National Beauty

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 001

In the scorching heat of June and the heat waves, a carriage was slowly moving along the country road leading to the capital. The car was engraved with the emblem of the “Government of Weiguo”, covered with vermilion lacquer, and was solemn, but there were four guards in the palace guarding it in front of and behind the car, which looked like detention.

Inside the car, on the seat with bamboo mats, Song Jianing headed to the left corner of the car, squinted and slept soundly. The plump cheeks like white tofu swayed gently with the carriage, swaying charming ripples.

Mother Li looked at the side, the ghost and goddess remembered that she had gone to the room for questioning, opened the door curtain, and was shocked to see that the son did not know when he would arrive, and was holding the master in his arms. At that short glance, the master’s red and chubby face was like it is now, no, it shook more than it is now, accompanied by a whine of crying.

Two days have passed, and Mother Li blushed and her heart beat every time she remembered that scene. The fire was surging, and there was a bird cry from outside the window. Mother Li glanced and saw a black-winged magpie flying away with flapping wings. It’s a good thing that a magpie comes to the door. Mother Li was taken aback for a moment, but her brows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

Song Jianing is beautiful, and everyone in the capital knows that the son has a charming concubine, who has been in favor for seven years. Now that Princess Duanhui’s marriage to her eldest son is just around the corner, Princess Duanhui took advantage of her eldest son to leave Beijing to announce Song Jianing to enter the palace, showing that it was a grand feast. It’s a pity that she has been serving the master for seven years. She has no thoughts at all. She just thinks about eating, drinking and playing tricks all day long. See, a catastrophe is imminent, this man can still sleep!

“Girl, wake up, I’m about to enter the city soon.” Mother Li took the kerchief to help Song Jianing wipe the drool from the corner of her mouth, and whispered.

Song Jianing woke up, her little hand covered her red lips and yawned. The beauty who just woke up, her eyes were moist and clear.

“Girl, I entered the palace for a while. If the princess asks questions, you can answer whatever you can. If you don’t know how to say or are embarrassed to say, you don’t have to force it, just pretend to be a fool. In short, don’t offend the princess.” The carriage entered the city gate, getting closer and closer to the palace, and Madam Li once again ordered.

Song Jianing nodded obediently.

Mother Li always said she was stupid, but how could she be really stupid after so many things? It’s just the death of broken jars, smashing, mixed eating, etc. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Beijing, and his father was a Juren in Yushu Linfeng. Song Jianing also had a delicate life with no worries about eating and drinking and Xiaojiabiyu when he was a child. It was not until the death of her parents one after another, that she had a troubled face and lost support, that her uncle was the master and she was given to the new magistrate Liang Shao as a concubine.

I would rather be a poor wife than a rich concubine. The Song family is also a scholarly family. Although the family is in the middle of the family, how can my uncle and aunt just dismiss her casually because she doesn’t like her to be so charming? Song Jianing was carried into the county government office with red eyes. Seeing Liang Shao, who was suave and gentle as jade, her grievance disappeared by three points unknowingly. Liang Shao came from a jinshi and left his wife at home to take care of his mother. He came to work alone. He treated Song Jianing very well, and the two people lived in harmony with each other and lived like glue.

After a sweet year, Guo Xiao suddenly appeared in front of her.

Guo Xiao is the eldest son of the Palace of Weiguo in the capital, and was ordered to go to Huzhou to do business. Liang Shao had a close relationship with the Guogong Mansion and learned that Guo Xiao was going to pass by Fucheng, so he went to meet him in person. Guo Xiao gave him face and was invited to the county office as a guest. Liang Shao asked Song Jianing to come out to see him. Song Jianing was happy, thinking it was her husband who valued her, but she didn’t expect Guo Xiao to covet her beauty. Unexpectedly, the two cousins ​​drank all night, and the next morning, she drank a sip of Liang Shao’s tea. , Opened his eyes again, the person was actually in Guo Xiao’s carriage!

It turned out that Liang Shao used her to change Guo Xiao’s sentence, “I will definitely help in the future.”

It turned out that the year of love between Liang Shao and her was nothing.

Song Jianing was heartbroken. Seeing her resistance, Guo Xiao did not force her. After returning to Beijing, he arranged her in Zhuangzi, told her about current affairs, accompanied her on the mountains and rivers, and waited until she could be amused by the maids. , Guo Xiao just wanted her. That night, Song Jianing tasted the difference between martial arts practitioners and weak scholars, and she shed the last tear for Liang Shao.

For Song Jianing, forgetting Liang Shao is not that difficult. In terms of family talents, Guo Xiao is the eldest son of the Guogong’s mansion, a general who praised the emperor, and Liang Shao didn’t know thousands of miles away. In terms of appearance, Guo Xiao has a strong physique with swords, eyebrows and stars. If Liang Shao is a steed, Guo Xiao is a unicorn. Even sleeping at night, Guo Xiao makes her more comfortable than Liang Shao.

