NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 357: The Long List of His Advantage!

Bloom's points of strength were really numerous to count on a single hand! He never thought he had such assets before this moment. And the moment he started counting them, he felt much pride and more confidence in himself.

He came to this game with the intention of toppling it upside down. Wrecking the game that turned his old game into ruins.

However after experiencing the game for himself, he realized things weren't as simple as he expected.

This game was well designed, not to mention it was a totally different world than Earth. As someone who hailed from one lousy and loser game, he appreciated this game now.

Honestly speaking he turned from its biggest hater to its biggest supporter. Plus turning his life into such a human made him realize how precious were the things he currently had to lose.

Like before, being just a mere NPC in a game, he wouldn't think twice about giving up his life to attain his goals. But now he knew there were many benefits to being human.

At least it was much fun, more fun than what he ever felt during his past life as an NPC, even amidst his glorious moments.

The second aspect that changed his opinion was his ability to win over others in this game or world. The desire to be the best was deeply engraved in his soul.

And he would never flinch from such a position by his own will! Even in his past life, he welcomed all the hardships forced upon him and tried to succeed and crush them all.

His life before made him realize the value of challenging others and creating his own path with his own strength. Right now he had strength, knowledge, and the courage to go beyond what others would dream of.

"I have the advantage of homeland," the first point of strength he thought of was unlikely to be thought of. 

If anyone saw such a scenario now he would feel pity for Bloom. He was cornered and getting attacked from all his enemies at three different places.

But when giving the matter much thought, anyone would feel surprised to see the three places were considered a homeland for him.

"They are my turfs," he said in a decisive tone, "the Regalis fort, the Swor town, and even Earth… every single one of them lies under my control and dominion. I have the home advantage and I have to play accordingly based on that."

Seeing things from such a perspective changed a lot of his negative feelings towards the upcoming battles. After all, he knew the rules and terrain of each place, and held the advantage of being in control over these areas.

"Plus the defense advantage," he added to himself like he was lecturing it, "Neither in the three battles I have to attack. All I have to do is to hold the three places with an iron fist and make sure no single enemy would trespass over them."

Despite saying it in such a big tone, he knew saying it wouldn't make it easier. He had to fight, and fight a big one this time to prove his right to control the three places.

However when succeeded, he would rise above anyone else with three cornerstones that could be best described as: Unshakable!

"As for other things I have… Let's see…" he started to check everything he had gathered so far. "I have Pandora box, the dark monster taming bow, the purgatory fire scroll, ring of resurrection, ring of summon, angel summoning token of Mora, powder of illusion, horn of deafness, carpet of gravity, orb of truth, the horn of the fallen legion, the portable hidden dark fallen mines dungeon orb, light agent summoning tokens, dark agents summoning tokens… plus my Luna's squad and my squad of beauties and my pets…"

He discovered that he had a lot of things, so much that he missed some of them. He even opened many windows to review some items' details and realize their worth.

"So put it straight… I lack a lot of dark points here…"

He wasn't lacking in fact. His wealth of the dark points were accumulating massively by each passing day. His passive quests garnished him a lot of dark point income.

But he knew in such a grand epic war, his looking rich dark point wealth would vaporize in no time and would leave him empty handed midway there.

"I need to secure more points… but wait a second…"

His mind suddenly realized something. "I've sent Luna for a long time already to fight for me on the battlefield. I believe she can play a good role in the upcoming fight, isn't she?"

He suddenly thought of using her against his enemies. After all, the enemy needed more time to amass his forces. 

"What if I unleashed her against those reinforcements? I hardly believe the enemy would gather up his troops in large numbers up ahead. They must call over many mercenaries and many scattered troops on the battlefield… this looks… Interesting!"

His eyes shone brightly and in a matter of a few minutes, he had already devised a plan.

"So aside from sending more towards the battlefield and causing such a stir there… I need to count my list of allies."

He already counted his list of enemies. However when he thought about his allies, he was surprised to see the list going much longer than its opposite.

"I have Anna and her men, the king and Tony and their mayors… I also have the mercenary guild. I have Antoan, Natalie, Nara, and Liza in the real world… plus the Cyan studio players… Wait a minute…"

As he just thought about this point, his eyes shone brighter about another brilliant idea. "How can I miss that?" he even patted his forehead out of his surprise to not see this option.

"I'm now a human, a player. As my enemies are calling up all their forces and friends in this world, why can't I summon player forces to join my side as well?"

Before this moment, he saw the player community as non-existent. Even when he thought about establishing his guild, he never put players in his eyes.

But now he found out that he was mistaken to think that way. He simply missed a broad spectrum of strong and trustworthy allies, who wouldn't hesitate to help him in his quest.

"But players need to be dealt with in utmost care," he muttered to himself, "they are always filled with doubts, just like any human. I need to find something to lure them to my side and let them even volunteer to fight for my cause without stirring up their suspicious nature… How should I do that then?"

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