Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

The tyrannical air pressure beam spewed out, and everything was shattered wherever it went.

Yakura’s pupils also tightened instantly, and his body retreated to the surface of the sea. He raised his hands and quickly formed the seal. Immediately, the cheeks bulged, and a huge water curtain spewed out. Water Escape·Water Array!

The water curtain suddenly formed a solid shield wall, blocking him.

next moment.


The barometric beam hits the shield wall, like a hurricane tearing apart the sea!

Countless water splashes scattered along with the air waves, and there was a torrential rain on the entire island, and the violent winds formed terrifying cyclones. Just like the most terrifying tsunami, it engulfed the rocks on the rocky shore and the gushing sea water, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Doomsday scene!

For the two bystanders, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost and the ghost lamp full moon, everything in front of them is like a scene of doomsday collapse!

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)

128 Tailed beasts resonate!

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)


The air pressure beam and the water curtain wall held each other for less than a moment, and the latter suddenly disintegrated, and large swathes of water overflowed. Although the power of the former has been reduced a little, it still pushes forward with a violent momentum.


Yakura did not dodge or evade. Unusually, he suddenly tapped the sea level with his palm.


The huge amount of sea water spread out to both sides, and a huge shadow drilled out from the sea at the foot of Yakura.

A hideous head, covered with thorns, a carapace like a steel helmet, sturdy limbs, and three huge tails like a long whip. It looks like a mud turtle that has been magnified countless times, exuding a terrifying and tyrannical aura.


The pressure beam bombarded the mud turtle monster’s back armor, and the tyrannical impact force actually pushed it back nearly 100 meters before it stopped.


There was another earth-shattering explosion, the air column completely burst on the monster’s body, and the extreme wind pressure tore apart part of its armor, revealing the soft skin underneath. However, that’s all there is to it.

Is this Mio Isofuke? Why is it here?

Wuyue’s brows furrowed, and he was slightly stunned at first, and then he suddenly realized when he saw the chakra coat wrapped around Yakura’s body. This… should be Chakra resonance!

correct! Yakura should have established some kind of connection with Sanwei long ago, so he just thought his chakra expression was very strange! As expected of the perfect human Zhuli in the future, does he have the power to drive tailed beasts now?

“Konoha Tianlong!”

At this time, Yakura’s voice sounded from the top of Sanwei’s head, with Morihan’s extremely cold killing intent. “No matter how talented you are! Today, I will let you die here!”

“Uh, did Yakura-sama forget our previous goal?” Xiguashan Pufferfish said, looking at his companions.

“That kind of thing doesn’t matter anymore.” Ghost Dengmanyue looked at Wuyue with burning eyes, but her voice was calm but not crazy. “Compared to looking down, if we can destroy this guy, it will be of greater strategic significance to us! Can you imagine how much he will grow in a few years…”

The watermelon mountain puffer fish was silent for a while. He only reacted when he heard what the other party said. Among the information about “Konoha Tianlong”, age is one item, but he is only eight years old!

eight years old! With such terrifying strength, he will not dare to think about it any longer in the future… He only feels that his scalp is numb and his whole body is cold! ǚ


As if feeling the anger of his “partner”, Isata opened his mouth wide, and water bombs several meters in diameter spewed out of his mouth one after another. Water escape · Isata iron cannonball!

Wuyue narrowed her eyes and slammed her right leg on the ground. “Kara la”, the earth let out a cry, and a huge spiderweb pattern spread from under his feet. His whole body was like an unloaded cannonball, rushing forward. In mid-air, the right hand was raised, the blade shot up from the bottom, and the sword light shot out.


The sound of a huge water stream suddenly sounded, and the water bomb blocking Wuyue was cut straight open, and a huge amount of water splashed out, drenching him. However, his footsteps did not stop in the slightest, and quickly ran towards the front.

Even if there is a recovery artifact such as “Chakra Pacifier”, it is not achieved overnight. Recovery takes a long process, and during this period, ordinary long-range attacks can’t cause any substantial damage to the three tails.

There are a few more roars, but for the thick-skinned “blood cow” in front of him, it’s just a waste of effort.

Then, the best way to attack is to fight against Yakura.

Boom, boom, boom.

A burst of violent explosions.

Huge water bombs exploded around Wuyue, splashing all over the place. His young figure is like a soldier walking through a hail of bullets, moving forward.

“Stop here!”

“It won’t let you succeed!”

However, just when he was about to get close to Yakura, Suikashan Pufferfish Ghost and Onito Manmo suddenly stopped in front of him.

“Don’t get in the way!” Wuyue let out a loud roar, his figure jumped up in the air, his arms spread out, and a pair of huge dragon wings appeared behind him. “Get out of here.”

Dragon’s Wing Strike!

Hula la.

The wind is howling! The illusory wings flashed a tyrannical airflow, wrapped in an unstoppable momentum, and swept away.

Bang, bang.

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost and ghost lamp full moon couldn’t resist at all, their feet were off the ground, and their figure suddenly flew out.

The ghost lamp and the full moon were fine, and the whole person instantly melted into water, slowing down the momentum of the landing. The watermelon mountain puffer fish was not so lucky. He spat out a mouthful of blood in the air and smashed it to the ground.


Although the two who were blocking the road were knocked away in an instant, it also made Yakura and Mio ready to deal with it. The three tails on the back swayed violently and swept towards Wuyue.