She is not ashamed or embarrassed, and she has a comfortable life. Who still thinks about the person who makes her uncomfortable all day? They are all concubines anyway.

Song Jianing had forgotten Liang Shao, but in the eyes of outsiders, Guo Xiao had dominated her alone for seven years, and she was deeply affectionate and righteous, and she was no longer tempted by Guo Xiao. Because she knows very well that no matter how kind Guo Xiao treats her, in his eyes, she is just a beautiful concubine, a woman who can seize her if she is attracted to it. With such an identity, Song Jianing didn’t think about anything. He was happy on Zhuangzi alone, and calmly waited for the day when the love was late.

Since Guo Xiao was not expecting, when Guo Xiao told her that he was going to marry Princess Duanhui, Song Jianing was slightly surprised and sincerely happy. Guo Xiao probably didn’t believe it. He was silent for a long time and told her a lot, saying that Princess Duanhui is his own cousin, and he must treat her with dignity. He said that he will come to Zhuangzi less often in the future, but he will never forget her. .

How could Song Jianing dare to be jealous with a princess, and repeatedly promised that she would be honest, and said that if Guo Xiao is inconvenient, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t come to Zhuangzi. As a result, Guo Xiao left with a black face, and broke into her room like a thief before leaving Beijing, and tossed her for a long while.

Afterwards, Song Jianing slumped on the bed and was extremely wronged. Could it be that she was jealous and he was happy?

Inexplicable man.

Thinking wildly, the carriage stopped.

After getting out of the car, Song Jianing wanted to secretly admire the palace of the Heavenly Family, but found that he was standing between the two high walls, his vision on both sides was blocked, and there was only one lane that led to nowhere. The sun couldn’t get in and looked gloomy. Sen’s. Song Jianing was very disappointed, and Madam Li followed a serious-looking female officer, and walked forward with twists and turns, finally reaching the legendary imperial garden, and was warned to bend down and not look around.

Song Jianing didn’t dare to look randomly.

Two quarters of an hour later, she was taken to a pavilion, which was next to the lake. The lotus leaves in the lake were verdant green, and each pink lotus stood tall and majestic.

Well, the reason Princess Duanhui announced that she had entered the palace was to appreciate lotus.

But Song Jianing thinks that the pond in the palace is small, far from the Taihu Lake in Suzhou. Think about how she saw such a big lake when she was a child, but Princess Duanhui could only live among the high walls and face such a one all day long. Xiaochizi, Song Jianing felt a little sympathetic to her.

“You are the Song family? Look up.”

There was a lazy and contemptuous voice in the pavilion. Song Jianing looked up nervously, and saw a gorgeous woman in a big red gauze dress sitting by the stone table in the pavilion, wearing a gemstone hosta, and standing behind two court ladies shaking fans for her. Graceful and luxurious.

“Bold, peeping at the princess!” a court lady snapped.

Song Jianing was taken aback, and quickly touched his forehead again, fearing that the ground didn’t feel hot anymore.

She lowered her head, Princess Duanhui looked at her blankly, but Song Jianing’s plump face was still in front of her. The women of the dynasty regarded thinness as beauty, and the concubines of the first emperor wanted to have a small waist that could be held by one hand, one by one wishing not to eat three meals. She had long heard that her cousin had a special beloved concubine. She expected Song to be beautiful, but she did not expect Song to be a plump beauty.

It’s really fat, she seems to have double chins, but even so, Princess Duanhui still can’t say that Song Jianing is ugly. According to conscience, Song Jianing is more beautiful than all the women she has ever seen. The beauty is like a fox, no wonder A good cousin who can steal her childhood sweetheart!

Jealous, Princess Duanhui glanced at Song Jianing coldly, and said to the maid beside her: “I’m tired, take a nap, don’t bother me.”

The ladies of the court should all agree.

Princess Duanhui moved lightly, leaning against the beauty, closing her eyes.

Under the steps outside the pavilion, Song Jianing maintained a kneeling posture with her forehead touching the ground. In the scorching sun, she was sweating profusely, and her arms kept trembling. She was uncomfortable, she was wronged, but that was the princess, the princess did not speak, she dared to move, waiting for her will be a board, even the king of ghosts.

Song Jianing endured bitterly.

When the sweat on her face kept dripping, her knees were so numb and her body was almost unsupported, Song Jianing suddenly didn’t want to live anymore, and her tears were mixed with sweat. Does she want to be Guo Xiao’s concubine? Does she want to get in the eyes of the princess? She doesn’t want to, but this is her life, what can she do? She stayed alive because she was afraid of death, but now it is better to die. What is she still alive?

Just as weeds grew wildly at the thought of death, just as Song Jianing was about to get up and plunge into the small broken pond and jumped into the lake to commit suicide, suddenly someone ran out of the pavilion, thumped and knelt on both sides, with a respectful sound. Prowl: “The slave and maidservant worship the emperor.”


