Ninja: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 22

Page 22

Not to mention the high-level side of Konoha, what is the situation now!

At this time, Uchiha Akira came to an exercise field in Konoha!

Here, a Maitkay, wearing a green tights and a watermelon-headed eyebrow, is doing rehabilitative training!

I have to say that medical ninjutsu is still very magical. For such a serious injury, most of it has healed in two or three months!

“Mr. Kay, you haven’t fully recovered yet, so it’s not advisable to exercise vigorously!” Seeing that Matekai was almost finished, Uchiha Ming persuaded him!

On the one hand, the Emperor Kai in the original book is indeed very admirable!

On the other hand, the injury was mainly due to his own involvement.

Therefore, Uchiha Minghui often visits Matekai, and the relationship between the two sides has become more and more intimate!

“Okay, then I’ll take a rest, after all, rest is also youth!” Hearing this, Matekay nodded and stopped his cultivation!

“Speaking of which, Mr. Kai’s eight-door Dunjia is so powerful. After opening six doors, he can actually compete with Orochimaru!” After a few chats, Akira Uchiha’s topic was put on the eight-door Dunjia!

“No, you misunderstood. In fact, I think Orochimaru didn’t do his best that day. If he really fought to the death, we should all die in his hands at that time!”

Hearing this, Matekai shook his head and said!

Who is that?One of the three ninjas, Orochimaru can even be said to be the head of the three ninjas!

Can you come back alive from his hands?

To be honest, Matekai still feels a little incredible!

However, since Orochimaru was going to attack, why didn’t he do his best?

After thinking about it for a long time, Matekai couldn’t understand!


In this way, after the two were silent for a long time, Matekai suddenly looked at Akira Uchiha and said: “Now, the whole ninja world knows that you are a genius, and it is rumored that you learn ninjutsu very quickly, but I would like to try the eight Door Dunjia?”

“Ah!?” Uchiha was stunned when he heard Matekai’s words. Obviously, he didn’t expect that Matekai would suddenly say something that he wanted to pass on his eight-door Dunjia!

“I know, you don’t need eight Dunjia at all. It’s just that you learn ninjutsu very quickly. I heard that you can learn avatar in one night, and you can learn the S-level profound art in half a month!”

“Now in the ninja world, I am the only one who can master the eight doors, and I can’t find any disciples who are willing to follow me!”

“So, I also don’t want to let the access control technique of Bamen Dunjia be lost!”

Seeing Akira Uchiha’s shocked expression, Matekai explained, looking a little lonely!

Indeed, the watermelon head, tights, and personality are even more unbearable to look at.

Although it is a Joinin, if there are other options, it is estimated that few ninjas are willing to stand with Matekai, right?

Therefore, Matekai is still alone now, but he has no subordinates as a Jōnin!

As for Neji Hyuga in the original book, Tian Tian and Li Locke, they should still not graduate from Ninja School!

“If that’s the case, then thank you Teacher Kai!”

This is the first time Uchiha Akira has seen Matekai’s loss and emotion. After a moment of silence, Uchiha Akira spoke up!

Although the Uchiha family is playing with their eyes, Bamen Dunjia can greatly improve chakra at a critical time, which is indeed a good trump card.

It’s just a few more simulations, dozens of times, and some money spent.

It is also a good trump card to be able to learn the Eight Gates of Dunjia. After all, this trump card will not be useless at any time (flowers and evaluation tickets seem to have all moved?).

Chapter 40: Mr. Kai, you go to the ninja school to find someone named Li Luo (Chapter 4)

On the one hand, I know that the future of Matekai is indeed strong.

On the other hand, this injury is also because of myself.

Therefore, Uchiha Ming deliberately approached Matekai and was willing to have a good relationship with him!

But I didn’t expect that there would actually be a harvest of eight Dunjia!

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand it!

Matekai grew up under the strange and exclusive eyes of others. In fact, this character is somewhat similar to Naruto Uzumaki!

Naturally, this kind of person who lacks love, whoever treats him better, he will cherish it very much!

In the original book, Kakashi was the only real friend of Matekai.

This friend was licked by Kakashi almost like a dog since he was a child!Also similar to Naruto grabbing the second pillar and licking it all the time?

In fact, Kakashi will also be able to escape the armor, but the degree of mastery is not high!

And himself, maybe he is the first person who is willing to take the initiative to approach Matt Kay so far?

Coupled with the name of his own genius, so, Matekai was afraid that his eight-door Dunjia would not be passed down in the future, so he took the initiative to teach himself the eight-door Dunjia?To be honest, when Matekai proposed this, Uchiha was very surprised.

But if you think about it, it makes sense!

Seeing that Uchiha Ming did not refuse, Matekai was also very happy, and he told Uchiha Ming all the cultivation methods of the eight dungeons.

Then, let Uchiha open up Ergouyu’s writing wheel to see his Konoha fluid technique!

