Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 34 - The game and Harry\\\'s discovery

The game was approaching. Although Harry didn’t care about his companions, his mood became more and more tense, and the other players were not very calm. The thought of defeating Slytherin in the College Cup is exciting. In almost seven years, no one has beaten them. However, with such an eccentric referee, can they succeed?

On the second day, Ryan, Ron and Hermione found a place in the stands. Neville, who was sitting next to him, was a little wonder why they were holding a magic wand like an enemy.

Hermione has been chattering about the magic spells they might use for a while, and people’s sense of tension keeps accumulating.

When the game was about to begin, Ryan decisively interrupted Hermione, who was shattering her thoughts.

“Look at the faculty seat.” Ryan pointed to where the teachers were sitting. “Principal Dumbledore also came out to watch the game, so there will be no safety issues today.”

Hermione and Ron also saw Professor Dumbledore’s iconic silver-white beard, and then took a long sigh of relief.

The game started. Just as they relaxed to watch the game, someone poked Ron in the back of his head. It’s Malfoy.

“Oh, sorry, Weasley, I didn’t see you there.”

Malfoy grinned at Crabbe and Goyle.

“I don’t know how long Potter can stay on his flying broom this time? Is anyone willing to bet? How are you, Weasley?”

The big guy ignored Malfoy, because everyone was very concerned about Harry’s condition. But Malfoy got worse, and finally Ron, who could not bear it, threw himself up and fell Malfoy. Ryan also hit Gore with an immature coma spell.

After, there was a dogfight. Fortunately, even an immature coma curse successfully let Gore temporarily lose his fighting power. Then Ryan, Ron and Neville fought against Malfoy and Crabbe together.

At this time in the air, Snape had just started flying the broom, and saw a golden thing flying by his ear, only a few inches away from him-and then, Harry stopped diving. He raised his arm triumphantly, and the thief was held tightly in his hand.

The stage is boiling, this will be a new record, no one remembers in which game the thieves were caught so quickly.

“Ryan, Ron! Where are you? The game is over! Harry won! We won! The Gryffindor team took the lead!” Hermione screamed, jumping non-stop on the chair and holding tightly Hug Pettier in the front row.

Lane and Ron watched each other’s nose with bleeding nose and blue eyes and laughed at the same time, then joined the celebration crowd.

After nearly an hour, everyone finished the celebration and was ready to go back to the castle, then Harry came slowly from a distance.

“Harry, where have you been?” Hermione said sharply.

“We won! You won!” Ron patted Harry’s back and shouted loudly, “All three of Malfoy were in a coma. Ryan stunned Gore with magic from the beginning, and then we hit two and three After winning them, everyone was only slightly injured. Now everyone is waiting for you in the common room. They are having a celebration. Fred and George have stolen some cake or something from the kitchen. “

“Don’t worry about those first,” Harry said breathlessly, “We’re looking for an empty room, you listen to me tell you …”

Harry was convinced that Pippi was not in the room, and then turned back to close the door, and then told them the interaction between Snape and Chilo that he had just seen and heard on the broom.

“So, our judgment should be completely correct. That thing is the magic stone. Snape wanted to force Chilo to help him get the stone. He asked Chilo if he knew how to subdue Luwei–and mentioned Chilo. “Secret little trick”-I guess, besides Lu Wei, there are probably other institutions guarding the stone, there may be a lot of magic witchcraft, maybe Chilo cast some anti-black magic spells, Snape needs to release them— “

“Do you mean that the magic stone is safe only when Chilo can resist Snape?” Hermione asked in panic.

Ryan put a piece of ice on the puffed eyes and raised his head and said: “No, it can’t be so arbitrary. What Harry heard did not clearly refer to it at all, it sounded like Professor Snape discovered Quirrell is making trouble, so he is warning him to settle down. “

“Forget it.” Ron said. “You can’t think that Snape has given you a high grade for your homework recently. I think he is a good person. I think the potion that Slytherin has boiled is not as good as you, Snape. I gave them O eccentrically. “

Harry stood up: “You said that, I feel a bit confused. But I still think that Nep wants to steal the magic stone.”

Finally, everyone passed the case of distrust of Snape in Bibi, but Ryan always had reservations.

Is of course only reservations, so in Harry they firmly believe that Snape wants to steal stones, and Chilo is the guard. And when they did something they thought would help stop Snape ’s conspiracy, Ryan was just a silent audience.

Started with a line of defense after Harry thought Quirrell. The second time he encountered Chilo on the road, he had to give him a smile with encouragement, and Ron also began to persuade people not to laugh at Chilo ’s stuttering. Ryan was completely speechless about this. He felt that Harry was at the end of the period. www.uukanshu. When com really encounters Voldemort who is indistinguishable from Qi Luo, he will definitely regret it.

For Ryan, in addition to the questions related to the Magic Stone, the most important thing is to prepare for the final exam. After all, as a student, the exam is still very important. Especially for Hogwarts, this is directly related to employment issues.

Hermione also started the preparation for the final exam. When Ryan and her reviewed together, she found that her book was densely marked with different colors in different contents, and even formulated a rigorous review plan.

Under Hermione’s chatter, Ryan kept revising his review plan. Seriously, he even thought of this study plan. Tighter than the time schedule before the college entrance examination last life. It’s just that the 11-year-old girl can do this, and for the sake of face, Ryan can only keep up with it.

But Harry and Ron didn’t care about this. Once Hermione was nagging, the irritable Harry issued his rebuttal:

“Hermione, the exam is hundreds of years away from us.”

“Ten weeks,” Hermione retorted. “It’s not a few hundred years. For Nicole Leme, it was just a blink of an eye.”

“But we are not six hundred years old,” Ron reminded her. “And, in any case, why do you want to review it, you already know everything.”

“Why should I review? Are you crazy? Do you know that we have to pass these exams to advance to the second grade? They are very important. I should have started the review a month ago. I really do n’t know what I was what happened…….

Lane watched them squabble and shrank himself in the chair to pretend to be little transparent. Sure enough, the true tyrants are not only good at learning by themselves, but also trying to make the scum students learn well, although they often don’t appreciate it.

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