Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 39 - Horseman

Lane was surprised to hear this sentence, because it was the voice of an adult woman, but it was not the same as any professor in the school.

Fortunately speaking, it means being able to communicate, so there is hope to avoid meaningless fighting. So Ryan summoned the courage and shouted: “I have no malice and no intention to hurt anyone. I can exit the forest now.”

“Now, don’t be so nervous, I just want to thank you for your help to the unicorns.” The voice just fell, and a figure came out of the jungle.

“Horse!” Ryan exclaimed in a low voice, and this was actually a female horseman who had never appeared in the novel. But think about it too. The horses didn’t grow out of the ground. How could there be only men?

This female horse looks like she is in her 30s, wearing a delicate brown leather armor, with a black page hammer hanging around her waist. The part of her horse is white, with a round shield and her bow and arrow hanging on the left and right sides of the body.

Lane looked at her without holding a weapon, and then put away the plants and expressed her friendliness.

She walked in front of Ryan with an elegant pace, then bent down and said to Ryan: “Mars is slowly becoming brighter. Everyone thinks this is a bad omen, and she stubbornly believes that the will of God is not in violation. I think that sometimes it ’s our duty to help the innocent and it ’s part of God ’s will. That ’s why I came out today, and I saw you cured the unicorn here. ”

“This is what I should do. After all, for those elves in the forest, as long as capable normal people see them in danger, they will help.” Ryan said with his head raised.

“Yeah, what kind of monster do you think will attack the unicorn?” Asked the horsewoman.

“I don’t know very well, but I found that the injured unicorn seems to have lost a lot of blood.”

“Oh my god, it’s too bad. Is this prediction true? But the horse’s prediction was not without errors. I hope this is also a mistake.” The horsewoman said to herself with her head raised.

Ryan looked at the horses as if in a daze there, and then said out loud: “Ah, yes, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Ryan; Ryan Liang, a first-year student at Gryffindor College. I met during a night tour After catching some silver liquid, she chased it out of curiosity. As a result, the unicorn was cured by chance. “

“This is not a coincidence. Unicorns are not so easy to trust humans.” The horsewoman said, “My name is Betty, from the nearby tribe of horses and horses. I am here to protect this group of unicorns from external dark forces. Infringement. Because unicorns don’t trust men, I was appointed to protect them. “

“Then why did the unicorn allow me to heal?” Ryan asked puzzled.

“It’s very simple. On the one hand, you are still a foal. You can barely accept male unicorns without puberty. On the other hand-” At this point, Betty looked up at the sky.

“I can see a lot of life thanks to you from you, you have saved at least thousands of innocent lives. I can even feel the natural gratitude that you once fought against a large number of destructive unnatural monsters, Although this natural gratitude is a little different from the one I am familiar with. My sanity tells me that this is not possible. But I firmly believe that the secret that the stars show you is true, so unicorns can accept it The treatment of Friends of Nature like you is also understandable. “

Speaking of which, Mabetty the Centaur moved his face closer. While looking up and down at Ryan, he said: “I am very curious about how you little guy did it? After all, our leaders have struggled for nature for a lifetime, and they have received less natural gratitude than you, let alone those around you. Some strange plant helpers that are favored by nature. “

“Well, I’m a bit bitter, so I can’t tell you what I did, I can only say that what you saw is true.” Lane said a little embarrassedly.

“Really, I think I can fully believe that people who are favored by nature are at ease, and what I see will not be told to anyone. After all, everyone will have their own secrets.” Betty said seriously. “But I think as a student, you should not come out now, nor should you be so close to the core of the dangerous forest, I will send you out now.”

Finally, Betty took a large basket from behind the tree and put Ryan in. (Reassure, this was originally intended for me to collect the hay from the floor when I was sleeping. It was very clean.) Then hang all weapons on one side and the basket on the other.

Lane discovered that the horsemen were indeed a race close to nature. Even if Betty was trotting, she could avoid the dense branches traversing the road and walk flat in the forest.

“By the way, you just heard me say that after the unicorn lost a lot of blood, what did it say about prophecy? Of course, if this involves the secret of you or your ethnic group, then I do n’t ask. “Ryan asked his inner question after sitting in the basket and adjusting his posture.”

“Of course this is not a secret, let me think about where to start. Well, do you know what is the use of unicorn blood?” Betty asked.

“I don’t know,” Ryan said a bit strangely when he heard the question. “We only used its horns and tail hair in the potion class. I also felt a little curious, but the book I flipped implied the use of unicorns. The blood of the beast is an evil act. “

“This is because it is a brutal thing to attack the unicorn to obtain blood, and the power obtained by killing the unicorn by sucking the blood while sucking blood is the most powerful. It is also extremely evil. Behavior. “Betty said. “Only the most cruel and evil people will commit such a big crime. They want to escape the laws of nature and continue their life that is no longer normal.”

Speaking of this, Betty hit a chill, as if something terrible had happened.

After slowing down, Betty went on to say, “As long as you have a breath, the unicorn’s blood can save your life. Only this will be cursed by nature, and the blood drinker will have a half-dead life, A cursed life. “

“This kind of life is better than death, it is estimated that only those who are in urgent need of life and have alternatives to make it. As far as I know, the magic stone seems to be hidden in Hogwarts’ castle, then-“

Ryan had just finished speaking, Betty put her finger in front of her mouth and made a quiet gesture.

“We saw it, and Mars became bright again. I think you know what will happen, but please don’t say it because we don’t want to be involved in your shaman’s affairs for a while. Besides, you are still a foal and should not be Worried about these things. “

At this time Betty walked to a path less than 20 meters away from the forbidden forest. She picked Ryan from the frame and put it on the ground.

“I don’t want to meet other people, just leave the way.” After that, I took out a small silver ring from the quiver and threw it to Ryan. “You helped the unicorns, and I want to thank them in their place. When you have time to go to Greece, there is a temple of Karon on Crete. This ring will tell you the specific location of the temple. You hold this Find the ring and my teacher will give you the gift you deserve. “

Finally, Betty turned around and flicked her tail, walked into the jungle and left.

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