Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 48 - Flooding fire frog

Five thousand kilometers, for the monks, it is not very far. Sun Hao contrasted the map and tried to avoid the gathering place of other spirit beasts. On the fourth day of the fourth day, they arrived at the edge of the fire frog swamp.

Early preparations for long-term struggle here, Sun Hao found a hillside on the edge of the swamp, and then began to open the Dongfu with Tongli, several protruding wooden piles, drilled through several large holes, brothers and two Qi hands, two hours of effort, a three-bedroom Jiandong Dongfu was built, three rooms, Sun Hao and Tong Li one person, the other placed a sundries.

Do a good job in Dongfu, this is the base of Sun Hao and Tong Li for some time to come. Having said that, I have to say the difference between Sun Hao and other disciples of Qing Muzong. Sun Hao has accumulated a large amount of knowledge of the book in the Jingjing Pavilion for several years. This long-term cultivation of the Dongfu is a kind of improvement of the efficiency of cultivation and trials. practice.

Generally speaking, monks often reach the Dongfu outside the Zongmen for various reasons after they have built the foundation. Even the refining and perfecting monks, there are few foreign caves, often doing the task back to the sect, to do the task and then run the road.

Settled the good materials, and came out of the hole with the child force. At the entrance of the cave, Sun Hao had the best way to come up with the cheapest and most basic array from the Zongmen, a small array of fans, and a next one. The little fan is blocking the hole.

I have been studying the knowledge of the array for many years in the Fufutang. Although I can’t arrange the upper-level array method at the moment, with the help of the Guzheng, some basic arrays are laid out. That is no problem. This method does not have much effect, mainly to cover up the hole and prevent the beasts or mortals from breaking in.

Of course, the fire frog swamp is inaccessible here, and the mortal is basically not. Moreover, because the fire frog has a low level of beasts and low cost performance, there is really no oil and water, and it is the kind of low-level refiner who can’t kill, the difficulty of middle-level refiners, and the type of high-grade refiners. So, this fire frog swamp is no one to manage for many years, it is the reason, there are many fire frogs in the old age.

When Sun Hao and Tong Li were so excited and sneaking around the fire frog swamp, Sun Hao realized that the number of masters was quite a lot.

Far from the distance, I heard a frog sound!

This number is not a lot to describe, and accurate description should be flooding.

In other words, although the Qingmu Zong is deep in the 100,000 mountains, the aura here is suitable for all kinds of spiritual growth. However, according to the knowledge of Sun Hao’s reading, the number of the beasts is still limited, often only a few miles to meet. One is that the density is very large.

But the fire frog swamp is not a concept. The fire frogs here are actually in groups of three or five, and there will be such a fire frog community in less than a kilometer.

Sun Hao, who listened to the sound of the frog, was a bit dumbfounded. This plan could not keep up with the changes. The plan that was originally intended to kill one by one does not work.

However, fortunately, Sun Hao found that although the number of fire frogs is very large, but after all, it is the edge of the swamp, this quality is not awkward, a group of fire frogs, often only one or two have the medium-term strength of refining, other fire frogs are in It is not difficult to deal with the three layers below the refining.

Sun Hao believes that as long as the method is right, relying on him and Tong Li, and doing a good job of destroying a small group of fire frogs, there should be no problem.

Tong Li followed Sun Hao and looked curiously at the fire frogs. As for the number of fire frogs, he said there was no pressure. Everything has a lord is not.

The fire frog is not small. An adult fire frog is the size of a calf. The two protruding eyes are red and bloody. The limbs are strong and strong. The lower jaw does not listen to the agitation. A brown old skin is covered with red enamel. Let people see their hearts.

This image, Tong Li looked at the side and said: “This thing is even more ugly than the cockroach.”

The frogs are egg-born, the female frogs lay eggs, hundreds of millions, as a swamp spirit beast, basically no natural enemies, Qingmu Zong has not been managed for many years, and Zongmen disciples also come here to try and do it. Down, so flooding.

However, Sun Hao was originally a trial, and from the perspective of his preparation of the Gu Gudan, there are also long-term plans to fight here, naturally not to abandon the number of fire frogs.

The number is good, not afraid of not killing.

Of course, the premise is to kill.

Think carefully about the memory of the fire frog in memory, not blind, there are plans to kill the fire frog is the right way. This kind of beast of fire frog should not exist. Strictly speaking, it is a variant of swamp tree frog. The swamp tree frog is just a very common frog, but the fire frog of the fire frog swamp does not know what chance it has, and it has changed. , the mutation is a beast. There are three main ways to attack this kind of beast. The most lethal is the fire-breathing, and the name of the fire frog comes from this.

The fire frog will fire the fire, and the attack power is higher. The fire attack power of the fire frog in the middle of the refining is even higher than that of the ordinary monk. Of course, although Sun Hao is a three-layer refiner, his attack power cannot be Common sense speculation.

However, due to the level, the speed of the fire frog’s fire is really slow. Before the fire, there is a front suction action, which is very good. If a single fire frog is used, the fire bomb can easily be avoided. The interval between fire bombs is also relatively long.

The second type of attack is tongue-clawing, strong limbs and sensitive tongue physical attacks;

Finally, the spray is corroded, and the cockroaches on the fire frog will break open automatically during the life and death, spraying out the acid and corroding the opponent.

