Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 745 - Confrontation

“What is that?” Sirius asked in amazement. He saw brown puppets that were two people tall suddenly rushed out of the lake, and then used the sharp claws and the beams emitted from the head to kill the Lord Voldemort’s army.

“It can only be said that Voldemort and I thought about going together, and we were all using magic puppets to make up for the shortage of manpower.” Ryan explained to Sirius, and then turned around to give orders. The human sub-teams attacked the Death Eaters and puppets in the attack range. But they were not allowed to leave the city without orders. “

In an instant, the space outside Hogsmeade’s wall was immediately filled with various spells, and the battle entered a fierce heat at the beginning. The Death Eaters were obviously caught off guard, especially when the Ryan ’s puppets cut off from the railway line and the Hogsmeade town wall. The Death Eaters and puppets were immediately caught in two sides. .

But unexpectedly, Voldemort and most of the troops in front ignored the team who was suddenly surrounded by the team, but accelerated the speed and ran towards Hogwarts Castle.

“What the **** is Voldemort doing?” After trapping an obsidian giant with a cloud of mist and letting the puppet of Ryan shoot a beam of energy directly from the head and destroying it, Hermione looked at the group in disbelief. Legion of Death Eaters heading towards Hogwarts. She didn’t understand why Voldemort gave up nearly a third of his troops so easily.

“He might have wanted to drag our footsteps through this group of people, and then attack Hogwarts with all his strength.” Lane said, releasing a green cracking technique and hitting the core of the head of an obsidian giant puppet. The head of the puppet turned into a pile of ashes, and the blue flame that had surrounded the puppet disappeared.

Losing the support of magic power, the headless obsidian puppet giant was stiff and stiff there, and then crashed forward. An unlucky Death Eater didn’t notice this because he was talking to the people on the walls of Hogsmeade Township. The result was that he was just smashed under the giant puppet by the fallen giant. The puppet spread out beneath him, as if blooming a rose on the ground.

At this time, Ryan looked at the comrades on the left and right walls, and found that everyone’s condition was better than they expected. Under the command of the guerrillas and the werewolves, the temporary wizards poured out their spells on the rushing Death Eaters and Puppets. The group of Death Eaters and the obsidian puppets could not get close.

After losing a third of their power, the attacked Death Eaters suddenly formed a group to give up the obsidian puppets that were entangled with Ryan ’s puppets, and then directed the remaining obsidian puppets around. Act as a cover to release magic around.

“It seems that this group of Death Eaters really intends to drag the battle down, so what should we do now?” Lupin ran over to ask Ryan at this time. “The wizards of Hogsmeade Town are able to hold the city walls, but it may be difficult to pull out and attack head-on.”

“Let me think about it,” Ryan said with his left hand supporting his chin. In fact, at this time, the easiest way for him to quickly solve this group of tortured Death Eaters is to recruit now floating in the Black Lake in secret. The floating fortress above, then directly released a strategic spell at the group of Death Eaters.

But Voldemort must be vigilant in this way, and then it will be difficult to kill him. And guys like Voldemort will definitely have a headache if they give up everything to fight guerrilla.

Just as Ryan thought, there was a huge explosion in the direction of Hogwarts. Ryan looked up and found that the protective cover over the castle began to flash and shook, which also meant that there was not much time for him to think now.

“I–” Ryan was about to mobilize the floating fortress to give this group of guys a fatal blow. A tall figure walked over and said, “Hogsmead is already safe, now it really only needs not much. People and a part of the alchemy puppet can maintain the current situation. You can draw enough people to go to Hogwarts for reinforcements. “

The coming man had strands of grey hair and beards like wire, and bright, sharp blue eyes hidden behind dirty lenses, and Lupin quickly recognized him. “Aberforth, are there no enemies on the East Gate?”

Then he turned his head and introduced to Ryan, “This one you may not know, he is Aberforth, Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the pig’s head bar, an early member of the Order of the Phoenix, and the younger brother of Dumbledore . Just been responsible for the defense of the east gate. “

“Good luck.” Ryan nodded to Aberforth, “I’ve seen your photos in Sirius’s album before, but I have never seen a real person.”

“The pig’s head bar is indeed not suitable for young people like you, and I haven’t contacted my brother for a long time.” Then he glanced at the group of Death Eaters besieged by puppets and magic groups on the head of the city, Then he said, “Every time my elder brother makes a grand plan, he always ignores some people and hurts them. It seems that fortunately you have taken care of my brother this time.”

“It doesn’t count, this is the task he arranged for me before the war.” Ryan replied and then asked. “The method you just said is indeed a good idea, but the difficulty now is that I can’t lead everyone down the road into Hogwarts. Because if you do that, the besieged Death Eaters will find you and come out desperately, and It is also necessary to break through the siege of the Death Eaters who are currently besieging Hogwarts. “

Ryan did not say that he has a special phantom shift, because the next time is the final battle time, and he hopes to leave this surprise to Voldemort. After all, the more preparation you make at this time, the greater the chance of victory.

“Then why don’t you try the secret road?” Aberforth suggested, “If the secret road is used, the following Death Eaters will not know that we are mobilizing manpower.”

“But didn’t Albus block all the secret passages in the castle before?” Lu Ping asked in a puzzled way ~ ~ It was also a big project to dig up those blocked secret passages again. Now, it is simply too late. “

“He didn’t seal all the tunnels, at least one at the pig’s head bar is now available.” Aberforth interrupted Lupin’s chatter, “If you are ready, then we will start now . “

“There’s nothing to prepare, let’s go now.” Lane said and walked down the city wall with Lupin. After dozens of seconds, more than 20 werewolves and guerrilla members gathered from all over to gather in a quiet line on the road under the city wall.

“Are you ready?” Aberforth asked, looking at the stern wizards who stood there seriously, and then took everyone to the pig head bar. When he walked, he murmured to Ryan who was standing next to him: “My brother is always like this. He only pays attention to his grand goals but does not pay attention to those who carry out the goals, even letting your 17-year-old children act as Resist the main force of that man. “

“But this battle can’t escape for me.” Lane whispered. “Now only I can stand Voldemort in this place. If I don’t go, this war will be too bad for us.”

“No wonder my brother will find you as the person in charge here, because your idea of ​​carrying the burden for everyone is exactly the same as him.” Aberforth stopped with a laugh. At this time they had reached the entrance of a small bar at the intersection. The tattered wood signboard was hung on the rusty bracket on the door. The head of a wild boar was painted on it, and the blood stains penetrated the white cloth that wrapped it.

“Please come in and welcome to the pig’s head bar.” Aberforth knocked on the door with his wand, then stood at the door and made a gesture.

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