My Wife is Obviously a Queen But She is Too Virtuous

Chapter 2 - Tall, handsome, gentle and talented

   Ling Ling Ling~~~

   In the early morning, Fang Xiaole was awakened by the slightly sharp alarm clock.

   He fumbled a few times on the pillow, picked up the phone, and checked the time.

   Six o’clock in the morning.

   Fang Xiaole sat up from the bed, changed into short sleeves and sneakers, walked out of the narrow rental house on the basement floor, and started the morning jog.

   ran along the sidewalk by the side of the road for about twenty minutes at a constant speed, and came to a park.

   The park is not big, and the facilities are slightly outdated. In the square of the park, a group of elderly people are doing Tai Chi and dancing square dances.

   “Xiao Fang is here, early.”

   “Aunt Li, Uncle Liu, you are early too.”

   When these old ladies saw Fang Xiaole, they all smiled and greeted him. Fang Xiaole also responded with a smile, stopping for a while in a corner of the square, and then starting today’s breath practice.

   He took a deep breath with his hands on his hips, sinking his breath in the pubic area, making his abdomen feel swollen, and then slowly exhaling as slowly as possible.

   This is one of the few things he still remembers in the memory of his “earth” life.

   Fang Xiaole remembers that he was a student of a conservatory of music in his previous life, and he would practice such exercises every morning.

   Coming into this world, Fang Xiaole still maintained this habit.

   Even if his throat is broken and he can no longer sing, he still insists on doing morning exercises every day.

   “Goodbye aunt, uncle.”

   “See you tomorrow, Xiaofang.”

   After half an hour of breath practice, Fang Xiaole left the park and continued to run along the road.

   ran out of the park for about one kilometer, and the familiar old street and several three-story old houses appeared in front of him.

   That girl last night, should she be okay?

   Seeing two of the old houses standing across the alley, Fang Xiaole couldn’t help but remember what happened on the roof last night.

   After the chorus of “Rooftop”, the girl’s cell phone rang. It seemed that someone was looking for her in a hurry. The other party knew where she was and said that he would drive to pick her up immediately.

   The girl didn’t seem to be happy, and had a few quarrels with the other party, but in the end she agreed not to run around and waited for the other party to come over.

   Fang Xiaole was afraid that she still couldn’t think about it, so he took the initiative to stay with her and wait.

   The girl’s friend arrived soon, and Fang Xiaole decided to send her downstairs to ensure the girl’s safety.

   So he jumped from the roof on this side to the roof on the opposite side, guarded the girl downstairs, and watched her leave the car.

   Fang Xiaole once heard a bar visitor who is a psychologist said that a person who intends to commit suicide is very sensitive until the mood is completely calmed down.

   Even if you want to help her with kindness, you shouldn’t show this kindness too obviously, because this will make her think that you think she is “ill”, which will easily lead to rebellious psychology.

So in the process of jumping to the opposite roof to wait with her and sending her downstairs, Fang Xiaole used “want to see what a beautiful woman looks like” as an excuse, but in order to protect her self-esteem, he deliberately kept a certain distance from her. .

   Fang Xiaole believed that if the psychiatrist saw his actions last night, he would definitely praise him for doing an excellent “psychological comfort”.

   But this also led to a regretful result—Fang Xiaole still couldn’t see the girl’s appearance, and even forgot to ask her name.

   What does a girl who sing so nicely but who is so lonely look like?

   Forget it, as long as someone is saved, nothing else matters.

   Fang Xiaole comforted herself like this.

   ran a circle along the old street, and Fang Xiaole started to run back.

   At 7:30 in the morning, Fang Xiaole returned to the rental house, put the breakfast he bought on the road on the table, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

   changed into a neat shirt and trousers, and sat at the table to finish breakfast.

   After sorting in front of the mirror and checking the various recruitment information saved in the mobile phone in advance, he went out.

   In order to live, in order to have a chance to continue his dream in the future, he needs to find a job.

   At this moment, the CBD business district, more than ten kilometers away from Old Street, is an office building where a domestic first-line cosmetic brand is located.

   Lin Yao, who had just finished shooting the commercial, sat on a chair in the lounge, looking at her slightly exhausted herself in the mirror. The makeup artist was removing her makeup.

   I didn’t know what was thinking of, Lin Yao raised the corners of her mouth and laughed foolishly.

   “Auntie, are you okay?”

   Next to him, a thirty-five-year-old woman with short and capable hair stared at Lin Yao and asked cautiously.

   “It’s okay, Sister Mo, why are you asking like that?” Lin Yao shook her head and asked strangely.

   The short-haired woman was named Mo Yan, who was Lin Yao’s agent. After Lin Yao left a “suicide note” and disappeared last night, Mo Yan was so scared that she went around looking for her with her assistant.

   Fortunately, I finally found Lin Yao on a remote old street.

  Considering that the rumors on the Internet had too much influence on Lin Yao during this period, Mo Yan planned to withstand the pressure of kilometers to help Lin Yao push down all the announcements including “Super Challenge” and let her rest for a while.

But I didn’t expect that after coming back last night, Lin Yao seemed to have changed, with a smile she hadn’t seen for a long time, and she was no longer as depressed as before, and even actively asked Mo Yan to help her arrange more. Work.

   Even today, Lin Yao was in a wonderful state when shooting the commercial, and her whole body exuded a moving charm. The director also praised her performance.

