Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 272

Chapter 276:

“You still don’t understand the situation?” Wuyue’s tone was slightly helpless.

“It’s impossible for someone on the face of a coin to see us on the back.”


I saw a boy with white light in his eyes and said lightly, “The Wings of Blazing Sky are shining lights.”

“The shining light is to reveal the pure whiteness of sin!”

“Pure white is proof of purification!”

“Evidence is the result of action, the result is the future, and the future is time! Time is the same, everything is the same!”

Scalp tingling!

Everyone looked at the direction of Wuyue and the three of them and recited automatically.

damn it! Wuyue, who was accustomed to unleashing superpowers, looked at all that happened in front of her with a bit of compulsion. Is this magic?

“Auto-alarm?” Steel Magnus had a slight cold sweat on his forehead, explaining what was happening now.

“The students who were originally on the surface of the coin have come to the world on the back of the coin.”

Wouldn’t this be so **** stupid!

“It’s the past that created everything! The past is the cause, the cause is single, and the single is sin, and sin is man!”

There was still something reciting in his mouth. I saw light spots slowly emitting from their foreheads.

“People are afraid of sin, fear is sin, sin is in their heart, and there are taboo things in their hearts, so they use the wings of weaving the sky to expose their sins!”

Watching a group of people devote themselves to reciting, this kind of 3D stereo surround, is simply an extraordinary feeling. Although I have always known the charm of magic, I have seen such a big battle with my own eyes, and the changes that are taking place in the body slowly, or Somewhat startled.

There was a layer of cold sweat on his back, not because he was afraid of the attack.

It is the shock of the senses brought by the recitation like a crusade.

“Expel sin from the body ¨”!”

The sound of reciting in unison became silent in an instant.

At the same time, there is also the light spot that came out of the forehead!

“Go, two warriors!” Steele Magnus slightly retreated his steps, and the corner of his mouth drew a complicated arc.

Turn around and leave as if running away!

damn it! Sell teammates!

“Fantasy killer! Hold on!” May patted Kamijou Touma’s shoulders, who were thin but with vaguely muscular lines, and turned to follow Stiyl Magnu’s figure.

“Hey! Really!” Kamijou Touma sighed as he watched the silhouettes of Wuyue and the two of them leaving quickly.

When I turned back, I saw the scattered figures, all of which were concentrated in their direction at this time, like a row of soldiers.

“Hey, ya!” He closed his eyes tightly, turned around and ignored everything that happened in the room, and ran hard with his legs.

“Hey, don’t run!” Steel Magnus looked at Wuyuki and Kamijou Touma in front of him, and shouted, “Ayuki, go and deal with him, even the Demon Hunter and the Queen are in front of you in an instant. The time vanished into nothing, but now the figure running wildly is motionless!”

“Selling a good teammate!” Although the pace was galloping, Wuyue was surprisingly not short of breath. Still in a light tone, he said, “You want me to be your shield, there is no door!”

Stiylmagnu looked at Wuzuki helplessly, blocking the figure between Kamijou Touma and Wuzuki.

“Kamijo Touma, your right hand can even block the dragon king’s killing intent, but you turned around, defenseless, what are you two thinking!”

“Take others as a shield, how dare you say that!”

“That amount is too much! With just one right hand, it’s enough time to handle it!” Kamijou Touma looked back at the large spot of light chasing behind him, and quickened his movements.

“But even though it’s a knockoff, it can sing, Gregorian chant!”

“What the **** is that Gregor?”

damn it! Wuyue’s back was covered in cold sweat, although if they really wanted to fight, the three of them would definitely not be at a disadvantage.

But the current situation is to choose to escape, and it is still so good on the way to escape, I talk about it with scruples. Really big heart.

I thought so in my heart, but when I heard Gregory, I couldn’t help but say, “There were originally three thousand three hundred and thirty-three monks, and they were a great magician who chanted holy mantras in the sanctuary!”

“¨’Humph!” Kamijou Touma snorted coldly, looking at Styr Magnus with burning eyes, and said, “There is no chance of winning against that kind of magic head-on!”

“No, the Gregorian Choir has to manipulate many people at the same time to succeed, just destroy the core of the resonance!”


It suddenly dawned on me that it was not unreasonable to hire at a high price of 150,000 a day.


Accidentally appeared at the three-way intersection in front of him, as well as those light spots at the same time.

Steele Magnus said quietly, “If I really want to say it, I have a secret.”

“If you have a secret method, take it out and use it!” Kamijou Touma roared.

“Really!” With a slight push of Stier Magnu’s big hand, Kamijou Touma followed Stier Magnu’s movements and staggered out all the way.

“What are you doing!” Kamijou Touma roared, clenching his fists.

“Good luck, Mr. Scarecrow! Zhao Hao Zhao” Stil Magnu waved his hand and quickly left the crime scene.

“Goodbye! Good luck to you too!” Wuyue blinked and looked at it provocatively.

Steele Magnu.

“You…” Styr Magnu looked at Wuyue’s figure standing on another road at some point, the corners of his mouth twitching uncontrollably.

I wanted to say something, but I saw the light spots gathered behind me and quickly escaped!

“No Moon!” Kamijou Touma just moved his footsteps when he did see Stiyl Magnus dashing towards him.

