NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 333: We Don't Have Time For This!




Just as he entered the hall again, the sounds of explosions erupted all over the place. The world outside seemed to witness a rare moment of an apocalypse.

Yet he was calm and very collected.

"What's happening out there?" Nara asked with a shocked expression over her face. She looked terrified and she had all the right to feel so.

"They summoned some monsters and so I summoned some of mine," Bloom shrugged as he casually answered.

"But…" Nara paused as she didn't know what to say.

"About that… As you can see, I and some others can use their game powers in the real world," he slowly walked to her while Peri stood silently on the side, watching the door.

"But… How?!!" Nara was still shocked and Bloom could only take a deep breath and sigh.

"That's something I don't have an answer for," he touched her arms while glancing at her eyes, "but as long as I'm here then you are safe."

She seemed to panic at any moment but she managed to control her unsettled emotions. She took repetitive breaths and exhaled them while trying to accept what she just witnessed.

"My father… My company…" She didn't know where she should start.

"I believe there are many things we dunno," Bloom rubbed her arms gently, "but one thing is a fact… your old man already knew about this and so he arranged the challenge."

"The Triflet challenge… That can't be…?!!" she was still shocked and he nodded.

"If not then why would he give away his daughter based on the strength of a player in one of his games? It doesn't make any sense, right?"

"We have company," just before Nara could wrap up her mind about this, Peri shouted from the side and attracted their attention.

"Damn! They are quite persistent to destroy the capsules," Bloom took out his four swords and turned to face the door. "Get behind me Peri," he said as he knew the next fight would be slightly tense.

"Why are they after the capsules?" Nara asked while trying to understand the current situation better.

"They wanted to prevent me from entering the game," Bloom slowly explained, "they came to my house and ruined every single capsule I have."


"They came here as they already are aware of the connection between the two of us," Bloom slowly said, "they knew I would come to ask for your help."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Peri said yet the next moment the door was breached as many black silhouettes appeared next.

"Sword tornado!"

Bloom didn't keep his hand as he sent his strongest skill out. "They are normal people then," as the swords killed the group of six who just passed through the door, they didn't resurrect and were cold dead on the ground.

"They can resurrect like the game!" Peri muttered in deep shock when another batch arrived and this one had two players in the middle of them.

"Stay here… Dash!" Bloom instantly reacted by using his dash skill, linking it with another dash.

His two swords hit the two players and instantly killed them. He didn't know why but in this world he could kill anyone with just a single wave of his sword.

He didn't know if that was the rule here, and he wasn't willing to try this theory out over himself either.

"Watch out!" Just as he was busy killing those players and keeping a vigilant eye towards the corridor outside, Nara's scream distracted him.

He turned to glance at her direction to see her pointing towards another one… the direction of the window.

"Damn!" he didn't hesitate to link another dash and move fast to intercept the sneaking three players through the window.

He was slightly late to react, and when he killed them they managed to ruin five capsules entirely with their skills and swords.

"Don't worry," Nara shouted, "there are fifty capsules alone in this hall and I have access to a huge number of capsules stored at the main warehouse of the company."

Despite her words seeming reassuring, Bloom wasn't. He had a feeling that whoever was behind this attack knew so much about him and Nara.

So it would be foolish for him to not aim towards such a warehouse and destroy any capsule Bloom could lay hands on.

For him, the current forty-five capsules here were the only thing he could rely on.

And he only needed five of them for him, his butler, his love, her maid, and the girl in his mansion.

"Stay back," he shouted the moment another team came from the corridor. "They are trying to exhaust me," he read through their tactic and couldn't help but sneer.

"Come forth!"

The next moment a group of twenty very beautiful girls appeared around. They were his dark agents and the moment they appeared they knelt on the ground to salute him.

"Learn my skills and kill anyone trespassing here," he instantly shouted while starting to use his basic skills and his advanced sword tornado one.

Then in the next few minutes, the entire hall was filled with many flashes of lights and a lot of skills similar to his.

And by their sudden appearance, he was relieved of the pressure he was currently facing and returned to the girls to check on them.

"Are you alright?" he asked in concern.

"Who… are those girls?" yet Nara was busy with another matter.

"My agents," Bloom slowly answered while his disaster radar was catching up to a new one approaching fast at his face.

"And since when can players summon such beauties?" Nara crossed her arms and her tone told Bloom she was ready to fight him at this moment.

If he had the choice then he would curse her bad timing and swinging mood, but he decided to be soft with her.

"They are my agents, data made up by the game to help me in there."

"They look quite lively to me," Nara said before turning to her maid, "what do you think Peri?"

And Peri stood there feeling awkward about her master's question and weird attitude.

"There is no time for that," Bloom was already impatient, "more will come and staying here won't be safe anymore."

Nara raised her eyebrow and didn't move a muscle.

"How long do you have them?" she asked before hesitating, "have you… y'know…"

"What?" he decided to act ignorant here.

"Don't play dumb with me!"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Bloom even turned his back to her as he scanned the battles going on here.

"How many do you have of them?" Nara suddenly asked.

"As many as I want," Bloom's answer made her eyes turn red however he didn't notice that. He was currently busy assessing the current situation.

And he was right to feel doubt and insecure towards his enemy.

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