Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 746 - Enter Hogwarts

The pig’s head bar is completely different from the three brooms that Ryan has visited. It only has a small, dark, and very dirty room that exudes a strong smell of sheepskin. Thick dirt accumulates on the bay windows, the light barely penetrates, and some candle heads are lit on the rough wooden table.

At first, Ryan thought the ground was mud, but after walking a few steps, it was discovered that the stone-paved ground had accumulated dirt for centuries. Obviously Hermione also discovered this, so she walked on the heels like a ballet dancer. Soon, everyone who was going to reinforce Hogwarts entered the bar. More than 20 people crowded the entire room to make the whole house look smaller and darker.

“Okay, the man standing at the end helped close the door, and the rest followed me.” Aberforth turned his head and said to the people in the back, and then led everyone around the counter and went through one. The door finally climbed up the living room on the second floor along a dangling wooden staircase.

The living room is much cleaner than the lobby on the first floor. There is a worn carpet on the ground and a small fireplace. A large oil painting hangs above the fireplace. It is a blonde girl looking at it tenderly but tenderly. Inside the house.

“Mr. Dumbledore,” Hermione whispered after seeing the portrait. “Is this your sister? Arianna?”

“Yes,” Aberforth said stiffly, “I think you may have heard about our family from some people, but now is not the time to discuss this, you need to hurry.” He cleared his throat and stood around the small table, standing in front of Arianna’s portrait. “You know what to do.”

The girl smiled slightly and turned away. She did not disappear by the frame like the person in the usual portrait, but seemed to walk along a long tunnel painted behind her. They watched her delicate figure go further and further, and finally engulfed in darkness.

“What an exquisite mechanism design,” Ryan whispered in exclaimation, and the result was a dissatisfied look in Aberforth. After glancing at Ryan who closed his mouth after knowing it was rude, the portrait on the wall opened like a small door, revealing the entrance of a real tunnel.

“Good luck to you.” Aberforth nodded vigorously, and then let out a seat in front of the fireplace to make a stool for them to step on their feet. As the leader of the team, Ryan stepped on the stool and climbed to the mantelpiece through the hole behind Arianna’s portrait. After watching Ryan go in, the others also entered, and finally only Aberforth stood quietly in the living room.

The situation in the tunnel is much better than expected. The entrance of the tunnel is covered with smooth stone steps, and brass lamps are hanging on the walls to give a warm yellow light to the surroundings. After a further walk, the stone slab disappeared and only mud was left on the ground. But it wasn’t the kind of potholes in other tunnels with rocks and tree roots, but very flat and hard dirt roads.

The **** of the passage is very steep, so everyone has a slight gasp after walking out of the road. Although everyone’s voice is not loud, the gasp of more than 20 people still sounded in the dark tunnel.

After finally turning a corner, everyone came to the end of the passage. Like the entrance, there is a short stone staircase leading to a door, exactly like the door behind Arianna’s portrait.

After gently pushing the door open, an empty room appeared in front of them, which looked as small as a small classroom. There was nothing in the room except for five or six torches on the wall and a door on the opposite wall.

“Why have I never been here?” “Where is this?” “I don’t remember this house in Hogwarts.” “Yeah, I can’t have heard of such a characteristic room.” After everyone came in, several guerrillas murmured. After all, they had graduated from here before, so it was natural to be curious to meet a room that basically no one had seen.

“This is the House of Requests, a secret room belonging to Hogwarts Castle.” Ryan, who has used the House of Requests many times, quickly judged where it was from the road and the magical reaction in the room. “His door opened on the eighth floor opposite the giant baton who played silly Barnabas’ tapestry, but it was always hidden.”

“It turns out that way.” Several guerrillas nodded, and then one of them walked to the door to open it. But suddenly a transparent air wall appeared in front of him blocking his right hand reaching towards the door handle.

“Since someone tried to attack Hovotz through the end of last semester, I have been covered with traps all around the house of request. When you go out like this, you will trigger all the traps.” Ryan squeezed over next to the guerrilla and explained Then he pulled out his wand and knocked on the door handle.

Everyone in the room felt for a moment that there was a strong static electricity sweeping past them, and the hair on them all stood up. At the same time they saw a pink light enveloping the whole room. After these rays of light hit a large number of complex or simple magic symbols, they first emerged from the wall and then dimmed again.

“Now we can go out,” after the last sign dimmed and disappeared into the wall, the door blew outward. So everyone saw that everyone saw the giant stick on the wall opposite the door playing the silly Barnabas tapestry. After the door opened, Ryan turned and spoke to everyone in the room. “It’s better for everyone to move faster, because those traps will be reactivated after two minutes. Of course, if we all go out and close the door, the traps will also be activated.”

After listening to Ryan’s words, everyone quickly lined up and the two teams came out through the door. When the last person came out of the room, they closed the door. When the two doors were joined together, a large number of various runes emerged from the door.

“Next we should inform the castle—” Lupin said standing beside Ryan, but he heard the sound of a wooden stick hitting the floor before the words of the stairs ~ ~ armor . “” Fainted. “A red light came from the direction of the stairs and was blocked by a barrier. After blocking a coma spell, Ryan shouted in the direction of the stairs:” We are reinforcements from Hogsmeade coming through the secret passage, Not a Death Eater. “

“Prove your identity.” Moody’s voice came down the stairs. “Only one person can come to the stairs to communicate with me, otherwise I will attack directly.”

“Let’s go, you are waiting here.” Ryan said after a command, he spread his wings and slowly floated up a foot. Then it flew all the way to the stairs. When he looked down, he really saw Moody holding his wand at him under the cover of the handrail.

“It turns out to be you, Lane.” Moody lowered his wand after seeing the floating Lion. “Let those reinforcements come down, I believe no one can threaten you to let someone in.”

After everyone came, they followed Moody all the way down the stairs to prepare to join other people. On the way, Ryan and Lupin started to ask about Hogwarts.

“Hogwarts is not doing well now.” Moody said seriously. “Voldemort and the Death Eater attacked the outer shield like crazy, even if we tried our best to resist the shield for as long as ten more minutes. This is still your magic sculptures who have been stabbing the Death Eater’s **** behind. The reason why he couldn’t attack with all his strength. “

At this time they just passed a corner of the stairs, and Ryan saw the statues and armor in the castle now standing in a line in the courtyard. At the same time, there were some winds whistling on the playground.

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