Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #8

*Rainelle’s POV

Life in the villa was really good. It was even more so because there were no nobles. I didn't have to be self-conscious, and I lived alone with Karmeut for the first time in a long time.

But when I woke up this morning, I wasn't feeling well.

"...Is it because it's been a while since I've been flying?"

Come to think of it, it was plausible. It's not that I had stopped flying, but since I became empress, I rarely returned to my crow form.

In such a situation, where it could be said that I had just return to my original form after a long time, I flew all the way to this place carrying Karmeut. Besides, when I was here, there were more times when I was in the form of a crow or a huge bird than a human.

"...would you like to sleep a little longer?"

It seems that Karmeut went out for training (even when he became the emperor, he did not neglect swordsmanship training), and he thought it would be okay for me to sleep a little longer.

With that thought in mind, I slipped into the duvet.

Was it because I was overdoing it? I felt chilly.


*Karmeut’s POV

Although he came on vacation with Rainelle, it was Karmeut who couldn't rest as much as he trained. Still, he didn't want to leave Rainelle alone for a long time, so he just lightly warmed up.

He blinked his eyes in wonder.

Rainelle is a crow. She never wakes up at dawn, but she tends to wake up when the sun rises.

But to think that Rainelle is still in bed now...

His doubts made Karmeut hurried to the bedside.


Is she tired because she's been flying around like a crow for the first time in a while?

Thinking so, Karmeut carefully lifted the duvet.


At that action, Rainelle let out a small groan and tossed her body.

Seeing her. Karmeut's face hardened. Then he reached out his hand and laid it on Rainelle's forehead.

Her temperature is higher than usual.

As soon as he confirmed that, Karmeut quickly tugged at the emergency call-rope and called someone.

"Call the healer. Quick!"

*Rainelle’s POV

My body was tired, and I was frowning at the heavy feeling.

What is this? Was it that hard on my body? I don't think it was to that extent.

Thinking so, I slowly opened my eyes. It was strangely difficult and heavy.


As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was Karmeut's face. Surprised, I blinked my eyes at the tired expression on his face.


“Are you feeling okay?”


I nodded my head to say that I was okay. However, Karmeut did not straighten his frown.

"Rainelle, drink some water first."

Saying so, Karmeut stood up and held a glass of water to my mouth. When the lukewarm water wet my lips, I realized that I was thirsty.

I drank the entire glass of water in an instant.

I seemed to feel a little refreshed from drinking the water, so I let out a light sigh.

"Are you okay......?"

"Uh... I'm feeling a little drowsy. I think I've gained weight."

Seeing Karmeut's complexion clouded at those words, I added quickly,

"It's because I'm too excited that I can just fly around...! Karmeut didn't do anything wrong."

"I should have figured out your condition earlier..."

"It's okay, Karmeut. I’m telling you, I have fun thanks to you."

Still, Karmeut's expression did not change. Then he said with a sigh,

"Let's go back, Rainelle."

“...to the Imperial Palace?”

"Yes. It's nice to take a break here, but in terms of facility, it's better to be in the Imperial Palace."

Without saying a word, I nodded my head.

It was comfortable here, but to say it was more convenient here than in the Imperial Palace, it wasn't.

The more people there were, the better the amenities were. Besides... I didn't want to worry Karmeut just because I wanted to be comfortable.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go back to the Palace."

As I nodded, Karmeut put a hand on my forehead with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, Rainelle. I wish we could have stayed longer."

“That’s true, but… I need to get better soon so that Karmeut can worry less.”

At that, Karmeut nodded his head. Then, he gently wiped the sweat from my cheek.

"Then let's eat first and go back. You skipped breakfast since you’re still in bed."


At those words, I glanced through the window. As if time had already passed, the sun was hanging in the middle of the sky.

And when I realized that, I felt hungry. Perhaps noticing this, Karmeut tugged at the rope and ordered the servants to serve me something to eat.

As I watched, I leaned back on the bed, and sighed.

Weird. Was it hard enough for me to get sick? It had never felt so hard before.

Even though I felt a little strange, I waited patiently for the meal to come. My languid body made me lazy to think.


After eating, I was brought in Karmeut's arms until we reached our room. I tried to ask him to let me down, but Karmeut's expression seemed to be saying "Please let me carry you," so I couldn't even say much.

"Although the healer had treated you...... But you need to rest well. Don't worry about anything."

