Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 269

Chapter 273:

I wanted to punish the other party, but I didn’t know what to do. I was already flustered and disproportionate, but I was unwilling to admit defeat like this.


Suddenly, he noticed the pain in his mouth.

Feeling the unique feeling that Mikoto brings to her, if that’s the case, don’t blame me for being merciful.

Wuyue looked at the other party’s demonstrative eyes a little funny, closed her eyes, and increased the temperature, as if she was going to swallow the other party heavily into her stomach.

Whirring whirring!

I don’t know how long it lasted, but Wuyue reluctantly released Mikoto in her arms when she heard the long-lost footsteps at the door.

I don’t know if it’s breathless or not. As a result of being shy, at this time, Hyun was blushing.

“What a grumpy little goblin!” Wuyue put her index finger on Mikoto’s nose lightly as she spoke, the corner of her mouth curved into a gentle arc.

Misaka Mikoto, who was already a little ashamed, came back to her senses at this time, only to realize how crazy her behavior just now was.

Feeling Wuyue’s unique tenderness towards herself, she lowered her head in shame and did not dare to look directly into Wuyue’s eyes.

“Well, the laundry should be ready!” Misaka Mikoto flashed and said, “I’ll go and see, why hasn’t Kuroko come back!”

After saying that, he ran away and left.

Wuyue quietly stared at the door that opened, closed, and opened, the corners of her mouth drew a complicated arc, and she stretched out her thumb and gently twisted her lips.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto was reminiscing about what happened just now, as if she was in a dream, and gently patted her burning cheek.

“Sister, you must be stupid!” Kuroko looked at Mikoto’s unusual performance, and a look of consternation flashed on her face, and then she laughed.

Misaka Mikoto glared at Kuroko Shirai angrily, but at this time she hadn’t recovered, and her fighting power was obviously not as good as before.

“Didn’t you bring your clothes? Why did you go to such a big meeting?” Kuroko Shirai was thinking about her plans for tomorrow night, but she didn’t care too much about Misaka Mikoto’s abnormal behavior at this time.

“Isn’t this coming?” Yulan Mikoto’s cheeks just cooled down, but Kuroko’s question suddenly soared, and said, “It fell to the ground, so I searched for a while.”

After speaking, regardless of whether the other party believed it or not, he hugged his clothes and walked away.

“Hmm!” A trace of doubt crossed Shirai Kuroko’s face, and said, “Then my elder sister, I’m leaving with my brother!”

“Hmm!” At this time, Misaka Mikoto was immersed in the experience just now, and the Second Middle School had already um, unable to hear all the outside voices, and responded indifferently.

Misaka Mikoto put so much detergent in the washed clothes before, and a complicated look flashed in Shirai Kuroko’s eyes, “It’s really strange!” .

No wonder Kuroko Shirai was a little confused at this time, after all, the usual Misaka Mikoto had never had such a bewildered look in her eyes, and her panicked and overwhelmed movements.


At this time, under the illumination of the setting sun, the handsome elder brother is even more handsome in silhouette under the soft light at this time.

A knowing smile appeared on Heizi’s face, and all the doubts in his heart just now disappeared.

Of course, only I can match a person as good as my brother. Elder sister or something can’t be your own sister-in-law.

“Have you finished cleaning up?” Wuyue turned around and looked at Kuroko’s bright smile, she really didn’t know what was in the girl’s mind at this time. Doubt flashed in my mind.

It seemed that she should have told her about her relationship with Mikoto sooner.

“Yeah!” Heizi looked at the direction of May and nodded heavily, and said, “Since Brother 150 is so good, then Heizi will reward you.” After speaking, he flew in the direction of Wuyue, At the same time, there are ten fingers filled with water droplets.

A hint of helplessness flashed on Wuyue’s face, and she looked in the direction of Heizi lightly, showing a gentle smile.


Sure enough, in the next second, Kuroko’s ten fingers, holding his own head, brushed across his lips like a dragonfly.

“Okay, take your things and let’s go!” Said Wuyue calmly separating the distance between herself and the girl.