“go away!”

However, Stiyl Magnus was really indifferent, and the two of them disappeared in front of him in an instant.

The corners of Wuyue’s mouth twitched.

special! The escape game is over, let’s enter the exciting adventure. .

Text 765 Oreos Isard

Walk through the dark hallway.

The things that are chasing after him, do not know when they have disappeared.

Kamijou Touma let out a long sigh of relief.

Before he could catch his breath, he turned his head and saw a girl in a school uniform.

His jet-black hair was combed into a low ponytail, and his big eyes were empty and lackluster.

The strange little starlight emitting behind him is exactly the spot of light that dissipated just now.

Stiyl Magnus also didn’t know where he was.


Kamijou Touma was covered in cold sweat behind him, his eyes widened, and he looked at the girl in front of him in horror.

“Punish sin for fire! Rule fire for purgatory!”


With the voice of the girl reciting, the little stars around seemed to be mobilized!

Kamijou Touma frowned and looked in front of him, the situation was reversed in an instant, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Purgatory exists to burn sinners, and is the only violence permitted by God!”

Only when the girl in front of him finished speaking, the spot of light that flashed on his forehead was exactly the same as that of Zhenna just now.

Kamijou Touma looked at the scene in front of him as if he were facing the Great 250th enemy, ready to run away at any time.

Stab it!

A scar suddenly cracked on the smooth and fair skin of the girl in front of her.

Looking at the sudden scar, Kamijou Touma narrowed his eyes slightly.

What happened in front of him was far from being stopped, the chant continued while there were bloodstains that suddenly cracked open one after another, and the girl’s body was covered with scars in an instant.

“Violence is the affirmation of death! The affirmation is recognition…”

However, Kamijou Touma’s senses were not aware of all this.

All attention was focused on that, the suddenly cracked skin of me and Omen, and the girl’s expressionless cheeks.

Kamijou Touma frowned and yelled, “Stop!”

The girl in front of her didn’t seem to hear Kamijou Touma’s voice. While the chanting continued, there were still the open wounds, and there was almost no intact skin on her body.

“It’s useless!” Wu Yue looked at the scene of Kamijou Touma and the girl confronting him, a little helpless.

“Ah!” Kamijou Touma saw clearly the identity of the person who came, and the composure he had endured was instantly vanished, and he could no longer hide the fear in his heart.

“The controlled consciousness, the brain is in chaos, and there is no thinking of its own, let alone detect problems with the body!”

“Ah!” Kamijou Touma’s eyes were full of astonishment, and he looked at Wuyue at a loss.


He jumped down from the stairs and just hugged the fainted figure of the girl.

I saw the light spots scattered in the air. I don’t know if it was because of the girl’s fainting. At this time, the light that was originally scattered, indeed gathered in one place in an instant.

I am so special!

Looking at the changes in front of him in amazement, I saw that the spot of light was ever-changing and rapidly falling in his direction.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wuyue’s mouth, just when her fingertips touched the light group headed by it, it fell instantly, fell to the ground, and disappeared into a bubble.

“What’s the situation!” Wuyue indifferently looked at the sudden change in front of her.

“Uh!” Kamijou Touma opened his eyes and looked at the silent corridor, and let out a long sigh of relief!


well! Slowly turning around, as expected, one was wearing a witch costume. The long-haired girl appeared in front of him.

At the same time, a flame in the hands of Stiyl Magnus burned the walls of one place.

The place where the flames licked was a special magic spell, and the people who followed the flames dissipated slightly.

Withdrawing his hands, Steele Magnus’s heart was indeed not relieved as Cadi dissipated the spell.

Sensing that something was wrong, Stiyl Magnus frowned tightly, and turned his head, only to see a wolf in one place!

But then again! That alchemist has also gone astray, the blood path should not be created by others, but by himself.

Da da da!

The sound of the floor kicking him faintly sounded, followed by a low voice that said quietly.

“Naturally, as long as you use the pseudo-chorus, no matter where you hide, you can be drawn to the core!”

I saw a tall and straight figure, even wearing a simple white suit could not cover up the aura that this person exudes.

However, the glossy and shiny hair that was taken care of did make Stiyl Magnus a little disgusted.

Steele Magnus looked at the person indifferently, without showing the slightest warmth on his face.

“There should be three intruders! Judging from the current situation, have your companions been swallowed up by the pseudo chorus?”

“Humph!” Steele Magnus snorted coldly as if he had heard a joke. “I’m sorry, you think too much!” he said coldly.

He gently removed the cigarette **** from his mouth with his fingers, threw it on the ground in a dashing manner, slowly turned his head to look at the other party, frowned slightly, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and said, “So why did you bring me here? ”

“Alchemy Magician Oreos Insard!”

Steele Magnus stared at the other’s emotionless cheeks.

“It will be fine if you take emergency measures!” Ji Shen Qiusha looked at the unconscious **** the ground, and there was no warmth in her eyes.

“But!” Kamijou Touma looked worriedly at the girl who was unconscious with scars.

“If the artery is injured, it will definitely be more serious.” Wuyue, who had turned on her see-through ability, said lightly, “In the current situation, it’s just a slight skin damage that threatens to damage the tube.”

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