My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 041 Forget it, I’m lying flat!

“It appears again, how many times is this?”

“There’s definitely something wrong with this guy! No problem, I’m shampooing upside down!”

“Nonsense, I dare to stand up to this kind of winning flag! I even dare to eat shit!”

“This guy won’t be the boss of an intelligence organization, will he? Otherwise, how would he know so much?”

Many people are speculating about An Yi.


An Yi is not a contestant after all.

Playing twice is already the limit.

With the end of time, An Yi was also teleported back.

【time up! 】

Everyone’s answers are collectively displayed in the streamer waterfall.

【Fury: B】

[John: D]

【Stephen: B】

【Ancient One: Waiver】

【Wanda: D】

[Hammer: A]

As soon as John and Wanda’s answers appeared, the scene boiled over.

“How can it be the captain? This is the most impossible answer!”

“It turns out that guy is not omniscient!”

Hammer and Stephen both breathed a sigh of relief.

Ancient One frowned, as if he had thought of something, and the fear of An Yi in his heart immediately rose to a new level.

Only Fury’s body stiffened.

Because he finally recalled a certain fragment from before.

“No, why did the captain appear in the options?”

“The last time this type of question appeared, it happened to be the most unlikely person who became the correct answer.”

“It is the least likely to become a reality. Is this a warning to me, or even to the world?”

At the moment.

Fury thought of a classic quote:

Accidents are unexpected because they are unexpected.

【Correct answer: D】

[John and Wanda each get 1 point, Fury, Hammer and Stephen each deduct 1 point, Ancient One gets 0 point! 】[Since Stephen’s points are 0, 1 year of lifespan is deducted as a penalty! 】

“never mind!”

“I’m lying flat!”

Stephen gave up the struggle.

This quiz competition, for him, was simply torture.

Given the choice, he would rather not participate.

“Why captain?”

“Doesn’t make sense?”

Hammer murmured.

He didn’t dare to question the system, he could only wonder by himself.

And not only him, but John and Wanda, the two answerers, were all confused.

[In view of the fact that all contestants do not know the truth of the answer, all contestants have common needs, and now open the answer decryption function. 】[Contestants in need can spend 1 point, or 1 year of life, to apply for answer decryption. 】[Note: This function is a private function, so it is only spread inside the competition, and the outside cannot be peeped. 】

Fury glared at the boss.

He asked almost without hesitation: “System, I exchange one year of life for the truth of the answer.”

【application passed】

Captain America’s voice appeared in the light curtain in front of them.

Captain America is still so young and so strong.

Exactly the same as in the video record.

scene 1:

This is the scene where Captain America is ambushed in the elevator.

The picture is fast.

It feels a bit fast forward.

But that doesn’t stop it from being thrilling.

In particular, the scene where Captain America is imprisoned with one hand and can beat back the enemy is very enjoyable.

Then, with the help of shield’s uninjured jump from the building, and the single-player Quin Jet of the super era, these two scenes made everyone’s blood boil.

“It turns out that the captain is so sturdy!”

“If I face him head-to-head, I’m afraid I will lose more and win less.”

John looked at this human hero with admiration in his heart.

“It turns out that this shield is so amazing that it can ignore physical rules!”

This is Stephen’s surprise.

“That fighter jet is burning!”

“If our group gets this kind of technology, it will be able to solve the urgent need!”

“That strange shackle of Adsorbent on the elevator wall, seems to have been seen somewhere.”

Hammer’s focus is different.

Scenario 2:

While the world is hunting down the Winter Soldier, Captain America chooses to help his parents and not help them.

In the subsequent pursuit, especially thrilling high-rise fights, tunnel pursuits, Black Panther’s powerful combat power and Captain America’s short guard, all presented in front of everyone.


War Machine: “Congratulations, Captain, you’re already a criminal!”

This sentence made everyone feel very sudden.

But the subsequent hand-pulling of the helicopter set everyone on fire again.

“Who’s that guy in the black battle suit? The fighter’s machine gun can’t even hit it?”

“That battle suit is an integrated body of Iron Man and Captain America! Except that it can’t fly, everything else is amazing!”

“What’s wrong with the captain? His state is obviously sober! But it is against the world!”

“This kind of story without cause and effect, only fragments, is the most tormenting!”

The last sentence is Stephen’s complaint.

Opinions, however, were mixed, with some supporting Captain America and others scoffing.

“This is wanted twice.”

Wanda whispered.

But her words were heard by everyone, and a new topic was raised:

“The background just now is very unusual, it may be a world-class meeting place.”

“Two world-class wanted, all those so-called killers.”

“No wonder the answer would be him.”

Just at the moment, the third scene came.

Scenario 3:

This scene is more fragmented.

Just showing the story of Captain America refusing to sign the SOKOVIA agreement and running away with Bucky.

Immediately after all the evidence was erased, Captain America had no choice but to storm the underwater prison and rescue the last fragment of his companions.

This time.

Everyone was speechless.

Especially after Captain America attacked the underwater prison and completely opposed the world’s major regimes, everyone was too lazy to even mention it.


What they don’t know is.

Fury became the biggest beneficiary of this decryption of the answer.

“First I was assassinated and had to feign death; then Pierce was out of line with me.”

“Now that the captain is wanted again, especially for the first time, it’s clearly inside the S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Is it understandable that S.H.I.E.L.D has undergone drastic changes, and even Captain America has been implicated?”

“And assuming Pierce is the enemy, then inside S.H.I.E.L.D, who else can believe it?”

“No, I have to contact Captain America right now, and now only he can salvage the disadvantage.”

Fury seemed to be enlightened.

At the moment.

He doesn’t care about the game at all, he just wants to end it early. *

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