“Ugh, I’m just a little tired and lethargic. So don’t worry too much.”

When I said that and smiled, Karmeut let out a long sigh.

"...How can I not worry when you're sick. It could be because you carried me......."

"No, it's not like that at all. If it’s that, won’t I be sick the very next day?"

I quickly said that to appease the self-blaming Karmeut. Then he smiled faintly and stroked my hair.

"...but we'd better call the physician."

"I'm just having a little flu. If I take a little rest, I'll be fine."

"No, even after being healed by a priest, you're still feeling drowsy. That's why you should get a checkup."

I couldn't help but nod my head at his determined expression as he said that.

---I can't say no when Karmeut comes on strong like this.

"...Um. I get it."

Because, when Karmeut was being like this, there was a good reason. Besides, he usually thinks of me, and he didn't want to force me to do anything unless it’s for my own sake.

Thinking so, I buried my face in the pillow and slowly blinked my eyes.

"If you're sleepy, get a good sleep, Rainelle.”

As he said that, he covered me with the duvet. The touch on my forehead was gentle. I smiled at the touch and nodded my head.

"Yeah, I’ll sleep a little bit.”

"Okay, don't worry, just go to sleep."

Karmeut wanted to tell me not to worry, but his expression showed that he himself wouldn't be able to do that.

So instead of telling him back not to worry, I took his hand and gave him a small pat.

Then Karmeut patted me back. Could it be because of that slow yet steady rhythm? I fell asleep right away.

*Karmeut’s POV

Looking at Rainelle, who had just fallen asleep, Karmeut's expression was serious.

Rainelle said it was not his fault, but Karmeut was blaming himself for what he might have done wrong and why he didn't pay attention to Rainelle's condition.

A knock on the door made Karmeut turn his head.

"Come in."

It was a low, heavy voice that Rainelle hadn't heard.

“It is an honor to meet Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“Come here quickly and examine the Empress.”

At the words, the physician approached with quick steps. Then, he inquired Karmeut about Rainelle's symptoms and examined Rainelle's condition.

“...How is it? She said she had the flu..."

Seeing the priest examining Rainelle's condition seriously, Karmeut couldn't stand his nervousness and asked a question. Despite his question, the physician who checked Rainelle's condition soon bowed down.

"Your Majesty the Emperor. As the Empress is not a normal human being, it is difficult to give a definitive answer as the reaction is unfamiliar..."

Karmeut gritted his teeth at those words

...Now she has a human form, but Rainelle is still a crow. The Queen of all flying beasts, who also received power directly from the Black Bird.

As such, he was even resentful of the fact that he could not deny the physician's words.

Rainelle can even pull out large wings while in human form. Wouldn't it be normal for her to not have the same condition as a normal person?

However, the physician's words did not end there.

"I am not sure, but Her Majesty the Empress's symptoms are more or less the same as when a woman is pregnant."

At those words, Karmeut's mind instantly turned white.


"...Are you saying Rainelle is pregnant...?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I can't be sure because it's subtly different from other people, but it's highly likely that she has conceived."

Hearing that, Karmeut's mind went blank again.

His mind couldn’t quite keep up with the sudden news. It was an unfamiliar experience for him.

“I think we need to keep watch a little longer. When one conceives new life, they feel drowsy or sleepy, and sometimes they get sick.”

"...But since Rainelle isn't human, it can't be confirmed yet."

"That's right, Your Majesty. Maybe it's simply that she’s sick."

Having said that, the physician looked into Karmeut's eyes for a moment and then opened his mouth,

“How about getting a more detailed diagnosis?”

"...Yes. It would be better to do so. You will have to stay by the Empress' side and take care of her until we return to the palace."

Karmeut, who had said that, exclaimed for a moment, then quickly added his words,

"And one more thing. It's not clear yet, so don't say anything to the Empress. Got it?"

"I understand, Your Majesty.

Seeing the physician bowing deeply to him, Karmeut instructed him to go back. When the priest left and only the two of them were left in the room, Karmeut muttered blankly.


Then, if this is true, I would be Rainelle’s husband and a father.

Thinking so, the corners of Karmeut's mouth twitched at the strangely thrilling feeling.

“...it's not confirmed yet. It can be a flu…”

He muttered those words as if to soothe himself yet also to brace himself.

However, in Karmeut's mind, the image of a child to be born between him and Rainelle was floating in the air.


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