Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #6

*Rainelle’s POV

I was flying with Karmeut excitedly (although Karmeut ran, of course), then we took a short break. Sitting with him on a rock near the lake.

"...Caw? (Huh?)"

I tilted my head in wonder as birds suddenly flocked over.

I didn’t call them, though?

The birds circled around for a moment as if they were wary of the wolf-shaped Karmeut. When I signaled to the birds that it was okay with a cry, they landed nearby.

I flinched for a moment at the eyes of birds looking at me with sparkling eyes, like chicks looking at their mother. But soon the birds in groups of twos and threes began to drop something in front of me.

The little birds put down small berries or edible mushrooms, while the big birds put down what seemed to be fish, shiny stones, pretty flowers, or herbs.

"Caaw? (Is this a gift?)"

“Gu-gu-gu-gu-gu! (It's a gift!)

“Peep, peep! (A gift for the Queen!)”

“Chirp, chirp chirp! (I hope you're happy!)”

I was a little moved by the behavior of the birds chirping and shining eyes.

Karmeut was quietly watching, but he was tilting his head in wonder.

"Caw! (Thank you!)"

“Tweet tweet tweet! (The Queen is happy!)

“Pirorororo! (She said thank you!)

The behavior of the birds chirping and dancing when I said thank you was very cute. The big ones were relatively calm... but I could still see them fluffing their feathers and flapping their wings with joy.

"Caw, caw, caw, caw. (You don't have to bring anything like this anymore.)"

- Beep? (Why?)

- Gu-gu-gu-gu-gu? (Aren’t you happy?)

"Caw, caaw. (I don't want to take away what you guys should eat.)"

At that, the birds looked at each other's faces and chirped.

“Kuruk, kkuuuu! (Then I won't bring it!)”

“Pirororororo! (Call me anytime!)

“Tweet tweet tweet! (It's good to see the Queen!)

With that, the chirping birds spread their wings and soared into the sky. It was spectacular to see dozens or hundreds of big and small birds flying up.

After looking at the feathers falling from the sky for a while, I then turned to look at Karmeut.

Karmeut got up and was looking at the fish and small gifts the birds had brought. Then he suddenly returned to his human form.

"Rainelle, can we talk for a minute?"

Hearing that, I changed into a human form and said,

"Yeah, why? This, the birds brought me these things as a present.”

"It seemed so. Speaking of which, wouldn't it be better if you happily accept what they brought you?"

I immediately understood what Karmeut meant when he said that while curving his eyes.

"...You want to eat this with me?"

“Yeah, it looks like it will be quite delicious if we clean it up and eat it.”


"There are many things nearby that can be used as firewood. We’ll need fire. Can I ask Rainelle to do it?"

"Yes, of course."

For me, who was empowered by the Black Bird flying high in the sky, making a fire was a simple matter.

When I nodded, Karmeut stood up.

"Then wait a moment. I'll bring some firewood."

“Karmeut, wait.”


Karmeut blinked when I called out to him. I gave him a small smile and said,

"I'll bring the firewood."


"Yeah, it'll be fast if I go back to the villa after transforming into a big bird, right? …It will also be easier to carry things..."

At that, Kamut nodded his head.

"I didn't think of that part."


"Then can I ask you to take care of that? I'll be preparing the rest here."

"Sure. I'll be back soon!"

Saying so, I transformed into a large figure and immediately flew up.

If it was to roast the food the birds gave me, a big bundle of firewood seemed to be enough.

I'll have to ask for salt and spices too, since it would taste better that way.

Thinking so, I quickly flew towards the villa.

It didn't take long for me to return to Karmeut's side with a bunch of firewood in one foot and a basket of salt, spices, bread, and drinks in the other.

Meanwhile, Karmeut was washing his hands in the lake, as if he had already finished preparing.

"...are you already done?"

"You're quick, Rainelle."

"Because it's fast when flying. By the way... Karmeut, I had thought this the first time we met, but surprisingly you know how to do these things?"

Honestly, if you think about it for a bit, what's the point of the prince catching and slaughtering an animal? It's normal to eat things that others have perfectly prepared.

To my question, Karmeut answered with a smile.

“When I was learning swordsmanship, I was with the knights. When we camped, I learned this and that.”

“…The knights let you do something like that?”

"I asked for it. I thought I might use the skill someday."