“Mmmm!” Kuroko thought Wuyue didn’t want to stay here.

I saw Kuroko bent down skillfully and took out the storage box from under the bed.

I am special! Seeing the familiar box, Wuyue’s heart was alarming, how could such a **** good sister collect so many **** fat times.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Wuyue tentatively said, “What is it that makes my sister work so hard to run around!”

“Hehe!” Kuroko seemed to be able to see the sight of his elder brother, surrendering to himself, with a smile of treachery on his face.

“You’ll know then!”

“Big brother should like it very much!”

Ha ha!

A flash of consternation flashed, Wuyue stared blankly at Heizi’s movements, speechless in surprise.

The inner feeling at this time is like 10,000 grass and mud horses rushing through my heart.

Who the **** taught this! .

Body 759 Magic Rune

The academy city, which had been washed away by the rain all night, looked so clear and translucent under the sunlight at this time.

Looking at this familiar road, I have been walking for more than ten minutes.

The fool in front didn’t even say a word, even the road to San Zeshu was not indicated.

Wuyue spoke lightly, looking at the tall figure in front of her.

“Red-haired monster!”

“Red-haired monster?!” Steele Magnus, the anger in his eyes seemed to be gushing out.

“Well, yes, that’s right!” Wuyue said indifferently, “How far is it? You can just run by yourself. It’s clearly a public-funded tour, so why is it like walking a dog now?”

“Walking the dog!” Stile Magnus’ mouth curved slightly.

“Walking the dog! It’s a novel description. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone take the initiative to describe themselves as a dog. It’s really rare!”

damn it!

A foreigner dared to act like this, and he was a little angry, but Wuyue’s face still looked at Stiyl Magnus indifferently.

“Well, run away by yourself!”

Um? !

Stiyl Magnus looked at Wuyue’s standing figure, raised his eyebrows slightly, and you looked at Wuyue’s movements with a little astonishment.

“What does it mean?”

Blinking his eyes, he looked at the other party provocatively, and said, “It’s nothing, your uncle, I’m not leaving, where do you love to go.”

What a bummer! Steel Magnus’ slender fingers gently rubbed the cigarette in his hand.

Paused, and sighed!

Looking helplessly at the stubborn figure in front of him, he explained, “We are going to Kamijou Touma’s house now. Why don’t you come with us?”

“Then just let him come out! Looking at each other, Wuyue looked at the mentally retarded.

I saw Stiyl Magnus looking at Wuyue’s eyes, burning with anger.

“What’s the matter?” Wuyue said disdainfully, “I haven’t come enough to hunt the devil and kill the queen!”

The courage that was ignited in an instant was like a group of intensely burning flames being suffocated in an instant.

The young man in front of him was clearly a thin figure, but that powerful aura made Stiyl Magnus a little timid for no reason.

“Since it must be raised, there is naturally an indescribable reason at home!” He raised his hand to support his forehead and explained helplessly.

Indescribable reason! The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Wuyue was a little helpless about the words of Stile Magnus.

Now that this is the case, Stiyl Magnus has already said this for the sake of it.

Despite some reluctance, Wuyue moved her legs and followed behind Stil Magnus.

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind. According to the inference of the time period in the original book, there is a certain basis for Steel Magnus’s current behavior.

Well, since the current situation is not so good. Find out what magical powers Index, the magical girl with 30,000 magic books, has the beginnings of all things.


Wuyue looked suspiciously at the action of Stiyl Magnus squatting on the ground to post a small advertisement.

“It’s wrong to post a small advertisement! How much extra money did you receive from others, and you didn’t even let it go in front of Kamijou’s house.”

“What the hell?” It was Tian’er Magnus who had blue veins on his forehead, waving his hands, looking at Wuyue with gnashing teeth, and said, “My sacred magic is actually regarded as a small advertisement by you.”

“Uh!” Wuyue took a closer look and found the clue. It turned out that Stiyl Magnus was holding a magic rune.

