One Guard

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : Blockbuster showdown

Not everyone can be like Kobe, he has a father who played in the NBA since he was a child, and he has a good growth and living environment since he was a child. Since childhood, he has been inseparable from the sport of basketball.

Actually, in the NBA and NCAA leagues, most players’ childhoods and living conditions are not good. Crime, drugs and death are often the things they have to face every day.

The potential rookie Westbrook of the Thunder was also born in Long Beach. He grew up in a neighborhood full of drugs and crime. If it hadn’t been for his good friend’s accident, Westbrook might not have known how disastrous such a neighborhood would be to his life, and he might not have been able to devote himself to basketball without being stimulated. Become a new star in the NBA.

This year, John Wall, the talented No. 1 high school student who was invited by many famous basketball schools to join the NCAA, also robbed and stolen in a slum full of crime and death, and was forced to transfer in his third year of high school. At that time, Wall was only one step away from street gangsters. Had it not been for his mother to discover what he was doing in time and stop it, Wall would not have become one of the most high-profile college players this summer.

But now, the guy sitting in front of Hapi is a bit different. Because he just robbed a scout looking for himself by accident. The most dramatic thing is that this scout also found his home.

“Listen to the fat man, if you dare to rob in front of my mother later, I’m the **** kind to you!” While his mother went to the kitchen to prepare coffee, Yiyang, the fierce Asian boy, Once again threatened Hapi who came to the door.

Harpy looked at Yiyang expressionlessly. If his coach hadn’t said he was a basketball genius, Harpy might have called the police and sent such a bad boy to prison. But Hapi didn’t have much hope for Yiyang. Is it possible that a guy who wanders outside with a knife and robs innocent passers-by all day long is really a good basketball player? If he is, he should now train on the basketball court instead of robbing on the streets! What’s more, Yiyang is still an Asian who is like a fake!

It’s not that Harpy has racist sentiments, but can an Asian who is only a few meters tall, really get a foothold in the NCAA? He had to doubt this. Everyone will have a moment of misunderstanding, even Jordan’s Kwame Brown, who was hand-picked at the time, has become one of the most famous parallel imports champions in NBA history. What’s more, Harpy’s coach is not Jordan.

“Sir, you have been waiting for a long time. This is the coffee I just ground. It is not a good coffee bean. I hope you can get used to it.” Just when Yiyang and Hapy looked at each other, Yiyang’s Mother walked into the living room with a cup of coffee.

“Thank you, ma’am, I really trouble you.” Happi took the coffee. What surprised him was that this mother knew how etiquette was, and her child shouldn’t be so naughty. But look at the conditions and environment of this family again, the dilapidated furniture, crowded small houses…Poverty, maybe the culprit that made Yiyang go astray.

“Mr. Hapi, you just said that you are the teacher of the school… It is Yiyang who… Did he commit anything at school?” Yiyang’s mother sat next to her son , The eyes are full of concern.

Yiyang also stared at Harpy, he thought this guy came back to his house to ask for money.

“Actually, madam. I am not a teacher at your son’s high school. I am a scout for the Butler University basketball team. My purpose of coming here today is to hope that he can come to participate in the trial training of the Butler University basketball team. If you His son has passed the test, and we are willing to provide him with a full basketball scholarship to study at Butler University and have the opportunity to compete in the NCAA Division 1 league!” Hapy said and took out a document. All the details are written on the file.

Yiyang’s mother looked at the file with a surprised expression, and then at her son.

“I don’t quite understand Mr…. Butler University… NCAA Division I…” Yiyang’s mother couldn’t believe that her son could be treated like this.

Although Butler University is not a well-known basketball school, as long as there is a school to extend an olive branch to Yiyang, Yiyang’s mother will be surprised enough. Because she knows very well that her son has never been a good boy with both good character and academic performance. Getting into trouble, confronting teachers at school, and fighting with others are all commonplace for Yiyang.

So Yiyang went to college, this mother could not even think about it before. Yiyang graduated from high school in a safe and sound state, and she must be thankful.

“Thank you, Mr. Harpy, but we will not go. I don’t want to be the yellow-skinned sign of your school. I’m sitting on the bench with scholarships. I have seen many such things. Politically correct. I don’t need to use it for me. A place like university is not suitable for me, and I don’t need you guys!” Before his mother could respond, Yiyang decisively refused Hapi’s invitation.

A tepid school like Butler University chooses to use a full scholarship to recruit itself. Most of it is not because the school really values ​​its own strength, but because they need news to stimulate the media and create something. Topic to enhance the visibility of your school. They need a yellow-skinned guy to tell everyone, “Look, our school does not engage in racism. Although our yellow-skinned guy can’t play, we still like him.”

