My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 41: Behave Yourself

"Hey, let's go and dance" Carol suggested after getting drunk, she drank six glasses of whiskey, so she was high.

"You go and have fun" Chance tried to politely refuse her but Carol kept pulling his arm, "Please, one dance, please"

After a point Chance gave in and the two people went to the dance floor.

From where Samantha and David were sitting, they could see the two people dancing together on the floor below them.

From the first floor it was feasible to watch the people dancing on the ground floor.

Samantha was sipping on her beer when David's words surprised her, "Chance really loves you, he treats Carol just like a casual friend, please don't misunderstand them."

This was the first time David so openly talked to her and addressed the silent relationship she and Chance shared.

Till now, not once Chance talked about it so Samantha was feeling better and now when suddenly David brought out this topic, she was not sure how to respond.

Sensing her discomfort, David added, "Chance and I know each other for a very long time, there is nothing we don't already know about each other. You are important for him, so he told us all about you."

"Us all?" Samantha wondered who all know about them.

"Me, Mia, Jack and Abigail."

"Oh" Samantha remembered meeting them all in Hawaii.

Mia is David's girlfriend; Jack is another friend of Chance. Samantha met him and his girlfriend Abigail in Hawaii. She can't deny the fact that she really had a lot of fun with these friends of Chance when she spent time with them during her mission there.

"Yeah, we five are very close and never before Chance talked about any woman the way he talked about you. He did date a lot of women before, but they were all casual relationships, he was never serious about anyone and that's why he never gave any hopes to other women. If he felt anyone would fall for him seriously, he used to avoid getting involved with them. That's why no matter how hard Carol tried and how vocal she was about her feelings for Chance, he never encouraged her and was clear about his stand."

"But it seems she still didn't give up on him" Samantha couldn't help but share her thoughts as David himself was having a very honest and open conversation with her.

"Yeah, because Chance was never serious about any of his relationships. So, somewhere in the corner of her heart she always had a hope that they would end up together. We four too discussed this with Chance and he clearly told us that he treats Carol as a friend and a sister, and nothing else. She is one of our friend's sister. He died in a tragedy and since then Chance wanted to take up the role of her elder brother in her life and therefore he too was shocked when he found out she loves him. He politely explained his stand and rejected her but she didn't give up and kept clinging onto him."

David took a sip of his drink and Samantha was processing the new information she learnt.

"How did her brother die?" Samantha was curious to know about him.

"Car accident."


"Yeah, Avenue Real Estate was started by three of us me, Chance and Lucas. So, after Lucas' death Carol took over his position and Chance ensured she stays in Arizona handling our branch there. She had been trying her best to transfer to the New York branch but me and Chance ensured she does not. He is very clear of what he wants and what he does not."

"Hmm" Samantha hummed while sipping on her drink.

"I am not sure why and how but you are the first woman Chance is so crazy about, for the last two months he had been waiting for your phone call. A part of him knew you won't call him but everyday he couldn't help but keep checking his phone. When we are in some meeting, he is always worried if he would miss your call. At times he even worries if you lost his number" David told her Chance's side of story.

Samantha felt bad after knowing it, she anyway expected this but hearing it first hand felt very sad. She intentionally burned the note he wrote his number on and thought she would never meet him again but coincidentally she again met him.

'Why does these coincidences keep happening? Is this all really a coincidence?' she wondered for a moment as it was impossible for them to meet a third time.

The meeting in Hawaii was a coincidence and Chance travelled to San Diego to meet her but this third meeting was a complete coincidence.

'Is it some signal from the universe asking me to consider Chance?' Samantha pondered as she believes in a few things like these which is a bit unlike her.

"When Chance headed to San Diego to meet you, that was when we all actually realized how serious he is about you" David continued sharing Chance's side of story.

Samantha looked at David as she was subconsciously very curious and interested to know more about Chance.

"After we came back from Hawaii, he could not concentrate on work and was trying to find more information on you. You gave him the wrong number so things were more difficult for him. You should have seen his face when he realized he got wrong-numbered." David laughed recollecting Chance's face after he realized she gave him the wrong number.

Samantha looked guilty for making him go through this kind of a humiliation.

"I didn't give him the wrong number intentionally; it was a mistake." She lied but David saw through it and only smiled.

"It's okay, you just met him and didn't feel safe sharing your number with him, you did the right thing, we don't blame you. Rather we four scolded Chance as without telling any one of us he directly he headed to San Diego to meet you. We could understand how you must have felt when he suddenly showed up at your place. If he would have informed us before leaving then we wouldn't have had let him do something so silly." David chuckled and continued, "Maybe that was why he didn't tell us and he told us everything only after he came back to New York"

Samantha didn't say anything and silently sipped on her drink as she indeed freaked out when Chance suddenly showed up and confessed his love for her. She now felt better that she was not the only one to think like this.

"He didn't tell us in detail about what happened in san Diego and gave us a brief about it but it was enough for us to understand how awkward you must have felt. We understand what you did and what you are doing is right. But as Chance's friend I just wanted to let you know, he is very serious about you, why he loves you so much, we don't know but isn't that how love is? Cannot be justified and is neither logical. But if you have even slight feelings for him, please do give Chance a chance" David laughed at his words play, Samantha too smiled.

Then she glanced at the dance floor to see Chance and Carol dancing while having some serious discussion, she couldn't hear it but she was able to spot them clearly thanks to Carol's golden dress that was dazzling and was easily spotted in the crowd.

Samantha's eyes widened in shock when Carol suddenly held Chance's face between her two hands, and she leaned towards him for a kiss. 

Few minutes back

After Chance and Carol, reached the dance floor, they started dancing casually when suddenly Carol placed her one hand on Chance's shoulder and she held his left hand and placed it on her waist suggesting him to hold her.

"Carol, please behave yourself" Chance didn't hold her and gently removed her hand away from his shoulder.

"Why? Why should I behave myself? What is wrong with we dancing?" Carol was drunk and questioned him.

"If I am not comfortable with your actions, or the way you are behaving with me, then you should respect it and back off" Chance could see she was drunk but he still tried to knock some sense into her mind.

"Well, what if I don't care?"

"That would be wrong, consent is something that should be respected by both the people." Chance again tried his best to make her understand his point.

Carol giggled when she heard his words, "Seriously? You are talking like a woman"

Chance smiled at her, "Thank you for this compliment"

Carol rolled her eyes at him, "Chance, can I ask you something, will you please for once honestly answer my question?"


"Did you not have feelings for me in the last few years, even for one second?" Carol desperately asked him.

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