Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #7

*Rainelle’s POV

It was fun to grill and eat meat alone with Karmeut on the lakeside where there was no one else. Even when I ate the meat only with the bread that I brought, it tasted much better than usual.


“Yes, it is delicious.”

"It's not much compared to what we eat at the Imperial Palace, but it's amazing that it's so delicious, isn't it?"

Karmeut chuckled at the remark.

“It may be because it was meaningful that cooked it ourselves.”

"Well, the Imperial Palace prepares everything. Of course, it's not that it's not delicious, but..."

“Isn’t this kind of thing good sometimes?”


I nodded.

It was good to be served by others, but it was also good to do something yourself like this. I don't know if it's because it's been a while.

I put the well-roasted meat on the bread and handed it out to Karmeut.

"Open up, Karmeut."

Karmeut opened his mouth and took a big bite.

"It's delicious. All the more so since you feed it to me."

"That, cough, of course I can feed you. You’re my husband, right?"

As I said the word ‘husband’, heat rushed to my cheeks, but I steadfastly ended my words.

Karmeut smiled and replied,

“It is also a husband’s wish for his wife not to do difficult things.”

As he said that, I averted my eyes. Karmeut chuckled.

Whoa. Sure, Karmeut did take really good care of me...

Karmeut said as he put another piece of wood into the fire,



“Can you put me on your back and fly one more time?”

I turned my eyes at those words.

"...One more time?"

“If you say no, I have no intention of forcing you.”

Karmeut's quick addition made me let out a small laugh.

“There is nothing hard about that. But I think it's dangerous because there's no saddle."

"Doesn't it feel stuffy when you put on the saddle?""

"It’s better than putting Karmeut in danger. That's why I'm wearing the saddle all the way here."

Having said that, I was very happy. That's why I said while gently shaking the tips of my wings,

"...But I'm glad. Karmeut asked me to go on a date with him."


"Yeah. Flying in the sky is really cool and fun. You seem to like it so you ask for a ride again. It makes me happy."

At those words, Karmeut let out a long sigh.

"...thank God. I was a little worried that maybe I was being pushy.

"Not at all! How fun it was to fly with Karmeut!"

I said so while flapping my wings. Karmeut gave a small smile.

"I'd love anything as long as I’m with you."

At that, my face flushed red.

...I-it's not fair to suddenly jump in like this!

"...Really, you’re so unfair. If you say that, it's really..."

"You don’t like it?"

“I, I don’t hate it, but…”

Karmeut laughed. Then he said while lightly pinching my cheek,

“Rainelle is shy.”

"...Karmeut is sly."

"I'm only doing this to you. Because you're so pretty and lovely."

At that, my face turned redder and I turned my head away. Then, pretending not able to win from his act of gently hugging me from behind, I hid my wings and quietly embraced him.

"From now on, don't be self-conscious and just be comfortable."

"...Are you talking about turning into a crow or a big bird?"

“Yes. Isn’t the human appearance uncomfortable for you?”

I couldn't lie in front of Karmeut who asked a question with a very serious attitude. So I quietly nodded his head and said,

“...The crow form is the most comfortable. "

“You can say that anyone else can’t tell because they don't know anything....But I can go back and forth between wolf and human form. I know it's more comfortable to be in the original form rather than the one that we can change into. So I want you to be more comfortable."

Without replying, I quietly hugged him and wiggled my fingers.

"Now we have many helpers, and the situation is stable. Of course, things can't always be at peace. That's what governing a country is like. ...But it's not like I can't make you feel comfortable.'

Saying that, Karmeut patted my back cautiously.

“Even if the empress takes on a different appearance, no one will say anything. I assure you.”

I didn’t deny Karmeut’s words, but I laughed lightly.

"You said it again."

"Because I don't want to lie to you."

“There were many times when we didn’t say anything in the past, right?”

"At that time, I was like that, since I was also weak."

Saying that, Karmeut gave his arms a little more strength.

"But it's different now. Not only me, but you're strong too. Enough to subdue the rampaging descendant of the Wolf."

I had nothing to say, so I laughed awkwardly. Then Karmeut smiled a little and buried his face in the nape of my neck. He snuggled.

"That's why I believe so. Of course, I always want to protect and protect you, but...”

"Yes, of course. But I am not a child."

"Yes, because you said that husband and wife should trust and respect each other."

