Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #13

*Rainelle’s POV

“Really? I am……”

"Yes, that is right. At that time, I also examined the physical condition of the crow who took a human figure with an egg in her stomach, so it's accurate."

The words made me feel indescribable. I felt various emotions swirling in my heart.


Unknowingly, tears welled up and flowed down. I was not sad, but tears just came out.


I felt Karmeut approaching who then giving me a gentle hug. I tried to calm down by wiping the tears flowing on my cheeks with my hands.

Seeing me like that, Hempel-nim just bowed deeply.

"Well then, I will leave the two of you alone."

After saying that, Hempel-nim changed into the form of a crow. Then, with a swish, he flew away through the open window.

More than minding Hempel-nim's actions, I clung to the warmth embracing me.


He hugged me tightly without saying a word.

I calmed down by taking a deep breath in his arms.

"I, I have a child."


"I've touched it several times, but I can't feel anything. Still, I have a child."


"...what I heard just now is true, right? I didn't just hear something wrong, did I?"

"It’s not wrong, Rainelle. I heard the same thing."

At those words, tears came out again. Karmeut wiped away my tears and said,

"Don't cry, Rainelle."

"I don't know why tears are coming out."

Saying so, I sniffed.

"When I heard that what I thought was real, I was like..."

He quietly patted me on the back without saying anything. At his action, one of the words that had been lingering in my mind popped out.

"I'm confused, but I'm glad. Yes, I'm glad."

Yeah, I was happy. I was worried, anxious, and at a loss, but the feeling of joy was greater than any other feelings.

“There is Karmeut’s and my child here.”

I raised my hand and stroked my stomach. ...Unsurprisingly, I didn't feel anything.

However, thinking that there was a child here, I felt different for some reason.

"I didn't even think about it before, but suddenly, it feels like I've been given a present."

"...I'm glad you feel that way."

At that, I raised my head and looked at him. Karmeut had a genuinely relieved expression on his face.

"It was a child neither I nor you expected. So I thought maybe... maybe, maybe you don't like kids. You may not want to have children yet."

I was taken aback by the words, but then I understood. It was because I remembered that not everyone is happy about having a child.

“・・・To be honest, I was surprised. My heart is still beating hard like this.”

Saying so, I placed my hand on my chest. My thumping heartbeat could be felt by my fingertips.

"Yeah, it’s still the same now. I'm surprised and feel awkward. I'm worried about whether I'll be able to raise a child well. But..."

I thought of the child who will be born in the future. What will the child look like? Will the child looked like me, or would the child be like Karmeut?

Thinking of that brought a smile to my lips.

"It’s my and Karmeut's child. How could I hate or reject the little one?"

Karmeut's eyes widened at those words.

"...Thank you for thinking that way, Rainelle."

"Of course. It's the child of the person I love."

Karmeut kissed his lips lightly at the words. It was a light, ticklish kiss like a baby bird's fluff.



"Is the child in my belly an egg or a human baby?"

"Well, I'm not sure."

"Who do the little one resemble more? I want the child resemble Karmeut."

"I want the child to be like Rainelle."


"If it's a child resembling Rainelle, the child is sure to be lovely."

"I thought Karmeut's young appearance would be lovely."

At that, he replied with a small smile.

"...Either way, the little one is our child. The child will be very, very lovely, and we can't help but love the little one."

At those words, I burst into laughter without even realizing it.

"Yes, I think so too."

Then he kissed me again. I shrank my shoulders as I giggled at the touch on my forehead, cheeks, the bridge of my nose, and my lips.

"Rainelle, if you want anything, just tell me. Especially, don't hold back on what you want to eat."

"Okay, I get it."

"And I'll cancel all your schedules. Of course, assuming you want to. I have no intention of forcing you to do something or stopping you from doing it."

"Yeah, I know. I know Karmeut isn't like that."

"Is there anything you want to eat right now? Or something you want to do?"

I shook my head at those words.

"I don't have anything on my mind right now."

"Really? If you have anything, let me know anytime. I will listen."

I nodded my head, but then I involuntarily gave out an exclamation of “ah!” at a crazy thought that I suddenly have.

"Ah...! Then the reason why are birds are acting strange..."

"You mean the magpies?"

"Yeah. I was wondering why they suddenly jumped at the maids and pulled out their hair...”

Could it be that the birds knew that I am pregnant?

