My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 40: Death Follows You Everywhere

Chance signalled him to let her be so David got out the car and handed it over to Carol but not before warning her, "Be careful, you are not the only one in this car"

David and Chance sat in the back seat of the car and Carol started driving.

Samantha was curious to know what Chance and Carol talked about as Carol was evidently very angry after her talk with Chance but as usual, she kept quiet.

Carol kept driving around mindlessly, she didn't know or rather she didn't care where they were going and she kept driving. 

The three people sat there silently.

David and Chance could understand what Carol was going through and Samantha stopped bothering herself and her mind again drifted back to Grim Reaper.

She got to know from Bill that Grim Reaper never saw anyone as his competition, he always felt every assassin was inferior to him and the reason he started bothering her was because he believed Samantha was the only one capable enough to compete with him.

Now, she was sure he wanted to contact her about something important and therefore he was provoking her.

'If he wants something, can't he talk directly, why the fuck he plays silly games like this.' Samantha frowned when she thought about his actions, 'Or is there something that I am not able to put a finger on' she suddenly felt weird when their car suddenly stopped with a jerk, pulling her back from her thoughts.

"Shit, why did this car stop?" Carol questioned David in anger.

"We ran out of gas, I guess"

"Fuck, the 'check engine light' of this car is not working" Carol shouted in frustration.

"Chill, we can just order some fuel" Samantha took out her phone and lucky for them they were in a full network area.

"It's okay I'll order" Chance too took out his phone.

"No need, I am half way through" In the next few seconds Samantha placed the order, after a few minutes a truck arrived and they filled up the gas in their car.

David was about to pay them but Samantha interrupted, "It's on me, you guys invited me to hang out, please this is the least I can do"

The men didn't argue and let her be, Carol was still upset about her argument with Chance.

"Carol, should we continue driving mindlessly or can we go to the bar and have a good time?" Chance seriously asked her, the meaning behind his words were very clear to her, 'Does she want to keep sulking or just live in the moment and have some fun instead?'

"Fine, let's go to the bar" Carol decided to not act out of line and after driving madly for an hour, she felt better.

"I'll drive" Chance came over to the driver's seat and Carol didn't argue with him and handed over the car to him.

Then he drove them all to one of the famous pubs in Austin.

The pub had a very lively atmosphere, one entire corner of the pub had a big bar with chairs on the other side, multiple bartenders were working behind the bar attending their customers and serving them. The rest of the area was dedicated to the dance floor where people were dancing like crazy.

The first floor of the pub had arrangements in a way that a group of friends can hang out together as there were couches and separate tables with chairs around them.

The four people first went to the first floor and they occupied a semi-circle shaped couch with a table in front of it.

"What do you guys want to drink?" A waiter asked them.

Carol and Chance ordered a glass of whiskey, Samantha asked for beer and David ordered a glass of vodka for himself, they also ordered a few side dishes to eat while having their drinks.

"This pub is very lively; Mia would have had loved it" David commented looking around the bar.

"Yeah, why did you not ask her to tag along with you? It would have been fun" Carol pouted at him as Mia was a good friend of hers and it would have been fun if she was here.

"She is busy with her office work, so she couldn't make it" David explained why his girlfriend was not able to join them.

"Good for her. I really wish I too could move to New York soon." Carol looked at Chance hinting him subtly.

Carol works in Arizona; she handles the Arizona branch of 'Avenue Real Estate'

She had been wanting to transfer to the New York branch so that she could be around Chance but he was not letting her as he is aware of her feelings towards him and he knows he would never fall for her as he genuinely treated her like a sister.

He is sorry for hurting her but he believed it was better to hurt her this way instead of being with her and then leave her someday as that pain would be much bigger. So, he didn't let her transfer to the New York branch.

Unexpectedly he came across Samantha, two months ago and he fell for her, now he was sure he doesn't want to be involved with any other woman let alone give her any hopes.

Carol was looking at Chance hinting him again about her wish to work in the New York branch but he avoided her and directed his attention towards Samantha.

"Samantha, I just realized death follows you everywhere." Chance decided to tease her to change the awkward atmosphere.

"Excuse me?" Samantha could see through his intentions so she too went along with him.

"Yeah, when we were in Hawaii, some guy died there, right?" Chance looked at David for confirmation.

"Yeah, I think he died of heart attack" David answered him.

"Right, and now this woman died, Samantha are you the one killing these people?" Chance smirked at her, waiting for her reply.

"Well, I am not sure if I am the only one death is following. If I am not wrong you and David too were present at both these places. What if Mr Chance you are the one behind these murders?" Samantha decided to turn the tables against him.

Chance had a wide smile on his face and he laughed when he heard her words, "Hmm, but I couldn't have been the murderer" He said as a matter of fact.

"Oh, why so?" Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"I am suffering from Foniasophobia, so I can never kill anyone" Chance confidently told her.

"Hmm, both the times when the murder happened, I was with you. In Hawaii we were in the bar together when that guy died and today, I was in the conference room with you all when that woman died. You are my alibi Mr. Chance. How can I be the murderer?" Samantha put some logical points forward as she indeed didn't kill those two people.

Chance brightly smiled at her, "Alibi and all? Seems you are into detective novels and movies."

"Yes, I am" That was the only logical explanation she had so she went with it.

Carol was sulking in a bad mood seeing the interaction between Chance and Samantha, she didn't like how different Chance looked when he was around her.

Just then their phones buzzed and the four people checked their phones, it was a system message from the organizing committee.

The contents of the message read: [We just received the report from the doctors responsible for Ms. Garcia's autopsy. It is confirmed that it was a cardiac arrest and was a natural death, the schedule for tomorrow's conference is as it was planned. Today's events will be adjusted in the free slots tomorrow. People are free to go back if they want to and tonight there is no need for people who went out to report by midnight]

"Awesome, we don't have to go back by midnight" David was happy after reading the message.

"So, what are your plans?" Samantha asked the three people.

"Well, since we are done, me and David will go back to New York tomorrow evening as planned, unless you want me to spend some time with you." Chance shared his plans while teasing her.

"My flight is booked for tomorrow afternoon; I'll be leaving before you" Samantha clearly indicated she has no plans to spend time with him.

"What about you Carol?" David asked her.

"I'll leave tomorrow evening, like it was planned"

Just then their drinks were served.

They had some random conversation where mostly David was the one talking.

The four people kept ordering more and more drinks and they were having fun.

Samantha's alcohol tolerance was very high, so she didn't mind drinking more beers.

"Hey, let's go and dance" Carol suggested after getting drunk, she drank six glasses of whiskey, so she was high.

"You go and have fun" Chance tried to politely refuse her but Carol kept pulling his arm, "Please, one dance, please"

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