defending like this, keep going!” Stevens hurriedly clapped on the sidelines to prevent players from becoming demoralized because of conceding a goal.

Yiyang did not change his offensive method, he still walked outside the three-point line, and then gestured to call Matt Howard to do the pick-and-roll.

Bradley snorted. The Longhorns are also a strong team, a good team, and will not be defeated twice by the same trick!

Matt Howard quickly mentioned the high position, but this time, Dexter Pittman dragged his huge body and followed Matt and posted it!

“It seems that I intend to use the same tactics to end the offense simply and quickly, but Pittman’s close defense of Matt has changed everything from the previous round. This time, after the breakthrough, it will There is no room for return.”

Yiyang spotted the positions of Bradley, Matt Howard and Pittman. He knew that he couldn’t pass the ball throughout the game. A point guard can attract defense only if he is full of threats. Attracting the defense, teammates have a good chance!

So this time, Yiyang plans to…

“Whoo!” Bradley saw Yiyang, who was two steps away from him, suddenly speeded up. The speed was so fast that Bradley would react for a second before he came back to his senses!

Bradley was about to start circumventing the pick-and-roll, but he discovered that Yiyang’s breakthrough direction seemed a bit wrong.

According to reason, the breakthrough route that Yiyang can choose is either to the left with a pick-and-roll, or to the right without a pick-and-roll. But now, Yiyang rushed towards the middle, towards the position where Bradley was!

“Is this guy stupid!?” Bradley didn’t know what Yiyang wanted to do, but he still stared at the basketball intently, hoping to find a chance to steal the ball!

Just as Yiyang and Bradley were about to collide with each other, Yiyang suddenly leaned against Mark who was doing the pick-and-roll and turned around. With Mark as the axis, the footsteps turned quickly!

When Yiyang turned around, Bradley stared at his own eyes and stood there without any response! Just now, what a terrible breakthrough it was! Yiyang turned around so fast that only Wall could compare to Bradley’s impression. When Bradley reacted and wanted to chase, he was greatly delayed by Matt’s pick-and-roll!

Yiyang, who turned around, successfully broke through Bradley. As for Dexter Pittman who made up the defense, there is nothing to worry about. Although Pittman looked like a giant in front of Yiyang, with just one step, the No. 1 guard had cleaned up the “Roshan”.

After connecting the two, Yiyang has only an empty penalty area and quietly waiting for his basket. This one-number guard didn’t risk the risk of being chased by Bradley to dunk, but lightly on, the basketball was lightly picked into the net. Bradley came from behind, leaping up and waving his arms, but to no avail. Yiyang scored his first point in the March Madness Championship.

“Have you seen it!? It’s too fast! It’s like a bolt of lightning, and it suddenly passed through the bodies of Bradley and Pittman! The exaggerated start speed just now, even in the NBA league, is also top! “Reggie Miller’s impression of Yiyang has undergone a 180° change at this time. The defender who made a mistake at the beginning of the game has now brought him infinite surprises!

Bradley stared at his coach Barnes in disbelief. Seeing Bradley looking at him, Barnes immediately yelled at his hoarse voice. “I told you to be careful of this guy! Now you know how powerful it is!? Defend him as John Wall! If necessary, foul me!” Barnes waved his hand and wanted to deal with Yiyang. Barnes must use some tougher methods.

At this time, the person who gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists became Bradley If the opponent is really at the level of Wall as the coach said…then this competition , I’m afraid Bradley will have to work hard.

The speeding breakthrough of Yiyang just now happened to Bradley. Apart from anything else, just the speed of light, Yiyang is probably not much slower than that of Wall.

With only two attacks, Yiyang allowed both the opponent and the commentator to have a new understanding of himself.

After the Longhorns counterattacked, Brad used his stronger body to force a layup against Yiyang. Although Yiyang worked very hard, he still failed to prevent Bradley from scoring.

After a goal, Mike James used more explosive power to break through Hayward and easily hit the rim.

The game continued, and Yiyang’s superb passing and fatal breakthrough gave the Bulldogs good opportunities again and again. But every time the Bulldogs scored a goal, the Longhorns players were always able to tie the score with unreasonable breakthroughs.

The two sides seemed to be playing inextricably, but Stevens knew very well in his heart that the game was actually going on steadily under the control of Yiyang.

Breakthroughs, breakthroughs, breakthroughs… The long-horned Bulls’ reckless breakthrough may be very effective at the beginning of the game, but as the game continues, the Longhorns’ players will definitely be so. And become exhausted.

Yiyang has proven that he has the ability to score and assist under Bradley’s defense. After that, it depends on whether the Bulldogs can withstand the opponent’s moth-to-fire breakthrough during this period.

Yiyang has responded to his mistakes at the beginning of the game with an extremely good performance. Next, let’s see if he can maintain this momentum until the end!

As long as it can withstand the firepower during this period, Yiyang will control the trend of the entire game!

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