No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Reality

A young girl with a long dress and long hair came out. She wore a black diamond-shaped triangle on her forehead. The delicate and fine wisps revealed a fair complexion. She looked extremely beautiful and delicate, and her eyes were deep, as if it contained too much. .

The middle-aged man shouted respectfully, “Miss Ye.”

Ye Li pursed her lips and smiled, “I don’t know how I can help you, Boss Zhou.” Although she knew his intention at first sight, Ye Li Li didn’t mind covering it up a little to make her attitude more sincere.

The pawnshop is really busy recently, just because the door-to-door is only a small business.

Boss Zhou, no, his name is Zhou Shaohua, he swallowed, “I heard from a friend that there is a No. 8 pawnshop, and he said that any wish can be realized here. ”

He heard it after his friend was drunk. He didn’t believe it at all. Who knew that his friend gave him the business card of the No. 8 pawnshop and said he could give him a try Try, as long as you hold your business card and think about the **** shop No. 8 in your heart, you can go to that place.

Zhou Shaohua was a little stunned at first, then hesitant, looking at his friend’s attitude seems to be true, and I heard that his friend almost went bankrupt some time ago, but miraculously paid off All debts have also created a new peak in their careers. Many people secretly muttered what luck they had. If it was like what he said, how could he give such a good thing to himself casually.

The friend saw his attitude and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “You think this is really a good thing, there is no free lunch in this world, and this thing is the same, the pawnshop owner said, if you don’t want to Leave this business card and give it to others, only in this way can you sever your relationship with the pawnshop, if you really want it, take it.”

The words of his friend still ring in his ears, but Zhou Shaohua gritted his teeth and took it. He has a wish that must be fulfilled.

Ye Li smiled: “Yes, as long as you pay the price.”

Zhou Shaohua suddenly became excited when he heard her affirmative words, he patted his chest vigorously, “If you can restore my daughter’s appearance, I will order you You can take it all.”

Zhou Shaohua has a daughter, Zhou Yao, who is only 19 years old this year. Unfortunately, her appearance was ruined due to an accident when she was young. For many years, Zhou Shaohua has been working hard for her career and earning a lot of money , but he has never been able to cure his daughter’s face. Current technology can only remove scars, but it cannot restore his daughter’s appearance to new. Zhou Shaohua’s wife passed away early, and he only had Zhou Yao as a relative, so he loved her more than anything else. He thought about it, even if he died now, as long as his daughter’s appearance was restored, and there was a legacy left by himself, he would be able to survive. well done.

Zhou Shaohua’s love for her daughter was in front of Ye Li, who could read people’s hearts. She said, “This is a trivial matter, and it’s not worth your next life.”

After listening to Zhou Shaohua, his face softened a little, and he was naturally happy to spend more time with his daughter.

I heard Ye Li say again: “Well, I can give your daughter a better look, but I want you to run a company for me for thirty years.”

“Running the company?”

Ye Li nodded, “Don’t worry, it’s not an illegal company, just an ordinary entertainment company, you don’t need to worry about the funds, but I want you to manage the rest.”

Zhou Shaohua is undoubtedly a management talent. If he hadn’t paid more attention to his daughter, his achievements would have been much higher than now. It just so happened that Ye Li wanted to establish a normal force, enterprise, and company in the present world, but she could not be in charge of herself. She needed a spokesperson to maintain the normal operation of the company.

Ye Li’s words sounded to Zhou Shaohua as a superior condition. Compared to killing him, it was already very forgiving, and he couldn’t help but say gratefully, “I will.”

After signing the contract, Zhou Shaohua entered the fantasy world with a smile. He could already imagine the joy of his daughter’s recovery, which was also the biggest driving force in his life.


Ye’s house, Ye Mingyuan, who had just finished his homework, rushed downstairs and threw himself on the sofa, peeled off a banana on the table and ate it, and turned on the TV while eating. Broadcasting saw an entertainment news that Yinhuang, one of the five domestic entertainment giants, was acquired.

The reason why Ye Mingyuan was impressed by his company was because many students in his class liked the several combinations launched by Silver Emperor, but he just glanced at it and tuned to other channels, he would not Thinking that this company will be entangled with his destiny for a long time in the future.