Having said that, he continued,

"That's why I believe in you, Rainelle. Your strength and your actions as the empress."

I laughed my head off at the remark. I couldn't help laughing because I was embarrassed and tickled.

“I believe in Karmeut from the beginning.”

I felt Karmeut flinch at those words.

But when you think about it, isn't it natural?

“Birds are very wary. If you don’t trust them, they won’t go near you. And I believed in Karmeut from the beginning."

...At that time, rather than believing in Karmeut, it was more that I saw him as the only person who would pick me up and raise me beautifully! But...

"...I was also very curious."

My conscience pricked me a lot when I simply say I believed him, so I added that briefly, and Karmeut burst into laughter.

"... Haha. I should be grateful for that curiosity. If it wasn't for Rainelle's curiosity, I wouldn't be here."

"Isn't that something no one knows?"

"I've never been in such a tight spot. I mean it."

Smiling broadly, I leaned comfortably against Karmeut's body.

"I think I'm lucky too. Getting to know Karmeut."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I appreciate Karmeut who treat me well... but I know there are many people who don't."

How nice it would be if there were only people who were not mean, behaved friendly, and took good care of wild animals approaching them. But there are many people who don't.

I'm sure there are people who will catch them and do harm. In addition, considering the background of this place (even though it is the background of the game), I could have been caught and sold, saying that I am strange, or I could have been killed simply because I was seen as unlucky.

Thinking so, meeting Karmeut was very fortunate for me as well.

"I'm thankful that you didn't judge. That's why I'm glad I met Karmeut."

Karmeut carefully hugged me. I quickly added, surrendering myself entirely to the more cautious hands,

"But it's not only that now. Karmeut even made crow as the national bird."

"My wife is a crow, after all."

"Yes, yes."

When I responded to Karmeut's words with a nod of my head, he lightly kissed me on the cheek.

"...then should we go back? I think the others are starting to worry."

"Yeah, let’s do that. Lord Windster couldn't accompany us, so he must be pretty upset."

"If you say so, I feel a little sorry for him."

Saying that, Karmeut laughed and stood up. I quickly followed him and got up to help cleaning up.

The fire remaining in the firewood was completely extinguished, and the bones were gathered well and buried.

Now, I was about to change into a crow to leave, but Karmeut started saying,

“Rainelle, would you like to ride on my back when we return?”

"Huh? Karmeut's back?"

"Yes, I want to let you ride and run once. Since I came all the way here on your back."

At that, my eyes lit up. Of course, I had hugged him and slept as he used his wolf form many times, but since I had never ridden on his back for long distances, I was honestly looking forward to it.


Karmeut smiled. Then he changed into his wolf form.

The large golden wolf was even bigger than when he first awakened. It used to be big, but should I say it's almost the size of a bull now?

The wolf affectionately nudged with his snout and stuck out his tongue, carefully licking my cheek. I laughed at his action and hugged his neck tightly.

As I buried my head in the soft, fluffy golden fur and rubbed it, Karmeut carefully tapped his tail while grunting.

I loosened my arms and took a step back, then Karmeut fell flat on his stomach the floor.

After I carefully climbed onto his back, I felt him stand up cautiously.

I nodded my head at Karmeut's behavior of alternately glancing at me and the nape of his neck as he threw his eyes this way. I gripped his mane tightly.

He sniffed for a moment, then started walking slowly forward.

"Oh, wow..."

Perhaps trying to give me time to adjust, he slowly walked along the lakeside. I looked around as I braced myself for his swaying movements.

It was a different feeling from flying. I'm not walking myself, but it still feels like I'm walking…?

However, it was still different than riding a horse. Horse made the sound of a horse's hooves and there was a rattling feeling. However, perhaps because Karmeut was a wolf, he was more flexible, gentle, and quiet.

"I'm used to it now."

Saying that, I gently tapped him on the nape of his neck, and Karmeut began to increase his speed little by little.

"Wow, wow...! Karmeut, faster!"

Excitedly, I urged Karmeut, and Karmeut, too, seemed excited and began to run at faster speed.

Although it was quiet, I had to tighten my hold while riding on the back of Karmeut, who ran faster than a horse. But the feeling was very good.

"It's different from mine! Exciting!"

Watching Karmeut vigorously wagging his tail, I promised myself that I would ask for a ride again when the opportunity arises.

It's such a waste to do this just once! It's so fast and exciting!


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