No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 23

Chapter 23:

Li Xunhuan came to the No. 8 pawnshop. Compared with the last madness last time, he has calmed down a lot, “I’d like to give everything to her to wake up and never let her down.”

Ye Li sighed, “I am a businessman, so naturally I will not refuse a door-to-door business, but not all the pawned things can be redeemed, she has already paid the price, and asked that they cannot be redeemed. back.”

Lin Shiyin doesn’t want someone to interrupt her sweet dreams, even if that person is her favorite cousin.

Reality may be more real than dreams, but it will never be better than dreams.

Ye Li’s expression became a little pitiful, and he said, “I know you are in pain. If you are willing to pawn, I can erase your pain, and you will live a lot better.”

Li Xunhuan smiled bitterly, “No need, this is what I deserve, I should spend my whole life to atone for my sins.”

He sadly left the No. 8 pawnshop, the people will die, and this pain will haunt Li Xunhuan for the rest of his life.

Although Ye Li is a pity that she lost a business, she also knows that even she can’t go against the wishes of the guests, whether it is Li Xunhuan or Lin Shiyin.

What’s more, Lin Shiyin is far more determined than she imagined.


The pawnshop has given many people such a dream, but they regretted it from the beginning, they regretted giving up so easily,

But Lin Shiyin never regretted it from the beginning, she always had a sweet smile, so from the moment Lin Shiyin fell asleep, Ye Li finally understood the reason why the No. 8 pawnshop would find her.

She is more vulnerable than many people, but also stronger and more resolute than many people.

Such a soul cannot be owned by the No. 8 pawnshop. It is Ye Li’s dereliction of duty, but she does not regret it, she sighed in her heart, “May you have a good dream.”

Silence and silence The dust is covered with Qin Se’s books, leaning against the window and thinking about the world far away.

Jade hands follow the past, a glass of wine is yours. The young man’s mind is always crazy, and he doesn’t believe that the east wind embraces the small peach branches.

Ye Li also knew what Li Xunhuan did later, he left Li Yuan with Lin Shiyin who was still asleep, because for them, Li Yuan was no longer the one who could stay away from the turmoil of rivers and lakes and live peacefully In the place where Li Xunhuan didn’t want people to find them, no one would find them. Now he finally knows what Shiyin wants.

Lin Shiyin, who was immersed in her beautiful dreams, was getting older every day, her blue hair was turning white, but Li Xunhuan’s love for her never diminished. He was always by her side, cherishing her During the time with her, even Shiyin couldn’t see his love and couldn’t hear his voice.

Li Xunhuan was willing to bear the pain, but Long Xiaoyun couldn’t bear it, his mind was not as strong as Li Xunhuan’s, and he couldn’t bear the pain of Lin Shiyin’s passing, especially Shiyin’s pain was half caused by him .

Long Xiaoyun may not be a real chivalrous person, he may be cunning, or he may be rude, but one thing is, his love for Lin Shiyin is by no means less than that of Li Xunhuan. So the pain also goes deep into the bone marrow.

He found the No. 8 pawnshop and wanted to forget the pain,

Long Xiaoyun said, “I’m a coward, I can’t bear the pain of killing Shiyin.”

Ye Li said, “Then what are you willing to pawn?”

Long Xiaoyun closed his eyes and said, “Just **** my love, all my love has been given to Shiyin, and I don’t want to leave it to others.”

“Okay, then the contract is established.”

After forgetting the pain of losing Lin Shiyin, Long Xiaoyun seemed to be back to the high spirits he was before he came to Li Yuan, and he also left Li Yuan. This is the former home of Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan. It does not belong to him, neither does the present nor the future belong to him.

Ye Li can already see the future of the two of them. After Lin Shiyin’s death, Li Xunhuan will guard her tomb for the rest of her life, and no longer care about the affairs of the rivers and lakes. He is in his prime, but he has already experienced the great joys and sorrows of life, and only by seeing through the world can he know what is most precious.

And Long Xiaoyun, he will not have Li Xunhuan nor Lin Shiyin in his future life, he will become a hero and establish Xingyun Village, surrounded by countless confidantes, but he is unmarried and childless, just like him As he said at the time of the pawn, his love had been given to Lin Shiyin, and he would no longer want to leave it to others.

Ye Li should have left this world soon, but she found a new client, a soul more greedy than most people in this world.

Her name is Lin Xianer.

Now she is in ragged clothes, with a yellow face and thin skin, but in the future she will become a woman with the appearance of a fairy as the name says, and at the same time, she has a vicious heart.

The fate of life makes Ye Li sometimes sigh, and it also gives No. 8 pawnshop many opportunities.

When Lin Xian’er saw Ye Li, her face was timid, but her real heart was jealous and resentful. She was jealous of Ye Li’s beauty and resentful of her brilliance, which made Ye Li Li felt a little strange. Ordinary people would feel dangerous or even fearful when they saw her, but Lin Xian’er, her greed and jealousy had surpassed ordinary people’s fear of dangerous things.

Ye Li squatted down, reached out and raised Lin Xian’er’s chin, and said seductively, “I can fulfill all your wishes, as long as you are willing to pay the price.”

Lin Xian’er’s flinching eyes changed instantly, becoming extremely frenetic, she seemed to have felt that this was an opportunity that could change her destiny, and she must seize it.

“I do.”

But after the surrounding environment has changed, Lin Xian’er greedily watched every inch of the pawnshop’s gorgeousness and delicacy. She dreamed of living in such a beautiful and luxurious place.

Ye Li pulled her attention back, “What do you want?”

Lin Xian’er stretched out her hand and stroked her face, her eyes lit up with a fanatical light: “I want to be the number one beauty in the world.”

Ye Li smiled slightly, looked at Lin Xian’er and said, “You will be in the future, there is no need for the No.

Wen Yan Lin Xian’er did not appear to be excited, but became a little fierce, “No, I am going to become the number one beauty in the world now, I want to wear beautiful clothes and live in a beautiful mansion Son, there are countless men for me to drive.”

When Ye Li heard her words, he didn’t get angry at all, but the corner of his mouth smiled even deeper, “Of course you can.”

“But you have to pay for one thing, ten years later, you will meet a person who is true to you, he is infatuated with you, he does not love your appearance, he can tolerate you All the faults, you are willing to **** your love with him in exchange for the current beauty.”

Ye Li gave her a chance to choose.

Lin Xian’er did hesitate for a while, but she was not what an ordinary woman thought. She asked, “Will he be the most powerful person in the world?”

Ye Li smiled gently and replied, “No.”

“Will he be the highest martial artist in the world?”

Ye Li also said, “No.”

That person is indeed not the highest in status, not the most powerful in martial arts, nor does he have a lot of wealth, he only has a sincere heart.

Lin Xian’er sneered, “Then why do I want him, if I can’t satisfy me, and I don’t care about my beauty, why should I wait ten years for him? When I become number one in the world Beauty, many men are willing to make me happy.”

Ye Li said, “Then you are willing to pawn.”

Lin Xian’er said decisively, “Yes, I will.”

The corner of Ye Li’s lips ticked, “Then, the contract is established.”

Lin Xian’er was illiterate, so she drew a bet on the contract paper, and then happily accepted what the No. 8 pawnshop gave her.

She will indeed become the most beautiful woman in the world, and it will be ten years earlier,

And she will never regret what she has lost. She would rather live a short-lived moment than live a life of contentment.

She is a smart woman, but she is also a person whose fate has been doomed from the beginning.

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