Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 40: Trust

Yang Jianchuan smiled, “Money solves all the problems in this world. Ain’t I right, Ma Changhe?” Yang Jianchuan was loud enough for An Yuxin’s benefit.

Ma Changhe played along, eying An Yuxin, “But of course. In today’s society, money is everything.”

It was starting to have an affect on An Yuxin.

“Wasn’t prince charming saving damsels called a knight in ancient times?”

“Though there was no knight without money.”

The two matched their roles and Li Mo felt An Yuxin twisting.

“Have no worry and sit still. I will help you.” An Yuxin was tempted so Li Mo pinched her hand.

An Yuxin relaxed.

Yang Jianchuan snorted from anger.

“11 million!”

Another bidded.

Yang Jianchuan raised his sign without second thought.

Only allowed on

“20 million!”

It would seem Yang Jianchuan was quite keen on having the jade seal. He did double up once again.

“When I, Hu Dezhi, want something, I always get it. 21 million!”

The first bidder called again.

Yang Jianchuan’s face darkened, “25 million!”

“26 million!” Hu Dezhi called.

“30!” Yang Jianchuan followed.

“You must be so amazing. Fine, I won’t fight with you.”

If Hu Dezhi stepped down, then no one was willing to step up. The auctioneer called thrice then struck with his hammer.

Yang Jianchuan went to receive the jade seal and when he returned he gazed at An Yuxin.

“Five million are nothing in my eyes. But to common people, it is a sum they can never gather in their lives. Some decisions are better to be thought out at length. Once missed, they won’t be coming back.”

In Yang Jianchuan’s moment of pride, he heard Li Mo say to An Yuxin, “It’s best to ignore those with a screw loose. No one can understand their thinking.”

Yang Jianchuan had a mask of rage, “Who are you calling an idiot, punk?”

Li Mo smiled, “What else do you call someone throwing away 30 millions on a piece of garbage?”

“You’re calling this jade seal worthless? Ridiculous! This is Grandmaster Zhou’s personally refined seal. He is no swindler, but a true grandmaster of China. Are you blind, or didn’t you see the smoke clearing away from it?”

Ma Changhe added, “Director Yang, don’t waste your breath on a philistine.”

Li Mo said, “I may not know who Grandmaster Zhou is, but one thing I do know. That jade seal’s effect will weaken with time, turning into nothing more than a useless hunk of broken jade.”

“Rubbish!” Yang Jianchuan snapped, paying Li Mo no more attention.

An Yuxin blinked.

“When it comes to grandmasters, the number one grandmaster in the country is my master, Grandmaster Huang.”

“Chough, chough, en, en.”

Huang Lixing choked on water, but he salvaged the situation by standing straight in his seat as his coat and sunglasses further amplified his grandeur. 

Yang Jianchuan mocked, “Who the hell is that?” Then asked Ma Changhe, “Do you know him?”

“I heard of Grandmaster Zhou, Grandmaster Bai, and Grandmaster Lin. But never was there a mention of anyone called Grandmaster Huang.”

“Ha-ha-ha, he’s a nobody then.”

“Quite right, quite right.”

In the middle of their endless taunting of Huang Lixing, Li Mo said, “My master said that jade seal will last three days tops. If you don’t believe him, take a closer look at it.”

“Rubbish!” Despite Yang Jianchuan’s defiance, he still looked at the seal and his face sank.

The jade seal looked smooth but a crack lied deep within.

Yang Jianchuan lit up a cigarette and blew on the jade seal. He clearly saw how the crack increased each time he puffed.

Li Mo said to An Yuxin, “It’s best to stay clear of idiots spending 30 millions on garbage. Don’t ever believe a word that comes out of their mouths, they’re hopeless.”

An Yuxin bobbed her head.

Now that they established trust, it would slowly grow, one moment at a time.


Yang Jianchuan’s seal broke into pieces, sliding to the floor.

He put on a relaxed face, “It’s just 30 million. Nothing to cry about since I received Grandmaster Zhou’s energy.”

Though his heart was cursing the Su clan to the ends of the earth.

‘I wouldn’t have been so humiliated if not for that wretched Su clan!’

Ma Changhe saw his anger and played the fool by looking intent at the stage.

Twenty minutes later, the third item was brought in. This wasn’t from behalf of the Su clan, it was a cracked stone cauldron.

Priceless Auction promoted this item as being Shang dynasty(T/N: 1600-1046 BC) ancient cauldron.

The audience was keen on seeing this item, but now that was before them, they were met with disappointment.

A cauldron carved from stone, and incomplete on top, had so many cracks that it might crumble from a simple touch.

Yu Boyan introduced, “This ancient cauldron didn’t use to be this way. When it was brought here, it had less than ten cracks. Perhaps because of the weather, or careless handling, it became like you see today.”

Some people lamented while others were rejoicing. They were happy it gained dozens of cracks overnight and saved them from wasting their money on a defective product. 

“Because of how damaged it is, the opening bid will be lowered from 3 million, to 3,000.”

Even Yu Boyan’s face turned red at that number. No matter how one looked at the cauldron, it would fall apart at any jolt.

“Let the third bidding commence.”

Complete silence.

It wasn’t about the price, but that no one wanted a pile of useless rocks.

The money was not an issue, not with how famous everyone in the audience was. It was a matter of face. 

Jian Xiaoyan asked three times but there was no bid.


Just when Jian Xiaoyan was giving up, someone shouted.

Li Mo stood up and held his number sign.

“5 million!” Yang Jianchuan stood up also.

“Wow~” The crowd was in uproar.

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