Saying “It came in handy when we first met, and now I can use it again,” Karmeut smiled lightly.

“Rainelle, can you light a fire here?”

"Yeah, I got it."

Gathering some of my power, I touched the firewood that Karmeut had piled up nicely. Then, a crackling sound and smoke started to come out, and soon it caught fire.

"You didn't even learn magic, but it is so easy for you to light a fire... That’s amazing."

"It’s not a big deal."

"It's amazing because it's something I can't do."

Saying so, Karmeut began grilling the well-prepared fish and meat. I sat down next to him and put the fruit the birds had picked into his mouth.

"Thank you, Rainelle."

The appearance of Karmeut, who curved his eyes beautifully, was very dazzling, so I felt good.

"I told the chef and he brought me some bread and drinks. Let's eat together when the cooking is finished."

"That's a good idea."

Karmeut continued to grill the meat, sprinkling it with salt and spices. The smell of roasting meat was quite nice.


"Huh? Rainelle?"

"No, we're the emperor and the empress. But to eat the meat roasted over a fire just the two of us in an empty place like this… Wouldn't it be surprising if someone saw?"

Thinking about our current situation, it was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh.

Karmeut chuckled as if he agreed.

"Haha... that's for sure. People like us usually order other people to do it."

“I like this though. It reminds me of when I was alone with Karmeut in the forest."

Karmeut laughed lightly.

"So do I. And it was nice to run like a wolf."

“You looked like you were having fun.”

"Rainelle seemed like that too."

Saying that, Karmeut slowly turned the meat skewer.

“Just running without thinking about anything, it felt like my heart was going to explode.”


"...I didn't even think about it before, but unexpectedly, it seems like I was under a lot of stress while working."

Seeing Karmeut smiling bitterly, I put my hand on his shoulder. Then he lightly patted the back of my hand and said,

"It's okay. It's an obligation as the emperor."

“But I hate seeing Karmeut have a hard time.”

"I hate it when you're having a hard time too. That's why I work harder, and we came here to enjoy a vacation together."

Karmeut laughed. In the end, he always showed a smile to me. He was angry sometimes, but only when he was worried about me.

"...That's why I think Kamut is cool."

I mean it. This is why Karmeut looks so cool, great, and... lovely.

Thinking so, I kissed him briefly on the lips. I saw his golden eyes widen in astonishment at the light touch on his lips.

"You’re wonderful, Kamut."

Karmeut blinked his eyes slowly and looked at me ceaselessly. Then he smiled quietly and kissed me lightly.

"...Really, Rainelle.”

With a smile that showed helplessness, his lips lightly touched mine and then lifted gently. His eyes were burning more brilliantly than fireworks.

“I always think so, but you are really lovely.”

Even after our marriage, I always heard these words. But every time I heard them, I was tickled by a feeling of embarrassment.

And so, I put a fruit into my mouth.

Then Karmeut chuckled and whispered, kissing me on the cheek and nose,

"Let's eat first and continue later."

I was momentarily anxious at those words.

“…what are we going to do after eating?”


Karmeut's grin was somehow dangerous.

"Maybe what Rainelle thinks of is right."

At those words, my body trembled. At the same time, I was embarrassed to raise my head with the feeling of anticipation.

“Well? What is it?”

"Do you want to hear it through my mouth?"

I puffed out my cheeks at Karmeut's smirk.


"I mean, I won’t let you sleep tonight."

Whether or not it was a joke, Karmeut's eyes were no joke when he spoke that calmly.

I turned away my head at that gaze and sighed.

I even took out my wings and gently covered my face.

Then he heard a chuckle. It seemed like he was making fun of me, but I was too shy to look directly at Karmeut.

Uu, of course, since we became a married couple, we can do things, but...! It's another matter to hear it openly!

Even if it's just the two of us, that kind of, that kind of---!

As my mind was filled with such thoughts, I covered my burning cheeks with my hand, then I felt a hand gently touch my wing.

"It's all roasted, Rainelle."

"Uh, huh? Yes!"

When I folded my wings in surprise, I was shocked to see Karmeut's face right in front of me.

Before I could pull my head back, Karmeut already cupped my cheeks with both of his hands and kissed me on the lips.

Slowly, but firmly, our lips overlapped, and my mouth opened as my body weakened from all the licking.

As I always thought, Karmeut was good at everything. Kisses, and other things.


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