Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 747 - Nagini-death

“What about the students in the school? I remember the school was still in class yesterday.” Hermione asked Moody nervously after stepping down the two stairs. “Where are they now? Have they left here?”

“All the students are in the castle, because we really didn’t expect Voldemort to launch a decisive battle today.” A trace of regret flashed on Moody’s face. “Last night, the result of our discussion with Albus was that Voldemort will be magic In the final battle with us, at least some Death Eaters would come to Hogwarts to harass the people who dragged the castle. “

“So we think it might be safer for students to stay in Hogwarts Castle, but in order to ensure that there will be no major problems. We still mobilized most of the guards in Azkaban to protect the castle. That is why The reason we can stick to the present is that if we rely on the professors alone, the protective layer will be broken five or six minutes ago. “

At this time, they had quickly entered the hall of the auditorium, where Vice President Professor McGonagall was standing and instructed several senior students to set up defense lines in the castle. After hearing the stairs, she turned around and saw everyone who was going downstairs.

“Ryan, Lupin, how did you come in?” Professor McGonagall first smiled excitedly, and then quickly became unbelievable. “I remember all secret passages were blocked.”

“There is one thing left that basically nobody knows, and its entrance is in the Pig’s Head Bar.” Lane said, “This is what President Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth only told us today.”

“There is also a usable passage, which is great.” McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief before speaking to the two senior students standing there. “Simo, you and Neville are going to call Professor Flivi now, and then go to the basement kitchen with him to take the junior students hiding there to the responsive room on the eighth floor, where there is a passageway to the pig head bar, I will Send a few sculptures to help you. “

“Right,” watching Seymour and the man prepare to leave after receiving the order, Ryan stopped them and passed a thumb-sized pink gem. “When I opened the door, I thought we wanted a way to the pig’s head bar. Remember to bring this gem, as long as it is in those traps in the room. The trap will not be activated. Two minutes after the gem leaves or the gem holder closes the trap. Will be reactivated. “

“Got it,” Simone nodded and took the gem to run towards the kitchen, and Neville ran out of the door to inform Professor Flitwick, who is now in the courtyard,

“Okay, you go to the courtyard with me.” After watching the two men run to their respective goals, Professor McGonagall said to Ryan and their reinforcements. “We’d better delay the time for more time, to allow enough evacuation time for those younger students.”

“Understood, Professor McGonagall.” Ryan said unanimously, and then each raised their wands to the sky shield to inject their own strength. With their help, the already-shattered protective cover was stabilized again.

The next ten minutes was a pure tug of war. The outer Death Eaters commanded the obsidian puppets to knock on the shield, and at the same time they constantly released magic to the shield to consume the magic in this shield. And Ryan from time to time to add magic power to the protective cover to make up for the consumed parts, the battle situation thus stalemate.

“My mission is complete.” Just after Ryan and their air blast into the magic shield, Professor Flitwick took Simon, Neville, and seven or eight armors out of the castle gate. “The lower grade students were sent out by me, they should be safe now.”

“That’s good, that’s good.” Professor McGonagall saw a lot of relaxation, but at this moment, a few strong lights suddenly shot from the distance hit the protective cover, the translucent protective cover like frosted glass A large number of cracks appeared immediately.

In everyone’s nervous eyes, these cracks spread faster and faster, and the area they cover is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, when the crack covered the entire shield, the entire shield turned into fragments of sky like an electric bulb dropped on the ground.

“Is Voldemort crazy?” As a wizard of the same level as Voldemort, Ryan knew that the spell that smashed Hogwarts Castle with a single blow could not be released simply. He did not know what caused Voldemort to be. When this kind of decisive battle broke out, it gave up reason and directly took this step at the cost of huge consumption.

But soon Ryan figured out the reason, because as the protective cover was shattered, a weird, mournful scream also reached everyone’s ears. As a person who can understand the language of Snake, Ryan heard Voldemort’s shouting is a name: Nagini.

“This is, what happened to Voldemort’s snake?” After being instilled with knowledge before, Hermione naturally understood Voldemort’s roar. To her surprise, Voldemort’s roar could hear that Nagini, the Horcrux that had been the focus of this fight, had something bad.

“I don’t know too.” Ryan shook his head. “But something should have happened. The attack just now was not something that could be done simply. What he should have done was that Nagini had some important problems that left him feeling out of control for a while. Of course, from that roar Zhong can also hear that his current emotions are indeed in extreme anger. “

Ryan’s guess is very close to reality, and Voldemort is now standing in a room at the Quidditch Stadium. In front of him was a mess: Nagini, who was supposed to be quiet in the protective cover, had turned into a serpentine black ash on the ground, and a silver dagger inlaid with rubies was left aside.

He was sent here to see the traces of two huge snake teeth left on Snape’s neck in Nagini. Black blood was pouring out of these two big holes. His face was pale, and the fire of life in the depths of his black eyes was quickly dimming. Voldemort could clearly see that Snape was now in a state of perishment.

A few dozen minutes before the puppets attacked from the lake, Voldemort immediately gave up the army that was cut off at the rear and accelerated towards Hogwarts Castle. He believed that the part of the army led by Bellatrix should be able to hold down the enemies in Hogsmeade, so that they could not help Ryan rescue the school.

When Voldemort was approaching the city, to keep his Horcrux safe, he asked Snape and Nagini to look after Nagini in a room in the Quidditch Stadium that had just been occupied. Pu is one of the most reliable Death Eaters of his own. At the same time, for unreliable reasons, he took Snape’s wand. Voldemort believed that ~ ~ Snape without his wand would never harm Nagini hidden in his protective cover.

But now he found that he had made a big mistake. Snape was definitely not as loyal to him as he performed. The rare magic dagger can show that he has planned for today’s things for a long time. This also means that the great Dark Lord was actually deceived by a person with brain closure, and the price is the most precious Horcrux.

“Fortunately, I’m not alone in this Horcrux.” Voldemort took a deep breath and said to himself, then looked at Snape who was lying on the ground and asked calmly. “Tell me, why are you doing this?”

He was sincerely curious, because Voldemort thought he gave Snape absolutely enough knowledge, wealth, status, and trust. He couldn’t really understand why Snape did something like this now when he was about to win.

After all, for the wizard, if you lose your wand, you want to use a short dagger to kill a giant viper like Nagini. Especially in the current scene, Voldemort can judge that Snape let Nagini bit him on the neck while destroying the magic protection with a dagger, and then endured the severe pain and suffocation to give it a fatal blow. Voldemort did not know what allowed Snape to die so generously.

At this time, Snape’s condition was already very bad, and it wasn’t just blood that bleed out of him. There was also a silver-blue thing, neither gas nor liquid, which came out of his mouth, ears, and eyes.

After hearing Voldemort’s questioning, Snape’s throat made a terrible sound of whining, gurgle. Then he used his last effort to raise his head and watched Voldemort spit out a word.

“Lily …”

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