Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 36 - Norwegian Ridgeback

It is illegal to raise a dragon, which is common sense in the magic world, but Ryan looked at Hagrid’s excited look now, thinking that he might not accept persuasion and give up his dream of raising a dragon.

Sure enough, when Hermione pointed out that Hagrid lived in a wooden house, and a fire dragon inside might have destroyed all this. Hagrid is still very excited to introduce them to the knowledge of this dragon.

“I watched” Raising Dragons for Recreation and Profit “, and the book said to put the eggs in the fire because their mother exhaled at them. You see, what it says here, after it hatches, every half Feed him a bucket of brandy and chicken blood for an hour. Look at this again-how to distinguish between different eggs-I got a Norwegian Ridgeback, very rare. “

Ryan watched Hagrid happily humming Xiaoqu’er while fiddle with the fire, and felt Hermione’s persuasion was useless. Maybe it was only after Hagrid raised the dragon for a while and suffered some losses Come wake up.

Furthermore, Ryan has almost officially mastered “Crazy Dave’s Novice Plant Breeding Guide”. Now he intends to breed a special plant of his own. After the dragon hatches, he may be able to get some dragon-related things to cultivate plants.

The next time, Harry and Ron also began to accept the review plan made by Hermione. But then they are even more irritable, because now there is another dragon besides the magic stone to worry about. They think it will go crazy sooner or later.

Then, during breakfast one day, Hedwig gave Harry another Hagrid note. There are only four words written on it; it’s almost out of the shell.

Ron didn’t want to take a herbal medicine class. He wanted to go straight to Hagrid’s hut. Hermione and Ryan strongly disagreed.

Ron wanted to argue, but Ryan interrupted him roughly.

“Shut up.” Lane said, “This is not the place to discuss this issue. Have you not seen a group of Slytherins coming over for breakfast?”

Ron was disappointed and ate jam bread. They didn’t find free time until the noon break.

As soon as the bell rang, they quickly dropped the shovel, hurried across the field, and ran towards the edge of the forest forbidden area. Hagrid greeted them, and he was very excited with red light.

“It’s coming out soon.” He let them into the hut. “Lane?”

“Ryan and Professor Sprout have some questions to ask. Every time he takes an herbal medicine class, he stays in the greenhouse for a long time, and he will come after a while,” Hermione said to Hagrid.

When Ryan hurriedly came from the greenhouse, Xiaolong was born. The newly born dragon has rumpled wings and is about the size of a chicken. One or two sparks choked occasionally in his mouth.

Hagrid, who was bitten into his finger while trying to touch Xiaolong, said happily, “God, look, it knows its mother!”

Ryan saw this scene and swallowed back the advice that had come to her mouth. At least Hagrid, who is in joy today, absolutely can’t listen to the advice. When Xiaolong grows up and all kinds of problems come out, he will use the facts to advise Hagrid.

When they left Hagrid’s hut and returned to the castle. The system sent a reminder to Ryan.

-Malfoy did not find this dragon born. Get the offset point 2 points.

Well, there is now an offset of 22 points. Ryan looked at her offset points and smiled with satisfaction. But when he thought of Hagrid’s attempt to raise dragons indoors, he calmed his smile again. After all, it would be very difficult for a ferocious animal fanatic to give up raising dragons.

Lane’s guess became a reality. Long Guoran is not a domestic animal, at least not for Hagrid, but Hagrid still refuses to give up.

In just one week, the length of the dragon was already three times the original one. A cloud of smoke spewed from its nostrils. Hagrid put aside the work of guarding the hunting grounds, because Xiaolong made him squander. The floor was filled with empty brandy bottles and chicken feathers.

When Ryan once went to see Hagrid, Hagrid’s big face showed a maternal color to tease Xiaolong.

“I decided to call it Noble,” Hagrid looked at Xiaolong with his tearful eyes, and said, “It really knows me now, you guys look at. Noble! Noble! Where is my mother?”

Lane saw this scene and felt a bit uncomfortable. After all, such a big five and three thick people pressed their throats to make such a sound. It makes people feel that Han Mao is standing upright.

But Ryan stepped forward to persuade Hagrid: “Hagrid, at this growth rate, it can grow as big as your house in two weeks, and you ca n’t hide it at school. Besides, I have seen the wizard According to the law, raising a dragon without permission is a felony punishable by imprisonment for Azkaban. Not to mention that the dragon is a natural sky king, his nature is not suitable for the house you are raising, even if it is for … . Well, for Norber, you should let go. “

It was obvious that Ryan’s remarks touched Hagrid a little. He bit his lip. “I–I know I can’t keep it forever ~ ~ I also know that I should let it go quickly, Dumbledore helped me a lot, and I shouldn’t trouble him anymore. But I can’t just do it It is thrown away, it is too small to survive independently. “

Hagrid really loves these animals. Compared with those who have risen to raise pets in their previous lives, and then have a little dissatisfaction, they throw away their pets. Hagrid is the real animal protector.

But now this problem still needs to be solved. Ron thought about it and said: “My brother Charlie raises a dragon in Romania. We can give this dragon to him. I think he must have a way to take care of this dragon.”

“This should be the best way for Norber.” Hagrid said while crying, and from time to time he took out a large handkerchief to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Finally in front of Hagrid, Ron wrote a letter to his brother inquiring about this matter.

The week after was like a year, and at about 12pm on Wednesday, Ryan and Hermione sat in the common room and started the revival mode. This is when Harry and Ron crawled in through the hole in the lounge. They were dressed in invisibility and had just gone to Hagrid to feed Norber.

“Lane, help me see what happened to Ron’s hand?” Harry said to Ryan as soon as he came in, because he had watched Ryan have been in the common room and felt like he knew a medicine, and Chinese medicine was in the West. There is not much difference between human eyes and magic. Obviously, Ryan was shown because Ron’s situation was not suitable for Madam Pomfrey.

Ron stretched out a finger wrapped in a **** handkerchief. Ryan opened the handkerchief and found that the wound should have been bitten by a dragon. There are some green marks on the teeth and redness and swelling.

“Damn, why is this dragon poisonous on his teeth ?, wait for me, I’ll get something.” After that, Ryan ran upstairs, leaving three people looking at each other in the common room.

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