Mystery: The Transcendental Path From Angels

Chapter 102 - :reason

   He originally thought that even if the target was locked, the night watcher and the penalty person would have to spend a few days to find the demon black dog.

   And there must be a prerequisite for this, that is, the opponent did not leave Backlund-this is certain, because leaving Backlund is equivalent to stepping out of the scope of the ceremony, and promotion will fail because of this.

   For demons, the negative impact of ritual failure is likely to cause them, who are already struggling on the edge of bloodthirsty, to lose control directly.

  Who knows, in just one night and half a day, the giant demon dog was discovered, executed, and purified!

   is terrible!

   This is Backlund…

   This is the true strength of the three major churches!

   A fast-promoted Sequence 6 just exposed the identity and left a little trace of it, so it was quickly found, and simply killed…

   This is a “devil” that can detect danger in advance! It seems that some sealed artifacts have just restrained this…

After   , I must be more cautious and careful! Klein felt that he had learned a profound lesson.

   At this time, he remembered the strange hum that he had just heard.

   “It seems to be the companion of the giant demon dog? Its owner? He was not discovered. Perhaps the final blew of the giant demon dog was secretly manipulated…Of course, it may also be a member of other secret organizations who are dissatisfied with the official Extraordinary…”

   Klein suddenly looked at the window opposite the carriage, and saw that the pedestrians passing by were ordinary, or wearing woolen coats, or half-top hats, or bright-colored long skirts, and there was no problem.

   On the other side, Mr. A is standing on the side of the road wearing a black robe, watching this good show.

   After he was born, he was even more like this little brother.

   “God, the devil dog we tried so hard to save just died like this?”

   The little brother looked at the dead demon dog with an unhappy expression, a bit of hatred for iron and steel.


   Mr. A cursed secretly and ignored him.

   Save the devil dog is agreed with Zihu.

   Soon after Olbia left that day, the purple fox came.

   told Mr. A that Alvia was going to deal with the devil dog and suggested that he save the devil dog.

   At that time, Mr. A was as puzzled as this little brother, why he wanted to save this devil dog.

  In Mr. A’s consideration, this demon dog is not from Aurora.

   Besides, he is still a beast, and he doesn’t know what gratitude and reward are.

   The energy to save this demon dog might as well buy some potions and train some Beyonders to be cost-effective.

   After that, Zihu said three reasons and thoroughly convinced Mr. A.

   The first reason is that if this demon dog dies, then the Extraordinary of the church will notice the movement of the Aurora Society these days.

   At that time, putting all my energy on this will be a very serious blow to the Aurora Society and the Witch Sect.

   The second reason is that this demon dog has an owner, so Alvia can’t let the dog die unexplainably like this.

   It’s more important to die, and it’s best to let his master see it.

   In this way, we can find something to do for these orthodox churches.

   The third is that the Underlord masters hands to deal with Orvia, which is more convenient to do.

   Although these three reasons are a bit far-fetched, and Mr. A also sees that Zihu has its own plans.

   But Mr. A still agreed.

   It is undeniable that Zihu is very reasonable.

“All right!”

   “The show is over.”

   “Let’s go!”

   Mr. A took the lead to leave here, the younger brother beside him was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly followed him.


  The wheels were pressed on the track, and the horses dragged the car forward, heavy but steady.

   soon left the street where nothing happened.

   Klein held his cane with a normal expression, and got off early until the public carriage had passed two stops, then walked around half a circle, and returned slowly to the place where the giant demon dog was killed.

   Klein is not looking for the extraordinary characteristics that the other party has extracted. It is impossible for the top powerhouse of the church not to know this matter, and it must have been taken away long ago.

   He was not the source of the humming before investigating. It has been so long. There are carriages on the streets and people coming and going. There are no clues left. Even for divination, there is definitely no answer.

   Klein’s purpose was to spy on the characteristics of the sealed artifact that could create a strange fighting environment from the subtle details remaining around the street, and to prepare for possible future encounters.

   This is the role of “Magician”…

   He walked under the gray sky, on the side of the street separated by gas street lights, and sighed silently.

   And he has to collect more information so that he can report to Olbia.

  Although Orvia may not need it, it’s better to say it.

  The reason why he had to wait for two stops before getting off the car and detouring back was because he was worried that there were official Extraordinaries who secretly cleaned the battlefield.

   Decently dressed, Klein, holding a walking stick, and a golden bracelet hanging from the placket, took a certain amount of time to finally return to the “devil giant dog death scene.”

   But there is no corresponding trace left on the street at all, and the pedestrians who pass by are obviously not aware that a relatively fierce extraordinary battle has taken place here.

   “That sealed artifact is really amazing. It’s more powerful than large-scale hypnosis. UU Reading”

   Klein turned on Lingshi, making his steps slower, just like a gentleman who went out for an outing instead of doing errands.

   After turning around in such a circle, he actually spent more than half an hour, but Lingshi didn’t get any results, and the target block was nothing unusual.

   However, Klein’s inspiration still noticed something, that is, scope and boundary.

“When I enter the block and when I leave from another direction, I have a subtle illusory feeling. It seems that I have entered another world from one world. That is to say, the range of influence of the sealed artifact can reach at least one block, and the upper limit is temporarily I don’t know, um, one thing can be confirmed, that is, it only affects the Extraordinary.”

   Klein stood outside the target street, nodded thoughtfully, then returned again, found a reasonably good cafe, ordered a cup of Southwell coffee, and sat down by the window.

   While drinking the fragrant liquid, he looked at the more and more lively streets outside to see if there would be other changes over time.

   Unfortunately, what he expected did not happen.

   Of course, he is not completely unrewarded, at least confirmed a little.

   That is, “Magicians do not perform unprepared performances” is indeed one of the rules of acting.

   He felt that the subtle deposits in his body had been slightly moved.

   After the evening came, Klein stopped observing, and took the public carriage back to Minsk Street.

   Instead of returning to No. 15 Minsk Street, he came to Olbia’s door. He was silent for a moment and rang the doorbell.

   After a while, the door opened, and Olbia stood at the door, looking at him with some doubts.

   “Master Via, the devil dog is resurrected!”

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