   “Nothing, just ask.”

   Mo Yan replied, and cast a questioning look at the assistant Fangfang next to her. The little girl was startled and shook her head innocently, saying that I didn’t know what was going on.

   At this moment, Mo Yan’s cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was the director of “Super Challenge”.

   The company attaches great importance to this top variety show. The first episode of the show will begin to be recorded next week. Lin Yao has not participated in the variety show. It is estimated that the director is a little worried, so he specifically called to tell me some details.

   “Director Li, hello, you are free, you say…” Mo Yan answered the phone and walked outside.

   Here, Lin Yao also finished taking off her makeup. When the makeup artist went out, she stood up and glanced at the door. After confirming that Sister Mo was still answering the phone, she walked to the assistant.

   “Fangfang, I want to trouble you with something.”

   “Sister Yao, you said.” Fangfang quickly stood up and answered.

   “You sit down.” Lin Yao gently let her sit back on the chair, and whispered:

   “I want you to go to Tao Liu Street to find someone for me.”

   “Peach Willow Street? A bar street?” Fangfang is a local and knows this street.

   “Yes, this guy used to sing in a bar. He was tall, handsome, gentle, and he could write songs… ahem.”

   Seeing Fangfang looking at herself strangely, Lin Yao coughed slightly, and quickly gave an excuse she had thought of:

   “I have a friend who heard him sing in a bar and thought it was very good. I want to buy his song.”

   “Your friend?” Fangfang felt even stranger. He had never heard of any other record companies, producers, and other friends Yao had.

   “Yes, a friend of mine!” Lin Yao nodded heavily.

   “But… Sister Mo told me to follow you all the time.”

   “Fangfang~” Lin Yao suddenly hugged Fangfang’s arm affectionately, her voice charming: “I have promised others, but I can’t speak without words.”

   “Sister Yao, are you, are you okay?”

   Fangfang got goosebumps. Normally, Sister Yao talks very little. Why did she suddenly become cute?

   This style of painting makes the fierce man’s legs soft and the fierce woman ovulates… Could it be the sequelae of last night’s “attempted suicide”?

   “If you don’t help me, something will happen.” Lin Yao scowled.

   “Well, then I’ll talk to Sister Mo later.” Fangfang reluctantly compromised.

   “No need, go quietly by yourself.” Lin Yao glanced back at the door and whispered.

   “No way, Sister Mo would be dead if I knew about it.” Fangfang waved his hand again and again.

   “Fangfang, haven’t you always wanted to buy fairy water? My friend gave me a few 330ml bottles. I just couldn’t use it, so I will bring it to you another day.”

   Lin Yao blinked her charming peachy eyes, her voice full of temptation.

   “Fairy water? Or 330ml?” The little assistant was stunned, only to feel that his neck was pulling his head down twice uncontrollably.

   “Go ahead, I told Sister Mo to ask you to go home and help me get things.”

   Lin Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief when Fangfang agreed.

   She still can’t leave work in a while, and her face is too easy to be recognized, so she can only ask Fangfang to find the boy last night.

   “Sister Yao, you…what is the name of the person your friend is looking for? Which bar is it in?”

   Fangfang was about to sneak out, stopped, ran back and asked.

   Lin Yao shook her head: “I don’t know.”

   Fangfang: “?”

   I don’t know the name, and I don’t know which bar I’m in, so how do I find it?

   “But my friend said his characteristics, it should be easy to find.”

   “What feature?”

   “He…” Lin Yao thought for a while, smiled unconsciously at the corner of her mouth, and her slender index finger was vacant in the air: “It’s tall, handsome, gentle and talented, and her voice is good.”

   Fangfang: “??”

   “Okay, Director Li, don’t worry.” Mo Yan’s call outside the door seemed to be over. Lin Yao hurriedly urged Fangfang: “Go.”

   Fangfang reluctantly walked out of the door, and walked in the opposite direction to Sister Mo. Behind Lin Yao poked his head out of the door, UU reading instructed:

   “Remember the characteristics, tall, handsome, gentle and talented, come on, fairy water!”

   Fangfang turned her head and smiled without conscience: “Sister Yao, don’t worry, such obvious features must be easy to find.”

   Watching Fangfang leave full of hope, Lin Yao sat back in the chair, remembering the little things of last night.

   He was careful not to ask himself why he wanted to jump off the building, instead he used a chorus to make himself happy.

   It can be heard from the state of his voice when he sang that he did not lie, and his throat was seriously damaged. In this case, singing should be avoided.

   But in order to comfort himself, he still sang with her, and it was an original song that sounded so nice and so healing.

   Because he was worried that she could not think about it anymore, he insisted on staying with him until Sister Mo rushed over, and in order to take care of her self-esteem, he kept his distance without a trace.

   Especially the moment he jumped over from the opposite roof, what a man is so good!

   Lin Yao felt that her heartbeat seemed to miss a beat.

   tall, handsome, gentle and talented, this evaluation is really objective and accurate!


   In the quiet lounge, a certain female singer known for her high coldness, talented girl, goddess, etc. smiles like a fool.

   At the same time, Apple TV’s office was downstairs.

   “This is the last interview.”

   Fang Xiaole stood in front of the big red apple-like building, holding a piece of paper with the names of more than a dozen recruitment companies written on it.

   But all the names on the paper are crossed out with red pen, only the last column is left—

   Apple TV, recruiting temporary workers for the program team.


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