To put it bluntly, Yiyang thinks that if he goes there, he will only become a mascot to be laughed at. When he was in high school, Yiyang had experienced enough of all the unexpected events his skin color brought to him. He didn’t want to go to those **** schools and endure those **** guys’ rolling eyes.

Harpy also put away the files and put them in his briefcase. He didn’t treat Yiyang very much in the first place, so he just missed one thing. In the Wood District of Long Beach, he would never come to such a **** place again!

“Thank you for the coffee, ma’am.” Before leaving, Harpy never forgot to smile at Yiyang’s mother.

“Sir…” Before his mother could stay, Yiyang followed Hapi and closed the door.

“Let him go, mom, let’s not work as an advertisement for others. I went to work in the auto repair shop that Allen told me after graduating from high school. I can still make some money in one month. Wait a few years, we will go again. Open a small shop and leave this ghost place forever!” Yiyang helped his mother back and sat on the sofa. What **** college scouts are all American tricks!

Yiyang, who has lived in the slums since childhood, is not a silly boy. He fought in the NCAA and then entered the NBA as a matter of course. In the end, he won the championship and signed tens of millions of contracts to reach the pinnacle of his life?

Please, that’s just a plot that only appears in a dream. Yiyang likes basketball very much, which is almost the thing he loves most in his life. He fantasized more than once that he could live off basketball. But reality… is often more cruel than dreams!

A broken family, a frail mother, poverty, crime… all these things will tie Yiyang’s hands and feet. basketball? Let this thing remain in a beautiful fantasy.


Harpy walked into the airport angrily all the way, he bought the closest ticket to the present, and planned to fly directly back to Indianapolis. This guy has recruited hundreds of student players for Butler University, but no one is as angry as Yiyang today.

That “genius” first robbed himself, and also showed great disrespect towards him at home. Even if this kind of guy is really capable, he will turn the team’s locker room into a pot of porridge.

And the most important point is that Hapy has never seen Yiyang play before. The reason why he came to the **** slums of Long Beach was entirely because of the instructions of the team coach.

Harpy, who flew back to Indianapolis overnight, immediately called the team coach to report to the team as soon as he landed. He really couldn’t wait, he wanted to tell his coach about this “wonderful” experience.

“Hey, Hapi, did you bring that kid back?” As soon as the call was connected, a man couldn’t wait to ask.

“That kid may not come Stevens, he may never come!” Harpy started yelling loudly, obviously there was emotion.

“What’s the matter, buddy? Are you having trouble?”

“I was robbed by your “genius” first, and then severely humiliated by him in his house. I have never seen a child so difficult to train. I advise you to dispel this idea, Steven S. I think we still have to focus on Gordon Hayward and stop wasting time.” Harpy used the word “difficult to train” on the phone, which also shows how much he is. I don’t like Yiyang.

“Oh? It seems that this guy has more personality than I thought.” The team coach was not disappointed, but he laughed on the phone, as if all this was what he expected.

“Which point are you fancy that little bastard? Asian guard? I know that Harvard has a guy named Jeremy Lin, but you have to believe that there may only be one Jeremy Lin in the world! ”

“Okay, hapy, don’t get excited. I’ll post a few videos to you now. I believe you will change your opinion of that kid after watching it. Anyway, hapy, we’ll have to talk in person tomorrow, and then we’ll discuss it. Do you want to continue recruiting that kid?”

Harpy didn’t know what made the team coach Stevens so fascinated by the kid. Indeed, Harpy could see that Yiyang has a strong body and outstanding arms. But basketball is not just those two things that can be played well. UU Reading

After returning home, Hapi turned on the computer and received the video from Stevens without even going to the room to say hello to his sleeping wife.

Hapi randomly clicked on one of the video files, and the computer screen was immediately “occupied” by a basketball court.

In the picture, a team wearing a white jersey is playing at home. This team doesn’t even know Harpy, a professional scout, and can only say that this high school is really unpopular. But there is no doubt that he saw Yiyang in the team’s starting lineup.

As for the other team wearing a green jersey playing away, Hapike is quite familiar. The Voice of God Academy, they have a talented point guard who has been madly chased by seven famous basketball schools this summer, and is likely to be madly besieged by several NBA teams next summer, and another son of choice, John Wall. !

Yiyang vs. Wall? This is still a battle of pairs. This video from Stevens immediately raised Harpy’s interest.

On the computer screen, the game has started. Hapi let go of all his unhappiness and watched the game intently.

“Holy, shit!” Harpy, who was watching the video of the game on the computer screen, couldn’t help but exclaimed. His expression became more serious. The video from Stevens seemed to let Harpy see a new world.

I don’t know if he yelled because of Wall, or because of the Asian guard who made him angry? What kind of performance is it that will make this scout who has been exhausted after a day of running so excited?

Hapi leaned his face close to the screen, as if this would allow him to penetrate the scene. In the eyes of this fat scout, there is only the back of the number one guard…

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