Looking at the angry expression of the other party, Wuyue touched her head with a guilty conscience, and smiled embarrassedly, “Wrong reading! Wrong reading!”

“Well, since I can’t help you with your magic affairs, I’ll be waiting for you in the house. Remember to come and find me after you post it.”

“You…” Stiyl Magnus looked at Wu Yuetao’s figure, and there was a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

Such an ordinary young man does not seem to have such great abilities at first glance, but the fact is that it is clearly like this.

bang bang bang!

“¨’No Moon!” Kamijou Touma looked at the slender figure outside the door, a hint of doubt flashed on his face.

Kamijou Touma suddenly realized when May moved away slightly, revealing a Styr Magnus wearing a black robe on his back.

But looking at Styr Magnus crouching under the railing wretchedly, Kamijou Touma slowly moved his figure, walked up to him and asked, “What are you doing?”

Stiyl Magnus didn’t lift his head, his face was full of seriousness, and he said lightly, “I want to keep the Demon Hunting Queen here to protect her.”

“After all, when we go to Misawa School, there may be other magicians who want to take the opportunity to take Index away.” Thinking of that little cute figure, Styr Markus’ face A touch of tenderness appeared.

“What a reassuring guy!”

This scene in Wuyue’s eyes caused thousands of waves. After all, when reading the original book, Wuyue was very curious about Styr Marknus’s feelings for Index.

“Do you like her?”

“Ah!” Obviously not expecting Wuyue to ask such a question, Styr Marknus’s sticking hand slightly stopped in place, and then the face of the iceberg, which had been inconvenient for ten thousand years, flashed a blush.

A complicated look flashed in Wuyue’s eyes, and it seemed that the guess was right.

Then the future Stirmaknus will also become a faction. .

Text 760 Wonder Girl

“How could you say such a thing?” Styr Marknus looked at Wu Yue and Kamijou Touma in a panic, his eyes erratic, trying to keep his composure.

“The object she should protect is definitely not the object of love.” The corners of her eyes were lowered, not daring to look directly into Wuyue’s eyes. “So that.”

“That’s it!” Wuyue responded indifferently.

I saw cigarette butts falling on the ground. The current situation clearly has seen through the disguise of Styrmanus at this time.

Turned around, ignoring the embarrassing acting of Steele Marknus.

Looking at Kamijou’s mother with great interest, he said, “Kinwu Zangjiao, Touma!”

Saying that, Wuyue patted Kamijou Touma on the shoulder and was about to enter the room.

It was Stiyl Markus who was a little shy. Looking at Wu Yue’s figure, he wanted to intercept it. Indeed, that man had already taken a step forward.

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to be so clean as a mother.” Entering the door, the first thing you see is that although the space in the mother’s room is not so big, you can vaguely see the owner’s cleanliness.

This is not the same as Larry’s sloppy **** in his own impression, okay!

“Intyx!” Kamijou Touma obviously didn’t want to pay attention to Wuyue’s ridicule, seeing that there was no girl in the room.

There was a bad premonition in my heart, and sure enough, I saw the girl slowly walk out from the direction of the kitchen, and there was still some substance left at the corner of her mouth.

“Dang Ma! How could you still come back, didn’t you say you were going out?” 560 Index recovered from her cold face and looked at Dang Mom’s figure. There are some surprises, but there are more doubts.

“Who is this person?” Index’s round face crossed the girl’s unique bright smile, her eyes fixed on Wuyue’s direction.

“Ah! Me?” Wuyue pointed at her nose doubtfully and looked into Index’s eyes.

Although she is only a young and innocent girl. But it was wearing a monastic uniform embroidered with pure white silk and gold thread.

He was not tall, but at this time he was wearing a hat that was ankle-length and on his head, as if it was wrapped in a piece of cloth.

Ordinary monastic uniforms should be black, but Index’s monastic uniform is pure white, and the golden embroidery in the corners makes people feel very different.

I don’t know why, although the first time I saw the girl in front of me, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

At this moment, Index just skipped Kamijou Touma’s figure and walked in the direction of Wuyue.

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