The wind blew up, and the rocks pierced through the air!

On the side of Wuyue’s figure, his arms stretched out and hugged one of the other’s tails. With that tyrannical inertia, the body jumped onto its back, clenched his fists, and punched the dark red soft flesh exposed between its back and neck!

Dragon Fist!

It was so terrifying that it was even comparable to the power of a tailed beast. With the place where Moonless Fist struck as the center of the circle, a large piece of neck flesh was all sunken.


A shrill cry.

Sanwei twisted her body desperately, trying to throw Wuyue off her body. It’s like a normal person being stabbed with a chrysanthemum. The pain of being attacked to a weakness is really unbearable!

But Wuyue, who finally caught the opportunity, would give up so easily? With one hand grasping the spikes protruding from the opponent’s side, the other hand held up the Zanpakutō.

129 The troop that was ambushed by the miserable fog hidden

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)


The sword gas permeated the body, and condensed a sword gang that grew several meters in the void.

“Bastard! Stop it!” At this time, Yakura also rushed over from Isofus’ head, a azure blue chakra wrapped around his right arm, and slapped Wuyue fiercely.

Water Escape Coral Palm!


The back was hit, Wuyue staggered, the pacifier in his mouth spit out unconsciously, and fell into the sea. Kara la, in an instant, the back scapula of his right arm seemed to grow a layer of amber-like crystals, which quickly spread over his body.


Although Yakura’s attack, Wu Yue’s attack angle and orientation were slightly different from the original. But this sword still fell straight down.

Kaka, boom!

A sword mark with a width of about two meters and a length of nearly ten meters, from the back of Sanwei’s neck, quickly extended backwards. Wherever he went, the armor was as strong as steel, cracking like a piece of paper.


Under the severe pain, Sanwei let out a mournful howl. The limbs shrank and escaped into the sea level.

Taking this opportunity, Wu Yue turned around and slashed.


Yakura obviously didn’t expect that the opponent still had the fighting ability after being hit by his own palm! Unprepared, a **** gap was opened in the front chest, and the whole person was also excited by the tyrannical sword energy, and the body flew out.

Considering her poor state at this time, Wuyue did not go forward to pursue her, but turned her head and ran towards the other side of the island on the waves.

The sky was getting darker.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger. Just like pieces of goose feathers, falling in the direction of the sea breeze.

The country of vortex, the edge of a hidden jungle.

Wuyue leaned her back on the dark rock, checking her state. “Not only is the progress of Chakra’s recovery slow, but even the body can’t move freely? This is really… miserable enough.”

Swish swish.

Just as he finished speaking, several figures suddenly appeared. He wears a mask on his face and wears a silver-gray vest. It was obviously Konoha’s Anbu members, these people should have seen the mark he left at the entrance.

“Lord Wuyue, are you injured?” One of the Anbu stepped forward and asked in a concerned tone.

“Just a little thing.”

Wu Yue shook her head indifferently. “Compared to this…” The body leaned forward slightly, and when the other party had no time to react, he pinched his neck. “You’d better consider your own safety, Kirigakushi’s ninja. If you want to disguise Anbu from Besomura’s approach, at least you need to know the code name of the target person.”

“Bro, are you exposed?”

“Damn it! This guy was prepared!”

“Bastard, let me release the captain!”

“Oh, you’re still a captain.” Facing the anger of these pretenders, Wuyue didn’t care, and said lightly: “It’s the same position as mine.”

“You can’t escape, Konoha’s Heavenly Dragon.”

The man who was strangled by his neck was not panicked, but the tone suddenly changed to a female voice. The voice is pretty good too. “This area is all our people. With your current state, how long can you support it?”

“Let’s live out a finale for you to see.” Wuyue actually still had the mind to joke with the other party at this time. “Well, you may not believe it. Actually, I’m not the only creature staying here.”


Everyone was stunned by what he said. The captain seemed to be planning to say something, but the pupils of the boy before the meeting suddenly turned blood red, and an inexplicable and terrifying aura rose up. …


This is the oppressive aura unique to the dragon race.

Although Wuyue is still only a half-headed young dragon, this deterrent force is not enough to affect the sanity of human beings, but it is quite effective for beasts with a keen sense of breath.


A wolf-like roar suddenly resounded throughout the jungle. Dong Dong Dong, like a giant hammer hitting the ground, the earth trembled slightly, and a huge canine animal with three heads appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

“What, what is this?”

“Did that Konoha Tianlong do it?”

“Attention! It’s coming!”

The canine giant beast that was disturbed to sleep looked extremely irritable. The three heads opened their huge mouths at the same time, opened their hooves, and rushed towards the crowd here.


What is surprising is that this giant beast is not only huge, but its three heads can even send out chakra attacks of water, fire, and wind!

Even though its 3.6 chakra volume is not comparable to that of the tailed beast, no matter the strength or range of the attack, it is far more than ordinary ninjas. For a time, the deployment of the fog hidden here is completely disrupted, and one by one hidden fog The hidden ninjas appeared one after another and joined the crusade of this giant beast.

Whether they wanted to or not, the ambush mission was doomed to fail under the frenzied stirring of this behemoth.

And it is.

In fact, it was when these Kirigaze ninjas were forced to fight by giant beasts. The mission target of their trip had already held a certain squad leader hostage and disappeared silently in place.

130 Five generations of water shadows in the future

Dark and tidal.

There is hardly any bright underground caverns to be seen.

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