My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 42: Respect Yourself

"Did you not have feelings for me in the last few years, even for one second?" Carol desperately asked him.

"Carol, I'll be very honest with you but you won't like what I am about to say" Chance warned her.

"It's okay"

"Not even for one micro second, I had any kind of romantic feelings for you. Lucas was the only one amongst us to have a sister. So, naturally we all treat you as our sister. Me, David, Jack, for us three you are like our sister."

"I don't care about David and Jack, I only care about what you think" Carol was trying to fight the urge to cry.

"I am sorry Carol, I can never think of you as a partner, I can only treat you like a friend or a sister, you are just like Mia and Abigail to me."

"So, I am not special?"

"Why would you think like that? You are of course special, I don't treat every woman as my sister or a friend, you guys are the only special people to be treated like that by me" Chance joked and smiled to make her feel better.

"Are those words supposed to make me feel better?" Carol frowned at him.

He nodded his head saying yes.

"Are you serious? The man I like sees me and treats me like a sister, how the fuck can that make one feel better?"

"Carol…" Chance tried to pacify her but she interrupted him.

"If Samantha treats you like a brother, how will you feel?" Carol questioned him back.

Chance was speechless as he didn't expect Carol would counter argue with him this way, "Fine, I got your point, I'll only treat you like a friend, is that okay?"

Carol rolled her eyes at him, "If Samantha treats you like a friend, then will you be fine with it?" 

"Of course, she currently treats me like a stranger, so if she treats me like a friend then it would be awesome, I can live with that" He was very happy with the thought of being a friend to Samantha.

Carol could see the love in Chance's eyes when Samantha's name was mentioned.

A month ago, Mia and Abigail told her about Samantha, the woman Chance met in Hawaii. They even told her how Chance went to San Diego to meet her as he is head over heels for her.

Carol didn't take this information very seriously but that night they all had dinner together when she casually mentioned Samantha.

Chance didn't deny anything at all and he casually told her that he intends to marry her surprising everyone at the table as they all didn't expect him to be this serious.

It was the first time when he revealed his future plans to everyone.

Carol was shocked to her core; she didn't expect this at all, that night she was really sad and cried for some time, she regretted not going to Hawaii with them as she was not well that weekend, she had her periods and these people planned an impromptu trip and she therefore couldn't join them. She regretted a lot and imagined many scenarios where she would have stopped Samantha and Chance from meeting each other but it was all her wishful thinking so she only cried thinking about different scenarios. 

Mia and Abigail, the next day informed her that Samantha didn't call Chance in spite of him giving his number to her and they don't think there are any hopes for them.

Carol felt better after knowing about it.

Then she went back to Arizona as she only came to New York to spend the weekend with her friends.

She always kept an update on Chance and Samantha to check if Samantha ever contacted him or not and was relieved for a month to know she didn't.

Then this conference happened and she was very excited as she and Chance would be here together but unexpectedly, she ran into Samantha.

Carol never thought she would meet Samantha like this. 

When she saw how beautiful Samantha is, she felt even more insecure.

Carol observed every moment of Samantha, she could see the perfect lady who carried herself very well, very royally. The thing that annoyed Carol even more about Samantha was she didn't give a lot of importance to Chance. She was not clingy or paid attention to him and was very cold and indifferent towards him, yet Chance was crazy for her.

Carol felt like Samantha doesn't deserve Chance or his love, she hoped for them to never happen.

In the club, when Chance gave her importance and was flirting with her weirdly by blaming her for some deaths, Samantha's cool response surprised her as other women might get offended if someone blames them for random people's death but she took it sportingly and flirted back with him.

Carol disliked that interaction between those two and wanted to take away Chance away from her so she insisted they come to the dance floor and now Chance's words only hurt her.

In that moment, she realized there is no way Chance is going to like her the way he liked any other women let alone Samantha.

Carol decided she can't let go of Chance this way, she had been in love with him for more than three years now, she wanted to do something before it is all over between them.

Carol was too drunk to make any sane decisions, in that moment she couldn't see anything else except for Chance, she suddenly held Chance's face between her two hands, and she leaned towards him for a kiss. 

Chance's reflexes were very strong, he was not startled by Carol's actions and he quickly held her shoulders and stopped her before her face could get any closer to his.

"Carol, behave yourself" Chance shouted at her by gently pushing her away from him, still holding her shoulders and for the first time Samantha could see how angry Chance was.

Although she was on the first floor, she could clearly see them as they were standing in the perfect line of her sight.

Chance held Carol's arm and dragged her away from the dance floor.

The two then disappeared and Samantha wondered where they were going.

"Fuck, let's go before Chance scolds her way too much" David stood up from his seat collecting his and Chance's jacket which was lying on the couch.

He too looked at them after conversing with Samantha and he too saw what just happened and knowing Chance for many years he knows this is not going to be good news for Carol and she will be facing the repercussions for her actions, so he quickly headed in the direction he saw Chance leaving with Carol.

Samantha and David quickly rushed down and ran in the direction they saw Chance and Carol headed towards.

After walking a few meters, they saw Chance scolding Carol and he looked very scary. For a moment, even Samantha got scared of him as she never saw this side of him before.

"I am warning you for the last time for the sake of my dead friend, behave yourself. Respect yourself and stop throwing yourself at me like this. If you can't respect yourself then you can't expect me to do the same. I am, for the first and the last time letting go of your behavior only for Lucas' sake. Understood?" Chance shouted at her, his voice was very cold and the way he spoke could make chills pass through one's spine. Carol was crying as she never thought Chance would treat her like this and also somewhere, she felt insulted by his rejection.

All these feelings mixed with her state of mind which was not stable because of being drunk, she could just stand and cry with her head bent low not being able to meet Chance's gaze. 

David and Samantha too were rooted in their spots seeing how angry Chance was.

After warning Carol, Chance felt gazes on him and turned around to see David and Samantha standing there.

He held the bridge of his nose as he didn't intend or want David and Samantha to witness something like this.

No matter what, Carol is his friend and he wanted this matter to remain between them but some things cannot be under his control. 

He walked towards the two people, "Take care of her and if you don't mind can you go back to the hotel with her?" He asked David.

"Sure, what about you?" David was not that drunk and after witnessing all of this he got sober.

"I need some time; I want to be alone. I'll go back to the hotel later"

Chance then walked away from there. He was evidently very disturbed after what happened.

After realizing Carol's feelings for him, Chance always tried his best to handle this matter sensitively and to let her know his opinion in a way that he doesn't hurt her but now he is regretting it.

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