If it is a single fire frog, these kinds of attacks are very good, but a few fire frogs are more troublesome.

Fortunately, this fire frog has a fatal flaw, that is, the intellect is not high, because it is a sudden evolution of the beast, a little destructive meaning, this wisdom is not good, even in groups, there is no rule, estimated It is a swarm of bee attacks, then, Sun Hao feels that there is a way to think.

On the edge of the fire frog swamp, Sun Hao found a favorable terrain, called the child force, and built two soil walls with a thickness of more than one meter and a height of two meters. The two walls were left one person wide. The door. After the base was good, Sun Hao thought about it, and built a wall of almost the same height and shape three meters behind the two earth walls.

Then, the child was pulled to the door in front of the two walls, and he was given a bottle of gas dan. He said: “Strongly, I will lead the fire frogs. When you let me go, block the middle with the body. I am tempted to resist the attack of the fire frog, I am attacking the fire frog behind you. Remember, if you can’t stop the fire frog attack, immediately retreat.”

Tong Li Xiu is not high, but the rustic shield that is driven by tens of thousands of fires is one of the strongest defenses in the refining period. Although it has not tried its defense ability, it should have a certain effect on the fire frog. Of course, this method of trial, the position of Tong Li is very important. If it is attacked by two fire frogs, it is estimated to be quite uncomfortable.

Tong Li grinned and said that there was no pressure. Laughing Sun Hao is very depressed, this brother is not too confident about Hao Ge, let me explain: “Strong, if you can’t stand the speed, I have a way.”

Tong Li nodded and understood that Sun Hao jumped out from behind the earth wall and touched the edge of the swamp. Together with the mouth, a protruding wooden pile emerged from the air and stabbed a fire frog.

The fire frog attacked by Sun Hao was weak and unprepared. He only listened to the sound of the frog, and the protruding wooden stake was nearly plunged into the body of the fire frog, and the fire frog was nailed to the swamp grass.

“Hey, hehe…” Like a horse’s nest, several fire frogs on the edge of the fire frog yelled out and quickly found the enemy, and they rushed over to Sun Hao, even on the side. The group of fire frogs, also the sound of frogs, have come to support, good guys, hula, more than 30 fire frogs chased Sun Hao **** and chased after.

Tong Li saw a stunned look behind him: “Huo Ge is too fierce.”

If there are no two rows of earth walls leaning against the hills in advance, this will make Sun Hao and Tong Li only flee, and the posture of the flocks is quite amazing.

Sun Hao quickly ran to the face of Tong Li, passing by the child force, and shouted in his mouth: “Strong, step back, block the mouth, open the shield”

Tong Li immediately reacted, stepping back half a step, and the rustic shield came up.

The first fire frog that followed was slammed into the child’s body, and the child’s power was unstoppable. This frog has a big mouth and inhales.

Sun Hao loudly reminded: “blocking its fireball”. Before the battle, Sun Hao had already explained the way the fire frog attacked with Tong Li. Tong Li also knew what the frog was going to do. Immediately, this big man had a chance to move out. Millions of hard hands, two hands and a hoop, the fire frog’s mouth was stunned, Zhang did not open his mouth to see how you spit fire.

Sun Hao was slightly stunned. He did not expect that there was such a way to do so. It seems that the effect is not bad. The movement under the hand is rapid, and a green wood is thrown at the foot of the frog. The first fire frog that is chasing is not bad. As a repair, if Sun Hao wants to use a wooden stake, it is estimated that two or three times can be killed.

However, under this situation Hao feels better with greenwood.

Sure enough, after the fire frog was licked by the child’s mouth, he immediately remembered his claws and used his limbs to attack the childpower. However, it immediately found that he had started the slow motion, and the limbs had been shackled by Sun Hao’s greenwood. It is not good enough to catch the childpower, and it is not an effective attack on the rustic shield. Although Sun Hao’s cultivation is only three layers of refining, but Wanlunmu has super combat power, Mudan has super endurance ability, and the fire frog is entangled, and it will not be able to be opened for a while.

The first fire frog was so held in the middle of the two doors with the child force. At this time, the shortcomings of the fire frog’s lack of spirituality were exposed. More than 30 fire frogs were eager to turn around. There was no fire frog that thought of detouring. Although the road was a little far away, it took a few minutes, but it was better than the door. It’s not good to change before. Besides, this earthen wall is not very thick. If it is forcibly attacked, it will be estimated at a time.

The fire frog with insufficient spirituality can’t think of this. The “呱呱” that is angry outside the wall is called non-stop. Because the first fire frog blocks the attack route, the fire bomb has no offensive route.

The fire frogs turned around, but Sun Hao smiled, and the hands kept, and the wooden stakes were thrown out one by one, and they pricked an angry fire frog unceremoniously.

Tong Li looked at Sun Hao, his hands were not empty, his eyes glowed with adoration, and his mouth said: “Hello, you are so smart.” Of course, the rustic shield on his body is non-stop.

Half an hour, in the eyes of child worship, more than 30 fire frogs were slaughtered by Sun Hao. In the end, only the fire frog in front of the child force is left, and it is still more powerful than the child force. Tong Li breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Hello, fast, kill this one.”

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