The change of owner of Silver Emperor caused a lot of turmoil in the industry. Many people wondered why this thriving company was acquired by surprise in such a short period of time, and How did those high-level people give up such a cash cow because they were so blinded by lard? If anyone really dared to ask such a question, their answer would be, “Because the chips given are too generous.”

It is so rich that it can bid for all domestic entertainment companies, leaving people speechless.

In the pink princess room, a girl of about nineteen years old stared at the mirror, not even daring to look away, when she woke up, she couldn’t bear to have anything She couldn’t see her dreamy appearance for a second. Yes, it was like a dream. It was just a dream, but she already felt that her life had completely changed.

Zhou Shaohua walked behind her and looked at her lovingly, “Yaoyao, I bought you a lot of beautiful new clothes, it’s downstairs, do you want to take a look? ”

If he said this in the past, it would only make his daughter Zhou Yao even more resentful of her appearance, regardless of her falling and smashing, but now, the beautification of her appearance seems to be equally beautified her temper.

“Really? Dad, you are so kind.” Zhou Yao hugged her father affectionately and said coquettishly.

“I only have one daughter like you, who is not good to you?” Zhou Shaohua patted Zhou Yao’s shoulder lightly, and said: “Dad recently changed a job, Maybe you will be very busy and have no time to accompany you, so don’t blame Dad, okay?”

In the city of Z, the autumn wind rolled up a few yellow leaves on the road, and after a few spins, they slowly fell. say,

“This case has been going on for a few months, and it still hasn’t come to a conclusion. It’s not like your police officer Shen Da’s style.”

Shen Yue sneered, “I’m not a god, how can there be a 100% detection rate?”

“Then when are you going to come back? The bureau is talking about you all day long, don’t worry about Mayor Xu, it took a lot of manpower to find it and I can’t blame you. .” The voice on the phone continued.

Shen Yue shook his head, “It’s hard to say, I’m getting more and more interested.”

The person on the other end of the phone ‘tsk’, “I think you don’t admit defeat, who doesn’t know that you are competitive.”

Shen Yue chatted a few times with the other end of the phone, then hung up the phone, put the phone back in his pocket, looked up, and walked to the city library, Shen Yue pulled off his windbreaker From the inside pocket, he took out a piece of sketch paper, which Song Chen showed him that day.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the silhouette portrait on the bus, touched his chin, and frowned, “I always feel that something is wrong.”

Shen Yue always believed in his own intuition, and he decided to finally visit the library where Ye Li went.

Entering the library, Shen Yue immediately showed the document to the librarian, asking to see the video of the day Song Chen met Ye Li. In order to prevent books from being stolen, the library has installed cameras in many places. After carefully watching Ye Li’s video in the library, Shen Yue repeatedly walked to the place Ye Li had walked by, and took her down and turned it over. Read all the books.

This is often used in criminal psychology to simulate the mentality and behavior of the parties, and find clues from it.

These are books that are very rare and difficult to understand unnatural phenomena. Shen Yue couldn’t guess what Ye Li was thinking at the time. The only thing that has some reference value is that Ye Li borrowed books before. There are no similar books in the book records, so it can be speculated that Ye Li read these books on a whim, and what else aroused her interest.

I didn’t understand that Shen Yue simply borrowed all the books Ye Li had read that day. Although he didn’t have a book loan card, fortunately he still had sex.

At night, Shen Yue stayed up late to read these books quickly, thinking for a long time with heavy dark circles under his eyes, but couldn’t come up with a reason.

No matter how much Shen Yue believed in his intuition, his intuition couldn’t tell him where Ye Li was, so he was transferred back to the capital after a while, which didn’t mean he gave up This case, but spent so much manpower searching every inch in Z City and couldn’t find it. It only means that Ye Li is very likely not in Z City. After Shen Yue returned to the capital, he was still in charge of this case. Among them are the operations of Ye Zhensheng and Zhong Liang.

A guest came to the pawnshop. This is not the first time she has set foot in the pawnshop No. 8. Ye Li is not surprised. After tasting the benefits of pawning, few people can resist such a Temptation, Ye Li had seen her name in customer records,

Her name is Li Qi.

The author has something to say: there is one more update

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