Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 748 - Deadlock

Finally, he said that he had admired his whole life and made himself guilty for half his life. Snape sighed as if relieved, and then something in the depths of those black eyes seemed to disappear, and they became dazed, dull, and empty. At the same time, the head just raised fell to the ground, and the whole person stopped moving.

“Betrayal, deceit.” Voldemort said angrily at Snape’s body. “You admit to me that there are other women in the world. The bloodline is purer and more worthy of you-it is all deceit. You actually To deceive the great Dark Lord for a mud woman who did not choose you. “

Speaking of this, Voldemort, whose eyes were blazing, fired an enchantment and hit Snape’s body, turning him into ashes and blood on the ground mixed with those silver-blue substances. Then he slammed his robe and raised his wand, shattered the roof and flew up.

After drifting into the air through the hole on the roof, Voldemort waved the wand in his hand and sang a spell forever. As the sound of the last spell dropped, a white beam of light flew out of his wand and shattered the protective cover of Hogwarts Castle. At the same time he raised his head in anger and shouted in snake language: “Nagini!”

“Long live the Dark Lord!” Death Eaters who don’t understand the language of the snake cheered when they saw Hogwarts’ magic shield shattered by the Dark Lord, and the morale of the former was reduced due to various irregularities. A lot.

Hearing the long cry of the Dark Lord, Hogwarts’ guards immediately became nervous. Especially after the disappearance of the most important protective cover, this call means that the decisive battle is about to begin.

“Push—” A leading Death Eater carefully confirmed that Hogwarts’ magic shield had completely disappeared, standing in front of everyone and shouted, and then the black crowds rushed up.

“Now—” Professor McGonagall turned around and raised her wand to raise the morale, but when she habitually raised her head, her eyes opened at once, and her face was shocked. Look.

Others watched Professor McGonagall ’s face suddenly change and turned her eyes subconsciously to look at the top of the castle. As a result, they saw a scene that shocked them extremely: a castle flying in the sky is now Floating low above Hogwarts Castle.

“I’m glad to introduce you the secret weapon I prepared for this war, the floating fortress.” Ryan took a slight upward corner of his mouth, and then used magic to expand the sound so that everyone present could hear it regardless of the enemy. “And I also prepared a large army to block the obsidian puppets that almost covered the entire open space.”

As Ryan spoke to everyone, ten voids were exposed on the hemispherical bottom of the floating fortress, and then black dots were ejected from inside. As the black dots got closer and closer to the ground, everyone saw that the black dots were actually four-footed robots two people tall.

Under the influence of magic, when these robots landed close to the ground, the rate of decline slowed down suddenly, and then landed safely on the ground. They soon built a steel line between the Death Eaters and Hogwarts Castle.

At this time, the Death Eaters who responded from the shock launched a charge, but the resistance in the castle also used a curse to fight back. All kinds of magic spells filled every inch of the space outside the castle in an instant.

A few seconds after the two sides exchanged fire, the obsidian monster puppets running on the front of Voldemort’s side hit the line of defense built by Ryan’s steam robot. These huge guys made a violent noise in the collision, and from time to time mushroom clouds formed by explosions rose up on the battlefield.

These explosions were made by steam robots who rushed into the Death Eaters camp after the counterattack. After they were made, Ryan installed a self-detonation device filled with bomb cherries on them. Obviously, the Death Eaters hiding behind the puppet didn’t even think of this trick. Ryan saw that many Death Eaters were hit by magic metal fragments formed by the explosion and never stood up again.

Unfortunately, these high-speed flying enchanted metal fragments are not good for those obsidian puppets. They can only leave some scratches on their hard surfaces. So after the first round of raids, the Death Eaters who discovered this also learned their lessons and slowed down their progress, and then let the puppets line up in a dense formation.

But in this way, the slow-moving Death Eaters also created opportunities for the landing of Ryan’s steam robots. Over time, more and more robots descended from the floating fortress, and they also received reinforcements from those statues at Hogwarts. The line of defense became thick and firm with the naked eye.

Soon after the battle, if the group of Death Eaters did not destroy the floating fortresses, they could not even get close to the city walls, let alone rushed into the castle to kill them as originally planned. However, because of the distance, only a few spells hit the floating fortress, but they were easily blocked by the protective shield that came with the fortress.

Of course, Ryan is not without losses. As a cheap consumable steam machine, in addition to detonating at first, people really beat the Death Eaters by surprise. The exchange ratio in the rest of the time seemed a bit terrible. Even with the help of a large number of wizards, they have to fall on average five or six to get an obsidian puppet destroyed.

In addition, because the Death Eaters are indeed more than the guards, the guards of Hogwarts also played very hard. Ryan saw two stone beasts guarding the entrance of the teacher’s office when he was about to rush out of the frontline and was hit by an oncoming curse, which turned into four or five pieces and squirmed weakly on the floor, moaning weakly in his mouth. : “Oh, leave me alone … just let me lie here and die by myself …”

“It’s so lucky.” Lu Ping said with a gleeful expression. He fired a spell a few seconds ago to stun a Death Eater, then hid behind a wall stack and watched a few dangerous spells fly across the wall. I have to say that he hid in time, because the position it occupied was hit by at least three or four dangerous spells at this moment.

“What do you say? Lucky?” Ryan waved his wand to block a spell flying towards him ~ ~ Then disintegrated an extremely active obsidian baboon on the battlefield with a pink light. Suddenly escaped the Death Eater’s fire. Then he leaned against a solid stone wall and yelled to Lupin a few meters away. “I think it’s the biggest misfortune we have been attacked today.”

“I mean, fortunately, Dora couldn’t come after she had just given birth, otherwise she would definitely have to worry about her at this time-” Lu Ping’s voice didn’t fall, and he saw a werewolf directly charged by a life-spell. Hit the chest, and then fell into the castle from the wall.

“Fortunately, he had a protective suit to block this for him, but he couldn’t take part in the battle next.” Ryan looked out and looked under the city wall, and saw that Zhang Qiu quickly ran to the falling werewolf to check With a wand, he walked towards the castle, and at the same time made an OK gesture to Lane.

“That’s good,” Lu Pingchang breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to participate in the battle. And Ryan, as the focus of the Death Eaters, set off to fight in the opposite direction, while firing a spell to destroy the powerful obsidian puppets.

Ryan did this to elicit Voldemort, just as he knew that the destruction of Voldemort was the core of the war, and Voldemort knew that he could only rush into Hogwarts Castle to kill Harry only if Ryan was eliminated. It’s just that Ryan has been hiding in the castle with other people. Although Voldemort is arrogant, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can rush into the castle alone and be able to defeat Ryan under a siege of a large group of people.

So for Voldemort, he must now break the deadlock and kill Ryan in the shortest time, otherwise he will fail completely when Dumbledore returns.

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