No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 21

Chapter 21:

The last time Li Qi came to the pawnshop was fifteen years ago. At that time, she pawned her family in exchange for peerless martial arts, and bloodbathed the Huashan faction. The pawnshop thought it was profitable for her, so she tracked her down. For a period of time, unfortunately, she never came to the door. Instead, with her martial arts and intelligence, she has achieved a lot of power.

Unexpectedly, after fifteen years, she found the No. 8 pawnshop again.

Li Qi is very beautiful, so beautiful that people can ignore her age, but she seems not satisfied.

Ye Li said, “Miss Li.”

Li Qi seemed stunned when she heard the sound. No one has called her that for a long time. She also seemed to regard herself as Shi Guanyin, the most hard-hearted woman in the world.

She looked at Ye Li again, but found that she was no longer the person she remembered, but a strange and beautiful girl. She hated beautiful girls the most, but she could not give birth Jealousy, in the final analysis, she is still very afraid of No. 8 pawnshop.

Fear but unable to resist its temptation, this is the desire of human nature.

Li Qi nibbled her red lips and acted like her daughter’s coquettish anger, which didn’t make her feel uncomfortable at all, on the contrary, she was more charming and soft, and said, “The last time I came, it was someone else who entertained me. me.”

Ye Li smiled slightly, “I’m Ye Li, the new pawnshop owner.”

Ye Li didn’t say how the pawnshop’s boss changed, and where did the original boss go, Li Qi didn’t ask any more, she didn’t really care about that.

Ye Li asked, “What do you want this time?”

Li Qi said, “I want to be young.”

“Young? This is a good thing.” Ye Li smiled.

Li Qi’s face became more wistful, and people couldn’t help but smooth her frowning eyebrows, “Who said no, I don’t think anyone is more beautiful than me A few years ago, I heard that there was a woman named Qiu Lingsu, who was the most beautiful woman in the Central Plains. I went to take a look and stared at her face for two hours without blinking, and then I was relieved. , she is not as beautiful as me, but younger than me, she exudes a youthful and fresh breath, I was so angry that I scared her, but she really ruined her face, she is really a stupid woman, my If my face is hurt, it would be worse than my life.”

After saying this, Li Qi giggled and laughed.

Ye Li did not show the slightest bit of emotion and listened to her quietly. She didn’t care whether Li Qi’s words were true or not, she only cared about the price Li Qiken paid for her youth.

She smiled again, “What kind of **** are you willing to take?”

While she said this, she also knew that Li Qi didn’t have much to pawn, but in fifteen years, she has changed a lot.

“I don’t want to lose my lifespan, martial arts, or perception at all, and I don’t want to lose my current status. I started over again. I remember my former boss told me that not only can I **** my own things, and my descendants.”

things on you.”

Li Qi’s face was filled with joy, “I remember I gave birth to two sons, they may still be alive.”

A mother, who doesn’t even know whether her child is still alive or not, has no grief, how cruel, but who can accuse this woman of pawning her family.

Ye Li closed her eyes, and after a while she opened them, smiled and said to Li Qi: “They are indeed still in this world, and they meet the requirements.”

Li Qi happily said, “Then can I **** their belongings?”

Ye Li shook his head, “Although you are their biological mother, they don’t know it. Only when you find them and ask them to admit you can the **** be carried out.”

Li Qi’s eyes flashed slightly, “I understand what you mean, I’ll go to them now and let them know my mother.”

Ye Li smiled and said nothing.

It didn’t take long for Li Qi to reappear at the No. 8 pawnshop, she said with a bit of self-satisfaction, “I have found them, one is called Wuhua, the other is called Nangongling, they Better than I imagined.”

Ye Li stared at her and said, “Then what kind of **** do you want to use?”

Li Qi suddenly sighed, “I really feel sorry for them if you want to **** them, but…” She changed her words and said, “I am their mother, I was pregnant for ten months, and gave them to them. Bone and flesh, take it now as a repayment of this kindness to me.”

If Wuhua and Nangongling heard these words, they would be heartbroken.

“I will **** their luck for the next five years, okay?” Li Qi’s voice was gentle and moving, but his words were extremely cruel.

Ye Li said, “You can pawn.”

Li Qi happily signed the agreement to **** her two sons’ luck for the next five years, and fell into the illusion of Ye Li unprepared. need.

The Huashan School was washed with blood for her peerless martial arts.

After Li Qi left, Ye Li leaned back on the black-backed chair, waved her hand, and a thick book fell into her hand. This was the customer record of the pawnshop. Ye Li opened the page and found In the world Li Qi was in, there was a faint white light on the corner of the page, which meant that something the pawnshop wanted had already appeared. The white light did not cover the entire page, indicating that it was still early. Ye Li made a mark to remind himself. Go to that world next time.

I don’t know how many transactions were recorded in the book of customer records, and I couldn’t turn to the bottom page. Ye Li didn’t want to turn it down after marking it, and let the book go back to where it should be. .

In the evening, Ye Li did not stay in the pawnshop, she went to Ye’s house, Ye Zhilan’s current home,

This is a three-storey white villa with a garden. It is surrounded by a large black fence outside. In the villa, the Ye family gathered around a table for dinner, chatting and laughing.

Ye Li did not let them see herself. On the contrary, she enjoyed the feeling of being undiscovered. Her slender hand gently stroked the dark brown spiral staircase handrail. Her steps didn’t make a sound, she wandered like a ghost in this villa full of warmth and home.

Hearing Ye Zhilan and their laughter, Ye Li didn’t come close, she just looked at Ye Zhilan who was smiling softly with her family, and a happy feeling suddenly rose in her heart, If Ye Zhilan lived happily, she would be happy too.

Although it is not as luxurious as the No. 8 **** shop, it is Ye Zhilan’s home, and Ye Li, she belongs to the No. 8 **** shop.

The author has something to say: the third watch is over and wish me a happy birthday

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