Song Jianing wanted to see what the most noble emperor in the world looked like. Suddenly remembered what the female officer had told her, she was not allowed to look at her. Song Jianing was about to continue to kowtow, and then think about it, she is ready to seek death, and care about any rules and irregularities. ? If she could see the emperor before she died, she hadn’t lived in vain in her life!

Thinking about it this way, Song Jianing gave up, turned his head and looked back, but he had knelt for too long, his arms and knees were soft, his head tilted, and the person also tilted and turned into a side-lying posture!

Suddenly, the new emperor, who was about to pass by, looked at the ground subconsciously.

Song Jianing knelt for a long time, the clothes all over her body were soaked, and now she was lying on her side, her cheeks flushed with tears in her eyes, her hair was messy, her cheeks were stuck with sweaty sideburns, she was just like the charming look of a woman who had been treated with pity. . The new emperor took the throne at the age of twenty-seven. He has not been married before. In the past three years, he has taken the initiative to maintain his filial piety for the first emperor. Although he has already arrived at this time, he has not yet contaminated a woman. At first sight of Song Jianing like this, he was rare for a moment.

Song Jianing took the opportunity to see the emperor clearly. The emperor wore a plain red dragon robe, slender and tall, standing in front of him like a green bamboo. He looks about the same age as Guo Xiao, his skin is as white as jade, and his eyes are clear. Guo Xiao was also a cold man, too cold to make people scary, but the emperor was different. His coldness was like the clouds and mist lingering on the top of a distant mountain after the rain, making people inaccessible and unable to figure it out.

Song Jianing suddenly remembered three years ago when she went out with Guo Xiao, she heard a gossip from the people, saying that the emperor was able to ascend the throne because of his deep scheming. He had no conflict with the world. He secretly murdered the prince and the prince’s brother, otherwise the throne would be nothing. It was not the turn of a stuttering prince. So, this emperor is a cruel stammer?

Song Jianing gave an uncontrollable jolt, and quickly kneeled again, his head drooping low, revealing a white and slender neck.

Zhao Heng took another look.

“Wake up” Princess Duanhui saw it, and said with a smile: “Why, brother Huang also thinks that Song is so beautiful? It is rare that there is someone who can be seen by the emperor, so it is better to ask Guo Xiao to send her to the palace, she I’ve served two men, and I’m used to thinking about it. I won’t come here to die in martyrdom.”

Song Jianing’s face was as white as paper.

Zhao Heng didn’t enter the pavilion, standing with his back on Song Jianing’s side, and said indifferently: “Women avoid jealousy, just enough.”

Zhao Heng has oral problems and short speech, which is very demanding of the listener’s comprehension ability. Princess Duanhui has dealt with several emperor brothers since she was a child, and she naturally knew what the emperor brother meant. He was reminding her that Song is the cousin’s concubine, and she was too troubled, and the cousin will definitely settle accounts with her when she comes back. Princess Duanhui was really afraid that Guo Xiao would hate herself. She gritted her teeth and pointed to the stone table and said to Song Jianing: “Forget it, I originally wanted to invite you to the palace to enjoy the flowers. Since you are fragile, let’s go back. This is Lingnanxin. Tribute lychees, reward you for trying new things, and hope you will abide by your duties in the future.”

Hit a stick and give a sweet date, lest she file a complaint with her cousin.

Song Jianing tried his best to support, kowtow to thank you.

In the end, she was taken out of the palace by Grandma Li and got on the carriage. Grandma Li helped her sit down, rubbed her legs distressedly, and said a lot of comforting words.

Song Jianing feels bitter, Princess Duanhui is so powerful, will she think of other ways to deal with her in the future?

It would be great if Guo Xiao was willing to let her go.

The future was bleak, and Song Jianing swallowed after catching a glimpse of the plate of lychees rewarded by Princess Duanhui. She had a problem since she was a child, delicious, no matter how sad, as long as the people around her bring a plate of delicious food, she can successfully transfer her grief, maybe she was stunned by Liang Shao and gave it to Guo Xiao, she did not die, except I think Liang Shao is unworthy, and the three meals that Guo Xiao put up are too tempting, right?

Looking at the plate of red and bright lychees, Song Jianing’s leg didn’t seem to hurt so much. She grabbed one and peeled it seriously.

When Grandma Li saw it, she laughed. It’s okay to be indifferent, not to worry.

The lychees were peeling slowly, the carriage was out of town, and half of the plate was left. But the road began to be uneven, and after another bumpy ride, Mother Li reminded Song Jianing in a low voice: “Eat slowly, and be careful not to choke.”

Song Jianing laughed, how could she be so stupid?

As a result, the newly-peeled big lychees were just put in the mouth, and the carriage suddenly stumbling again, Song Jianing only felt his throat tighten…

Half a month later, there was a lot of excitement in the streets of the capital, saying that Princess Duanhui killed the concubine of the eldest son of the Guogong Mansion, and the eldest son was furious and did not marry!

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