I thought like that. Then Karmeut opened his mouth with a small smile,

"They are very keen."

“Yeah, but I’m a little sorry.”

"A little sorry?"

"...Even if it was done for my sake, pulling out the hair of innocent maids wasn't a good thing."

How painful is it for your hair to be plucked? Hearing that, Karmeut burst into laughter.

"That's true."

"I'm going to gather the birds and say something. That they don't have to be too overprotective."

At that, Karmeut nodded his head and carefully reached out his hand and then swept it across my stomach.

"...I can't feel anything."

"Right? It's strange that it's there."

Karmeut chuckled lightly. Then, cautiously, he asked a question.



"I'm thinking of throwing a party and let other people know."

"Oh... is that so?"

"Usually, it’s like that. The fact that the empress is pregnant is something to be blessed not only in the Empire but also in other countries."

Of course, I shook my head at his act of adding the part that he wouldn't do it if I didn't want to.

"I see. Okay. Let them know."

"Are you okay with that?"

"It's something they will find out over time anyway. It would be better to inform them in advance.”

Karmeut laughed. Then he took my hand and said,

"Well, let's hold a party that doesn't overwhelm and strain you."


"Take it easy. Don't think about anything bad."


"...And you don't need to feel sorry for the maids, but you can do what you think is right."

"...I feel sorry for their hair."

“That much, I will give instructions to treat them. That's far better."

I had to convey deep condolences to the maids. And as Karmeut said, I will do what I think I should do. I have to call the birds right away and say a word to them.

“Karmeut, transform into a wolf.”

At those words, Karmeut immediately changed into his wolf form. My own big, reliable wolf with golden fur.

The wolf brought his nose to my belly and sniffed a few times. Then he carefully put his head on my lap and looked up.

I enjoyed the warmth as I gently stroked the wolf's head.

“I hope the child grow up healthy.”

At that, the wolf wagged his tail.

The fact that I was pregnant was very surprising. I was still full of anxiety and worry.


Still, I was happy and excited.


*3rd person POV

The news of the Empress's pregnancy quickly spread throughout the Empire.

'The Queen has a child.'

'There are eggs.'

'It's still in the stomach, but it's a precious child.'

'It's a lovely child.

'Queen's child.'

'So, we have to protect it.'

And such news also spread immediately through the mouth of birds.

"You guys can't do that!"

...Of course, the magpies were scolded by Rainelle.

"I'm very grateful that you think so important of me, but the maids are people who help me. That's why you shouldn't attack them."

Rainelle had gathered the magpies and birds around. They were peeking up with wings drooping down. The wings on Rainelle’s back folded and unfolded.

"...And, I wish you'd let me know I had a child."

'I didn't know how to say.'

'Right, I didn't know how to put it.'

'Can't tell the Queen what I don't know first.'

'That's right.'

'And humans are dangerous.'

'Right, dangerous.'

'They take the eggs out of the nest whenever they have a chance.'

'That's right!'

'The Queen's egg can be in danger, so I have to protect it!'

At that, Rainelle touched her forehead.

No, she knew very well why they said that. Why do people raise poultry like chickens and ducks? They eat meat, but don't they also take out the eggs and eat them?

In addition, it was only recently that mass breeding had become possible as the price was not cheap, and so Rainelle had heard that in the past, there were many cases where eggs were stolen from bird nests for consume purpose. She thought that was why the birds say things like that.

"Guys, among the humans here, none of them are going to eat my egg... well, egg or human child."



'Humans like eggs, right?'

"If they eat my child, they will be bitten by my companion."

...First of all, Karmeut won't stay still, but before that, she can step in and personally bake the person. She thought: ‘They should be grilled very nicely.’

As she looked at the birds with that thought in mind, the birds glanced at each other, chirping and whispering.

'The Queen's child is special!'

'It's precious!'

'But since the Queen says it's safe...'

'I'll listen!'

'If I want to see it, can I come and see it?'

"Sure, anytime."

'Wow! Exciting!'

'I'm allowed!'

'I have to come see every day!'

'Still, I have to protect the Queen!'

'Because the Queen is precious!'

I burst into laughter at the sight of the chirping birds.

Rainelle: ‘Our child is loved even before being born.’


Translator(s) note: We have something to do in the next few days, so the next chapter might get a bit delayed (maybe next Saturday...?). Thank you for your understanding~

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