Eight-door Dunjia, if you don’t use it with body art, you have no soul!

Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, already has the ability to copy the body.

Turning on Sharinyan, Akira Uchiha memorized all of Matekai’s physical movements in his heart, and then copied them!

Although in terms of strength and speed, it is much worse than Matt Kai!

However, from the driving point of view, it is exactly the same!

In this way, one teaches, one learns, and time flies!

This training ground is not a private place, so when the two of them are practicing here, occasionally a few Konoha ninjas will pass by!

Seeing that Uchiha Akira is actually learning physical art from the rare beast Matekai?This surprised many people!

So, in a blink of an eye, a whole day has passed.

After Uchiha Ming reluctantly copied the Konoha Fluid Technique and wrote down the eight-door Dunjia cultivation method, the sky was already dark!

“Okay, let’s practice here, Ming, I’ll go back first, Sharonyan is indeed a very powerful force!”

After a day of teaching, seeing that Uchiha had almost mastered his physical skills, Matekai sighed with emotion, turned around and prepared to leave!

“Wait, Mr. Kai!” However, seeing the figure of Matekai leaving, Uchiha Ming hesitated for a moment, and then shouted!

“Anything else?” Mattkay turned around.

“Mr. Kai, you should know this, right? Sometimes I can have a little prophecy ability, and I can see some fragments of the future!” Uchiha asked!

“Remember, it’s an amazing ability!” Hearing this, Matekai nodded!

On the way back to Konoha Village, Akira Uchiha said one night in advance that he would be attacked by Orochimaru.

Sure enough, it happened the next day!

“Actually, I know that you have a disciple. Whether it’s character, even appearance, or that pair of thick eyebrows, they are exactly the same as you. If you say it’s your son, no one will doubt it!” Uchiha Ming said!

Indeed, both Li Rock and Matekai in the original work were actually designed by Kishimoto based on Chinese Bruce Lee as a blueprint.

Naturally, the two are one big and one small, and they are completely the same template!

“Ah?” Suddenly, upon hearing this news, a look of astonishment appeared on Matekai’s face!

I originally thought that I would have no disciples in my life, but I didn’t expect that Ming said that he would have disciples in the future?

And it’s almost the same in every way?

“Mr. Kai, go to the ninja school and look for it, a student named Li Luo, known as the tail of the bloody crane!”

Uchiha Ming didn’t explain so much, and informed Matekai about Li Locke in advance!

In the original book, the disciple of Li Lock was introduced to Matekai by Kakashi.

Now, Akira Uchiha doesn’t mind introducing him in advance!

“Okay, Ming, I wrote it down!” Hearing this, Matekai nodded heavily, and then the two went home separately!

Back home, Keiko took out a sum of money!

“Master, this is the task money that Mr. Zhishui sent you this morning, a total of [*] taels!” He also knew that Uchiha Caritas money, Keiko took it out immediately!

“Finally, I have money again. It has been seven or eight days without fluorine for life simulation!”

Just finished the task and returned to the village, Uchiha Akira was overjoyed when he got the money!

Chapter 41: Susanoo (Part 5)

【From Matekai, you have successfully mastered the eight-door Dunjia cultivation method! 】

【The next day, you received the news that Uchiha Shisui was missing! 】

[A week later, several members of the Uchiha clan went to the patriarch to find Uchiha Itachi to ask for an explanation, because there are rumors that Shisui’s disappearance has something to do with Uchiha Itachi! 】

[You know, Uchiha Shisui has committed suicide, you are preparing in advance for the night of extermination! ]

[You left Konoha Village and hid directly in the distant Snow Country, practicing the Eight-door Dunjia! 】

[One year later, you heard the news that Uchiha was exterminated! 】

[Six years later, Hatake Kakashi and his party came to the country of snow to complete the task, defeated the wind, flowers and angry waves, activated the treasure of the country of snow, heated the country of snow, and showed the short-lived spring scenery! 】

[Kakashi found you, you exposed! 】

[You fought with Kakashi and opened the third door of the eight-door Dunjia. The two sides fought for dozens of minutes, and you were finally captured! 】

[You were taken back to the Konoha Village prison, and one night, you died of food poisoning! 】

This time, the life simulation is very long, and it is the first time that Akira Uchiha has lived for six years since he simulated his life dozens of times!

After six years of cultivation, has the eight doors of Dunjia only opened to the third door?

This is much worse than Li Locke!

In the original work, Li Locke was able to open the fifth door at the beginning!

After all, he won’t be able to practice longer than himself!

Of course, Akira Uchiha’s attention was not on the Eight Gates Dunjia, nor on his successful six years in a remote place in the Snow Country, his attention was directly attracted by the word that the life simulation began!

“The next day? I received the news that Teacher Shishui is missing? That is to say? Will Teacher Shishui disappear tomorrow?”

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