Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #10

*3rd person POV

Rainelle, who was examined, said she was tired and went straight to bed. Looking at Rainelle who was sleeping with her wings wrapped around her, Karmeut recalled what the imperial family physician had said.

“I can't be sure since the Empress is not a human. It seems like we should periodically check the body of Her Majesty the Empress.”

"…Is there a possibility of conception?"

“There is a possibility. However, as it is an important matter, I think it would be better to judge it carefully.”

Karmeut, recalling those conversations, sighed again. ...In the end, the imperial family physician can’t determine it.

'...That's how unique Rainelle’s case is.'

How many female crows in the world have eaten Crobanlock? And how many cases did the crow conceive a new life with a human as its companion?

Assuming that this situation was the first, he was both anxious and happy, so his feelings were complicated.

"...if it’s really true…"

Then what should he do? What can he do for her who has conceived a new life?

Without knowing the answer because there was no precedent, he agonized. Karmeut's eyes were fixed on Rainelle without any sign of falling away.


*Rainelle’s POV


"Huh? What is it, Rainelle?"

"Do you have mind reading skill?"

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

At those words, I looked at Karmeut with a slightly stunned feeling. He really didn't understand, so I just looked at him, tilting my head.

"Hmm, you have it. How else did you know I’d be hungry and came just in time?"

Besides, it’s not even meal time now. Even I was surprised about how hungry I was now, considering my usual lifestyle.

But how did Karmeut knew and came at the right time? Knew that I’d like something to eat.

“Rainelle, I am the emperor. It is not difficult to hear about your situation.”

Karmeut said that with a smile, but there was something else I couldn't understand.

"I know that, but... isn't it time for you to work right now? Aren't you busy?"

I couldn't help worrying. Karmeut used to do a lot of paperwork on a daily basis, and I also knew that the amount of documents accumulated after a day's delay was beyond imagination.

But the fact that he came here somehow bothered me.

Karmeut looked openly upset at my words. Then he opened his mouth slightly and said,

“...Rainelle, do you want me to leave for work?”

"No, no. I like being with Karmeut!"

Fearing a misunderstanding, I answered hastily. ...I know it's a joke, but I still have to answer this straight away!

“But if you postpone your work, the next day will be difficult. I'm asking because I don't like Karmeut having a hard time."

"That's the same for me."

Saying so, Karmeut met my gaze.

"I also don't want Rainelle to have a hard time or be sick."


"You're still a bit tired, aren't you?"

I didn't answer. To be honest, it was true that I was tired and lethargic. My body throbbed a little.

“The country's affairs are important, but the most important thing to me is my companion. So don't worry about that, Rainelle."

I was honestly moved by his act of gently holding my hand while saying that.


"Aren't there aids for a time like this?"

I laughed lightly at Karmeut's playful wink. Then, I conveyed words of deep consolation to his aids who were going to suffer.

"...Because Karmeut always work hard."

"Thank you for acknowledging that."

Karmeut gently curved the corners of his eyes. Then, he sliced the meat and held it out to me.

"Open up, Rainelle.”

“...I was going to ask you earlier, but this isn't a snack, is it?"

At that, Karmeut laughed.

"Rainelle, do you think you'll be satisfied with your usual snacks?"

I thought it over. Tea and refreshments were the most common snacks I eat before a meal.

"...No. I don't think I'll be satisfied with that."

Considering the amount, I didn't think it would be satisfactory. Thinking so, I shook my head, and Karmeut gave a small smile.

"Then just eat this. If you feel like you're going to eat less because you're full later, you can just not eat too much."

At those words, I pouted.

"...I don't want to shorten the meal time with Karmeut so much."

Then Karmeut spoke soothingly,

"I can eat with you now too. Then it's okay, right?"

The tone that seemed to soothe a child make me wanted to laugh.

“Karmeut, do I look like a child?”

"No, you looks like my lovely wife."

Having slyly said that, Karmeut deftly held out the meat.

"Come on, eat first."

"Um, thank you."

I opened his mouth, took the meat, and ate it. I didn't even want to eat the meat, but when I put it in my mouth, I pulled at it without realizing it.

"Here, Karmeut have some too."

