No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

“Who are you? What have you done to my father?” Tie Shou asked Ye Li like an angry lion.

Ye Li looked at him calmly, “Why are you angry? Are you angry at your powerlessness?”

She tilted her head and continued: “Your sister has returned home safely, isn’t it good?”

“But you turned my father into a living dead, and you made him never wake up again.”

Iron Hand was so angry that he threw a fist at Ye Li, not wanting to kill her, but just wanting to take her back for interrogation, but the fist he didn’t want to throw out seemed to be hit by a strange The strength of the fighter became distorted, and in a blink of an eye, the iron hand was pressed against the fortune-telling booth by Ye Li’s backhand.

“You ask me for an answer, well, I’ll give you the answer.” Ye Li said coldly.

A white light suddenly appeared in the palm of her left hand, and she put this white light into the iron hand’s brain without tenderness,

“That’s why your dad would agree to a pawn.”

No father who loves his daughter would want to see his daughter fall into such a sad situation and ruin her life.

Finally, Ye Li watched his fists smashed to the wall and to his iron hand, and said in a low voice, “He is a good father.”

“It’s all my fault, I didn’t protect them.” Iron Hand shed tears very rarely,

Ye Li looked at him with pity, “You are also a good son, and he is always proud of you.”

“Well, I’ll give you a chance to be a good son and let you redeem your father’s consciousness, but at the same time you have to pay a more precious price. Find me at the pawnshop.”

Ye Li left the business card of the No. 8 pawnshop and turned away. Iron Hand looked at the black sheet on the table, with red eyes and silent.

But Ye Li knew very well that the Iron Hand would come, and he would definitely come.



What’s wrong with Tie Shou, not to mention being ruthless and chasing them, even the simple You Dong can see it. Under their questioning, Tie Shou did not hide Ye Li and No.

When everyone heard it, they couldn’t help but feel a little dazed, a pawnshop that changed things for another thing.

“Brother, you mean… Dad became like this to save me.” You Dong couldn’t help crying,

The iron hand hugged her and comforted her, “I didn’t protect you well.” He didn’t say anything about the unfortunate things that Yu Dong almost encountered, just blurred the danger.

Just let Dad wake up.”

The iron hand grabbed her shoulders and said calmly, “They are looking for me, you can’t go.”

Think about it, the so-called pawnshops have always exchanged more precious things.

When Ruyi first heard about Iron Hand, he couldn’t help his heart beating violently. His legs were always the last thing he wanted to face. It would be great if I could stand up again. But if he wanted him to exchange other things, Ruthless couldn’t help but hesitate. His friendship with Uncle Shi, his comrades who chased after them with Tie Shou, and his and Zhiyan’s…anything he was unwilling to exchange. Healthy legs.

Maybe it’s life, or it’s good now, ruthless.

But Tie Youdong couldn’t accept this reality, “Why is it like this, why…” She covered her head and couldn’t help but get excited.

Seeing You Dong like this, the chaser on the side couldn’t help feeling a little distressed, and wanted to reach out to comfort her “You Dong, don’t do this, we will definitely think of other ways.”

But he didn’t expect that as soon as his hand touched You Dong, she was pushed away, “Don’t touch me, you go away.” There was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Life is full of shock to see You Dong treating him like this, “You Dong, what’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t want to see you again.” Tie Youdong said coldly,

If only she was hurt, You Dong would not blame her for chasing her life, but now it is her father and her eldest brother who are involved. Tie Youdong no longer likes chasing her life, It was resentment. She not only resented chasing her life, she also resented herself, why she liked chasing her life and went to the suburbs so far to buy snacks for him.

If she hadn’t been so fond of chasing her life, then nothing would have happened.

“I don’t want to see you again in my life.” You Dong left only an indifferent back to Chase.

Tie Shou unintentionally comforted Chaser, fearing that her sister would chase her to the room if she wanted to, so she ruthlessly held Chasing’s hand to show silent comfort.

The life chaser looked a little dazed, lowered his head and muttered, “Am I wrong?”


After You Dong calmed down, she took the arm of Iron Hand and begged: “Brother, you promise me not to go there, I don’t want anything to happen to my brother.”

Even if she thinks about her father waking up again, You Dong doesn’t want to be in trouble. Dad and brother are equally important to her.

Seeing You Dong’s appearance that you won’t give up if you don’t promise me, Tie Shou had to lie against his heart for the first time, “I promise you.”

You Dong, who had never seen his eldest brother break his promise, was relieved, “I’ll go see how Dad is doing, the rice porridge in the kitchen is ready, I’ll try to feed Dad as much as possible.” You Dong smiled and wiped away his tears, and went out.

Looking at his sister’s strong smile, Tie Shou couldn’t help feeling a little distressed. It was because he didn’t protect his father and sister well that he let them lie on the bed like living dead, and the other was heartbroken. Put on a smile to comfort him.

The iron hand squeezed the black sheet in his hand, is the No. 8 pawnshop?

When the name of Iron Hand appeared on the crystal wall, Ye Li was not surprised.

“You want my life?” Iron Hand said coldly.

Ye Li shook his head, “I don’t want your life.”

Hearing this, Tie Shou couldn’t help but wonder, is there anything more important than life in him?

Ye Li seemed to see through his heart and smiled, “I want your sense of justice.”

Iron Shou frowned, “A sense of justice?” With such an ethereal thing, Iron Shou didn’t understand what Ye Li wanted it to do.

“What would I be without it?”

Ye Li smiled, “I don’t know either, but you are still healthy, and your family, love and friendship are complete.”

I don’t know what it feels like in Iron Hand, but he has already made a decision, “I will.”

“Then please sign the contract.”

Ye Li took out Tie Shou’s sense of justice, it was a very warm light, and it was also the most valuable thing in Tie Shou.

At the same time, Tie Jia, the iron axe lying on the bed opened his eyes tremblingly, the cloudy and white eyes gradually became clear.

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