Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 742 - Prelude

On May 3, Dumbledore finally decided to prepare a general attack on the Ministry of Magic in London. In consideration of the worst intentions, Ryan secretly deployed the floating fortress in front of the Black Lake, and unloaded a large amount of goods in the Black Lake under the cover of night and the floating fortress. Then on the evening of May 2nd, he rushed to Hogsmeade with Hermione.

Early the next morning, they got up early and started to prepare. After breakfast, they rushed to the conference room under the Ministry of Magic as the temporary command center of Hogsmeade. At this time, Lupin and Sirius were already waiting for them here. .

“It’s really early for you to come. Let’s take a quick look together and hurried over. We haven’t done anything else. I didn’t expect to come later than you.” Ryan said after hanging the coat on the hanger next to it. Today he and Hermione are both fully armed, each wearing a set of light armor that has been treated with very complex enchantments and alchemy.

“We didn’t go home last night.” Sirius said with a smile. “We stayed here all night, and then used the changed mattress to sleep in this conference room. I was worried about something unexpected. The event occurred. “

“It’s really hard.” Ryan asked after a soft sigh. “Oh, Sirius, didn’t you say you were going to take part in the final blow to the Ministry of Magic in London? Why didn’t you pass now?”

“I was thinking about the past.” Sirius shrugged helplessly. “But Professor Dumbledore asked me to stay because he took away almost all the members of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix in this general attack today. In order to prevent us from being attacked by surprise, I was appointed to stay and strengthen the town of Hogsmeade. Overall defense. “

“Mr. Principal is still a little uneasy!” Ryan thought, but it also made sense. After all, his own guerrillas and the new wolves led by Lupin did not highlight some of them because they had always attached importance to group combat capabilities. member. In this way, in the eyes of ordinary people, they will feel that Ryan lacks top fighting ability except a few people.

Therefore, when this important battle erupted, Professor Dumbledore still withdrew his valuable combat power and sent it to Hogsmeade to ensure that his rear would not be threatened by the enemy.

“It doesn’t matter if you stay, Hogsmeade really lacks a person who can lead you to fight back. The training time of Professor Lupin and I’s subordinates is still too short, and I have not yet been able to cultivate a real elite like you.” Lane said that he took a small box out of his space bag, and after opening it was a thin black jumpsuit.

“In order to make up for the lack of combat power, I specially prepared some special props. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has a shelf life of only about half a month, and it is also difficult to produce, so I can only concentrate on using it at this time.” Ryan launched the jumpsuit Speaking, “Last night I had asked the Weasley twin brothers to deliver the protective clothing for London.”

“What’s the use of looking at something like a Muggle diving suit?” Sirius, who had studied the Muggle culture for a while when he was young, took over the one-piece suit and asked curiously. “Does it provide magical protection like your protective bracelet?”

“Yes, but its effect is more useful than you think.” Lane smiled, and then said the biggest feature of this tight protective suit. “This dress can resist a life-spell.”

This is what Ryan did after they returned from Silvermoon City. Although this protective suit is very thin, it actually has a mezzanine. Inside the mezzanine is a slime monster treated by alchemy.

When they were in Silvermoon City, they found that the slime monster’s health value is similar to that of human beings, and it can be shaped like a liquid. So he was inspired to study this special armor. In the experiment, Ryan discovered that the slime monster that was tucked into the protective clothing layer after treatment could prevent the user from attacking a life-spell as he expected.

It is just because the slime monster can only protect when it is alive, so even if the alchemist potion is used to put the slime monster to sleep to maintain its life as much as possible, the life of the protective suit is only half a month. Coupled with the rare raw materials, Ryan hasn’t had enough protective clothing to fight a war until now.

“This is a miracle!” Sirius said in surprise looking at this suit. He didn’t question why Ryan didn’t come up with this thing before. In his eyes, this kind of thing can be mass-produced on a small scale.

“If this is a miracle, I still have 150 miracles here.” Ryan finished pouring out a small pile of protective clothing from the space pocket. “Now quickly send them to the hands of every combatant, because this morning The situation makes me feel a little uneasy. “

“You are right,” Lupin nodded. “In five minutes, Professor Dumbledore will leave Hogwarts for London, and the next day will be when Hogsmead and Hogwarts have the lowest level of defense. wrong.”

After talking, Luping called in a wolf from outside to let him distribute these protective suits, and he and Sirius ran to the next door to put on this protective suit.

“After wearing it, the whole is not bad, and it is also easy to fight.” Lu Ping and Sirius changed their clothes and walked out of the room next door. As soon as they entered the door, Sirius pulled out his wand and made a few actions and then evaluated it. “It just feels a bit boring.” Sirius’s voice just fell, and an oil lamp placed in the room suddenly lit up.

“Professor Dumbledore has left Hogwarts.” Professor Lupin said after the light came on. “If all goes well, the general attack on the Ministry of Magic in London will begin in five minutes.”

“Then let’s enter the battle position now,” Lane said. “To raise Hogsmeade to the highest alert state, I think the mysterious man and his elite might appear near Hogsmeade at any time.”

“You’re right, we really should act now.” Everyone present nodded, then put on the hat of the protective suit and pulled on the mask, and finally put on the hood and walked out of the room.

Several guerrilla members and werewolves sitting on the bench at the door of the meeting room found Ryan after they came out and stood up ~ ~ and followed them to the door. On the way, all the wizards who stayed at the Ministry of Magic saw this pedestrian and pulled out their wands, pointed the chest with the tip of the stick, and bowed to Ryan.

“Commander, a lot of unknown magic reactions suddenly appeared around him.” Just when Ryan had just returned to the ground, a guerrilla under the command of Ryan contacted Ryan through the alchemy props he had sent before.

“What’s the specific situation?” Lane asked while holding a magic metal card. “How many enemies are there? From which direction are they coming.”

But the next answer stopped Ryan ’s footsteps, because the answer from the communicator was, “I do n’t know how many enemies there are, but now the display crystal you marked to us is full of enemies and numbers. At least more than 3500. “

“Everywhere!” “3500!” Everyone’s face looked ugly all at once, especially Ryan. Because he knew that he had prepared a lot of heart trees and investigation methods from multiple worlds around Hogsmead and Hogwarts for safety. The detectors previously sent to the guerrillas were connected to the detection points.

Voldemort may have his own way of avoiding the world ’s investigative magic, but in the face of a mixture of multiple worlds of reconnaissance, even the strongest Dark Lord in decades cannot avoid all, which is how Ryan can find out. The wrong reason.

“How much time can the other party get here?” He asked before raising the metal card.

“At most ten minutes, we can see them appearing outside the woods.” The guerrillas said quickly.

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