But I didn't want to eat it alone and I didn't want to rush myself to eat. So I grabbed some meat and handed it to Karmeut, who accepted and ate it with a smile.

"Thank you, Rainelle."

“Because eating together is more delicious.”

"I agree."

Karmeut and I burst into laughter when our eyes met. I can't believe we're talking while eating even though it's not even meal time. I felt like I was playing some kind of prank.


*3rd person POV

“About crows that ate Crobanlock?”

Myrdin squinted his eyes and looked at the current emperor. The person in front of him was the Emperor of the Empire, but the achievements Myrdin had made so far were worthy of the Emperor's respect.

"That's right, Myrdin-nim."

And Karmeut also simply respected Myrdin. Just like when he was the crown prince, he still used honorifics for him. Myrdin smiled mischievously.

“Oh my. To hear honorifics from His Majesty the Emperor. This old man is going to faint from the shock.”

“Even if I am the emperor, how can I not respect Myrdin-nim?”

Karmeut, who smiled while saying that, then put on a serious expression.

"Myrdin-nim, as you know, Rainrlle and I have become a couple. ...So, shouldn't we think about the future?"

At the words, Myrdin stroked his beard and grinned.

"You're talking about children.'

"Yes, I am. Technically, Rainelle is not human, so it is possible that a new life will not be conceived. Conversely, a child may be born between us."

“But since Her Majesty the Empress is not a human but a crow that ate Crobanlock, you probably want to say that there’s a lack of information in many ways."

"You're right."

At that, Myrdin closed his eyes and was lost in thought. Looking at him like that, Karmeut clenched his fists while trying to hide his nervousness.

"...As I've said before, the number of crows that have eaten Crobanlock is very small. Hempel is the only crow I have a relationship with."

At those words, Karmeut quietly nodded his head.

“Besides, they are usually wary of people. So even though they live for decades in the form of crows, I know that they rarely live in human form."

"Did Hempel say that?"

"Yes, at least as far as I and Hempel know."

Myrdin stroked his beard a few more times.

"If you think about it, isn't it natural? The lives of crows and the lives of humans. I don’t need to tell you which one is more complicated and requires a lot of attention.”

At those words, Karmeut nodded heavily.

"If the Empress conceives, it will probably be the first. Besides, hasn't the Empress been given powers from the Black Bird?"

Saying that, Myrdin smiled.

"Isn't it unprecedented for the Queen of all flying beasts to conceive a new life in the form of a human being? So it's a pity that I can't give you any advice."

Hearing that, Karmeut let out a long sigh.

It was as he said. Rainelle was a crow who ate Crobanlock, but she was also the queen of all flying beasts.

"...it's a difficult problem."

"Everything is difficult. To welcome a new life."

Karmeut looked at Myrdin at the remark. The old wizard was smiling benevolently.

"It's the same with people. No matter how much you listen to people around you about what to do when welcoming a new life, you will always be in a flurry when something happens."

Karmeut looked at Myrdin with an indescribable feeling.

"That's the way it is. To greet a life. That's what being a parent means.”

Myrdin laughed.

"Of course, you have to worry about that to become a good parent. Just because you have a child doesn't mean you're a parent. Some people feel unpleasant for being called parents, don't they?"

"...Is that so?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Myrdin smiled good-naturedly. His eyes were soft and warm, as if he were looking at his grandson.

"You may be more anxious because there is no case like the Empress, but don't worry too much."


"Parents are not alone."

At those words, Karmeut looked at Myrdin with shock as if he had been hit by something. The old wizard was looking at the Emperor with wise eyes.

“Of course, if Her Majesty the Empress conceives, she will have a hard time because of the physical changes... But even so, don't try to embrace the problem alone. Such an appearance can instill anxiety to the mother."

Karmeut lapped his lips.

"...Thank you for the advice."

Myrdin replied with a smile.

"My pleasure, Your Majesty. Well, I'll be happy if it's confirmed that Her Majesty the Empress Mama has conceived."

Karmeut stumbled slightly at the remark. Seeing such a sight from the young emperor, the old wizard smiled and said,

“No matter how old I am, I am not deaf. Besides, if you ask such a question at a time like this, of course I can guess.”

A smile of playfulness and anticipation spread across Myrdin's face as he said that.


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