Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 34: Auspicious Breeze

“Amazing, so this is cultivation.” Du Fei laid on the sofa relishing the sun’s rays peeking through the window.

His body began to release a faint holy light, but the image of his fat body crushed the sanctity and sacred feeling it evoked.

Among the wondrous living beings in the world, no two were the same. Du Fei’s Sacred Light Physique, rarer than one in ten thousand, gave him absolute advantage over any in the same stage as him. He could even skip stages.

In layman’s terms, the chubby’s constitution made him a protagonist in novels. 

Spiritual qi came in many types. A cultivator had to comb through them and take only the type he needed, or his body would become a chaotic mess.

The Human race’s trait was powerful, needing just one step into the God Realm and could absorb spiritual qi and temper his body automatically. None of the other races’ traits could compare. But it did have one glaring weakness. If one didn’t filter the incoming spiritual qi, his body would hold an amalgam of other types of spiritual qi, declining the strengthening effect. The Human race’s trait would turn from an advantage to a burden.

To compensate for this flaw, ancient powerful figures comprehended all kinds of cultivation methods. Their purpose, for every cultivator to absorb the spiritual qi most suited to their constitution.

If Du Fei lacked Grand Light Sutra, he couldn’t have absorbed the light spiritual qi, reducing him to nothing more than your average cultivator.

The Grand Light Sutra fit the Sacred Light Physique like a glove, allowing the cultivator to speed through the stages. In just two short days, Du Fei no longer needed to focus on meditation to absorb light spiritual qi. He could do whatever and it wouldn’t interfere with his cultivation at all. 

This was all thanks to the Human race’s trait.

Why was Su Haoyang so strong? Because he could feel the spiritual qi constantly strengthening his body, growing day by day. He was conceited into thinking he was privileged with such a talent, but he couldn’t be more far from the truth, as all humanity had it.

Su Haoyang didn’t know any cultivation method and his fate was sealed. And since humanity as a whole had yet to step into the God Realm, he still had some room to flex his ‘power’. 

There were good and bad cultivation methods. Su Haoyang knew none while Du Fei had the best in light spiritual qi absorption.

Du Fei needed just these couple of days to surpass Su Haoyang.

One one hand, Du Fei could now cultivate at leisure, and on the other, every 3-5 days Li Mo was overflowing with spiritual qi and had to turn them into spiritual qi beads, to not let it go to waste.

To the South of Feng City was a newly built neighborhood. It had an affordable living district for the common people and expensive mansions for the rich. The view was also amazing, placed at the foot of Cangnan Mountain and had a natural spring passing by. The fact that green engineering was used, it turned this neighborhood into one of the best areas of Feng City. 

The neighborhood’s name was also tasteful, Phoenix District. And the developer of this amazing area was none other than the famous Qin Corporation.

At the highest point of Phoenix District laid a three stories tall mansion occupying the best spot, with its back towards the mountain and water flowing at its side. Half of Feng City knew that the mansion wasn’t sold, being in Qin Corporation’s Chairman, Qin Zhen, tenure. 

Only allowed on

Noon found Qin Zhen in his study, dipping a brush in ink as he wrote.

Auspicious breeze!

The first word was impeccable, showing great calligraphy. But when he got to the character for the second word, a coughing fit assailed Qin Zhen, jerking his hand and resulting in a far poorer style. 

Qin Zhen frowned.

“Master’s writing is wonderful. Good things are about to happen.” Qin Shen saw Qin Zhen was in a bad mood and hoped to bring some light into his heart.

“What good things? Just look at how crooked and twisted this word is. Calligraphy demands peace with oneself. But this last word is so wretched it makes the paper useless, even if the first word is perfect.”

Qin Zhen tore the paper with ‘auspicious breeze’ then threw it away.

Qin Shen was remorseful, but didn’t voice it. Master Qin’s calligraphy was famous throughout the country. Not anyone could get their hands on it. Although this piece was erred, it would still sell at a steep price, adored as Master Qin’s precious work of art.

There was even a rumor passed around that Master Qin wouldn’t last long. Once he passed away, his calligraphy would soar in price.

Naturally, this wasn’t something Qin Shen ought to mention.

Qin Zhen collapsed weakly and pale in his chair after he threw the paper away. Qin Shen was also there to knead his back.

Qin Zhen sighed, “The expert is avoiding me. He must know I can’t be cured.”

Qin Shen pleaded in tears, “Master, don’t say that. I am sure he must be too busy. It wasn’t on purpose.”

“My illness is incurable by modern medicine. I was also naive to think that the mountain spring water essence could cure me. Ha-ha, who wouldn’t? Who doesn’t want to live on?

“And the result? Nothing.”

Qin Shen sobbed.

“Qin Shen, do you know why I made you learn the Stalwart Ox Art?”

Qin Shen shook his head.

“We may not be blood related, but you have a kind heart and great talent. You are 17 this year, yes? You trained the Stalwart Ox Art for only three years and already are in the 3rd layer of Enhancing Stage. To think that other Qin children at your age haven’t even entered the Enhancing Stage despite training hard for 5-10 years.”

Qin Zhen closed his eyes, “I am afraid Qin clan’s Stalwart Ox Art will die with me.

“Qin clan’s Stalwart Ox Art might be lost, but I don’t want this great skill to fade just yet. This is why I imparted it onto you.”

“Remember to pass it on when a Qin child shows aptitude in the future, or I won’t find rest not even in the underworld.”

Qin Shen kneeled, “I promise!”

“Qin clan has to train in the Stalwart Ox Art. It is a skill passed down to us by our ancestor a thousand years ago. I do not care who will lead the Qin clan, but Stalwart Ox Art cannot end with me.

“Don’t look down on this art. Qin clan’s every elder of their generation stated that once it is trained to the 9th stage, one’s body will be hard as steel. His body would burst with power of five tons with every movement. But the most important aspect…”

Qin Shen coughed and Qin Shen went behind to pat his back.

Only after a long time did Qin Zhen recover his voice, “If one can train it to the 9th stage, one’s lifespan would break through the human body’s limit. Even living for 200 years isn’t farfetched.”

Qin Shen’s eyes widened.

“A pity I am not talented enough. I have trained in Stalwart Ox Art for all my life and only reached the 6th layer. Now, my time has come, and will never get the chance to reach the 9th layer.

“Qin Shen, you’re much more talented. I have seen it. The Stalwart Ox Art’s inheritor…”

“Grandfather!” Qin Menglu burst in the room in the middle of the imparting ceremony.


“That little… expert is here!”

Qin Zhen jumped to his feet.

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